25 research outputs found

    Pemahaman Pemain Game Online Higgs Domino Kecamatan Bebesen Kabupaten Aceh Tengah Terhadap Ayat-Ayat Tentang Judi

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    Abstract Alquran prohibited gambling because it has several dangerous things caused by playing gambling. Facts that happen right now is show that the problem of online gambling higgs domino has not completely resolved.  Its proven by the higgs domino which is played openly in public spaces. This study wanted to examine more deeply about how the higss domino players understand towards the verses about gambling  and the factors that cause some people in Bebesen Subdistrict Aceh Tengah Regency choose to play higgs domino as a side business. Research data collected through observations, interviews and documentation, further analyzed by descriptions. Research results shows that few player higgs domino have high level understanding of verses about gambling so wise to understand deeply. However few player higgs domino only capable to explain the meaning only in general explanation. The rest there are people who just understand that it is true that there are several verses in the quran that forbid gambling. The factors that cause online jury in the community of Bebesen Subdistrict Aceh Tengah Regency include: 1) Environmental factor and situation, 2) Social media factor, 3) Easy acces, 4) Curious and addiction, 5) Means to entertain yourself, 6) Perceptions about money, and 7) Lack of work field

    Peningkatan Keaktifan Mahasiswa Dalam Mata Kuliah Struktur Aljabar I Melalui Strategi Snow Balling (PTK Pada Mahasiswa Pendidikan Matematika FKIP UMS Semester V Kelas E Tahun Akademik 2014/2015)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan keaktifan mahasiswa dalam mata kuliah struktur aljabar I melalui strategi Snow Balling. Pelaksanaan tindakan kelas dibagi menjadi dua siklus. Siklus I dalam penelitian tindakan kelas terdiri dari dua pertemuan, sedangkan siklus II dalam penelitian tindakan kelas terdiri dari satu pertemuan. Subyek penerima tindakan dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa semester V kelas E yang berjumlah 34 mahasiswa di Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika FKIP UMS tahun akademik 2014/2015. Sedangkan subyek pelaksana tindakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dosen pengampu mata kuliah struktur aljabar I. Metode pengumpulan data saat penelitian menggunakan observasi, wawancara, catatan lapangan, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan peneliti adalah reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa indikator 1). Keaktifan mahasiswa dalam bertanya dan menyampaikan pendapat pada siklus I sebanyak 8 mahasiswa (23,52%), pada siklus II menjadi 20 mahasiswa (58,82%), 2). Keaktifan mahasiswa dalam mengerjakan soal di depan kelas pada siklus I sebanyak 7 mahasiswa (20,59%), pada siklus II menjadi 27 mahasiswa (79,41%), 3). Keaktifan mahasiswa dalam berdiskusi kelompok pada siklus I sebanyak 24 mahasiswa (70,59%), pada siklus II menjadi 27 mahasiswa (79,41%). Dari tiap siklus, terdapat peningkatan keaktifan mahasiswa dalam pembelajaran struktur aljabar I melalui strategi Snow Balling. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa melalui strategi Snow Balling dapat meningkatkan keaktifan belajar mahasiswa dalam pembelajaran struktur aljabar I

    Resistance to Economic Oligarchy in the Al-Quran through the Lens of Tafsir Nuzuli

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    This article aims to examine the Quran's resistance to economic oligarchy by referencing the interpretations of Surah Al-Humazah and Al-Hashr: 7. Employing the tafsir Nuzuli approach from the perspective of Muhammad Abid al-Jabiri, the article delves into two main issues: Firstly, the review of the tafsir Nuzuli concerning economic principles in Surah Al-Humazah and al-Hashr verse 7. Secondly, the correlation between these verses and their contextualization in relation to economic oligarchy. The study adopts a literature review using a descriptive-analytical method. Based on an analysis of interpretation aspects, sabab nuzul, and the historical context of pre-Islamic Arabia, the study concludes that the verses articulate the Quran's opposition to economic oligarchy. The interpretation of Surah Al-Humazah condemns the propaganda of economic oligarchy perpetrators, specifically a group of pagan Quraisy elites. The interpretation of al-Hashr verse 7 reveals the wealth distribution policy implemented during the Prophet's leadership in Medina based on maslahah, ensuring the avoidance of concentrating wealth exclusively among a select few affluent individuals. The sabab nuzul of these verses, associated with the conditions of pre-Islamic Arabia, elucidates the Quranic vision of economic justice, allowing for its contextualization in the present era

    Video Profile as Supporting Media Promotion at SMA Muhammadiyah 2 Sidoarjo: Video Profile Sebagai Media Penunjang Promosi pada SMA Muhammadiyah 2 Sidoarjo

