734 research outputs found

    Sub-structure formation in starless cores

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    Motivated by recent observational searches of sub-structure in starless molecular cloud cores, we investigate the evolution of density perturbations on scales smaller than the Jeans length embedded in contracting isothermal clouds, adopting the same formalism developed for the expanding Universe and the solar wind. We find that initially small amplitude, Jeans-stable perturbations (propagating as sound waves in the absence of a magnetic field), are amplified adiabatically during the contraction, approximately conserving the wave action density, until they either become nonlinear and steepen into shocks at a time tnlt_{\rm nl}, or become gravitationally unstable when the Jeans length decreases below the scale of the perturbations at a time tgrt_{\rm gr}. We evaluate analytically the time tnlt_{\rm nl} at which the perturbations enter the non-linear stage using a Burgers' equation approach, and we verify numerically that this time marks the beginning of the phase of rapid dissipation of the kinetic energy of the perturbations. We then show that for typical values of the rms Mach number in molecular cloud cores, tnlt_{\rm nl} is smaller than tgrt_{\rm gr}, and therefore density perturbations likely dissipate before becoming gravitational unstable. Solenoidal modes grow at a faster rate than compressible modes, and may eventually promote fragmentation through the formation of vortical structures.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    EIT and TRACE responses to flare plasma

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    Aims: To understand the contribution of active region and flare plasmas to the λ\lambda195 channels of SOHO/EIT (Extreme-ultraviolet Imaging Telescope) and TRACE (Transition Region and Coronal Explorer). Methods: We have analysed an M8 flare simultaneously observed by the Coronal Diagnostic Spectrometer (CDS), EIT, TRACE and RHESSI. We obtained synthetic spectra for the flaring region and an outer region using the differential emission measures (DEM) of emitting plasma based on CDS and RHESSI observations and the CHIANTI atomic database. We then predicted the EIT and TRACE count rates. Results: For the flaring region, both EIT and TRACE images taken through the λ\lambda195 filter are dominated by Fe XXIV{\rm XXIV} (formed at about 20 MK). However, in the outer region, the emission was primarily due to the FeXII{\rm XII}, with substantial contributions from other lines. The average count rate for the outer region was within 25% the observed value for EIT, while for TRACE it was a factor of two higher. For the flare region, the predicted count rate was a factor of two (in case of EIT) and a factor of three (in case of TRACE) higher than the actual count rate. Conclusions: During a solar flare, both TRACE and EIT λ\lambda195 channels are found to be dominated by Fe XXIV{\rm XXIV} emission. Reasonable agreement between predictions and observations is found, however some discrepancies need to be further investigated.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Coronal Diagnostics from Narrowband Images around 30.4 nm

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    Images taken in the band centered at 30.4 nm are routinely used to map the radiance of the He II Ly alpha line on the solar disk. That line is one of the strongest, if not the strongest, line in the EUV observed in the solar spectrum, and one of the few lines in that wavelength range providing information on the upper chromosphere or lower transition region. However, when observing the off-limb corona the contribution from the nearby Si XI 30.3 nm line can become significant. In this work we aim at estimating the relative contribution of those two lines in the solar corona around the minimum of solar activity. We combine measurements from CDS taken in August 2008 with temperature and density profiles from semiempirical models of the corona to compute the radiances of the two lines, and of other representative coronal lines (e.g., Mg X 62.5 nm, Si XII 52.1 nm). Considering both diagnosed quantities from line ratios (temperatures and densities) and line radiances in absolute units, we obtain a good overall match between observations and models. We find that the Si XI line dominates the He II line from just above the limb up to ~2 R_Sun in streamers, while its contribution to narrowband imaging in the 30.4 nm band is expected to become smaller, even negligible in the corona beyond ~2 - 3 R_Sun, the precise value being strongly dependent on the coronal temperature profile.Comment: 26 pages, 11 figures; to be published in: Solar Physic

    Polarization in the inner region of Pulsar Wind Nebulae

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    We present here the first effort to compute synthetic synchrotron polarization maps of Pulsar Wind Nebulae (PWNe). Our goal is to highlight how polarization can be used as an additional diagnostic tool for the flow structure in the inner regions of these nebulae. Recent numerical simulations suggest the presence of flow velocities ~0.5 c in the surroundings of the termination shock, where most of the high energy emission comes from. We construct polarization maps taking into account relativistic effects like Doppler boosting and position angle swing. The effect of different bulk velocities is clarified with the help of a toy-model consisting of a uniformly emitting torus. We also present a map based on recent numerical simulations of the entire nebula and compare it with presently available data. The comparison with upcoming high resolution observations could provide new insight into the inner structure of the nebula and put constraints on the geometrical properties of the magnetic field.Comment: Accepted for publication on A&A, 6 pages, 2 figure

    Multiwavelength study of 20 jets that emanate from the periphery of active regions

