172 research outputs found

    Teaching for a Better World. Sustainability and Sustainable Development Goals in the Construction of a Change-Maker University

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    Sustainability, as a key concept in the education field, has submitted a relevant change during the last years. Thus, there is a growing debate about its meaning. It has undergone a crucial merging of significances from many fields: Ecology, environmental awareness, but also from politics, ethics or even spiritual approaches. All these fields have been co-involved in the building of such subject concept. In this sense, this article addresses the di erent ways of understanding sustainability as a polyhedral concept and how sustainability can be understood under the umbrella of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Furthermore, it is proposed a conceptual framework to teach this UN Program at Higher Education, contributing to the training of undergraduate and postgraduate students from both a professional and a personal point of view. This framework is applied in a case study—in particular, in a course of Primary Teacher Degree called Didactics of Matter and Energy. This article finishes with practical consideration to build a change-maker University.Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain/AEI/FEDER, UE Research Project IB 16068Regional Government of Extremadura (Spain) Research Project GR1800

    Including Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Transversally in Education

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    Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and the State Research Agency grant PID2020-115214RB-I0

    Conceptual Framework for the Use of Building Information Modeling in Engineering Education

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    The objective of this paper is to present a critical literature review of the Building Information Modelling (BIM) methodologyandtoanalyzewhetherBIMcanbeconsideredaVirtualLearningEnvironment.Aconceptualframeworkis proposed for using BIM in a university context. A search of documents was carried out in the Core Collection of Web of Science; it was restricted to the last five years (2013–2017). A total of 95 documents were analyzed; all documents were written in English and peer reviewed. BIM meets all the characteristics of Virtual Learning Environments. The proposed framework has three dimensions (competencies, pedagogical approach and level of integration).It allows for the planning and analysis of future experiences of teaching BIM in a university context.Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain and AEI/FEDER, UE Projects EDU2016-77007-RRegional Government of Extremadura (Spain) IB 16068Regional Government of Extremadura (Spain) GR1800

    Final Degree Dissertations: a useful tool to develop transversal competences in High Education

