34 research outputs found

    Penguatan Santripreneur melalui Pemberdayaan Ekonomi di Lingkungan Pondok Pesantren

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    One of the factors that can support the realization of economic independence in Islamic boarding schools is the Santripreneur program. Al Islahuddiny Islamic Boarding School is one of the boarding schools that facilitates the development of santripreneur as a driver of economic activity in the Islamic boarding school environment. As a form of facilitation for the focus of developing the santripreneur, this community service activity was carried out. The method used in this community service activity is starting with the implementation of a focus group discussion (FGD) in order to formulate the root of the problem and needs and followed by entrepreneurship training by utilizing used goods as items of sale value. The economic empowerment activities of Islamic boarding schools carried out at the Al Islahuddiny Islamic Boarding School have been able to foster the spirit of innovation and creativity of students, while the student involved in this training came from 5 different units, ranging from Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs), Madrasah Aliyah (MA) to High Schools. Da’wah Science (STID). Student entrepreneurship training has encouraged the growth of the creation of handmade products that are processed in such a way from the results of recycling plastic waste

    Penguatan Ekonomi Lokal Pada Pelaku UMKM Berbasis Digital Di Desa Winduaji Kabupaten Brebes

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    In the industrial era 4.0, technological knowledge, especially information technology is very important. UMKM are micro-enterprises that should have used the information access for the economic welfare of a region, but vice versa. Current problems with UMKM include lack of capital and knowledge of information technology. Winduaji village is one of the villages with UMKM actors with minimal information technology knowledge. The method of implementation is the method of discussion with the format of Training regarding identifying problems to the use of technology media. This training activity was attended by 56 participants consisting of village officials, UMKM actors, and tourism conscious reservoirs. As a result, all participants showed great interest in using social media marketing continuously

    Turbulence effect of urban-canopy flow on indoor velocity fields under sheltered and cross-ventilation conditions

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    Understanding the characteristics of natural, wind-induced ventilation of buildings is essential for accurate predictions of ventilation flow rates; however, indoor ventilation is significantly influenced by surrounding buildings. Therefore, a series of wind-tunnel experiments were performed to clarify the relationship between outdoor and indoor air flows around and within a target cube model with several openings. Two surrounding building arrangements, namely square (SQ) and staggered (ST), were placed under the condition of a building coverage ratio of 25%. The results indicated that the wind speed near the windward openings on the streamwise faces showed 0.3 to the reference wind speed, whereas those on the lateral faces were less than 0.1; these numbers indicate that the opening positions significantly affect the mean indoor wind speed. Furthermore, the temporal fluctuations of velocities near the opening demonstrated that the introduction of the flow is significantly affected by turbulent flow due to the surrounding buildings. In addition, correlation between the outdoor and indoor air flows was observed. The highest correlations were obtained for both opening conditions with a certain temporal delay. This result indicates that indoor air flows become turbulent because of the turbulent flows generated by the surrounding outdoor buildings; however, slight temporal delays could occur between indoor and outdoor air flows. Although the present study focuses on the fundamental turbulent characteristics of indoor and outdoor air flows, such findings are essential for accurately predicting the ventilation flow rate due to turbulent air flows for sheltered buildings

    [Potential of Waqf Livestock Financing for Micro, Medium and Large Scale Businesses] Potensi Pendekatan Pembiayaan Wakaf Penternakan Berskala Mikro, Sederhana dan Makro

