1,464 research outputs found

    Quantifying offshore fore-arc deformation and splay-fault slip using drowned Pleistocene shorelines, Arauco Bay, Chile

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    Indexación: Web of Science; Scopus.Most of the deformation associated with the seismic cycle in subduction zones occurs offshore and has been therefore difficult to quantify with direct observations at millennial timescales. Here we study millennial deformation associated with an active splay-fault system in the Arauco Bay area off south central Chile. We describe hitherto unrecognized drowned shorelines using high-resolution multibeam bathymetry, geomorphic, sedimentologic, and paleontologic observations and quantify uplift rates using a Landscape Evolution Model. Along a margin-normal profile, uplift rates are 1.3 m/ka near the edge of the continental shelf, 1.5 m/ka at the emerged Santa María Island, −0.1 m/ka at the center of the Arauco Bay, and 0.3 m/ka in the mainland. The bathymetry images a complex pattern of folds and faults representing the surface expression of the crustal-scale Santa María splay-fault system. We modeled surface deformation using two different structural scenarios: deep-reaching normal faults and deep-reaching reverse faults with shallow extensional structures. Our preferred model comprises a blind reverse fault extending from 3 km depth down to the plate interface at 16 km that slips at a rate between 3.0 and 3.7 m/ka. If all the splay-fault slip occurs during every great megathrust earthquake, with a recurrence of ~150–200 years, the fault would slip ~0.5 m per event, equivalent to a magnitude ~6.4 earthquake. However, if the splay-fault slips only with a megathrust earthquake every ~1000 years, the fault would slip ~3.7 m per event, equivalent to a magnitude ~7.5 earthquake. ©2017. American Geophysical Union.http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/2016JB013339/epd

    p-adic Cellular Neural Networks

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    In this article we introduce the p-adic cellular neural networks which are mathematical generalizations of the classical cellular neural networks (CNNs) introduced by Chua and Yang. The new networks have infinitely many cells which are organized hierarchically in rooted trees, and also they have infinitely many hidden layers. Intuitively, the p-adic CNNs occur as limits of large hierarchical discrete CNNs. More precisely, the new networks can be very well approximated by hierarchical discrete CNNs. Mathematically speaking, each of the new networks is modeled by one integro-differential equation depending on several p-adic spatial variables and the time. We study the Cauchy problem associated to these integro-differential equations and also provide numerical methods for solving them

    p-adic cellular neural networks: Applications to image processing

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    The p-adic cellular neural networks (CNNs) are mathematical generalizations of the neural networks introduced by Chua and Yang in the 80s. In this work we present two new types of -adic CNNs that can perform computations with real data, and whose dynamics can be understood almost completely. The first type of networks are edge detectors for grayscale images. The stationary states of these networks are organized hierarchically in a lattice structure. The dynamics of any of these networks consists of transitions toward some minimal state in the lattice. The second type is a new class of reaction–diffusion networks. We investigate the stability of these networks and show that they can be used as filters to reduce noise, preserving the edges, in grayscale images polluted with additive Gaussian noise. The networks introduced here were found experimentally. They are abstract evolution equations on spaces of real-valued functions defined in the p-adic unit ball for some prime number p. In practical applications the prime p is determined by the size of image, and thus, only small primes are used. We provide several numerical simulations showing how these networks work

    Semiclassical theory for small displacements

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    Characteristic functions contain complete information about all the moments of a classical distribution and the same holds for the Fourier transform of the Wigner function: a quantum characteristic function, or the chord function. However, knowledge of a finite number of moments does not allow for accurate determination of the chord function. For pure states this provides the overlap of the state with all its possible rigid translations (or displacements). We here present a semiclassical approximation of the chord function for large Bohr-quantized states, which is accurate right up to a caustic, beyond which the chord function becomes evanescent. It is verified to pick out blind spots, which are displacements for zero overlaps. These occur even for translations within a Planck area of the origin. We derive a simple approximation for the closest blind spots, depending on the Schroedinger covariance matrix, which is verified for Bohr-quantized states.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figures

