77 research outputs found

    Развитие ионизационного монитора поперечного сечения протонного пучка линейного ускорителя ИЯИ РАН

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    Для обеспечения прозрачных измерений поперечного сечения и профилей токовых импульсов в широком диапазоне энергий и амплитуд разработан и установлен на ускорителе специальный ионизационный монитор поперечного сечения (ИМПС) на остаточном газе. ИМПС оборудован зеркально-линзовым трактом для транспортировки изображения пучка от детектора до ТВ-камеры и защиты ПЗС-матрицы и электроники ТВ-камеры от бомбардировки нейтронами и γ-квантами. В работе приводится схема и описание датчика, а также некоторые детали программного и аппаратного обеспечения системы съема и обработки изображений. Представлены полученные результаты измерений импульсного тока протонов.Для забезпечення прозорих вимірів поперечного переріза й профілів струмових імпульсів у широкому діапазоні енергій і амплітуд розроблений і встановлений на прискорювачі спеціальний іонізаційний монітор поперечного переріза (ІМПС) на залишковому газі. ІМПС обладнаний дзеркально-лінзовим трактом для транспортування зображення пучка від детектора до ТВ-камери і захисту Пзс-матриці й електроніки ТВ-камеры від бомбардування нейтронами і γ-квантами. У роботі приводиться схема й опис датчика, а також деякі деталі програмного й апаратного забезпечення системи знімання й обробки зображень. Представлено отримані результати вимірів імпульсного струму протонів.To provide non-intercepting measurements of beam pulse transverse section and profile the special residual gas ion transverse section monitor (ITSM) for wide energy and amplitude range is developed and installed on the accelerator. ITSM is provided by lens-mirror line for transport beam image from the detector to TV camera and saving CCD and electronics of TV camera from neutron and γ hitting. The ITSM functioning details and image processing system are described. The available results of beam pulse measurements are presented

    Католицька концепція міжрелігійного діалогу: зміна акцентів

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    In Arabidopsis roots, the transcription factor MYB72 plays a dual role in the onset of rhizobacteria-induced systemic resistance (ISR) and plant survival under conditions of limited iron availability. Previously, it was shown that MYB72 coordinates the expression of a gene module that promotes synthesis and excretion of iron-mobilizing phenolic compounds in the rhizosphere, a process involved in both iron acquisition and ISR signaling. Here, we show that volatile compounds (VOCs) from ISR-inducing Pseudomonas bacteria are important elicitors of MYB72. VOCs-induced MYB72 is co-expressed with the iron uptake-related genes FERRIC REDUCTION OXIDASE 2 (FRO2) and IRON-REGULATED TRANSPORTER 1 (IRT1) in a FER-LIKE IRON DEFICIENCY INDUCED TRANSCRIPTION FACTOR (FIT)-dependent manner, indicating that MYB72 is an intrinsic part of the plants’ iron acquisition response that is typically activated upon iron starvation. However, VOCs-induced MYB72 is activated independently of the iron availability in the root vicinity. Moreover, rhizobacterial VOCs-mediated induction of MYB72 requires photosynthesis-related signals, while iron deficiency in the rhizosphere can activate MYB72 in the absence of shoot-derived signals. Together, these results show that the ISR- and iron acquisition-related transcription factor MYB72 in Arabidopsis roots is activated by rhizobacterial volatiles and photosynthesis-related signals, and can enhance the iron acquisition capacity of roots independently of the iron availability in the rhizosphere. This work highlights the role of MYB72 in plant processes by which root microbiota simultaneously stimulate systemic immunity and activate the iron uptake machinery in their host plants

    The Populus holobiont: dissecting the effects of plant niches and genotype on the microbiome