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    Malaysia is a Muslim majority country with an estimated Muslim population in Malaysia of 20, 192 700 out of the total population in Malaysia. This amount reflects the need for food security including the supply of halal food for the needs of the Muslim community. Malaysia is also the most popular Islamic tourism destination in the global Muslim tourism market due to access of halal food through halal-certified restaurants. However, Malaysia still depends on imports products in various food commodities including rice, milk and dairy products, beef and mutton. Total food imports reached about RM45.4 billion compared to Malaysia's exports just only about RM27 billion leaving a deficit of more than RM18 billion. These imports are expected to increase further but there is still a shortage of supply from local sources in Malaysia. To meet the demand of domestic market, Malaysia needs to formulate a plan to improve the sustainability of food security, including protein sources from cattle and goat farming. In addition, Malaysia has the potential for the development of wakaf land due to having an area of idle wakaf land covering 11,091.82 hectares. Thus, this study aims to examine the suitability of waqf financing approaches that have the potential to be practiced in waqf livestock projects. This study has the potential as an initial proposal to implement a livestock endowment project financing approach to increase the level of food security in Malaysia and reduce dependence on imports of beef and mutton. Malaysia merupakan negara majoriti Muslim dengan anggaran penduduk Muslim di Malaysia sebanyak 20, 192 700 daripada jumlah keseluruhan penduduk yang berada di Malaysia. Jumlah ini menggambarkan keperluan terhadap sekuriti makanan termasuklah bekalan makanan halal untuk keperluan masyarakat Muslim. Malaysia turut merupakan destinasi pelancongan Islam paling popular dalam pasaran pelancongan muslim global yang disebabkan akses kepada makanan halal melalui restoran yang diiktiraf halal. Walaubagaimanapun, Malaysia  bergantung kepada import luar dalam pelbagai komoditi makanan termasuklah beras, susu dan produk tenusu, daging lembu dan daging kambing. Jumlah keseluruhan import makanan  hampir menjangkau RM45.4 bilion berbanding eksport Malaysia ke luar negara hanya RM 27 bilion meninggalkan defisit melebihi RM18 bilion. Jumlah import ini dijangka akan terus meningkat sekiranya masih lagi kekurangan bekalan dari sumber lokal di Malaysia. Bagi memenuhi keperluan makanan domestik, Malaysia perlu merangka pelan untuk meningkatkan kelestarian sekuriti makanan termasuklah sumber protein daripada penternakan lembu dan kambing. Tambahan pula, Malaysia mempunyai potensi untuk pembangunan tanah wakaf berikutan mempunyai keluasan tanah wakaf terbiar merangkumi 11,091.82 hektar. Justeru, kajian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti kesesuaian pendekatan pembiayaan wakaf yang berpotensi dipraktikkan dalam projek wakaf penternakan. Kajian ini berpotensi sebagai cadangan awal untuk mengimplentasikan pendekatan pembiayaan projek wakaf penternakan untuk meningkatkan tahap sekuriti makanan di Malaysia dan mengurangkan pergantungan terhadap import daging lembu dan kambing dari luar negara.  &nbsp

    Pengaruh Pelaksanaan Isoman (Isolasi Mandiri) di Desa dan di Kota Terhadap Hubungan Sosial Kemasyarakatan

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    ABSTRACTIn breaking the chain of the spread of Covid-19, one of the efforts that can be done is to undergo self- isolation (isoman). The purpose of implementing this isoman is to limit a person or area suspected of being infected from transmitting the virus to other people or to groups of people at risk. However, the various polemics that occur are often the community views negatively people who do isoman such as distancing themselves, lack of social sense and empathy. Therefore, this study aims to determine whether there is an effect of isoman implementation on community social relations that occur in the village area, namely Tawang Hamlet, Driyorejo Village, Nguntoronadi District, Magetan Regency and the City area in Jaya Maspion Permata Housing Block B4-63 Bangah Village, Gedangan District, Sidoarjo Regency. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative to describe the reality in the field, through data obtained from interviews, observations and documentation. The results of the study indicate that there are differences in the availability of health facilities where the city area has complete facilities in terms of the use of hand sanitizers and oxygen cylinders, in contrast to Driyorejo Village where the availability of health care programs is still limited. Meanwhile, based on the results of respondents, social relations, both city and village residents, on average during self-isolation, residents work together and are enthusiastic to help fulfill logistics, such as basic needs, medicines, and other

    Grano-GT: A granular ground truth collection tool for encrypted browser-based Internet traffic

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    © 2020 Modern network traffic classification puts much attention toward producing a granular classification of the traffic, such as at the application service level. However, the classification process is often impaired by the lack of granular network traffic ground truth. Granular network traffic ground truth is critical to provide a benchmark for a fair evaluation of modern network traffic classification. Nevertheless, in modern network traffic classification, existing ground truth tools only managed to build the ground truth at the application name level at most. Application name level granularity is quickly becoming insufficient to address the current needs of network traffic classification and therefore; this paper presents the design, development and experimental evaluation of Grano-GT, a tool to build a reliable and highly granular network traffic ground truth for encrypted browser-based traffic at the application name and service levels. Grano-GT builds on four main engines which are packet capture, browser, application and service isolator engines. These engines work together to intercept the application requests and combine them with the support of temporal features and cascading filters to produce reliable and highly granular ground truth. Preliminary experimental results show that Grano-GT can classify the Internet traffic into respective application names with high reliability. Grano-GT achieved an average accuracy of more than 95% when validated using nDPI at the application name level. The remaining 5% loss of accuracy was primarily due to the unavailability of signatures in nDPI. In addition, Grano-GT managed to classify application service traffic with significant reliability and validated using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test