    The canonical structure of Podolsky's generalized electrodynamics on the Null-Plane

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    In this work we will develop the canonical structure of Podolsky's generalized electrodynamics on the null-plane. This theory has second-order derivatives in the Lagrangian function and requires a closer study for the definition of the momenta and canonical Hamiltonian of the system. On the null-plane the field equations also demand a different analysis of the initial-boundary value problem and proper conditions must be chosen on the null-planes. We will show that the constraint structure, based on Dirac formalism, presents a set of second-class constraints, which are exclusive of the analysis on the null-plane, and an expected set of first-class constraints that are generators of a U(1) group of gauge transformations. An inspection on the field equations will lead us to the generalized radiation gauge on the null-plane, and Dirac Brackets will be introduced considering the problem of uniqueness of these brackets under the chosen initial-boundary condition of the theory

    Are stealth scalar fields stable?

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    Non-gravitating (stealth) scalar fields associated with Minkowski space in scalar-tensor gravity are examined. Analytical solutions for both non-minimally coupled scalar field theory and for Brans-Dicke gravity are studied and their stability with respect to tensor perturbations is assessed using a covariant and gauge-invariant formalism developed for alternative gravity. For Brans-Dicke solutions, the stability with respect to homogeneous perturbations is also studied. There are regions of parameter space corresponding to stability and other regions corresponding to instability.Comment: 10 pages, 1 table, no figures, to appear in Phys. Rev,

    Podolsky Electromagnetism at Finite Temperature: Implications on Stefan-Boltzmann Law

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    In this work we study Podolsky electromagnetism in thermodynamic equilibrium. We show that a Podolsky mass-dependent modification to the Stefan-Boltzmann law is induced and we use experimental data to limit the possible values for this free parameter.Comment: 13 pages, submitted to Physical Review

    Hamilton-Jacobi formalism for Linearized Gravity

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    In this work we study the theory of linearized gravity via the Hamilton-Jacobi formalism. We make a brief review of this theory and its Lagrangian description, as well as a review of the Hamilton-Jacobi approach for singular systems. Then we apply this formalism to analyze the constraint structure of the linearized gravity in instant and front-form dynamics.Comment: To be published in Classical and Quantum Gravit


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    The vision that should have the team of health among those that the nurse is toward the terminal sick person should go directed toward the respect to her dignity like human person, for her characteristics of individuality and complexity that make it respond from way impredecible to the circumstances of the life. In the case of the terminal sick person it becomes necessary that the nurse assumes a mature attitude, empática, manifested through the compassion by this sick person's suffering, to put on in her place in the face of the fear to the death like an unknown fact of which feels weak and vulnerable. The care to the terminal sick person requires that the team of health and its relatives treat him until the end with respect, love and empathy, therefore this personnel requires a solid formation in ethics for his moral performance, what will allow him to identify, to analyze and to meditate in appropriate form, and to decide alternative in the face of any decision in the execution of their functions. It is fundamental to meditate since on the human care that we are offering the terminal sick person each one of us in the current moments, the care as a human condition it should constitute a moral imperative in the terminal sick person's attention. The personnel that works in sciences of the health should accept that the finitud or terminalidad of the life are not a misfortune, it is the human being's hopeless stage, and the human dignity should be present until the last second of life in this world that the creator allows us. It is necessary, to be in agreement with the technology, with the science but without losing the perspective of other people, that is to say the spirituality. The science applied for the benefit of the man and impregnated of wisdom.La visión que debe tener el equipo de salud, en el que se encuentra la enfermera, hacia el enfermo terminal debe ir dirigida hacia el respeto a su dignidad como persona humana, por sus características de individualidad y complejidad que lo hacen responder de forma impredecible a las circunstancias de la vida. En el caso del enfermo terminal se hace necesario que la enfermera asuma una actitud madura, empática, manifestada a través de la compasión por el sufrimiento de este enfermo, ponerse en su lugar ante el temor a la muerte como un hecho desconocido del que se siente débil y vulnerable. El cuidado al enfermo terminal requiere que el equipo de salud y sus allegados lo traten hasta el final con respeto, amor y empatía, por lo tanto este personal requiere una formación sólida en ética para su actuación moral, lo que le permitirá identificar, analizar y reflexionar en forma adecuada, y decidir alternativas ante cualquier decisión en el cumplimiento de sus funciones. Es fundamental reflexionar sobre el cuidado humano que estamos ofreciendo al enfermo terminal cada uno de nosotros en los momentos actuales, ya que el cuidado como una condición humana debe constituir un imperativo moral en la atención del enfermo terminal. El personal que labora en ciencias de la salud debe aceptar que la finitud o terminalidad de la vida no es una desgracia, es una etapa irremediable del ser humano, y la dignidad humana debe estar presente hasta el último segundo de vida en este mundo que el creador nos permite. Es necesario, estar en concordancia con la tecnología, con la ciencia, pero sin perder la perspectiva de las otras personas, es decir la espiritualidad. La ciencia aplicada a beneficio del hombre e impregnada de sabiduría

