68 research outputs found

    Vermicompost biostimulants: nutrients and auxin for root growth.

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    The present study was undertaken to establish if biostimulants diferently extracted from vermicompost causes root development and how mineral nutrients and plant growth substances are associated to diferent extraction methods

    Plant proton pumps as markers of biostimulant action.

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    ABSTRACT A standard protocol to evaluate the effects of biostimulants on plant physiology is still lacking. The proton pumps present in the vacuolar and plasma membranes are the primary agents responsible for the regulation of the electrochemical gradient that energizes the nutrient uptake system and acid growth mechanism of plant cells. In this study, two of these enzymes were characterized as biochemical markers of biostimulant activity. A simple and fast protocol based on the degree of root acidification using a pH sensitive dye and the Micro-Tom tomato as a plant model is proposed as an efficient methodology to prove the efficacy of biostimulants that are claimed to improve nutrient acquisition and root growth. The results agree with the data from more conventional, expensive and time-consuming proton pump assays. A direct correlation was found between plasmalemma proton-adenosine triphosphatase (H+-ATPase) activation and the amount of rhizosphere acidification observed in the bromocresol gel. Moreover, roots of the diageotropica (dgt) Micro-Tom plants, defective in auxin responses, barely acidify bromocresol purple gel even in the presence of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA, 1 μM). The biostimulant TEA (vermicompost water extract, 25 %) enhances proton extrusion by 40 % in wild type (WT) plants, but no effect was induced in dgt plants. These results reinforce the notion that the class of biostimulant known as humic substances stimulates plant proton pumps and promotes root growth by exerting an auxin-like bioactivity and establish the usefulness of an economically and technically feasible assay to certify this kind of biostimulant

    Fracionamento físico da matéria orgânica de dois solos adubados com bokashis distintos.

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    O objetivo do presente trabalho foi identificar possíveis efeitos da adição de diferentes bokashis nas frações físicas da matéria orgânica dos solos. Para tal, foi implementado um experimento em delineamento de blocos ao acaso com 4 repetições, em esquema fatorial 2x3, sendo dois solos (Latossolo Vermelho e Cambissolo Háplico) e três bokashis (Bokashi de Gado, Bokashi de Aves e Bokashi CNPH).Resumo 12

    Carbono da biomassa microbiana em solos tratados com diferentes bokashis.

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    Nesse trabalho foi avaliado o Carbono da Biomassa Microbiana (CBM) do solo em vasos tratados com diferentes bokashis (BA, com esterco de ave; BB, com esterco bovino e BC, produzido no CNPH) em dois solos diferentes (um naturalmente infestado com Ralstonia solanacearum coletado em Alexânia e outro artificialmente infestado preparado no CNPH).Resumo 5

    Atributos de fertilidade em solos tratados com diferentes bokashis.

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    O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar a influência da adição de bokashis sobre alguns atributos de fertilidade dos solos.Resumo

    Qualidade microbiológica de alface fertirrigada por gotejamento com fertilizantes orgânicos ou mineral.

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    O objetivo desse trabalho foi comparar a qualidade microbiológica de alfaces 'Laurel' produzidas em cultivo protegido, fertilirrigadas por gotejamento com biofertilizante Horbio®, biofertilizante comercial e fertilizante mineral, bem como a qualidade microbiológica desses fertilizantes.bitstream/item/198134/1/BPD-179.pd

    Gluten-free sorghum pasta: composition and sensory evaluation with different sorghum hybrids.

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    Although whole grain (WG) sorghum is affordable and a healthier alternative to gluten-free pastas (GFPa), sorghum diversity requires evaluation for application in pasta. We aimed to develop GFPa using six sorghum hybrids. White commercial flour (WCF) and sorghums with brown (BRS 305 and 1167048), red (BRS 330 and BRS 332), and white (CMSXS 180) pericarp colors. Total phenolic content (TPC), total condensed tannins (TAN), total antioxidant activity (TAA?FRAP and DPPH), resistant starch (RS), cooking properties, texture, and sensory evaluation were carried out in sorghum pasta. The statistical analyses were ANOVA, Tukey and Friedman test, and multiple factorial analyses. Brown sorghum GFPa showed the best results for bioactive compounds (RS (1.8 and 2.9 g/100 g), TPC (69.9 and 42.8 mg/100 g), TAN (16.9 and 9.4 mg proanthocyanidin/100 g), TAA for FRAP (305 and 195 mM Teq/g), and DPPH (8.7 and 9.0 mg/mL)), but also the highest soluble solids loss (8.0 g/100 g) and lower flavor acceptance for BRS 305. BRS 332 was highlighted for its higher flavor acceptance and intermediary phenolics content. The most accepted pasta was obtained with WCF, and the least accepted with the brown BRS 305. Sweetness (SWE), soluble starch (SS), and DPPH were associated with liking. The main negative variables were WG_flavor, brown color, FRAP, sandy surface (SAN), WG_odor, and TAN. Sorghum hybrids of different pericarp colors are feasible for GFPa production, leading to differences in pasta quality. SAN and GRA, associated with disliking in antioxidant-rich GFPa, could be improved by milling process adjustments. Increasing the SS proportion and SWE with flavors can contribute to the balance between liking and nutritional advantages

    Alterações de curto prazo na matéria orgânica do solo pelo uso de adubos orgânicos.

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    O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito de curto prazo de três diferentes bokashis sobre as frações granulométicas e de Carbono Orgânico Total, em um Latossolo Vermelho Distrófico e em um Cambissolo Háplico Tb Distrófico

    Biofertilizante Hortbio®: propriedades agronômicas e instruções para o uso.

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    O Hortbio® é um biofertilizante desenvolvido e registrado pela Embrapa Hortaliças que não possui estercos de qualquer origem em sua composição, mas sendo, mesmo assim, uma importante fonte de nitrogênio. Comparado a outros biofertilizantes de uso comum na agricultura orgânica, o Hortbio® possui maiores teores de nitrogênio, fósforo e potássio, porém com valores mais reduzidos dos demais nutrientes.bitstream/item/171011/1/CT-162.pd