5,389 research outputs found

    Studying the evolution of AGB stars in the Gaia epoch

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    We present asymptotic giant branch (AGB) models of solar metallicity, to allow the interpretation of observations of Galactic AGB stars, whose distances should be soon available after the first release of the Gaia catalogue. We find an abrupt change in the AGB physical and chemical properties, occurring at the threshold mass to ignite hot bottom burning,i.e. 3.5M⊙3.5M_{\odot}. Stars with mass below 3.5M⊙3.5 M_{\odot} reach the C-star stage and eject into the interstellar medium gas enriched in carbon , nitrogen and 17O^{17}O. The higher mass counterparts evolve at large luminosities, between 3×104L⊙3\times 10^4 L_{\odot} and 105L⊙10^5 L_{\odot}. The mass expelled from the massive AGB stars shows the imprinting of proton-capture nucleosynthesis, with considerable production of nitrogen and sodium and destruction of 12C^{12}C and 18O^{18}O. The comparison with the most recent results from other research groups are discussed, to evaluate the robustness of the present findings. Finally, we compare the models with recent observations of galactic AGB stars, outlining the possibility offered by Gaia to shed new light on the evolution properties of this class of objects.Comment: 21 pages, 11 figure, 3 tables, accepted for publication in MNRAS (2016 July 11

    Vortices on demand in multicomponent Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We present a simple mechanism to produce vortices at any desired spatial locations in harmonically trapped Bose-Einstein condensates (BEC) with multicomponent spin states coupled to external transverse and axial magnetic fields. The vortices appear at the spatial points where the spin-transverse field interaction vanishes and, depending on the multipolar magnetic field order, the vortices can acquire different predictable topological charges. We explicitly demonstrate our findings, both numerically and analytically, by analyzing a 2D BEC via the Gross-Pitaevskii equation for atomic systems with either two or three internal states. We further show that, by an spontaneous symmetry breaking mechanism, vortices can appear in any spin component, unless symmetry is externally broken at the outset by an axial field. We suggest that this scenario may be tested using an ultracold gas of 87^{87}Rb occupying all three F=1F = 1 states in an optical trap.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, (Accepted in PRA

    Clear evidence for the presence of second-generation asymptotic giant branch stars in metal-poor Galactic globular clusters

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    Galactic globular clusters (GCs) are known to host multiple stellar populations: a first generation with a chemical pattern typical of halo field stars and a second generation (SG) enriched in Na and Al and depleted in O and Mg. Both stellar generations are found at different evolutionary stages (e.g., the main-sequence turnoff, the subgiant branch, and the red giant branch). The non detection of SG asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars in several metal-poor ([Fe/H] < -1) GCs suggests that not all SG stars ascend the AGB phase, and that failed AGB stars may be very common in metal-poor GCs. This observation represents a serious problem for stellar evolution and GC formation/evolution theories. We report fourteen SG-AGB stars in four metal-poor GCs (M 13, M 5, M 3, and M 2) with different observational properties: horizontal branch (HB) morphology, metallicity, and age. By combining the H-band Al abundances obtained by the APOGEE survey with ground-based optical photometry, we identify SG Al-rich AGB stars in these four GCs and show that Al-rich RGB/AGB GC stars should be Na-rich. Our observations provide strong support for present, standard stellar models, i.e., without including a strong mass-loss efficiency, for low-mass HB stars. In fact, current empirical evidence is in agreement with the predicted distribution of FG and and SG stars during the He-burning stages based on these standard stellar models.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Letters (16 pages, 4 figures, and 1 table

    New rhenopyrgid edrioasteroids (Echinodermata) and their implications for taxonomy, functional morphology, and paleoecology

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    Rhenopyrgids are rare, turreted edrioasterid edrioasteroids from the lower Paleozoic with a distinctive and apparently conservative morphology. However, new, well-preserved rhenopyrgid edrioasteroid material from Canada, along with a review of described taxa, has revealed broader structural diversity in the oral surface and enabled a re-evaluation of rhenopyrgid functional morphology and paleoecology. The floor plates in Rhenopyrgus viviani n. sp., R. coronaeformis Rievers, 1961 and, R. flos Klug et al., 2008 are well fused to each other and the interradial oral plate and lack obvious sutures, thereby forming a single compound interradial plate. This differs from other rhenopyrgids where sutures are more apparent. Such fused oral surface construction is only otherwise seen in some derived edrioblastoids and in the cyathocystids, suggesting homoplasy. Our analysis further suggests that the suboral constriction could contract but the flexible pyrgate zone could not. Thus, specimens apparently lacking a sub-oral constriction should not necessarily be placed in separate genera within the Rhenopyrgidae. It also supports rhenopyrgids as epifaunal mud-stickers with only the bulbous, textured, entire holdfasts (coriaceous sacs) anchored within the substrate rather than as burrow dwellers or encrusters. Rhenopyrgus viviani n. sp. is described from the Telychian (lower Silurian) Jupiter Formation of Anticosti Island, Québec, Canada and is differentiated by a high degree of morphological variability of pedunculate plates, broader oral plates, and narrower distal ambulacral zones. Specimens lacking or with obscured diagnostic plates from the Ordovician of Montagne Noire, France, and the Ordovician and Silurian of Girvan, Scotland are also described

