132 research outputs found

    Effect of Wedge-Shaped Deflectors on Flow Fields of Dual-Stream Jets

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    The effect of wedge-shaped fan flow deflectors on the mean and turbulent flow-fields of dual-stream jets is investigated. Several wedge-shaped deflector concepts were used to create asymmetry in the plume of a dual-stream jet issuing from a scaled down version of the NASA Glenn ‘5BB’ bypass-ratio 8 turbofan nozzle. The deflector configurations comprised internal and external wedges with and without a pylon. Some external wedges incorporated local extensions of the fan nacelle. All the deflectors reduced radial velocity gradients, magnitudes of peak Reynolds stresses, and peak turbulent kinetic energy beneath the jet centerplane, with an increase above the jet centerplane. A correlation was obtained between the maximum radial velocity gradient and the peak turbulent kinetic energy in the dominant noise source region

    Directional Attenuation of Jet Noise With Eccentric Coannular Nozzle Investigated

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    Jet noise and flow field were measured to follow up on observations made by Professor D. Papamoschou of the University of California at Irvine (NASA Grant NAG3-2345). When a dual-stream coannular nozzle was arranged non-concentrically, noise was attenuated significantly on the side where the annulus was thicker. A similar observation was also made in reference 2. The practical significance is obvious. If the bypass flow of a jet exhaust in flight could be diverted to form a thicker layer underneath, then less noise would be heard by an observer on the ground. In view of the current emphasis on jet noise abatement, researchers felt that the effect deserved further attention. This prompted an experiment to confirm the phenomenon in a larger facility and to obtain flow-field data to advance understanding of the mechanism

    Transonic Resonance Demonstrated To Be a Source of Internal Noise From Mixer-Ejector Nozzles

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    During noise field studies with mixer-ejector nozzles in NASA's High-Speed Research program, tones were often encountered. The tones would persist in the simulated "cutback" condition (shortly after takeoff). Unfortunately, we did not understand their origin and, thus, could not develop a logical approach for suppressing them. We naturally questioned whether or not some of those tones were due to the transonic resonance. This was studied with a 1/13th scale model of the High-Speed Civil Transport nozzle. The first objective was to determine if indeed tones could be detected in the radiated noise. The next objective was to diagnose if those tones were due to the transonic resonance. Agreement of the frequencies with the correlation equation and the effect of boundary layer tripping were to be used in the diagnosis

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Retensi Rekam Medis dengan Metode Imaging Berbasis Web

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    Medical record is a file that contains notes and documents about the patient's identity, examination, treatment, actions and other services that have been given to the patient. Based on Minister of Health Regulation No.269 / Menkes / Per / III / 2008 the medical record file can be destroyed (retention) after being stored for a period of 5 (five) years from the last date the patient was treated or returned to avoid the buildup of non-active medical record documents. As one of the private hospitals in the city of Padang that has been operational for 14 years, Siti Rahmah Islamic Hospital has carried out the process of destroying medical record documents with imaging methods and storing them to an external hard drive before the medical record file is destroyed to anticipate various needs. relating to medical records, for example, a medical record that is still valuable to be needed can be searched and reprinted. However, the method used is not optimal because of the potential for data loss and the difficulty of the data search process and has not been managed using an information system in the form of a truly computerized program. Optimizing data processing is needed so that integrity, access rights and data availability can be maintained. The application system that will be proposed later uses PHP and Mariadb programming and web-based. The results of the image will be processed in an application and stored in the database. The diverse data will be managed well, easily and safely in a well-structured system. Keywords: Information Systems, Retention, Imaging, Medical Records, Web &nbsp

    Fundamental Study of a Jet-in-Cross-Flow Interacting with a Vortex Generator for Film Cooling Applications

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    Results of an experimental study are presented on the effectiveness of a vortex generator (VG) in preventing lift-off of a jet-in-cross-flow (JICF). The study is pertinent to film-cooling applications and its relevance to NASA programs is first briefly discussed. In the experiment, the jet issues into the boundary layer at an angle of 20deg to the free-stream. The effect of a triangular, ramp-shaped VG is studied while varying its geometry and location. Detailed flow-field properties are obtained for a case in which the height of the VG and the diameter of the orifice are comparable to the approach boundary layer thickness. The VG produces a streamwise vortex pair with vorticity magnitude three times larger (and of opposite sense) than that found in the JICF alone. Such a VG appears to be most effective in keeping the jet attached to the wall. The effect of parametric variation is studied mostly from surveys ten diameters downstream from the orifice. Results over a range of jet-to-freestream momentum flux ratio (1<J<11) show that the VG has a significant effect even at the highest J covered in the experiment. When the VG height is halved there is a lift-off of the jet. On the other hand, when the height is doubled, the jet core is dissipated due to larger turbulence intensity. Varying the location of the VG, over a distance of three diameters from the orifice, is found to have little impact

    Transverse Injection into Subsonic Crossflow with Various Injector Orifice Geometries

