600 research outputs found

    Effect of Renewable Energy and Electric Vehicles on Smart Grid

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    Global electricity demands are increasing at rapid pace. Energy supply, their usage and technologies involved need to be more economical, environment friendly and socially sustainable. Efforts are being done all over the globe to reduce this green house effect; and renewable energy technologies to combat climate changes, which require extensive changes to the current electricity generation and distribution systems. To meet this goal, it is required to optimize the grid operations and available resources to meet the ever increasing energy demands in an efficient, effective and environment sustainable way. So strong and huge interests on smart grid have increased extensively in recent years around the world. This scenario could be a promising reason for future research in this area. This next form of electricity grid will be able to manage various parts of power production from power plants to the customers. Renewable energy sources appear strongly in smart grid so in this paper the effect of this sources will be studied also electric vehicles have a great effect on smart grid infrastructure ,communication and control this paper will discuss this effect if it come from the electric vehicle mode or vehicle to grid mode

    Pengaruh Kepemimpinan dan Motivasi Intrinsik terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Koperasi Pondok Pesantren Darussalam Kecematan Kabun Kabpaten Rokan Hulu

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    The purpose of this study is to explain the variable of Leadership and Intrinstic Motivation to the Employee Performance at Cooperative Boarding School Darussalam Kecamatan Kabun Rokan Hulu.The sampling method in this study using census methods, which all members of the population used as a sample, which amounted to 37 people. Data collection methods used were interviews, documentation and providing questionnaires to employees in accordance with the research conducted. Method of Multiple Regression Analysis using SPSS version 17.0The results from this study showed that simultaneously Leadership variabel and Intrinsic Motivation significantly influence the Employee performance at Cooperative Boarding School Darussalam Darussalam Kecamatan Kabun Rokan Hulu. While partially leadership variables influence the performance of the performance, and as well as for intrinsic motivation variable partially influence on employee performance. From the research that has been conducted, the leaders of cooperative boarding school Darussalam should be able to direct the employee to work independently, must have a high level of patience, to be able to adjust to the employee and also to have a good communicating. From intrinsic motivation, cooperative boarding school Darussalam must give feedback, critics and appreciation to employees in order to achieve good performance.Keywords: Leadership, Intrinsic Motivation, Performanc

    A Preliminary Bibliography of Medieval Arabic Military Literature

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    BEFORE Islam, the Arabs of the Peninsula had their own local system of warfare, that was not of big armies, but of small battles and skirmishes among the tribes. After the death of Muhammad (632), the caliphs established their rule in Arabia, and started their conquests towards Iraq and Persia in the East; and towards Syria, Egypt and North Africa in the West. After the conquest of Spain (711), the Arabs had already built a vast empire extending from the Atlantic shores to the Indus in about one hundred years. While the Arabs began to develop their warfare system, they did not disdain to learn many lessons from the nations they already defeated. Accordingly the Byzantine army served as a model for their land forces. Arab writers and translators began to contribute invaluable treatises on war, archery and chivalry. It is a pity that very few of these have survived, whether Arabic or Persian. Some of the treatises were the translations of books written in Latin, Greek, Persian or Sanskrit. One can say that by the tenth century, the Arabs had an art of war of their own.No disponibl

    Kajian Kondisi Lahan Mangrove Di Desa Bedono, Kecamatan Sayung, Kabupaten Demak Dan Kelurahan Mangunharjo, Kecamatan Tugu, Kota Semarang

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    Mangrove ecosystem have an important role in coastal and marine areas. The existence of these ecosystems in the midst of human life provides many benefits. There are several benefits that are directly or indirectly. Utilization of these ecosystems can slowly lead to a problem that needs to be done the proper management efforts for the utilization of mangrove areas can be done in an optimal and sustainable. One of these management is to evaluate mangrove land condition. The results showed that in both study site physical factor of inundation was the most dominant, while chemical factor even though mostly also similar. Land use and land interaction against current and wave were the most influence factor on mangrove land suitability in Bedono, while in Mangunharjo the most dominant was land use. In term of land suitability for mangrove both Bedono and Mangunharjo were fall into sufficient enough category with physical factors more dominant than the chemicals

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    Alikhanov Legendre–Galerkin spectral method for the coupled nonlinear time-space fractional Ginzburg–Landau complex system

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    A finite difference/Galerkin spectral discretization for the temporal and spatial fractional coupled Ginzburg-Landau system is proposed and analyzed. The Alikhanov L2-1 sigma difference formula is utilized to discretize the time Caputo fractional derivative, while the Legendre-Galerkin spectral approximation is used to approximate the Riesz spatial fractional operator. The scheme is shown efficiently applicable with spectral accuracy in space and second-order in time. A discrete form of the fractional Gronwall inequality is applied to establish the error estimates of the approximate solution based on the discrete energy estimates technique. The key aspects of the implementation of the numerical continuation are complemented with some numerical experiments to confirm the theoretical claims

    Advanced Research and Development of Face Masks and Respirators Pre and Post the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic: A Critical Review

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    The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, in 2020, has accelerated the need for personal protective equipment (PPE) masks as one of the methods to reduce and/or eliminate transmission of the coronavirus across communities. Despite the availability of different coronavirus vaccines, it is still recommended by the Center of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), World Health Organization (WHO), and local authorities to apply public safety measures including maintaining social distancing and wearing face masks. This includes individuals who have been fully vaccinated. Remarkable increase in scientific studies, along with manufacturing-related research and development investigations, have been performed in an attempt to provide better PPE solutions during the pandemic. Recent literature has estimated the filtration efficiency (FE) of face masks and respirators shedding the light on specific targeted parameters that investigators can measure, detect, evaluate, and provide reliable data with consistent results. This review showed the variability in testing protocols and FE evaluation methods of different face mask materials and/or brands. In addition to the safety requirements needed to perform aerosol viral filtration tests, one of the main challenges researchers currently face is the inability to simulate or mimic true aerosol filtration scenarios via laboratory experiments, field tests, and in vitro/in vivo investigations. Moreover, the FE through the mask can be influenced by different filtration mechanisms, environmental parameters, filtration material properties, number of layers used, packing density, fiber charge density, fiber diameter, aerosol type and particle size, aerosol face velocity and concentration loadings, and infectious concentrations generated due to different human activities. These parameters are not fully understood and constrain the design, production, efficacy, and efficiency of face masks