22 research outputs found

    A Prometheus on a Human Scale – Ignacy Łukasiewicz

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    This book is dedicated to the life and work of Ignacy Łukasiewicz, Polish pharmacist whose world-renowned achievements include construction of the world’s first oil refinery and invention of the modern kerosene lamp. The authors also portray the history of the Galician oil industry and set it in the context of political, social and technological changes taking place in the 19th-century Central and Eastern Europe. "The work adds substantially to existing scholarship in English. As the author of the only English-language academic monograph devoted to a general history of the Galician oil industry, I can attest that this manuscript adds significant and important information, details, depth of investigation that is not provided in my book or any other book. It therefore makes a novel contribution that will be very valuable to anyone looking for a truly detailed account of Ignacy Łukasiewicz’s contribution within the context of the Galician oil industry in general." Alison Frank Johnson Professor of History and of Germanic Languages and Literatures Harvard University, Center for European Studies "The authors sketch the profiles of two outstanding Poles, pioneers of the oil industry – Ignacy Łukasiewicz, MSc. in Pharmacy, and mining engineer and geologist Witold Zglenicki, called the Polish Nobel (...) This scientific work is an interesting and captivating read. It can be used not only by scientists and students, but also by everyone who is interested in industrial cultural heritage (...)." Krzysztof Broński Professor and Head of Department of Economic and Social History Economic University in Krakó

    The description of the Ropczyce Poviat in 1873

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    Tekst stanowi edycję źródłową dokumentu znajdującego się w zespole nr 1025 C.K Starostwo Powiatowe w Ropczycach, w zasobie Archiwum Państwowego w Rzeszowie. Został on sporządzony przez Karola Grötschela, referenta ekonomicznego w starostwie. Jego treść skupia się głównie na warunkach funkcjonowania rolnictwa stanowiącego podstawę utrzymania zdecydowanej większości mieszkańców powiatu.The text is an edited version of a source document from the complex no 1025 Royal and Imperial Poviat Starosty in Ropczyce, in the archives of the State Archive in Rzeszów. It was prepared by Karol Grötschel, an economic clerk in the starosty. The content deals mainly with the conditions of functioning of agriculture, the basis for the maintenance of the majority of the inhabitants of the poviat

    Prawne podstawy funkcjonowania komunalnych kas oszczędności na ziemiach polskich w okresie zaborów

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    Kasy oszczędności, jako komunalne instytucje oszczędnościowo-pożyczkowe, funkcjonujące pod nazwą miejskich, powiatowych i wiejskich kas oszczędności, miały na celu ułatwianie i popieranie tworzenia się kapitałów, drogą gromadzenia, przechowywania i racjonalnego zarządzania zasobów pieniężnych głównie mniej zamożnych warstw społeczeństwa. Jako lokalne instytucje finansowe miały one przede wszystkim za swe zadanie gromadzenie oszczędności w granicach swych obwodów, celem pokrywania potrzeb finansowych i gospodarczych zamieszkałej na ich obszarze ludności

    Cities and towns in the Eastern part of Galicia at the end of the 18th century

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    Budżet miasta Rzeszowa w latach 1853–1866

