349 research outputs found

    Coping with negative stereotypes toward older workers: Organizational and work-related outcomes

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    The current study aims to test a moderated-mediation model in which occupational selfefficacy determines the indirect effect of negative stereotypes about older workers in the organization both on psychological engagement in the work domain and on attitudes toward development opportunities through identification with the company. The survey involved 1,501 Italian subjects aged over 50 who were employed by a major large-scale retailer. Consistently with the Social Identity Theory and the Social Exchange Theory, results showed that the perception of negative stereotypes about older workers in the organization is associated with low identification with the company and, subsequently, with poor psychological engagement in the work domain and with attitudes indicating very little interest in development opportunities. In addition, this association was found to be stronger in older workers with higher and medium levels of occupational selfefficacy. These findings suggest that organizations should discourage the dissemination of negative stereotypes about older workers in the workplace because they may lead to older workers' disengagement from the work domain and their loss of interest in development opportunities

    The effect of age on daily positive emotions and work behaviors

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    This study draws on socioemotional selectivity and person–job fit theories to investigate the emotional bases for age-related differences in daily task crafting and in-role performance. We tested a mediation model in which age is related to positive emotions that in turn predict task crafting and in-role performance. A total of 256 people working in multiple organizations participated in a 5-day diary study. Multilevel modeling showed that, at the person level of analysis, age is significantly and positively related to positive emotions and task crafting and, via crafting, to in-role performance. No significant mediation of high- and low-arousal positive emotions was found between age and task crafting. However, at the day level of analysis, high-arousal positive emotions are positively related to task crafting, and this in turn is positively related to in-role performance. These findings make important theoretical contributions to understanding within-person processes associated with employee age in addition to more traditional between-person factors. They also have implications for managing an age-diverse workforce by means of job crafting.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Age Diversity Climate Affecting Individual‐Level Work‐Related Outcomes

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    The present study answers the call for more studies to investigate the age diversity climate’s effect on individual‐level outcomes. Building on the social identity approach and social exchange theory, we surveyed 110 Italian employees aged between 18 and 61 years old (M = 46.10, SD = 10.02) and investigated the role of age diversity climate in predicting intentions to quit (H1), job‐related wellbeing (H2), and work engagement (H3). Our findings confirmed the hypotheses (H1 and H2), showing the added effect of age diversity climate over and above age, job tenure, role clarity, job demands, job control, perceived support, and perceived job and organizational fit. In fact, age diversity climate accounted for a significant increase in the variance explained for two of the three hypothesized models (i.e., intentions to quit and job‐related wellbeing, but not work engagement). To conclude, this study contributes to the existing literature by showing the age diversity climate’s predictive value for turnover intentions and job‐related wellbeing, and corroborating the importance of supporting age diversity through a variety of Human Resources Management strategies

    Effect of n-methylacetamide concentration and thawing rate on chicken sperm quality after cryopreservation

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    In seeking alternative cryoprotectants to glycerol for a reference chicken semen freezing procedure, the aim of the present study was to compare the effect of two concentrations of N-Methylacetamide (MA) and two thawing rates on the quality of frozen-thawed semen. Semen samples were diluted in Lake pre-freezing extender, including 0.1 M trehalose in presence of 6% or 9% MA, loaded into straws, frozen in nitrogen vapors, and stored in liquid nitrogen. The following thawing treatments were used: 5 \ub0C for 100 s and 38 \ub0C for 30 s. Sperm quality (cell membrane integrity, motility and kinetic parameters) was assessed before and after cryopreservation. The decrease of MA concentration from 9 to 6% improved sperm quality after freezing/thawing and this effect was dependent on thawing temperature. Decreasing the MA concentration from 9 to 6% improved the proportion of undamaged membrane, motile, and progressive motile sperm recovered after thawing at 5 \ub0C for 100 s; in contrast, no effect of the MA concentration was observed thawing at 38 \ub0C for 30 s. Therefore, the treatment with 6% MA and thawing at 5 \ub0C for 100 s has given the best cryoprotective action. These results contribute to improve the efficacy of the current chicken semen cryopreservation procedures

    The tsunamigenic potential of landslide-generated tsunamis on the Vavilov seamount

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    The investigation of submarine volcanoes and the tsunamigenic potential of possible movements on their flanks is arduous. In most cases, the lack of specific information about the eruptions’ history and their consequences does not allow a comprehensive analysis in terms of hazard. Nevertheless, useful clues on the possible occurrence of mass movements on seamounts can be obtained from a series of research fields. These account for morphological studies, observations of hydrothermal activity, collection of geophysical data (for example, detailed DEM, seismic profiles, magnetic data), etc. In this context, this study presents new bathymetric data of the Vavilov submarine volcano (Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy) and a detailed morphological analysis of the structure. The latter allows the identification of zones potentially prone to mass movements and the development of numerical scenarios to investigate the tsunami potential associated to these movements on the Vavilov flanks. Results prove that the waves generated by the mass displacements in the proposed scenarios (involving sliding volumes between 0.32 km3 and 1.7 km3) reach maximum values in the order of centimetres, not considering dispersive effects. Eventually, a scenario involving the partial collapse of the west flank of the Vavilov Seamount is simulated, although the occurrence of such an event in the past is still debated due to the uncertainties related to the origin and development of the volcano dome. In this scenario, water elevation as high as 10 m are found in large portions of the Tyrrhenian coasts: waves are large enough to emplace sizeable tsunami deposits onshore, that could have been preserved until today in some specific stretches of the coast and could be detected by a finalised geological search. This study belongs to a series of works devoted to the submarine structures of the Tyrrhenian Sea aiming to disclose the tsunamigenic potential of submarine mass movements on their flanks