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    [ES] Este artículo profundiza en la singularidad de los Trabajos Fin de Grado (TFG) como espacio formativo para desarrollar competencias de tipo transversal en la educación universitaria. A partir de tres casos (dos proyectos fin de carrera de enseñanzas técnicas y un trabajo fin de grado en educación primaria) se evalúa la transversalidad y el grado de consecución de cada uno de los objetivos inicialmente programados. De los resultados aquí expuestos, se puede deducir que los TFG plantean un sustrato interesante para trascender la enseñanza meramente académica y acometer metas más complejas como puede ser la educación integral y ciudadana de los estudiantes universitarios. Una formación, necesaria y demandada tanto por los empleadores como por la propia sociedad.  [EN] This article goes through the specificity of Final Degree Dissertations (FDD) as a proper educative space for developing transversal competences within the university higher education. Three cases were studied: two Final Degree Projects according to the old denomination in technical titles (engineering) and a Final Degree Dissertation in Primary Education (prospective primary teachers). Transversality content and the level of success for each initial objective are evaluated in these three case study. According to the obtained results, it is clear that FDD are a fruitful space for going ahead the traditional academic teaching and face more complex challenges, such as the integral and citizen education. A needed formation, required by both employeers and the society itself.Los autores agradecen la financiación recibida por parte del Vicerrectorado de Calidad e Infraestructuras dentro de la convocatoria de Acciones para la consolidación del EEES del EEES en la UEx (Convocatoria 2013/2014). El Dr. Sánchez Martín agradece al Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad la financiación parcial de este trabajo a cargo del Proyecto de Investigación EDU2012- 34140 y al Grupo de Investigación DEPROFE de la Universidad de Extremadura.Zamora Polo, F.; Sánchez Martín, J. (2015). Los Trabajos Fin de Grado: una herramienta para el desarrollo de competencias transversales en la Educación Superior. REDU. Revista de Docencia Universitaria. 13(3):197-212. https://doi.org/10.4995/redu.2015.5426OJS197212133Boni, A., Lozano, J. F. (2007). The generic competences: An opportunity for ethical learning in the European convergence in higher education. Higher Education, 54(6), 819-831. doi:10.1007/s10734-006-9026-4Escuela de Ingenierías Industriales de la UEx. (2012). Normativa de trabajos fin de grado y máster de la Escuela de Ingenierías Industriales. Acceso ONLINE (01/12/2014): http://goo.gl/eE7AkUEspaña. Real decreto 1125/2003, de 5 de septiembre, por el que se establece el sistema europeo de créditos y el sistema de calificaciones en las titulaciones universitarias de carácter oficial y validez en todo el territorio nacional. Boletín Oficial del Estado, 18 de septiembre de 2003, núm. 224, pp. 34355-34356. España. Real decreto 1393/2007, de 29 de octubre, por el que se establece la ordenación de las enseñanzas universitarias oficiales. Boletín Oficial del Estado, 30 de octubre de 2007 núm. 260, pp. 44037-44048.España. Real decreto 861/2010, de 2 de julio, por el que se modifica el real decreto 1393/2007, de 29 de octubre, por el que se establece la ordenación de las enseñanzas universitarias oficiales. Boletín Oficial del Estado, 3 de julio de 2010, núm. 161, pp. 58454-58468.España. Real decreto 99/2011, de 28 de enero, por el que se regulan las enseñanzas oficiales de doctorado. Boletín Oficial del Estado, 10 de febrero de 2011, núm. 35, pp. 13909-13926.Facultad de Ciencias de la UEx. (2013). Reglamento de trabajos de fin de grado de la Facultad de Ciencias. Acceso ONLINE (01/12/2014): http://goo.gl/idC72XFadón-Salazar, F., Cerón-Hoyos, J. E., Vallejo-Lobete, E. (2009). Programación basada en competencias. Implantación en ingeniería gráfica. Dyna (Spain), 84(2), 141-150.Hernández-Leo, D., Moreno Oliver, V., Camps, I., Clarisó, R., Martínez Monés, A., Galindo, M. J., Melero, J. (2013). Implementación de buenas prácticas en los trabajos fin de grado. REDU - Revista de Docencia Universitaria, 11(3), 269-278.López-Cózar Navarro, C., Priede Bergamini, T., Benito Hernández, S. (2013). Análisis de la expresión escrita en las universidades de Madrid a través de la asignatura trabajo fin de grado en los estudios de ADE. REDU - Revista de Docencia Universitaria, 11 (3) Octubre-Diciembre., 279-299.Mateos, V., Montanero, M., Gómez, V., Salamanca, S. (2008). Diseño e implantación de títulos de grados en el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior. Madrid: Narcea.Morales y Morales, R., Cabrera Cuevas, J. (2012). Competencias docentes transversales, el método de selección MiZona - CDT. REDU - Revista de Docencia Universitaria, 10(2), 75-101.Román-Suero, S., Sánchez-Martín, J., Zamora-Polo, F. (2013). Opportunities given by final degree dissertations inside the EHEA to enhance ethical learning in technical education. European Journal of Engineering Education, 38(2), 149-158. doi:10.1080/03043797.2012.75549Rullán Ayza, M., Fernández Rodríguez, M., Estapè Dubreuil, G., Márquez Cebrián, M. D. (2010). La evaluación de competencias transversales en la materia trabajos fin de grado. Un estudio preliminar sobre la necesidad y oportunidad de establecer medios e instrumentos por ramas de conocimiento. REDU - Revista de Docencia Universitaria, 8(1), 74-100.Sánchez Fernández, P. (2013). Trabajo fin de grado en administración y dirección de empresas (ADE): De la teoría a la experiencia de la facultad de CC. Empresariales y Turismo del campus de Ourense (universidad de Vigo). REDU - Revista de Docencia Universitaria, Vol.11 (3) Octubre-Diciembre, 461-481.Tuning Educational Structures in Europe. (2007). La contribución de las universidades al proceso de Bolonia. Acceso ONLINE (01/12/2014): http://goo.gl/AuzSMeUniversidad de Extremadura. (2012a). Memoria verifica del título "Grado en ingeniería química industrial por la Universidad de Extremadura". Acceso ONLINE (01/12/2014): http://goo.gl/m8i6X4Universidad de Extremadura. (2012b). Normativa de trabajo de fin de grado y máster de la Universidad de Extremadura. Acceso ONLINE (01/12/2014): http://goo.gl/rjT1U6Universidad de Extremadura. (2013). Memoria verifica del título: "Grado en ingeniería eléctrica (rama industrial) por la Universidad de Extremadura". Acceso ONLINE (01/12/2014): http://goo.gl/wSEosTUniversidad de Extremadura. (2014). Memoria verifica del título: "Grado en educación primaria por la Universidad de Extremadura". Acceso ONLINE (01/12/2014): http://goo.gl/6kL51iValderrama, E. (2009). Guías para la evaluación de competencias en los trabajos de fin de grado y de máster en las ingenierías. Barcelona: AQU Catalunya.Zamora-Polo, F., Román-Suero, S., Sánchez-Martín, J. (2010). De la eficacia a la sostenibilidad. Formar ingenieros responsables en el nuevo escenario educativo Dyna, 85(7), 575-580. doi:10.6036/385

    What Do University Students Know about Sustainable Development Goals? A Realistic Approach to the Reception of this UN Program Amongst the Youth Population

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    The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) constitute a working agenda for the international community with the aim of ensuring a better world for future generations. In this context, the development of competences related to SDGs is a challenge for Higher Education Institutions. Although there are several studies that address the relationship between SDGs and university teaching, the students’ knowledge about this subject has not been set out yet. In order to evaluate students’ knowledge, a questionnaire was designed, validated, and administered to students from di erent degrees. Statistical analysis showed a high reliability for the constructs (Smallest Cronbach’s Alfa = 0.859). The results showed interesting insights, either with descriptive analysis or inferential ones. For example, a low knowledge, in a general way, of SDGs was identified in the whole sample; significant di erences between the scores obtained in professional and personal implications of SDGs were also detected and several di erences arose between Health and Education students, the latter being more professionally involved with SDGs than the rest of the students