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    Archive materials concerning annual budgets of the gimna of the Rzeszow city were preserved in the set Rzeszow city acts. On their basis one may investigate the functioning of the financial activity of its city authorities at the end of the pre-autonomic epoch. The conditions of their functioning within the scope of financial economy were limited by frequently changing regulations and supervising this sphere of the city authorities’ activity was done by state offices – districts (called cyrkul) and in the later periods (1855–1856) temporarily by the poviat offices. The source presented here – Pogląd na przeszły i obecny stan funduszów gminy królewskiego obwodowego Miasta Rzeszowa skreślony dla nowéj rady miejskiéj w lutym 1867 roku (View on the past and present state of funds of the gmina of the royal district city of Rzeszow written for the new city council in February 1867) was published in 1867 in Rzeszow in the J.A.Pelar’s printing shop and its authors were two clerks of the Rzeszow municipal office, namely city cashier Aleksander Drezinski and city secretary Onufry Oraczewski. It is stored in the Rzeszow State Archived in the set Rzeszow city acts sygn. 297. The authors intended it to help the newly elected city council to establish the state of the city budget and at the same time to facilitate the work of Rzeszow local government in connection with the first local government elections in the initiating autonomic epoch. Certainly it is a very interesting source for the history of Rzeszow in the pre-autonomic period.Materiały archiwalne dotyczące budżetów rocznych gminy miasta Rzeszowa zachowały się w zespole Akta miasta Rzeszowa. Na ich podstawie można zbadać finansową działalność rzeszowskich władz miejskich u schyłku epoki przedautonomicznej. Warunki ich funkcjonowania w zakresie gospodarki finansowej były ograniczone często zmieniającymi się przepisami, a nadzór nad tą sferą działalności władz miejskich sprawowały urzędy państwowe – cyrkuły, a w okresie późniejszym (1855–1856) przejściowo urzędy powiatowe. Prezentowane poniżej źródło – Pogląd na przeszły i obecny stan funduszów gminy królewskiego obwodowego Miasta Rzeszowa skreślony dla nowéj rady miejskiéj w lutym 1867 roku ukazało się w 1867 r. w Rzeszowie w drukarni J.A. Pelara, a jego autorami było dwóch urzędników rzeszowskiego magistratu – kasjer miejski Aleksander Dreziński i sekretarz miasta Onufry Oraczewski. Znajduje się ono w rzeszowskim Archiwum Państwowym w zespole Akta miasta Rzeszowa pod sygn. 297. W zamyśle autorów miało pomóc nowo wybranej radzie miasta stwierdzić stan budżetu miasta i tym samym ułatwić pracę rzeszowskiemu samorządowi w związku z pierwszymi wyborami samorządowy rozpoczynającej się epoki autonomicznej. Z pewnością Pogląd… jest bardzo ciekawym źródłem do dziejów Rzeszowa w okresie przedautonomicznym

    Opis powiatu ropczyckiego z 1873 roku

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    Tekst stanowi edycję źródłową dokumentu znajdującego się w zespole nr 1025 C.K Starostwo Powiatowe w Ropczycach, w zasobie Archiwum Państwowego w Rzeszowie. Został on sporządzony przez Karola Grötschela, referenta ekonomicznego w starostwie. Jego treść skupia się głównie na warunkach funkcjonowania rolnictwa stanowiącego podstawę utrzymania zdecydowanej większości mieszkańców powiatu.The text is an edited version of a source document from the complex no 1025 Royal and Imperial Poviat Starosty in Ropczyce, in the archives of the State Archive in Rzeszów. It was prepared by Karol Grötschel, an economic clerk in the starosty. The content deals mainly with the conditions of functioning of agriculture, the basis for the maintenance of the majority of the inhabitants of the poviat

    At the crossroads of cultures and nations : Galician cities and towns in the Josephine land cadastre

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    This publication results from the international research project “At the meeting point of cultures and nations. Galician towns and small towns in the Josephinian Land Survey” financed from the appropriations of the National Science Centre within the Harmonia 8 program. The program involves creating a unique, online-accessible database of towns and their inhabitants as well as defining the components of the social space of towns and small towns of the five easternmost “cyrkuls” of Galicia, i.e. districts of Berezhany (Brzeżany), Brody (Zolochiv, Złoczów), Ternopil (Tarnopol), Zalishchyky (Zaleszczyki) and Stanyslaviv (Ivano-Frankivsk, Stanisławów). The source basis for the research are mass and complementary historical sources from the 80s of the 18th century: the Josephinian Land Survey, created in the years 1785-1788 and the so-called urbarial descriptions, drawn up in 1789 for tax purposes. Volume 32 presents source materials for the towns of the Brody (Zolochiv, Złoczów) “cyrkul”: Busk, Kutkir (Kutkorz), Pomoryany (Pomorzany), Radekhiv (Radziechów) and Stanislavchyk (Stanisławczyk). The introduction discusses the legal status, geographical location and property structure of the above mentioned towns as well as characterises the main elements of their physical, public, political and social space. The publication has been supplemented with copies of some of the source documents (among others, descriptions of town borders) and tabular list of town inhabitants made on the basis of the Josphinian Land Survey and the so-called urbarial descriptions