    GRAIN: Granular multi-label encrypted traffic classification using classifier chain

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    Granular traffic classification categorizes traffic into detailed classes like application names and services. Application names represent parent applications, such as Facebook, while application services are the individual actions within the parent application, such as Facebook-comment. These granular classes are still insufficient to keep pace with modern applications that offer various services. Accordingly, this paper further divides the application service class into inter-application and intra-application services to provide more insights. Interapplication service refers to a similar service between different parent applications, such as Facebook-comment and Youtube-comment, whereas intra-application service differentiates services within the same parent application, such as Facebook-comment and Facebook-post. Most studies focus on classification at the application name and inter-application service levels. In contrast, classification at the intra-application service level receives far less attention due to its complexity despite providing the highest flexibility. Therefore, this paper presents GRAIN, a granular multi-label approach to classify encrypted traffic at all three levels of granular classification: application name, inter-application and intra-application service levels using a classifier chain. GRAIN chains two random forest classifiers to produce a multi-label classification using seven novel statistical features based on packet payload length. The utilized features are independent of the packet payload content, thus unaffected by packet encryption and preserving user privacy. Our performance evaluation showed that GRAIN achieved an average F-measure of 99% at the application name level, 93% at the inter-application service level and 88% at the intra-application service level. To test for robustness, we compared GRAIN against four baseline classifiers and the ISCX VPN-nonVPN public dataset in which GRAIN maintained its comparable performance across all tests

    Numerical investigation of the power performance of the vertical-axis wind turbine with endplates

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    An H-rotor vertical axis wind turbine (VAWTs) can operate independently in any wind direction, making it aerodynamically efficient and suitable to harness wind energy in low wind speed areas. The aerodynamic efficiency of VAWTs is highly dependent on the blade geometry, especially the blade tip. Tip vortices produced at the blade tips can negatively affect the VAWT’s aerodynamic efficiency. Adding endplates to the blade tips can minimize the effects of tip vortices on VAWTs. In this paper, several endplate designs are used to evaluate the effectiveness in improving the power coefficient, Cp of a VAWT at three different tip speed ratios (TSRs) using three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics (3D CFD) simulation. The power coefficients of VAWTs with endplates are compared with the baseline model with the same geometrical parameters where the baseline VAWT model is based on the experimental model from the literature. Since the focus of this study is on the blade tip design, a simplified 3D VAWT model is used where the supporting shaft and arms of the VAWT are excluded to reduce the needed computational capacity. Among the various endplate designs used in this study, the semi-circular inward endplate (ED3) with a diameter equivalent to 1.2 blade chord length showed the best improvement in the Cp which is by 7.45%, and 5.79% for at the TSRs of 2.19 and 2.58, respectively. The pressure difference on both sides of the blade was also examined. The results revealed that the endplate can prevent the flow from bypassing the blade tip, hence, preventing the occurrence of tip vortices while improving the aerodynamic efficiency near the blade tip, ultimately, improving the overall Cp of a VAWT

    The business model for access to affordable re on economic, social, and environmental value : A review

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    Renewable energy has the potential to power the global economy and effective business models will significantly aid this goal, being among the most critical factors in spurring expansion in the energy industry. This paper reviews articles that discuss business models in the renewable energy sector. Long-term economic, social, and ecological stability is concerned. Previous studies have neglected the environmental sustainability of renewable energy business models, focusing on their technical, social, and economic aspects, primarily for energy access. The business models for solar home and pico systems relied heavily on lowering costs through creative payment plans for customers to be commercially viable. The demand for mini-grids requires end users to launch businesses that can leverage electrification initiatives to be commercially via-ble. The success of a mini-grid depends on the average consumption and reve-nue per user. Affordability, unmet energy needs, low electricity demand, lack of financing, unfamiliar business models, and immature markets have imped-ed energy access in Indonesia. Our analysis revealed that future studies in this field must include environmental sustainability to provide a complete picture for decision-makers. Renewable energy needs in Indonesia can be achieved through the sustainability domain, policy makers can consult this evidence set