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    The purpose of this research is to promote and provide information about SMA Muhammadiyah 2 Sidoarjo. Based on the needs analysis in this study, it is necessary to support promotional media in the form of video profiles, to be able to publish information and promotions  This research method uses a descriptive qualitative data collection method. through direct observation and interviews with SMA Muhammadiyah 2 Sidoarjo, then the design data is divided into two, namely: a.) Primary data in the form of visual data from SMA Muhammadiyah 2 Sidoarjo and b.) Secondary data, namely studies of various theories obtained from the web and brochures schools as well as conceptual descriptions of media production including preproduction, then production and ends with postproduction. By designing the Video Profile media, it can be known by many people and attract the interest of parents and children to be persuasive to register&nbsp

    Melacak Sinisme Al-Zamakhsyari Terhadap Perempuan (Aplikasi Semiotika-Psikoanalisis Jacques Lacan)

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    This article will review the bias of al-Zamakhshari, a lifelong single mufasir, when interpreting Qur'anic verses concerning women. To what extent does his singleness trigger a negative view of women. This research departs from the perspective of Lacanian semiotics-psychoanalysis that human desires have a strong influence on their views on things and this can be observed through the language they produce. There are two issues to be answered: first, what is the desire behind al-Zamakhshari's slovenliness; second, how does it relate to the interpretation of verses about women. Based on a literature review of al-Zamakhshari's historical literature and his tafseer al-Kasysyaf, this study finds that al-Zamakhshari's desire for singleness is covered by various factors; ranging from religious priorities, patriarchal environment, to personal trauma. Indications of cynicism in his interpretation then lead to the glorification of the negative side of women, male superiority, and resistance to the concept of living in pairs as absolute human nature. However, the cynicism is not radical because in many interpretations of verses about women, al-Zamakhshari presents a legal-normative review so that it appears proportional

    Control of Foam Structure in PolyStyrene-Nanosilica-Carbon Dioxide: Effect of Temperature and Nanoparticles

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    This study addresses the effect of temperature and nanoparticle on PS foam structure in order to control its structure more accurately. For this purpose, a theoretical hypothesis was proposed by explaining the classical nucleation theory. The PS in the presence of nanosilica and CO2 was foamed. Foaming process was carried out in a vessel suitable under high pressure and temperature conditions, and with instantaneous pressure release and high-speed stabilization capabilities. The most important factors affecting foam properties including foaming temperature, size, content and surface properties of nanosilica were investigated. Increasing of foaming temperature was effective on the initial nuclei formation and cell growth. These two effects determined the final foam structure. When the temperature was changed from 90 to 180°C, cell density of PS foam increased thousand fold to 2.2×1012 number of cells per unit volume of foam (cell/cm3). The results showed that a small amount of nanosilica had a substantial effect on decreasing the cell size and increasing the cell density. An increase in nanoparticle concentration also increased its effectiveness. Moreover, the quality and structure of foam were improved by adding the nanoparticle. As the size of nanosilica increased from 20 to 40 nm, its cell density decreased from 3.3×109 to 1.78×109 numbers of cells per unit volume of foam (cells/cm3). Surface treatment of the nanosilica using triethoxysilane, in addition to improving nanoparticle dispersion, increased its cell density. The efficiency of nanosilica in improving cell density after surface treatment increased by more than double

    Heterogeneous Nucleation in Batch Foaming of Polystyrene in Presence of Nanosilica as a Nucleating Agent

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    theoretical hypothesis was put forward on the effect of nanoparticle size on cell nucleation in polystyrene (PS) matrix foam. At first the heterogeneous factor was calculated in different wetting angles from zero to 180º. Then, to verify this hypothesis a combination of the solution and melting methods was used to prepare PS-nanosilica nanocomposites at different concentrations and different sizes of nanosilica. In this regard a novel apparatus, including a high-pressure/high-temperature vessel capable of instantaneous pressure release and stabilization control, was used to prepare a polystyrene-nanosilica nanocomposite foam in its melt state. To reach the foaming conditions, the vessel was pressurized with dry ice at the specified temperature. After reaching the foaming conditions, the sample was saturated with supercritical carbon dioxide (CO2) for 8 more hours. Then, the pressure was released with an on/off valve and the temperature was instantaneously dropped to below glass transition temperature. The scanning electron microscopy pictures were used to calculate the effect of nanosilica on the main foaming parameters including cell density and cell size. The results showed that a small amount of nanosilica has substantial effect on decreasing cell size and increasing the cell density. Moreover, the foam quality and structure was improved by addition of the nanoparticle