7 research outputs found

    Propuesta de estrategia de evaluación y el logro de capacidad de pensamiento creativo, crítico, resolutivo y ejecutivo en los oficiales alumnos de las escuelas de formación y perfeccionamiento del ejército del Perú. Lima

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar una estrategia de evaluación que permita alcanzar logros en el desarrollo del pensamiento creativo, critico, resolutivo y ejecutivo y que puedan ser aplicados a los Oficiales Alumnos de la Escuelas de Formación y Perfeccionamiento del Comando de Educación y Doctrina del Ejército. Lima 2014. La investigación realizada fue de enfoque cuantitativo, de tipo aplicada, de nivel explicativa, con un diseño experimental, de clase cuasiexperimental. La población estuvo conformada por 140 Oficiales Alumnos de los Cursos Avanzado de las Escuelas de Infantería, Artillería, Caballería y Material de Guerra y la muestra fue censal. Se utilizó como técnica de recopilación de datos: la evaluación, que hizo uso como instrumento el test de conocimientos (pretest y postest), para obtener información respecto al rendimiento académico de los Oficiales Alumnos en la asignatura de Empleo Táctico de Infantería. El instrumento de recolección de datos pasó por la prueba de validez de contenido a través del juicio de expertos con un resultado de aplicable y su confiabilidad mediante la prueba de Kuder Richardson (KR20), cuyo valor fue 0,90. Los resultados de la investigación demuestran que la propuesta de evaluación mejora la capacidad del pensamiento creativo, critico, resolutivo y ejecutivo en los Oficiales Alumnos, de la Escuelas de Formación y Perfeccionamiento de COEDE. Chorrillos. Lima 2014

    Propuesta de estrategia de evaluación y el logro de capacidad de pensamiento creativo, crítico, resolutivo y ejecutivo en los oficiales alumnos de las escuelas de formación y perfeccionamiento del ejército del Perú. Lima

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    TesisLima NorteEscuela de PosgradoLa presente investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar una estrategia de evaluación que permita alcanzar logros en el desarrollo del pensamiento creativo, critico, resolutivo y ejecutivo y que puedan ser aplicados a los Oficiales Alumnos de la Escuelas de Formación y Perfeccionamiento del Comando de Educación y Doctrina del Ejército. Lima 2014. La investigación realizada fue de enfoque cuantitativo, de tipo aplicada, de nivel explicativa, con un diseño experimental, de clase cuasiexperimental. La población estuvo conformada por 140 Oficiales Alumnos de los Cursos Avanzado de las Escuelas de Infantería, Artillería, Caballería y Material de Guerra y la muestra fue censal. Se utilizó como técnica de recopilación de datos: la evaluación, que hizo uso como instrumento el test de conocimientos (pretest y postest), para obtener información respecto al rendimiento académico de los Oficiales Alumnos en la asignatura de Empleo Táctico de Infantería. El instrumento de recolección de datos pasó por la prueba de validez de contenido a través del juicio de expertos con un resultado de aplicable y su confiabilidad mediante la prueba de Kuder Richardson (KR20), cuyo valor fue 0,90. Los resultados de la investigación demuestran que la propuesta de evaluación mejora la capacidad del pensamiento creativo, critico, resolutivo y ejecutivo en los Oficiales Alumnos, de la Escuelas de Formación y Perfeccionamiento de COEDE. Chorrillos. Lima 2014

    Study of mental states in online classes caused by COVID-19, using brain-computer Interface

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    The pandemic caused by COVID-19, has achieved the confinement of people around the world, changing many habits and customs. Education is one of the areas where this aspect has caused many changes in the way of studying, mainly in the physical place where the classes are received, in the educational process they went from studying in a classroom to a room in the house And in many cases in the classroom, this new way of studying is causing changes in many aspects, one of the most important and which is the object of this study are changes in the levels of attention provided by students, because they are being affected by agents. distractors such as television, family members among others. The present work focuses on being able to analyze how the concentration and meditation levels are presenting at the time they do their classes, these measurements are made through a brain-computer interface, where the brain signals are recorded and presents concentration and meditation in a range of 0 to 100%, the results show that the children present a low level of concentration at the beginning and at the end of the class sessions, the maximum attention values are presented between 10 to 15 minutes of classes with values above 80%.Campus At

    Decision-making methodology in the outbreak OK vectors transmitting tropical diseases, using heterogeneous geospatial information

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    The analysis and processing of data is important in different areas, and we must pay more attention when it comes to the health of people, in the development of the protocol to prevent the outbreak of vectors transmitting tropical diseases with an emphasis on the mosquito “ AedesAegypti ”, being able to control its reproduction is of vital importance, and is one of the objectives of the protocol, understanding the reproduction times corresponds to the times where we must take necessary actions to be able to cut its reproduction cycle, within the mechanisms Technological we indicate the use of meteorological information to be able to analyze and predict the favorable conditions so that the mosquito can reproduce, added to the valuable information provided by earth observation satellites, in their access to satellite images, which will provide us with Current images of the area of interest, for rapid detection of bodies of water that will be the future nests of the mosquitoes, the heterogeneous processing is characterized by the analysis of the meteorological data in the CPU and the processing of the satellite images in the GPU both running in parallel processes in the same computer, with which we optimize the use of resources available in applications dedicated to health care

    Method to evaluate brain activity in children, in dental procedures based on BCI and virtual reality

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    Dental procedures are very traumatic procedures in children, due to the fact of the trauma and pain that they are afraid of, children normally suffer during visits to the dentist, in this work the power to eliminate these fears through virtual reality is evaluated, Immersing the children in a setting that is comfortable for them, a measurement of brain activity is accompanied by the study through the measurement of the concentration that the child has, at the time of the dental procedure, which is subjected to a visual experience, the results indicate that the child is concentrating on the visual experience rather than the medical procedure

    Method to classify vegetation cover using satellite images and artificial intelligence

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    Space technology is being used with greater emphasis in monitoring land cover, where the use of satellite images is used to analyze large areas of land, we can find optical satellite images that cover large areas of land, we present a methodology to be able to classify areas of vegetation cover present in the cadastre by means of satellite images, the classification is carried out by analyzing the chromatic characteristics that are extracted from the images. For which, two groups of images are created, corresponding to areas with the presence of vegetation and no vegetation. For the classification, the Matlab tool was used, from where a neural network was implemented to perform the classification, as well as a user interface for the use, manipulation and classification of the image, the results allow evaluating through the user interface of such that the neural network will be able to classify it

    Methodology for edge detection in high resolution optical satellite image

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    Optical satellite images are an important and indispensable tool in the analysis of large areas of land, for this reason many applications arise, among them the subject of the detection of objects present in the images, in order to carry out this task, high resolution images are used. , one of the advantages of these images is the level of detail that can be observed, but they have a disadvantage, which is the coverage, which allows the registration of a limited area, as well as the opportunity for the registration of the image by the satellite depends on the orbit, the time and the weather, all these factors cause that the registration of a specific area is of vital importance, in the present work focuses on presenting a methodology for the detection of edges in high resolution satellite images where evidence of the presence of ships that are present in the image, the technique consists of applying the sobel matrices in their different configurations actions, these found edges can serve as input into pattern recognition systems, as a feature or input to a neural network.Campus At