8 research outputs found

    Suicide inhibition of alpha-oxamine synthases:structures of the covalent adducts of 8-amino-7-oxononanoate synthase with trifluoroalanine

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    The suicide inhibition of the α-oxamine synthases by the substrate analog, L-trifluoroalanine was investigated. The inhibition resulted in the formation of a complex with loss of all three fluorine atoms. Decarboxylation and loss of fluoride occurred immediately after aldimine formation. The inherent flexibility could allow the difluorinated intermediate complex to adopt a suitable conformation. Decarboxylation in the normal mechanism occurs after formation of the ketoacid intermediate.link_to_subscribed_fulltex

    A unified framework for real-time streaming and processing of IoT data

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    The emergence of the Internet of Things (IoT) is introducing a new era to the realm of computing and technology. The proliferation of sensors and actuators that are embedded in things enables these devices to understand the environments and respond accordingly more than ever before. Additionally, it opens the space to unlimited possibilities for building applications that turn this sensation into big benefits, and within various domains. From smart cities to smart transportation and smart environment and the list is quite long. However, this revolutionary spread of IoT devices and technologies rises big challenges. One major challenge is the diversity in IoT vendors that results in data heterogeneity. This research tackles this problem by developing a data management tool that normalizes IoT data. Another important challenge is the lack of practical IoT technology with low cost and low maintenance. That has often limited large-scale deployments and mainstream adoption. This work utilizes open-source data analytics in one unified IoT framework in order to address this challenge. What is more, billions of connected things are generating unprecedented amounts of data from which intelligence must be derived in real-time. This unified framework processes real-time streams of data from IoT. A questionnaire that involved participants with background knowledge in IoT was conducted in order to collect feedback about the proposed framework. The aspects of the framework were presented to the participants in a form of demonstration video describing the work that has been done. Finally, using the participants’ feedback, the contribution of the developed framework to the IoT was discussed and presented


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    Santri sebagai pemuda yang memasuki kehidupan baru dalam pesantren, memerlukan proses pengenalan diri untuk bisa bertahan menjalani kehidupan sosial. Hubungan yang positif antara santri dengan orang tua, ustad/ustadzah, dan teman sebayanya akan memberikan kontribusi yang positif pula terhadap tingkat kemampuan resiliensi santri. Oleh karena itu peneliti ingin mengetahui kemampuan resiliensi santri baru yang di pengaruhi oleh dukungan sosial. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui pengaruh dukungan sosial terhadap resiliensi santri di pondok modern Darul Ihsan Nganjuk. Populasi penelitian ini adalah santri baru di pondok modern Darul Ihsan Nganjuk. Jumlah sampel sebanyak 118. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan simple random sampling. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan angket berskala (skala likert). Analisis data menggunakan uji regresi linier sederhana. Hasil penelitian menggambarkan bahwa sebagian besar dukungan sosial berada kategori tinggi dan sebagian besar resiliensi berada kategori tinggi. Hasil analisis regresi linier sederhana diperoleh Fhitung 333,281 dengan ketentuan jika Fhitung > Ftabel 3,922 artinya hipotesis ada pengaruh dalam penelitian ini diterima dan angka signifikansi 0,000 dengan ketentuan jika nilai sig < 0,05 artinya ada pengaruh yang signifikan, dengan besarnya sumbangan pengaruh (R Square) 0,742 atau 74,2%. Dengan demikian dukungan sosial mempengaruhi resiliensi bernilai positif yang artinya semakin tinggi nilai dukungan sosial, maka semakin tinggi kemampuan resiliensi santri. Kata kunci: Dukungan sosial, resiliensi, santri bar

    Nawadir mina al Tarikh (4)

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    158 hlm.; 24 cm