    Exit for success. Gamifying science and technology for university students using escape-room. A preliminary approach

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    There is a growing tendency to incorporate gamification activities with the aim of improving student's motivation in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) courses. One of the strategies to apply gamification in the classroom is the use of the escape room. In this work different experiences of escape room in the context of formal university education are analysed. The analysis of students' opinions shows that such activities are well received regardless of background (engineering or education) or gender. The emotions that arise from the experience are mostly positive and the students state that they have developed both specific and transversal competencies. Finally, practical considerations are proposed based on the lessons learned from the developed experiences

    Nonscientific University Students Training in General Science Using an Active-Learning Merged Pedagogy: Gamification in a Flipped Classroom

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    Innovative teaching strategies are designing a new and promising landscape in education. They fill lessons with creativity and imagination for either the students or teachers. This article addresses an attempt to make the approach to science easier in a nonscientific environment: primary education at university level. Gamification methodologies were combined with a flipped classroom in order to free up in-class time and engage the students with the taught courses. A qualitative study was merged with quantitative measures of emotional and motivational parameters. These results were improved with four semistructured interviews. The results clearly showed a rise in the students’ motivational levels, an acknowledgment of good teaching practices, and an evident enhancement of felt positive emotions toward science teaching and scientific issues.Economy and Competitiveness Ministry of Spanish Government and AEI/FEDER, UE EDU2016-77007-RJunta de Extremadura (España)/Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo IB16068Regional Government of Extremadura (Spain) GR1800

    Virtual Visits as a Learning Tool for Historical Heritage in Two Specific Examples: Évora and Mérida

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    This paper presents an educational experience in the area of learning about Art History, in particular, about the Greco-Roman period, using an innovative resource that is available due to current technology: the virtual visit. This resource allows students to experience immersion in the reconstruction of classic monuments that have deteriorated with time. The combination of current images with this type of virtual visit provides greater ease for understanding the monuments and their function in antiquity, and it is converted into an important motivating factor in the study of this artistic period. The experience has been carried out with 1st year ESO (compulsory secondary education) and 2nd year A-level students, focusing on close context heritage elements, such as the monuments of Mérida or Évora. The results obtained show an increase in the students’ interest in this artistic period due to their greater ability to understand the monuments they are studying

    Dataset of Phenology of Mediterranean high-mountain meadows flora (Sierra Nevada, Spain)

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    Sierra Nevada mountain range (southern Spain) hosts a high number of endemic plant species, being one of the most important biodiversity hotspots in the Mediterranean basin. The high-mountain meadow ecosystems (borreguiles) harbour a large number of endemic and threatened plant species. In this data paper, we describe a dataset of the flora inhabiting this threatened ecosystem in this Mediterranean mountain. The dataset includes occurrence data for flora collected in those ecosystems in two periods: 1988–1990 and 2009–2013. A total of 11002 records of occurrences belonging to 19 orders, 28 families 52 genera were collected. 73 taxa were recorded with 29 threatened taxa. We also included data of cover-abundance and phenology attributes for the records. The dataset is included in the Sierra Nevada Global-Change Observatory (OBSNEV), a long-term research project designed to compile socio-ecological information on the major ecosystem types in order to identify the impacts of global change in this area.This research work was conducted in the collaborative framework of the “Sierra Nevada Global Change Observatory” Project funded by the Environment Department of Andalusian Regional Government and the Sierra Nevada National Park. A. J. Pérez-Luque would like to thank the MICINN of the Government of Spain for the financial support (PTA 2011-6322-I)

    A Farmer’s Perspective on the Relevance of Grassland-Related Innovations in Mediterranean Dehesa Systems

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    Grasslands are of key importance for the provision of ecosystem services (ES). Suitable management is essential to guarantee their persistence and functionality. There is a growing interest in innovations such as new technologies aimed at facilitating and improving the management of grasslands while increasing their provision of ES. The uptake of innovations by farmers is a complex process, and relevant socio-economic or technological factors that are crucial to farmers are often overlooked. This information can be useful for increasing the adoption of these innovations through the design of public policies to facilitate them. This paper analyses the relevance of the main innovations that can be applied to the management of the grasslands of Dehesa farms for the farmers and the factors that might affect this relevance. Through questionaries, we gathered information on the relevance that farmers give to the selected innovations and analysed it by cumulative link models. The results show that innovations aimed at increasing the biomass production of grasslands and resilience such as the use of seed mixtures and the use of forage drought-resistant species are considered highly relevant by Dehesa farmers. However, high-tech innovations such as GPS collars were poorly rated which could denote low applicability to the context of Dehesas or the existence of barriers hindering the adoption but also a need for further development and better information on their potential. Characteristics of the farmer and farm such as age, education level, and stocking rate seem to be related to the relevance given to some of the innovations. These results provide insightful information for the implementation and research of relevant grassland-related innovations in the context of Mediterranean Dehesa/Montado systems, as well as for the design of policies supporting them