42 research outputs found

    La funzione degli “small tools” nell’ambito delle industrie litiche scheggiate acheuleane della penisola italiana. Il caso studio del sito laziale di Fontana Ranuccio (FR)

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    Recent technological studies of lithic assemblages from Levantine and European Late Lower Palaeolithic showed that the small size flakes (small tools) found in many sites of this period are relevant technological elements. Their role in the lithic assemblages of the Late Lower Paleolithic allows to reconsider the common idea that the bifaces are the unique techno-cultural markers of the Acheulean chronological and cultural phase. In this article we want to discuss the functional role of the small tools through the presentation of the results of the use-wear analysis of the small tools coming from the Acheulean site of Fontana Ranuccio located in Central Italy (Latium)

    Le peuplement de la région des Ouled Naïl (Bou Saâda, Djelfa et Laghouat, Algérie) durant l’Holocène : sites d’habitats et art rupestre

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    Le territoire des Ouled Naïl a joué un rôle de refuge pour les communautés holocènes, vers 7000-4000 ans B.C., La cohabitation entre les communautés demeurées des chasseurs-cueilleurs et celles qui ont adopté un comportement de pasteurs-nomades, a entrainé ces sociétés dans un processus de néolithisation, visible à travers les contextes culturels des peuplements des piémonts et des sites de figurations rupestres (faunes sauvages et domestiques) dans le massif des Ouled Naïl.De nombreuses traces laissées par ces Néolithiques sur des panneaux rocheux attestent des conditions climatiques optimales et montrent l’adaptation des hommes à un milieu diversifié par une action culturelle multiple. Ils témoignent par leur art des perturbations du milieu durant l’Holocène final.La sélection effective de certains animaux pour les besoins de la domestication au sein de la faune disponible s’est maintenue jusqu’à l’avènement tardif d’un système tribal agropastoral dans les Hautes terres steppiques, dédiées au pastoralisme

    Efficacy of pasireotide LAR for acromegaly: a prolonged real-world monocentric study

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    BackgroundAcromegaly is caused by excessive growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1). Medical therapy plays a role as a treatment option for persistent disease after non-curative surgery or as a first-line therapy when surgery is not feasible. Pasireotide-LAR (Pas-LAR) is recommended for patients with acromegaly as second-line treatment.AimTo evaluate the patients characteristics predictive of an adequate response to Pas-LAR and the long-term efficacy and safety of the Pas-LAR treatment.MethodsData from 19 patients with active acromegaly, who were and resistant or intolerant to first-line medical therapy and were switched to pas-LAR have been retrospectively collected. We compared the baseline clinical and biochemical characteristics of patients who were found to respond to Pas-LAR therapy (responders, n=14) with those of patients who did not respond (non-responders, n=5). We then evaluated the Pas-LAR efficacy and safety during long-term follow-up in responders.ResultsIGF1 normalization occurred in 71.4% of responders after one injection. IGF1 levels, [median(interquartile range) of the upper limit of the normal range (ULN) fold increase] were higher in non-responders compared to responders within the initial month of therapy [1.40(1.30-2.34) vs 0.70(0.55-1.25), respectively, p=0.009] and after three [1.77(1.74-2.29) vs 0.94(0.82-1.13), respectively, p=0.029] and six months [1.68(1.33-1.72) vs 1.00(0.65 -1.28), respectively, p=0.002]. Out of 6 patients with symptomatic headache (all in responder group), 5 and 1 reported the resolution and improvement of headache, respectively, already after the first injection. Median HbA1c levels tended to increase from baseline to 6 months both in responder (36 mMol/Mol to 42 mMol/Mol) and non-responder patients (45 mMol/Mol to 48 mMol/Mol). During long term follow up, in the responder group 2 new patients developed diabetes. Tumor shrinkage was observed in 6 out of 7 evaluated responders, with no cases of size increase during the long-term follow-up.ConclusionPas-LAR is effective and safe and the early identification of responders is possible just after the first administration

    Aux origines de la représentation: les statuetttes paléolithiques de l'Italie centrale et meridionale