    Displasia glenoidea bilateral dolorosa asociada a inestabilidad

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    La hipoplasia glenoidea es una alteración relativamente infrecuente, de la que han sido descritos menos de 100 casos. Se comunica un caso de una enferma de 17 años de edad con clínica de dolor e inestabilidad en ambos hombros y hallazgo de displasia bilateral de cavidad glenoidea. Se realizó tratamiento conservador mediante pauta de refuerzo muscular con bandas elásticas de resistencia creciente con un resultado excelente calificado según puntuación de tabla de Rowe y cols. Desapareciendo la sensación de inestabilidad y habiendo cedido la clínica álgica.The glenoid hypoplasia is an uncommon condition. Less than 100 cases have been reported. We present the case of a 17 year old girl complaining of pain and instability in both shoulders and radiological findings of bilateral dysplasia of the glenoid. A non-operative treatment has been followed with an exercise program to strengthen the shoulder. This has been achieved with a progressive resistance rubber bands program. The final result has been excellent according to the appraisal table by Rowe et al., disappearing the instability sensation as well as the pain

    Positive adjacency effects mediated by seed disperser birds in pine plantations

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    This study examines the consequences of adjacent elements for a given patch, through their effects on zoochorous dispersion by frugivorous birds. The case study consists of pine plantations (the focal patch) adjacent to other patches of native vegetation (mixed patches of native forest and shrublands), and/or pine plantations. Our hypothesis is that input of native woody species propagules generated by frugivorous birds within plantations strongly depends on the nature of the surrounding vegetation. To test this hypothesis, we studied frugivorous-bird abundance, seed dispersion, and seedling establishment in nine pine plantation plots in contact with patches of native vegetation. To quantify adjacency arrangement effects, we used the percentage of common border between a patch and each of its adjacent elements. Frugivorous bird occurrence in pine plantations is influenced by the adjacent vegetation: the greater the contact with native vegetation patches, the more abundant were the frugivorous birds within pine plantations. Furthermore, frugivorous birds introduce into plantations the seeds of a large sample of native fleshy-fruited species. The results confirm the hypothesis that zoochorous seed rain is strongly determined by the kind of vegetation surrounding a given plantation. This finding underlines the importance of the composition of the mosaic surrounding plantations and the availability of mobile link species as key landscape features conditioning passive restoration processes

    Hot bottom burning and s-process nucleosynthesis in massive AGB stars at the beginning of the thermally-pulsing phase

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    We report the first spectroscopic identification of massive Galactic asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars at the beginning of the thermal pulse (TP) phase. These stars are the most Li-rich massive AGBs found to date, super Li-rich AGBs with logE(Li)~3-4. The high Li overabundances are accompanied by weak or no s-process element (i.e. Rb and Zr) enhancements. A comparison of our observations with the most recent hot bottom burning (HBB) and s-process nucleosynthesis models confirms that HBB is strongly activated during the first TPs but the 22Ne neutron source needs many more TP and third dredge-up episodes to produce enough Rb at the stellar surface. We also show that the short-lived element Tc, usually used as an indicator of AGB genuineness, is not detected in massive AGBs which is in agreement with the theoretical predictions when the 22Ne neutron source dominates the s-process nucleosynthesis.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics Letters (7 pages, 5 figures and 1 table); final version (language corrected

    One loop anomalies and Wess-Zumino terms for general gauge theories

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    One loop anomalies and their dependence on antifields for general gauge theories are investigated within a Pauli-Villars regularization scheme. For on-shell theories {\it i.e.}, with open algebras or on-shell reducible theories, the antifield dependence is cohomologically non trivial. The associated Wess-Zumino term depends also on antifields. In the classical basis the antifield independent part of the WZ term is expressed in terms of the anomaly and finite gauge transformations by introducing gauge degrees of freedom as the extra dynamical variables. The complete WZ term is reconstructed from the antifield independent part
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