3 research outputs found

    Evaluating taxonomic inflation: towards evidence-based species delimitation in Eurasian vipers (Serpentes: Viperinae)

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    International audienceThe designation of taxonomic units has important implications for the understanding and conservation ofbiodiversity. Eurasian vipers are a monophyletic group of viperid snakes (Serpentes, Viperinae), currently comprising fourgenera (Daboia, Macrovipera, Montivipera and Vipera) and up to 40 species. Taxonomic units have been described usinga wide variety of methods and criteria, and consequently, considerable controversy still surrounds the validity of somecurrently listed species. In order to promote a consensus- and evidence-based taxonomy of Eurasian vipers, we analysedpublished mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences for this group to reconstruct phylogenetic relationships among currentlyrecognized viper species.We also compiled information on external morphology to assess their morphological distinctiveness.Phylogenetic inference based on mtDNA sequences shows contrasting levels of divergence across genera and species andidentifies several instances of non-monophyly in described species. Nuclear DNA sequences show extremely low levels ofgenetic variation, with a widespread pattern of allele sharing among distant species, and even among genera. Revision ofmorphological data shows that most species designations rely on scalation traits that overlap extensively among species ofthe same genus. Based on our combined assessment, we recognize 15 taxa as valid species, three taxa which likely representspecies complexes, 17 taxa of doubtful validity as species, and five taxa for which species status is maintained but furtherresearch is highly recommended to assess taxonomic arrangements. We stress the need to implement integrative taxonomicapproaches for the recognition of evidence-based taxonomic units in Eurasian viper

    Aspects concerning the song of Acrocephalus arundinaceus (Great Reed Warbler), during reproduction

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    Abstract: The observations concerning the acoustic behaviour and the recordings of the songs of the Great Reed Warbler (Acrocephalus arundinaceus) were made during the reproduction periods, from April to July, in 2003 an

    An Updated Distribution of the Herpetofauna from the Natura 2000 Site Rarău-Giumalău (Rosci0212), Romania

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    Amphibians and reptiles are among the most threatened animal species in Europe. Because of their legal conservation status, amphibians and reptiles may act as umbrella and flagship species in certain areas. The Rarău-Giumalău Natura 2000 site (ROSCI 0212) is such an area that, despite its conservation status, is still exposed to human activities alterations. In addition, the standard data form of the site mentions only three amphibian species, which is notably below the herpetofauna diversity of the region. Therefore, the aim of this study is to update the existing knowledge on the local herpetofauna. To this end, herpetological field surveys were conducted in the area between May– September, 2015, ten species being identified, as follows: six amphibians (Salamandra salamandra, Lissotriton montandoni, Ichthyosaura alpestris, Bombina variegata, Bufo bufo and Rana temporaria) and four reptiles (Anguis colchica, Lacerta agilis, Zootoca vivipara and Vipera berus). Species distribution is influenced by human activities, among which grazing seems to be the most important. The diversity of herpetofauna is not evenly distributed between the perimeters of the site. The Giumalău perimeter has only six species probably because of a lower habitat diversity compared to the Rarău perimeter. Nine of the identified species are protected by European and national regulations, whereas the standard data form of the site lists only two of them, and one not confirmed by our study. Therefore, the standard data form, a tool for protective management, does not reflect the real situation of the herpetofauna of the site and for this reason, it should be updated