    At the crossroads of cultures and nations : Galician cities and towns in the Josephine land cadastre

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    This publication results from the international research project “At the meeting point of cultures and nations. Galician towns and small towns in the Josephinian Land Survey” financed from the appropriations of the National Science Centre within the Harmonia 8 program. The program involves cre-ating a unique, online-accessible database of towns and their inhabitants as well as defining the components of the social space of towns and small towns of the five easternmost “cyrkuls” of Galicia, i.e. districts of Berezhany (Brzeża-ny), Brody (Zolochiv, Złoczów), Ternopil (Tarnopol), Zalishchyky (Zaleszczyki) and Stanyslaviv (Ivano-Frankivsk, Stanisławów). The source basis for the research are mass and complementary historical sources from the 80s of the 18th century: the Josephinian Land Survey, created in the years 1785-1788 and the so-called urbarial descriptions, drawn up in 1789 for tax purposes. Volume 34 presents source materials for the towns of the Zalishchyky (Zaleszczyki) “cyrkul”: Chernelytsia (Czernelica), Horodenka and Kudryntsi (Kudryńce). The introduction discusses the legal status, geographical location and property structure of the above mentioned towns as well as characterises the main elements of their physical, public, political and social space. The publication has been supplemented with copies of some of the source documents (among others, descriptions of town borders) and tabular list of town inhabitants made on the basis of the Josphinian Land Survey and the so-called urbarial descriptions

    At the crossroads of cultures and nations : Galician cities and towns in the Josephine land cadastre

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    This publication results from the international research project “At the meeting point of cultures and nations. Galician towns and small towns in the Josephinian Land Survey” financed from the appropriations of the National Science Centre within the Harmonia 8 program. The program involves creating a unique, online-accessible database of towns and their inhabitants as well as defining the components of the social space of towns and small towns of the five easternmost “cyrkuls” of Galicia, i.e. districts of Berezhany (Brzeżany), Brody (Zolochiv, Złoczów), Ternopil (Tarnopol), Zalishchyky (Zaleszczyki) and Stanyslaviv (Ivano-Frankivsk, Stanisławów). The source basis for the research are mass and complementary historical sources from the 80s of the 18th century: the Josephinian Land Survey, created in the years 1785-1788 and the so-called urbarial descriptions, drawn up in 1789 for tax purposes. Volume 47 presents source materials for the towns of the Berezhany (Brzeżany) “cyrkul”: Bibrka (Bóbrka), Mykolaiv (Mikołajów) and Svirzh (Świrz). The introduction discusses the legal status, geographical location and property structure of the above mentioned towns as well as characterises the main elements of their physical, public, political and social space. The publication has been supplemented with copies of some of the source documents (among others, descriptions of town borders) and tabular list of town inhabitants made on the basis of the Josphinian Land Survey and the so-called urbarial descriptions

    At the crossroads of cultures and nations : Galician cities and towns in the Josephine land cadastre

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    This publication presents the results of the research project “At the meeting point of cultures and nations. Towns in the District of Żółkiew in the Josephinian Land Survey”. The research has been supported by the Strategic Programme Excellence Initiative at the Jagiellonian University, Faculty of History (“Research cooperation”). The source basis for the research are mass and complementary historical sources from the 80s of the 18th century: the Josephinian Land Survey, created in the years 1785–1788 and the so-called urbarial descriptions, drawn up in 1789 for tax purposes. Volume 55 presents source materials for the towns of the Zhovkva (Żółkiew) “cyrkul”: Potelych (Potylicz) and Zhovkva (Żółkiew). The introduction discusses the legal status, geographical location and property structure of the above mentioned towns as well as characterises the main elements of their physical, public, political and social space. The publication has been supplemented with copies of some of the source documents (among others, descriptions of town borders) and tabular list of town inhabitants made on the basis of the Josphinian Land Survey and the so-called urbarial descriptions