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    We present a multiwavelength analysis of 20 EUV jets which occurred at the periphery of active regions close to sunspots. We discuss the physical parameters of the jets and their relation with other phenomena such as H alpha surges, nonthermal type III radio bursts and hard X-ray emission. Using AIA wavelength channels sensitive to coronal temperatures, we studied the temperature distribution in the jets using the line-of-sight Differential Emission Measure technique. We also investigated the role of the photospheric magnetic field using the LOS magnetogram data from the HMI. The lifetime of jets range from 5 to 39 minutes with an average of 18 minutes and their velocities range from 87 to 532 km/s with an average of 271 km/s. Most of the jets are co-temporal with nonthermal type III radio bursts observed by the Wind/WAVES spacecraft. We confirm the source region of these bursts using the Potential Field Source Surface technique. 10 out of 20 events showed that the jets originated in a region of flux cancellation and 6 jets in a region of flux emergence. 4 events showed flux emergence and then cancellation during the jet evolution. DEM analyses showed that for most of the spires of the jets, the DEM peaked at around log T [K] = 6.2/6.3. In addition, we derived an emission measure and a lower limit of electron density at the location of the spire and the footpoint. These results are in agreement with those obtained earlier by studying individual active region jets. The observation of flux cancellation, the association with HXR emission and emission of nonthermal type III radio bursts, suggest that the initiation and therefore, heating is taking place at the base of the jet. This is also supported by the high temperature plasma revealed by the DEM analysis in the jet footpoint. Our results provide substantial constraints for theoretical modeling of the jets and their thermodynamic nature.Part of the work was done when one of the authors (SMM) was a Junior Research Fellow at Inter-University Centre of Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA), India. S.M.M. and D.T. acknowledge support from DST under the Fast Track Scheme (SERB/F/3369/2012/2013). S.M.M. also ackowledges support from the Cambridge Trust, University of Cambridge, UK. H.E.M. and G.D.Z. acknowledge the support of STFC. AIA data are courtesy of SDO (NASA) and the AIA consortium. RHESSI work is supported by NASA contract NAS 5-98033. The authors thank the open data policy of WIND/WAVES instrument team. This work utilizes data obtained by the Global Oscillation Network Group (GONG) Program, managed by the National Solar Observatory, which is operated by AURA, Inc. under a cooperative agreement with the National Science Foundation. The data were acquired by instruments operated by the Big Bear Solar Observatory, High Altitude Observatory, Learmonth Solar Observatory, Udaipur Solar Observatory, Instituto de AstrofÃŋsica de Canarias, and Cerro Tololo Interamerican Observatory.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from EDP Sciences via http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/0004-6361/20152747

    Simulated synchrotron emission from Pulsar Wind Nebulae

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    A complete set of diagnostic tools aimed at producing synthetic synchrotron emissivity, polarization, and spectral index maps from relativistic MHD simulations is presented. As a first application we consider here the case of the emission from Pulsar Wind Nebulae (PWNe). The proposed method is based on the addition, on top of the basic set of MHD equations, of an extra equation describing the evolution of the maximum energy of the emitting particles. This equation takes into account adiabatic and synchrotron losses along streamlines for the distribution of emitting particles and its formulation is such that it is easily implemented in any numerical scheme for relativistic MHD. Application to the axisymmetric simulations of PWNe, analogous to those described by Del Zanna et al. (2004, A&A, 421, 1063), allows direct comparison between the numerical results and observations of the inner structure of the Crab Nebula, and similar objects, in the optical and X-ray bands. We are able to match most of the observed features typical of PWNe, like the equatorial torus and the polar jets, with velocities in the correct range, as well as finer emission details, like arcs, rings and the bright knot, that turn out to arise mainly from Doppler boosting effects. Spectral properties appear to be well reproduced too: detailed spectral index maps are produced for the first time and show softening towards the PWN outer borders, whereas spectral breaks appear in integrated spectra. The emission details are found to strongly depend on both the average wind magnetization (here approximately 2%), and on the magnetic field shape.Comment: 14 pages, submitted to A&

    Cross-linguistic parallels in processing derivational morphology: evidence from Polish.

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    Neuroimaging evidence in English suggests that the neurocognitive processing of derivationally complex words primarily reflects their properties as whole forms. The current experiment provides a cross-linguistic examination of these proposals by investigating the processing of derivationally complex words in the rich morphological system of Polish. Within the framework of a dual language system approach, we asked whether there is evidence for decompositional processing of derivationally complex Polish stems - reflected in the activation of a linguistically specific decompositional system in the left hemisphere - or for increased competition between the derived stem and its embedded base stem in the bilateral system. The results showed activation in the bilateral system and no evidence for selective engagement of the left hemisphere decompositional system. This provides a cross-linguistic validation for the hypothesis that the neurocognitive processing of derived stems primarily reflects their properties as stored forms

    High Order Upwind Schemes for Multidimensional Magnetohydrodynamics

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    A general method for constructing high order upwind schemes for multidimensional magnetohydrodynamics (MHD), having as a main built-in condition the divergence-free constraint \divb=0 for the magnetic field vector \bb, is proposed. The suggested procedure is based on {\em consistency} arguments, by taking into account the specific operator structure of MHD equations with respect to the reference Euler equations of gas-dynamics. This approach leads in a natural way to a staggered representation of the \bb field numerical data where the divergence-free condition in the cell-averaged form, corresponding to second order accurate numerical derivatives, is exactly fulfilled. To extend this property to higher order schemes, we then give general prescriptions to satisfy a (r+1)th(r+1)^{th} order accurate \divb=0 relation for any numerical \bb field having a rthr^{th} order interpolation accuracy. Consistency arguments lead also to a proper formulation of the upwind procedures needed to integrate the induction equations, assuring the exact conservation in time of the divergence-free condition and the related continuity properties for the \bb vector components. As an application, a third order code to simulate multidimensional MHD flows of astrophysical interest is developed using ENO-based reconstruction algorithms. Several test problems to illustrate and validate the proposed approach are finally presented.Comment: 34 pages, including 14 figure
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