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    Background: Microorganisms serve important functions within numerous eukaryotic host organisms. An understanding of the variation in the plant niche-level microbiome, from rhizosphere soils to plant canopies, is imperative to gain a better understanding of how both the structural and functional processes of microbiomes impact the health of the overall plant holobiome. Using Populus trees as a model ecosystem, we characterized the archaeal/bacterial and fungal microbiome across 30 different tissue-level niches within replicated Populus deltoides and hybrid Populus trichocarpa × deltoides individuals using 16S and ITS2 rRNA gene analyses. Results: Our analyses indicate that archaeal/bacterial and fungal microbiomes varied primarily across broader plant habitat classes (leaves, stems, roots, soils) regardless of plant genotype, except for fungal communities within leaf niches, which were greatly impacted by the host genotype. Differences between tree genotypes are evident in the elevated presence of two potential fungal pathogens, Marssonina brunnea and Septoria sp., on hybrid P. trichocarpa × deltoides trees which may in turn be contributing to divergence in overall microbiome composition. Archaeal/bacterial diversity increased from leaves, to stem, to root, and to soil habitats, whereas fungal diversity was the greatest in stems and soils. Conclusions: This study provides a holistic understanding of microbiome structure within a bioenergy relevant plant host, one of the most complete niche-level analyses of any plant. As such, it constitutes a detailed atlas or map for further hypothesis testing on the significance of individual microbial taxa within specific niches and habitats of Populus and a baseline for comparisons to other plant species

    Endophytes vs tree pathogens and pests: can they be used as biological control agents to improve tree health?

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    Like all other plants, trees are vulnerable to attack by a multitude of pests and pathogens. Current control measures for many of these diseases are limited and relatively ineffective. Several methods, including the use of conventional synthetic agro-chemicals, are employed to reduce the impact of pests and diseases. However, because of mounting concerns about adverse effects on the environment and a variety of economic reasons, this limited management of tree diseases by chemical methods is losing ground. The use of biological control, as a more environmentally friendly alternative, is becoming increasingly popular in plant protection. This can include the deployment of soil inoculants and foliar sprays, but the increased knowledge of microbial ecology in the phytosphere, in particular phylloplane microbes and endophytes, has stimulated new thinking for biocontrol approaches. Endophytes are microbes that live within plant tissues. As such, they hold potential as biocontrol agents against plant diseases because they are able to colonize the same ecological niche favoured by many invading pathogens. However, the development and exploitation of endophytes as biocontrol agents will have to overcome numerous challenges. The optimization and improvement of strategies employed in endophyte research can contribute towards discovering effective and competent biocontrol agents. The impact of environment and plant genotype on selecting potentially beneficial and exploitable endophytes for biocontrol is poorly understood. How endophytes synergise or antagonise one another is also an important factor. This review focusses on recent research addressing the biocontrol of plant diseases and pests using endophytic fungi and bacteria, alongside the challenges and limitations encountered and how these can be overcome. We frame this review in the context of tree pests and diseases, since trees are arguably the most difficult plant species to study, work on and manage, yet they represent one of the most important organisms on Earth

    The Saharan isolate Saccharothrix algeriensis NRRL B-24137 induces systemic resistance in Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings against Botrytis cinerea

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    Background and aim Saccharothrix algeriensis NRRL B-24137, isolated from a Saharan soil, has been described as a potential biocontrol agent against Botrytis cinerea and other phytopathogens. However, the plant protection mechanisms involved still need to be described. The aim of this study was to determine this protection phenomenon as well as parts of the mechanisms involved, using Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings and B. cinerea. Methods The bacterial colonization process was evaluated on A. thaliana seedlings using fluorescence in situ hybridization. Protection of A. thaliana seedlings inoculated with NRRL B-24137 against B. cinerea was then evaluated. Parts of the mechanisms involved in the systemic protection against B. cinerea were evaluated using known mutants of genes involved in jasmonate (JA)/ethylene (ET)/salicylic acid (SA) signaling. Other Arabidopsis mutants, AtrhbohD-3, AtrhbohF-3, and ups1-1 were also screened to determine other parts of the mechanisms involved. Results The results showed that the strain NRRL B-24137 colonized, epi- and endophytically, the roots of Arabidopsis seedlings but the strain was not a systemic colonizer during the time of the experiment. The strain NRRL B-24137 also reduced B. cinerea symptoms and the protection was linked to known mechanisms of induced systemic resistance (ISR; JA/ET signaling), as well as to functionality of AtrbohF oxidase and of UPS1. Crosstalk between ET/JA and SA signaling could also be involved. Conclusions The isolate NRRL B-24137, after colonizing the root systems of A. thaliana, induces an ISR against B. cinerea, which is JA/ET dependent, but could also require SA crosstalk and protection could also require NAPDH oxidases and UPS1 functionalities