    Evaluation of tsunamigenic hazard through numerical modeling from seismic and non-seismic sources in the Crotone offshore (Calabria, Southern Italy)

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    Tsunamis in the Mediterranean Sea can be considered among the major sources of hazard, both for the extension of the area that can be involved by the water impact and for the closeness of potential sources to the coast, which reduces dramatically the alert and evacuation time. Moreover, landslides, as other non-seismic tsunami sources, are often characterized by a lack of precursors (such as seismic shaking), a reason for which the ensuing waves are sometimes called “surprise tsunamis”

    Cobalt oxide nanoparticles induce oxidative stress and alter electromechanical function in rat ventricular myocytes

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    Background: Nanotoxicology is an increasingly relevant field and sound paradigms on how inhaled nanoparticles (NPs) interact with organs at the cellular level, causing harmful conditions, have yet to be established. This is particularly true in the case of the cardiovascular system, where experimental and clinical evidence shows morphological and functional damage associated with NP exposure. Giving the increasing interest on cobalt oxide (Co3O4) NPs applications in industrial and bio-medical fields, a detailed knowledge of the involved toxicological effects is required, in view of assessing health risk for subjects/workers daily exposed to nanomaterials. Specifically, it is of interest to evaluate whether NPs enter cardiac cells and interact with cell function. We addressed this issue by investigating the effect of acute exposure to Co3O4-NPs on excitation-contraction coupling in freshly isolated rat ventricular myocytes. Results: Patch clamp analysis showed instability of resting membrane potential, decrease in membrane electrical capacitance, and dose-dependent decrease in action potential duration in cardiomyocytes acutely exposed to Co3O4-NPs. Motion detection and intracellular calcium fluorescence highlighted a parallel impairment of cell contractility in comparison with controls. Specifically, NP-treated cardiomyocytes exhibited a dose-dependent decrease in the fraction of shortening and in the maximal rate of shortening and re-lengthening, as well as a less efficient cytosolic calcium clearing and an increased tendency to develop spontaneous twitches. In addition, treatment with Co3O4-NPs strongly increased ROS accumulation and induced nuclear DNA damage in a dose dependent manner. Finally, transmission electron microscopy analysis demonstrated that acute exposure did lead to cellular internalization of NPs. Conclusions: Taken together, our observations indicate that Co3O4-NPs alter cardiomyocyte electromechanical efficiency and intracellular calcium handling, and induce ROS production resulting in oxidative stress that can be related to DNA damage and adverse effects on cardiomyocyte functionality

    Italian semen cryobank of autochthonous chicken and turkey breeds: a tool for preserving genetic biodiversity

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    The creation of genetic resource cryobanks provides a crucial link between in situ and ex situ techniques to improve the efficiency of conservation programs. Aim of the present review is to describe all the activities developed for the implementation of the first Italian Semen Cryobank of Autochthonous Chicken and Turkey Breeds. These activities can be classified into three main topics: (1) identification of species-specific semen freezing/thawing reference procedures; (2) drafting Standard Operative Procedures (SOP) for the implementation of the semen cryobank; (3) storage of semen doses from Italian chicken and turkey breeds to establish the cryobank. Several trials have been developed to identify a specie-specific semen cryopreservation protocol for chickens and turkeys. The major results are reviewed and a final reference protocol described. Taking into consideration the FAO guidelines for cryoconservation of animal genetic resources, SOP were drafted with the aim to provide technical guidance and logistical support on the choice of priority breeds, selection of birds for semen production, infrastructures and storage sites, birds and semen management, cryopreservation process and doses traceability. Lastly, the Italian Semen Cryobank was created. A total of 112 semen doses from 22 cockerels of three breeds, and 74 doses from 12 turkey males of three breeds were stored in the Cryobank. Breed specific semen quality parameters assessed before and after cryopreservation are reported. The described activities provide information and tools useful for the implementation of semen cryobanking in avian species and might be transferred also to other species after appropriate adaptations.HIGHLIGHTS Implementation of the first Italian Semen Cryobank of Autochthonous Chicken and Turkey Breeds Drafting Standard Operative Procedures provides technical guidance and logistical support on the design and establishment of the cryobank Semen cryobank is a precious genetic reservoir and could be useful to safeguard genetic variability in small population in vivo conserved
