20 research outputs found

    Women's Role in Nyadran as Local Wisdom Preservation

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    Nyadran is an activity that is carried out in fishing communities with the themes of salvation in the sea and praying at ancestors’ tombs. Every year, the nyadran Bluru village community performs these rituals as an expression of gratitude and hope for salvation and blessings from God Almighty. The purpose of this study was to examine the significance of women’s roles in the preservation of nyadran traditions, which are recognized as a form of local wisdom in the city of Sidoarjo. Qualitative methods were used with a case study approach. 20 women participated, and the informants consisted of members of the Bluru village community, community leaders, organizers, and 20 female fisher families. Observations, interviews, focus group discussions, and document analysis were used to collect the data and triangulation was carried out. The findings revealed that women play an important role in the preservation of nyadran local wisdom by preparing objects of salvation in the sea, preparing special food for ritual nyadran practices such as grilled chicken, kupat lepet, and plantain, all of which have symbolic value, and encouraging sons and daughters, other family, and friends in carrying out the tradition. Keywords: women’s role, nyadran, local wisdom, preservatio

    Pengaruh Penambahan Mn2+ dan Mg2+ pada Media Stone Mineral Salt Solution Extract Yeast (Smsse) terhadap Kinerja Isolat Bakteri Dm-5

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    Bioremediasi adalah salah satu upaya untuk mengurangi pencemaran minyak bumi dengan memanfaatkan mikroorganisme. Mikroorganisme yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Isolat bakteri hidrokarbonoklastik DM-5. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh logam Mn2+ dan Mg2+ terhadap aktivitas bakteri yang dapat meningkatkan laju biodegradasi yang dilihat dari penurunan pH, kadar minyak bumi tersisa metode gravimetri, dan senyawa penyusun minyak bumi hasil biodegradasi (GCMS). Media yang digunakan adalah Stone Mineral Salt Solution Extract Yeast (SMSSe) dengan variasi konsentrasi ion logam Mn2+ (1, 5, 10 ppm) dan Mg2+ (100, 150, 200 ppm). Perlakuan terbaik untuk penambahan ion mangan adalah pada media Mn-2 dengan persentase degradasi sebesar 90,54% dengan pH akhir sebesar 5,63 sedangkan media Mn-1 dan Mn-3 sebesar 85,26 % dan 86,42% dengan pH akhir sebesar 5,98 dan 5,76. Perlakuan terbaik untuk penambahan ion magnesium adalah pada media Mg-1 dengan persentase degradasi sebesar 69,37% dengan pH akhir sebesar 6,08 sedangkan media Mg-2 dan Mg-3 sebesar 36,52% dan 28,73% dengan pH akhir sebesar 6,35 dan 6,52

    Identifikasi Varietas Contoh Untuk Karakter Penciri Spesifik Sebagai Penunjang Harmonisasi Pengujian BUSS Padi

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    DUS testing (distinctness, uniformity, stability) for a new variety is required for plant variety protection, using International standard method stated on the test guideline. Identification of specific traits needs to be done, in order to obtain stable characters that are valid to be used as standard variety to represent appearance of class-specific characters. This study aims to 1) evaluate specific/asteric characters (*) according to UPOV descriptors; 2) Identify genotypes that can be used as standard varieties for the appearance of specific characters in the process of harmonization of DUS testing among rice producing countries in Southeast Asia. Activities included characterization of 56 genotypes of irrigated and upland rice and were carried out at the Experimental Station of Indonesian Center for Rice Research in Sukamandi, West Java, from September 2011 to January 2012. Observation of plant characters was based on PPU. The result showed that from 43 of class expression of asteric qualitative characters (*), only 28 class expressions were identified in the materials. The characters class expressions are represented by 25 genotypes/varieties. Another eleven more characters asteric (character essential for the harmonization of test results for the PVP), which were not represented by the candidate sample varieties in this study need to identified

    Justification on cyclopropene to propyne isomerization pathway based on vibrational calculations

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    We report a density-functional coupled with vibrational calculation on justifying the isomerization pathway of cyclopropene to propyne. The idea is to present the pathway in energy level diagram which the transition state is ensured by tracking a particular mode that supports the cyclic bond breaking and triple bond formation to occur. This mode decreases along the pathway and disappears at the transition state. To verify the designed pathway, the activation energy of the isomerization is used to find the rate constant with respect to experimental data at 500 K and 700 K by using transition state theory (TST). At those temperatures, TST predicts the rate constant at the same order of magnitude with the experimental result. It shows that the trend between calculation and experimental data is qualitatively in a good agreement, which implies that the designed pathway is justified. Furthermore, this study can be used as a guide if one needs to construct an isomerization pathway

    The antifungal agent of silver nanoparticles activated by diode laser as light source to reduce C. albicans biofilms: an in vitro study

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    Candida albicans is a normal flora caused fungal infections and has the ability to form biofilms. The aim of this study was to improve the antifungal effect of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) and the light source for reducing the biofilmsurvival of C. albicans. AgNPs were prepared by silver nitrate (AgNO3) and trisodium citrate (Na3C6H5O7). To determine the antifungal effect of treatments on C. albicans biofilm, samples were distributed into four groups; L + P+ was treatment with laser irradiation and AgNPs; L + P− was treatment with laser irradiation only; L − P+ was treatment with AgNPs only (control positive); L − P− was no treatment with laser irradiation or AgNPs (control negative). The growth of fungi had been monitored by measuring the optical density at 405 nm with ELISA reader. The particle size of AgNPs was measured by using (particle size analyzer) and the zeta potential of AgNPs was measured by using Malvern zetasizer. The PSA test showed that the particle size of AgNPs was distributed between 7.531–5559.644 nm. The zeta potentials were found lower than − 30 mVwith pH of 7, 9 or 11. The reduction percentage was analyzed by ANOVA test. The highest reduction difference was given at a lower level irradiation because irradiation with a density energy of 6.13 ± 0.002 J/cm2 resulted in the biofilm reduction of 7.07 ± 0.23% for the sample without AgNPs compared to the sample with AgNPs that increased the biofilm reduction of 64.48 ± 0.07%. The irradiation with a 450nm light source had a significant fungicidal effect on C. albicans biofilm. The combination of light source and AgNPs provides an increase of biofilm reduction compared to the light source itself

    Hubungan antara Konformitas Teman Sebaya dengan Pengambilan Keputusan Studi Lanjut Siswa SMP

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    THE CORRELATION BETWEEN PEER CONFORMITY WITH FURTHER STUDY DECISION MAKING OF JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL. This research was holded based on the phenomenon of Junior High School students who were less independent in further study decision making, so that they adapted based on peer conformity. The research aims to find out the relatonship between peer conformity with further study decision making in Junior High School students. This type of research is ex post facto quantitative with a correlational design. The samples of this research totaled 233 students from five schools with cluster sampling and proportional random sampling techniques. The instruments is used consisted of further study decision making scale, and peer conformity scale. Based on the result analysis, it showed that level further study decision making is high, level peer conformity is medium, and there is finded a negative and significant relationship between peer conformity and further study decision making (r=-0,364, p=0,000 < 0,05)