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    Computational and experimental results are presented for a case study of single injectors employed in 90 deg transverse injection into a non-reacting subsonic flow. Different injector orifice shapes are used (including circular, square, diamond-shaped, and wide rectangular slot), all with constant cross-sectional area, to observe the effects of this variation on injector penetration and mixing. Whereas the circle, square, and diamond injector produce similar jet plumes, the wide rectangular slot produces a plume with less vertical penetration than the others. There is also some evidence that the diamond injector produces slightly faster penetration with less mixing of the injected fluid. In addition, a variety of rectangular injectors were analyzed, with varying length/width ratios. Both experimental and computational data show improved plume penetration with increased streamwise orifice length. 3-D Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) results are obtained for the various injector geometries using NCC (National Combustion Code) with the kappa-epsilon turbulence model in multi-species modes on an unstructured grid. Grid sensitivity results are also presented which indicate consistent qualitative trends in the injector performance comparisons with increasing grid refinement


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan pada CV. Siak Lestari Kec. Sungai Apit Kab. Siak, yang berlokasi di Jalan Desa Sungai Rawa Kec. Sungai Apit. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan maret 2009 sampai selesai. Penulis melakukan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui bagaimana peran koordinasi dan komunikasi dalam efektifitas kerja yang dilaksanakan oleh CV. Siak Lestari tersebut. Dalam penelitian ini penulis memerlukan data primer dan data skunder dari perusahaan. Populasi dan sampel adalah keseluruhan karyawan dan pekerja proyek yang berjumlah 19 orang. Sampel diambil secara sensus yakni semua karyawan dan pekerja yang ada. Adapun metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif yaitu mengumpulkan data-data yang diperoleh, lalu dipisahkan dan data-data yang sama disatukan kemudian dibuat tabulasi, selanjutnya dianalisis dengan berpedoman dengan teori yang ada tentang masalah-masalah yang dihadapi. Dalam penelitian ini ada tiga variabel penelitian yang dibahas yaitu efektifitas kerja, koordinasi dan komunikasi. Penelitian ini menghasilkan suatu kesimpulan koordinasi dan komunikasi berperan signifikan terhadap efektifitas kerja yang dilakukan oleh CV. Siak Lestari Kec. Sungai Apit Kab. Siak. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut penulis menyarankan agar pimpinan CV. Siak Lestari hendaknya memperhatikan dengan meningkatkankan efektifitas kerja yang sudah dicapai sehingga apa yang dilakukan oleh pimpinan dengan karyawan dan pekerja proyek dapat terus bekerjalan baik. Pimpinan harus memanfaatkan keterampilan berkomunikasi dalam membangun koordinasi dan komunikasi guna terjalinnya hubungan kerjasama yang harmonis dalam lingkungan kerja. Selanjutnya pimpinan harus mengembangkan rencana kerja dengan berkoordinasi lewat komunikasi langsung dengan membicarakan mengenai cara yang terbaik untuk mendistribusikan wewenang dan desain pekerjaan lewat pertukaran informasi secara teratur


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    Rumah sakit berperan sebagai sarana pelayanan kesehatan yang memberikan pelayanan kepada masyarakat dalam meningkatkan derajat kesehatan. Salah satunya untuk menjaga mutu pelayanan dengan menjalankan rekam medis dengan baik dan benar yaitu dengan mengisi rekam medis dengan lengkap dan akurat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah meninjau kelengkapan isi pencatatan medis berkas rekam medis yang ada di pelayanan rawat inap dengan mereview lembar resume medis pasien yang telah pulang setelah perawatan rawat inap dilakukan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional secara deskriptif. Lokasi penelitian ini dilakukan di RSUD Cililin dan waktu penelitian dilakukan pada bulan juni sampai dengan bulan juli 2021. Populasi penelitian ini sebanyak 2 orang. Sampel terdiri dari 1 petugas assembling yang meninjau langsung berkas pasien rawat inap yang diberikan setelah hari perawatan telah selesai dan 1 orang kepala rekam medis guna memonitoring pelaksanaan assembling. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan cara analisis kualitatif berkas resume medis pasien rawat inap yang telah pulang dengan menggunakan Teknik random sampling untuk pengambilan data penelitian. Dalam pelaksanaan rekam medis di RSUD Cililin masih banyak ditemukannya formulir resume medis yang pengisiannya tidaklengkap, masih banyak DPJP yang tidak mematuhi Standar Prosedur Operasional maupun peraturan menurut Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan. Jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa pelaksanaan penyelenggaraan pengisian rekam medis belum mematuhi peraturan yang berlaku baik dari Standar Prosedur Operasional rumah sakit maupun peraturan Menteri kesehatan. Disarankan bagi Dokter Penanggung Jawab Pelayanan, perawat untuk selalu mematuhi undang-undang yang berlaku tentang pengisian rekam medis khususnya resume medis

    Optimalisasi Penggunaan Jetty Apung (Ponton) Terhadap Mobilisasi Penumpang di Pelabuhan Tanjung Harapan Selatpanjang

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    This final project research proposal aims to determine the process of using a floating jetty or pontoon at the Tanjung Harapan Selatpanjang port which currently only uses one pontoon on the right side which must optimize so that it runs efficiently in these activities. port authorities conducted at the port of Tanjung Harapan Selatpanjang. This research will be carried out from March to May 2022. This research uses descriptive, qualitative and interview methods, observations, and documentation in the use of a floating jetty or pontoon. As for the results in conducting this research.is to be able to optimize the use of a floating jetty or pontoon properly and correctly in the use of a jetty so that it does not break for both. The results of this study are optimizing the use of floating jetties for passenger mobilization in Tanjung Harapan Selatpanjang to facilitate boarding and disembarkation of passengers and boat docks to overcome the queues of docking ships so that they can run effectively and efficiently in optimizing the use of floating jetty