38 research outputs found

    Eye Tracking Analysis in Reading Online Newspapers

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    Reading online newspapers is increasingly becoming more common, so that thousands of newspapers are published online today. Despite this development, there are many unanswered questions concerning subjects’ behaviour during reading an online newspapers. Recording eye movements when a subject is navigating within a news website can provide quantitative and objective information on subject’s behaviour and combined with other methodologies – usability testing, focus groups, log analysis - represents a powerful tool for improving news websites functionality, and by consequence their achievement among readers. Two Italian newspaper websites have been considered for the study described in this paper and the analysis has been focused on the exploration behaviour within the newspaper home page and the reading of article pages

    Saccade latency toward auditory targets depends on the relative position of the sound source with respect to the eyes

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    AbstractThe latency of saccadic eye movements evoked by the presentation of auditory and visual targets was studied while starting eye position was either 0 or 20 deg right, or 20 deg left. The results show that for any starting position the latency of visually elicited saccades increases with target eccentricity with respect to the eyes. For auditory elicited saccades and for any starting position the latency decreases with target eccentricity with respect to the eyes. Therefore auditory latency depends on a retinotopic motor error, as in the case of visual target presentation

    The influence of emotional picture thematic content on exploratory eye movements

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    In picture viewing, emotional vs. neutral stimuli could play a different role in eye movement parameters and in the spatial progression of the scanpath. The aim of this paper is to investigate exploratory behaviour of normal subjects during the vision of emotional vs. non-emotional stimuli, by considering to what extent the thematic content (animate vs. inanimate) is likely to influence the observer’s eye movements. Sixty-five subjects’ eye movement patterns were measured while looking to emotional (pleasant and unpleasant) and neutral pictures depicting animate or inanimate contents. Results showed that the number of fixations and the gaze duration were greater for emotional pictures than for neutral ones, and animate pictures were fixated longer than inanimate ones. Both emotional and animate pictures may affect eye movements and constitute privileged stimuli of adaptive behavioural tendencies

    The mechanisms of “incidental news consumption”: An eye tracking study of news interaction on Facebook

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    This exploratory study examines how participants incidentally consumed news on social media through an eye tracking analysis of their visual interaction with posts on Facebook. By interaction, we refer to the attention participants gave to news (measured through the time devoted to looking at the content); how they read these news items (measured through ocular movements on the screen); and the way they engaged with this content (measured through forms of participation such as liking, commenting, or sharing news). The data were triangulated through interviews with Facebook users and an analysis of the metrics of posts from Costa Rican news organizations on Facebook from 2017 to 2020. We draw on scholarship in communication studies and multimodal discourse analysis. We argue for a more nuanced approach to what study participants did when they incidentally encountered news on social media that focuses on mechanisms, that is, the specific procedures and operations that shape user interaction with news on Facebook (such as visual fixations on parts of news posts; the visual entry points through which they begin to interact with the news; the sequences that characterize how they navigate content; and the time they spend assessing various multimodal elements).Universidad de Costa Rica/[]/UCR/Costa RicaUCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias Sociales::Centro de Investigación en Comunicación (CICOM)UCR::Vicerrectoría de Docencia::Artes y Letras::Facultad de Letras::Escuela de Filología, Lingüística y Literatur

    Eye movements analysis in the evaluation of human computer interaction

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    Eye movements analysis represents a powerful tool in all studies dealing with visual attention and exploration, as in the case of a subject interacting with the computer display. The analysis of subject’s eye movements can provide quantitative and objective information on where the subject is looking at and for how long his/her gaze remains on a specific part of the screen. The evaluation methodology based on the analysis of exploration eye movements can be applied to any situation that implies interaction of a subject with the computer. As an example the evaluation of e-learning systems is described in this paper. The methodology based on eye movement analysis has the main characteristics to be objective and to provide quantitative results and it easily integrates the classical tests normally applied to evaluate usability

    Eye-head coordination toward auditory and visual targets in humans

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    o Abstract-Eye-head coordination during gaze orientation toward auditory targets in total darkness has been examined in human subjects. The findings have been compared, for the same subjects, with those obtained by using visual targets. The use of auditory targets when investigating eye-head coordination has some advantages with respect to the more common use of visual targets: (i) more eccentric target positions can be presented to the subject; (ii) visual feedback is excluded during the execution of gaze displacement; (iii) complex patterns of saccadic responses can be elicited. This last aspect is particularly interesting for examining the coupling between the eyes and the head displacements. The experimental findings indicate that during gaze orientation toward a visual or an auditory target the central nervous system adopts the same strategy of using both the saccadic mechanism and the head motor plant. In spite of a common strategy, qualitative and quantitative parameters of the resulting eye-head coordination are slightly different, depending on the natufC of the target. The findings relating to pat. terns of eye-head coordination seem to indicate a dissociation between the eyes and the head. which receive different motor commands H1ClenerHlen,:: generated from the gaze error signal. The experi~ mental findings reported in this paper have been summarized in a model of the gaze control system that makes use of a gaze feedback hypothesis through the central reconstruction of the eye and head positions. © 1997 Elsevier Science Inc.

    Movimenti Oculari

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    La visione nitida del mondo esterno e di un oggetto di interesse è possibile solo se la sua immagine cade sulla fovea e vi resta stabile. I movimenti oculari hanno la funzione di orientare lo sguardo e di mantenere stabile l'immagine sulla retina durante il movimento relativo tra osservatore e mira. Il sistema di controllo dei movimenti oculari rappresenta un microcosmo caratterizzato da un elevato livello di prestazioni e dalla capacità di reagire ed adattarsi a svariate situazioni anomale, dalle patologie alle perturbazioni sperimentali. Il tutto grazie a una brillante organizzazione gerarchica Il libro ha lo scopo di fornire le conoscenze di base per la comprensione dei movimenti oculari ed è strutturato secondo un percorso logico che affronta in sequenza i seguenti argomenti: le caratteristiche morfologiche e funzionali dei movimenti oculari, la fisiologia del sistema oculomotore, la strumentazione, il coordinamento occhi-testa, i movimenti oculari durante la lettura, le applicazioni cliniche, e infine varie applicazioni dell’analisi dei movimenti oculari come manifestazione del comportamento durante esplorazione visiva, processi cognitivi, interazione col computer. Una dettagliata guida bibliografica fornisce gli strumenti per un approfondimento degli argomenti trattati nel libro

    Preliminary study of muscle contraction assessment by NIR spectroscopy

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    NIR spectroscopy allows monitoring of muscle oxygenation and perfusion during contraction. The knowledge of modifications of blood characteristics in body tissues has relevant clinical interest. A compact and reliable device, which makes use of two laser diodes at 750 and 810 nm coupled with the skin surface through optical fibres, was tested. NIR and surface EMG signals during isokinetic contractions were studied. A set of parameters was analysed in order to obtain information about metabolic modifications during muscle fatigue