    Cosmovisión en el cuidar de sí y cuidar del otro

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    Worldview is defined as the way of seeing and interpreting the world1. It is “the set of opinions and beliefs comprising the picture of the general concept of the world held by an individual, a culture from which the person interprets his or her own nature and that of all existing things.”Using this definition, we can as nurses put forward our own opinions and beliefs about how to look after oneself and the other as a complex, interactive process which is present during a person’s existence and which forms part of the professional practice of nursing.Humans are by nature social, complex, dynamic and gregarious beings. Hence, the social norms of the group to which they belong influence them to act in a determined social manner. One experience that is generally significant for the person is that of looking after the self and, on account of the gregariousness, this automatically applies the care of others during the lifespan.Self-care and care of the other is a continuous learning process that involves caring processes within the framework of the person’s wholeness: soma, mind and spirit. This involves autonomy in decision taking, maturity, self-respect, responsibility, humility, and self-esteem in the search for a better existence. Introspection and self-concept are two of the many keys that the human being has to take into account in developing favourable attitudes based on values like love, solidarity, self-esteem, respect, the conviction of the existence of a superior being that guides our paths, cheerfulness, inner peace as the secret of happiness and of the feeling of being at rest with ourselves. This leads to our living in harmony and happiness and , therefore, generates behaviours that protect our health and that of the other.La cosmovisión es definida como la manera de ver e interpretar al mundo. Es “el conjunto de opiniones y creencias que conforman la imagen o concepto general del mundo que tiene una persona, una cultura a partir del cual interpreta su propia naturaleza y la de todo existente.”Partiendo de esta definición nos permitimos como enfermeras ofrecer nuestras opiniones y creencias sobre el cuidar de sí y cuidar del otro como un proceso complejo, interactivo, que está presente durante la existencialidad de la persona y que forma parte de la práctica profesional en enfermería.El ser humano por naturaleza es un ser social, complejo, dinámico y gregario; por ello, las normas sociales del grupo al que pertenece lo influencian para actuar socialmente de una manera determinada, la cual va a influir en su proceso de adaptación. Una de las experiencias que por lo general es significativa para la persona es el cuidar de sí y por su propia característica de ser gregario este cuidar de sí necesariamente implica el cuidar de otros durante toda su vida.El cuidar de sí y el cuidar del otro, comprende un proceso de aprendizaje continuo que involucra unas acciones cuidadoras desde el marco de la integralidad de la persona: soma, mente, y espíritu. Esto involucra autonomía para tomar decisiones, madurez, autorrespeto, responsabilidad, humildad, y autoestima en la búsqueda de una existencia mejor. La introspección y el autoconcepto, son unas de las tantas claves que el ser humano debe considerar para desarrollar actitudes favorables, fundamentadas en valores como: el amor, la solidaridad, la autoestima, el respeto, la firme convicción de la existencia de un ser superior que rige nuestros caminos, la alegría, la paz interior como secreto para ser feliz y sentirnos bien con nosotros mismos, que nos conlleve a vivir en armonía y felicidad y por ende a generar comportamientos que protejan nuestra salud y la del otro