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    L'articolo illustra i risultati di una analisi di carattere tecnologico e stilistico condotta su due statuette muliebri in osso del Paleolitico superiore italiano

    Le nuove ricerche sull’arte rupestre del Tadrart Acacus : il senso del paesaggio, il senso della figura

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    Il contributo illustra la nuova impostazione delle ricerche sul'arte rupestre del Tadrart Acacus effettuate a partire dal 2001 e coordinate dall'autrice del contributo. In particolare si pone l'accento sulla necessità di documentare la totalità delle figure e delle scene presenti in ogni singolo sito nonché la loro distribuzione sulle pareti rocciose. Vengono inoltre illustrati alcuni nuovi siti sui 500 recuperati negli ultimi anni e menzionate le tecniche di datazione diretta dell'arte rupestre, sperimentate anche nel Tadrart Acacus. Si ribadisce infine la necessità di conservare correttamente questo patrimonio, coinvolgendo anche le popolazioni locali

    The small finds: beads, worked bones artefacts and figurines

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    Vengono descritti e analizzati con un approccio tecnologico una serie di reperti del villaggio e della necropoli di Fewet (Fezzan libico): piĂą di mille perline, sei manufatti in osso e due figurine di argilla frammentarie. L'analisi delle perline ( in uovo di struzzo, pietra, faience e vetro ha evidenziato analogie e differenze tra le perline raccolte nel villaggio e le perline che formavano il corredo funerario delle inumazioni della necropoli. I manufatti in osso raccolti nel villaggio sono di tipologia varia e suggeriscono l'impiego in differenti tipi di attivitĂ . Le figurine di argilla illustrano un aspetto interessante della manifattura ceramica di epoca Garamantica, giĂ  documentata a Germa.More than a thousand beads were collected from the Fewet compound and necropolis. Typological and technological analyses reveal differences as well as similarities between the compound and the necropolis assemblages. Six worked bone artefacts are analysed. A majority of these were collected in the southern dwelling units of the Fewet compound. The bone artefacts were well preserved and it has been possible to suggest a typological definition and their role in a series of craft activities. Two fragmentary clay figurines, unhearted in the area of the Fewet compound, highlight an interesting aspect of the Garamantian ceramic handicraft

    Between the mountains and the oases: rock art landscapes and Fewet

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    Il capitolo presenta i dati finora raccolti sull'arte rupestre del territorio di Fewet (Fezzan libico), mettendo in relazione il repertorio artistico Garamantico del Tadrart Acacus e delle aree circostanti. I caratteri generali dell'arte rupestre di epoca Garamantica erano giĂ  stati esposti dall'autrice nel volume dedicato al sito di Aghram Nadharif. Nel presente contributo vengono inclusi i dati inediti raccolti nel 2005 dal team coordinato dall'autrice, nell'ambito della missione italo-libica nel Fezzan.The chapter provides a description of both engraved and painted rock art recorded to date in the Fewet area, trying to relate that evidence to the general picture of the Garamantian artistic repertoire of the Tadrart Acacus and surrounding areas. The main features of the rock art dated to the historical phases were illustrated in a previous volume devoted to the fortified citadel of Aghram Nadharif. Additional data collected during the 2005 rock art survey in the northern region of the Tadrart Acacus are here included

    Art et vie quotidienne dans l’Epigravettien final: les galets utilisés de Grotta della Ferrovia (Italie Centrale)

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    The paper describes four decorated and/or utilized pebbles, coming from Grotta della Ferrovia (central Italy), that go back to the final Epigravettian (11,700+-200 BP) . These pieces are the archaelogical subject selected to illustrate the connection between the artistic activities and the daily life in the Upper Palaeolithic.The stylistic analyses (D.Zampetti), the use-wear analyses (C.Lemorini) and the technological and experimental observations (M.Massussi) show that these pieces were used and conceived both as multifunctional tools both as symbolic media

    Le raffigurazioni parietali dell'Addaura in una prospettiva europea

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    L'articolo delinea l'inquadramento delle numerose incisioni paleolitiche della Grotta dell'Addaura nel contesto dell'arte rupestre europea del Paleolitico superiore