260 research outputs found

    Causal inference via string diagram surgery

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    Extracting causal relationships from observed correlations is a growing area in probabilistic reasoning, originating with the seminal work of Pearl and others from the early 1990s. This paper develops a new, categorically oriented view based on a clear distinction between syntax (string diagrams) and semantics (stochastic matrices), connected via interpretations as structure-preserving functors. A key notion in the identification of causal effects is that of an intervention, whereby a variable is forcefully set to a particular value independent of any prior propensities. We represent the effect of such an intervention as an endo-functor which performs 'string diagram surgery' within the syntactic category of string diagrams. This diagram surgery in turn yields a new, interventional distribution via the interpretation functor. While in general there is no way to compute interventional distributions purely from observed data, we show that this is possible in certain special cases using a calculational tool called comb disintegration. We demonstrate the use of this technique on two well-known toy examples: one where we predict the causal effect of smoking on cancer in the presence of a confounding common cause and where we show that this technique provides simple sufficient conditions for computing interventions which apply to a wide variety of situations considered in the causal inference literature; the other one is an illustration of counterfactual reasoning where the same interventional techniques are used, but now in a 'twinned' set-up, with two version of the world - one factual and one counterfactual - joined together via exogenous variables that capture the uncertainties at hand

    String Diagram Rewriting Modulo Commutative (Co)Monoid Structure

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    String diagrams constitute an intuitive and expressive graphical syntax that has found application in a very diverse range of fields including concurrency theory, quantum computing, control theory, machine learning, linguistics, and digital circuits. Rewriting theory for string diagrams relies on a combinatorial interpretation as double-pushout rewriting of certain hypergraphs. As previously studied, there is a “tension” in this interpretation: in order to make it sound and complete, we either need to add structure on string diagrams (in particular, Frobenius algebra structure) or pose restrictions on double-pushout rewriting (resulting in “convex” rewriting). From the string diagram viewpoint, imposing a full Frobenius structure may not always be natural or desirable in applications, which motivates our study of a weaker requirement: commutative monoid structure. In this work we characterise string diagram rewriting modulo commutative monoid equations, via a sound and complete interpretation in a suitable notion of double-pushout rewriting of hypergraphs

    From Farkas’ lemma to linear programming: An exercise in diagrammatic algebra

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    Farkas’ lemma is a celebrated result on the solutions of systems of linear inequalities, which finds application pervasively in mathematics and computer science. In this work we show how to formulate and prove Farkas’ lemma in diagrammatic polyhedral algebra, a sound and complete graphical calculus for polyhedra. Furthermore, we show how linear programs can be modeled within the calculus and how some famous duality results can be proved

    The Power of the Weak

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    A landmark result in the study of logics for formal verification is Janin and Walukiewicz’s theorem, stating that the modal ÎŒ-calculus (ÎŒML) is equivalent modulo bisimilarity to standard monadic second-order logic (here abbreviated as SMSO) over the class of labelled transition systems (LTSs for short). Our work proves two results of the same kind, one for the alternation-free or noetherian fragment ÎŒNML of ÎŒML on the modal side and one for WMSO, weak monadic second-order logic, on the second-order side. In the setting of binary trees, with explicit functions accessing the left and right successor of a node, it was known that WMSO is equivalent to the appropriate version of alternation-free ÎŒ-calculus. Our analysis shows that the picture changes radically once we consider, as Janin and Walukiewicz did, the standard modal ÎŒ-calculus, interpreted over arbitrary LTSs. The first theorem that we prove is that, over LTSs, ÎŒNML is equivalent modulo bisimilarity to noetherian MSO (NMSO), a newly introduced variant of SMSO where second-order quantification ranges over “conversely well-founded” subsets only. Our second theorem starts from WMSO and proves it equivalent modulo bisimilarity to a fragment of ÎŒNML defined by a notion of continuity. Analogously to Janin and Walukiewicz’s result, our proofs are automata-theoretic in nature: As another contribution, we introduce classes of parity automata characterising the expressiveness of WMSO and NMSO (on tree models) and of ÎŒCML and ÎŒNML (for all transition systems)

    Brzozowski goes concurrent - A kleene theorem for pomset languages

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    Concurrent Kleene Algebra (CKA) is a mathematical formalism to study programs that exhibit concurrent behaviour. As with previous extensions of Kleene Algebra, characterizing the free model is crucial in order to develop the foundations of the theory and potential applications. For CKA, this has been an open question for a few years and this paper makes an important step towards an answer. We present a new automaton model and a Kleene-like theorem that relates a relaxed version of CKA to series-parallel pomset languages, which are a natural candidate for the free model. There are two substantial differences with previous work: from expressions to automata, we use Brzozowski derivatives, which enable a direct construction of the automaton; from automata to expressions, we provide a syntactic characterization of the automata that denote valid CKA behaviours

    Equivalence checking for weak bi-kleene algebra∗

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    Pomset automata are an operational model of weak bi-Kleene algebra, which describes programs that can fork an execution into parallel threads, upon completion of which execution can join to resume as a single thread. We characterize a fragment of pomset automata that admits a decision procedure for language equivalence. Furthermore, we prove that this fragment corresponds precisely to series-rational expressions, i.e., rational expressions with an additional operator for bounded parallelism. As a consequence, we obtain a new proof that equivalence of series-rational expressions is decidable

    Rewriting modulo symmetric monoidal structure

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    String diagrams are a powerful and intuitive graphical syntax for terms of symmetric monoidal categories (SMCs). They find many applications in computer science and are becoming increasingly relevant in other fields such as physics and control theory. An important role in many such approaches is played by equational theories of diagrams, typically oriented and applied as rewrite rules. This paper lays a comprehensive foundation for this form of rewriting. We interpret diagrams combinatorially as typed hypergraphs and establish the precise correspondence between diagram rewriting modulo the laws of SMCs on the one hand and double pushout (DPO) rewriting of hypergraphs, subject to a soundness condition called convexity, on the other. This result rests on a more general characterisation theorem in which we show that typed hypergraph DPO rewriting amounts to diagram rewriting modulo the laws of SMCs with a chosen special Frobenius structure. We illustrate our approach with a proof of termination for the theory of non-commutative bimonoids

    How to kill epsilons with a dagger: a coalgebraic take on systems with algebraic label structure

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    We propose an abstract framework for modeling state-based systems with internal behavior as e.g. given by silent or Ï”-transitions. Our approach employs monads with a parametrized fixpoint operator † to give a semantics to those systems and implement a sound procedure of abstraction of the internal transitions, whose labels are seen as the unit of a free monoid. More broadly, our approach extends the standard coalgebraic framework for state-based systems by taking into account the algebraic structure of the labels of their transitions. This allows to consider a wide range of other examples, including Mazurkiewicz traces for concurrent systems.Funded by the ERDF through the Programme COMPETE and by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, project ref. FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-020537 and SFRH/BPD/71956/2010. Acknowledge support by project ANR 12IS0 2001 PACE

    Equivalence checking for weak bi-Kleene algebra

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    Pomset automata are an operational model of weak bi-Kleene algebra, which describes programs that can fork an execution into parallel threads, upon completion of which execution can join to resume as a single thread. We characterize a fragment of pomset automata that admits a decision procedure for language equivalence. Furthermore, we prove that this fragment corresponds precisely to series-rational expressions, i.e., rational expressions with an additional operator for bounded parallelism. As a consequence, we obtain a new proof that equivalence of series-rational expressions is decidable
