645 research outputs found


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    The article reveals that the system of masters’ in dentistry professional training in Ukraine does not sufficiently meet the international requirements and education levels regulated by the National Qualifications Framework. At the same time, the updated field standard of higher education in the specialty “Dentistry” (2019) contains a number of contradictory conditions, in particular: the availability of educational-professional training program and educational-scientific (optional for universities) one with different number of credits (300 and 360 correspondingly). The necessity to implement the levels of junior bachelor (dentist’s assistant) and bachelor (odontologist-hygienist) into the model of masters’ in dentistry professional training process was substantiated. This allows students of higher dental education institutions to start practical activity from the first year of studying, which can encourage them to increase the level of their professional competence and restore the preventive component of dental care to the population of Ukraine. It has been proved the expediency to prolong the period of masters’ in dentistry professional training to 6 years with the last year of practically oriented study to ensure compliance of dental education in Ukraine with the requirements of the World Federation for Medical Education in terms of the amount of academic load and the need to strengthen its practical component. A modern model of masters’ in dentisry professional training has been developed in accordance with the National Qualifications Framework and the requirements of the World Federation of Medical Education.У статті доведено, що система професійної підготовки магістрів-стоматологів в Україні не відповідає достатньою мірою міжнародним вимогам і регламентованим Національною рамкою кваліфікацій рівням освіти. Водночас оновлений галузевий стандарт вищої освіти за спеціальністю «Стоматологія» (2019) містить низку суперечливих положень, зокрема: наявність освітньо-професійної і освітньо-наукової (на вибір ЗВО) програм підготовки з різним об’ємом кредитів (300 і 360 відповідно). Обґрунтовано необхідність імплементації у модель процесу професійної підготовки магістрів-стоматологів рівнів молодшого бакалавра – асистента стоматолога, бакалавра – одонтолога-гігієніста і магістра – лікаря-стоматолога. Це дасть змогу студентам закладів вищої стоматологічної освіти розпочати практичну діяльність з молодших курсів, що сприятиме підвищенню рівня їх професійної компетентності і відновленню профілактичної складової стоматологічної допомоги населенню України. Для забезпечення відповідності стоматологічної освіти в Україні вимогам ВФМО у частині обсягу навчального навантаження і необхідності посилити її практичну складову доведено доцільність продовжити термін професійної підготовки магістрів до 6 років з останнім – практично-орієнтованим роком навчання. Розроблена модель професійної підготовки магістрів-стоматологів відповідно до Національної рамки кваліфікацій і вимог Всесвітньої федерації медичної освіти

    Coherence resonance in a network of FitzHugh-Nagumo systems: interplay of noise, time-delay and topology

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    We systematically investigate the phenomena of coherence resonance in time-delay coupled networks of FitzHugh-Nagumo elements in the excitable regime. Using numerical simulations, we examine the interplay of noise, time-delayed coupling and network topology in the generation of coherence resonance. In the deterministic case, we show that the delay-induced dynamics is independent of the number of nearest neighbors and the system size. In the presence of noise, we demonstrate the possibility of controlling coherence resonance by varying the time-delay and the number of nearest neighbors. For a locally coupled ring, we show that the time-delay weakens coherence resonance. For nonlocal coupling with appropriate time-delays, both enhancement and weakening of coherence resonance are possible

    SiC Nanofibers in Canals and Pores of Cordierite Honeycomb Material as a Support for Catalyst in CO-PROX Reaction

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    The Cu–Co oxide system supported on SiC nanofibers deposited on cordierite was studied in the CO oxidation reaction in the presence of hydrogen

    Surgical treatment of the ischemic heart disease with lowered contractility of left ventricle and mitral valve insufficiency

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    Objective. To determine the impact of the mitral valve insufficiency in patients, suffering ischemic heart disease with lowered contractility of left ventricle and methods of its treatment. Materials and methods. During 01.01.2015-31.12.2018 yrs period in the Amosov National Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery there were conducted 2267 consecutive operations of coronary shunting, of them 190 (8.4%) - in patients, suffering the ischemic heart disease with lowered contractility of left ventricle. Reduction of the output fraction of left ventricle down to 35% and lower have served as criterion of inclusion of the patients into the Group. There were 170 (89.5%) men and 20 (10.5%) women. The patients’ age have constituted 29 - 83 yrs old, (61.1 ± 8.9) yrs old at average. Results. In 47.9% of the patients the lowering of the left ventricle contractility after myocardial infarction was followed by occurrence of regurgitation on a mitral valve. At the same time it was noted, that the regurgitation value have had correlated with degree of the left ventricle contractility lowered: in reduction of values of the left ventricle output fracture down to 25% and lower a moderate regurgitation on a mitral valve was registered up to 2 times, a significant one - in 2.5 times, and the pronounced one - in 1.5 times more frequently, than in values of the left ventricle output fracture, exceeding 25%. Occurrence of a mitral insufficiency in 18.7% patients was caused by direct damage of valvular apparatus, while in 81.3% patients the consequences of the heart cavities were present in disorder of contractile function of myocardium. Presence of postinfarction mitral insufficiency enhances the risk of an acute cardiac insufficiency in 1.7 times and necessitates intraoperative correction in values of the regurgitation fraction over 30%. Conclusion. The own data obtained witness, that noncorrected mitral insufficiency in the ischemic heart disease worsens significantly the postoperative period course after performance of coronary shunting, enhancing rate of an acute cardiac, respiratory and renal insufficiency. Thus, taking into account a negative impact of concomitant mitral valve insufficiency on efficacy of surgical interventions in the lowered contractility of left ventricle the need emerges to perform complex reconstructive intervention in patients, suffering ischemic heart disease with lowered contractility of left ventricle


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    Purpose: to provide recommendations for targeted communication with key groups of consumers of continuing professional development (CPD) services based on previous segmentation. Materials and Methods. The answers of 1768 respondents representing all regions of Ukraine, about the importance of factors in choosing the form of CPD subjected to factor analysis, which resulted in four factors were used as variables for cluster analysis (k-means method). The results were evaluated on the basis of descriptive statistics, the statistical probability of the difference was determined by pairwise comparison, and by analysis of variance. Results. As a result of segmentation, carried out on the basis of the analysis of questionnaires of doctors – consumers of educational services, four key factors of a choice of the form of CPD are revealed: professionalism, accessibility, the level of social activity, formalism of the student – on the basis of which seven clusters of students were formed, differing in socio-demographic and psychographic characteristics. Conclusions. Critical tasks are the optimization of the educational process, minimizing the flow of documents and time off from work, establishing work with online media, accounting, analysis, communication with existing consumers of educational services.Мета: надати рекомендації для здійснення прицільної комунікації з ключовими групами споживачів послуг безперервного професійного розвитку на основі попередньої сегментації. Матеріали і методи. Анкети 1768 респондентів, які представляють всі регіони України, щодо важливості чинників вибору форми безперервного професійного розвитку піддано факторному аналізу, за результатами якого отримано чотири фактори, значення яких використано для проведення кластерного аналізу (метод к-середніх). Оцінку результатів здійснювали на основі даних дескриптивної статистики, статистичну вірогідність різниці показників визначали методи попарного порівняння та дисперсійного аналізу. Результати. У результаті сегментування, здійсненого на основі аналізу анкет лікарів – споживачів освітніх послуг, виявлено чотири ключові фактори вибору форми безперервного професійного розвитку: професійність, доступність навчального курсу, рівень соціальної активності, формалізм слухача, на основі яких утворено сім кластерів слухачів, що відрізняються за соціодемографічними та психографічними характеристиками. Висновки. Критичними завданнями є оптимізація освітнього процесу, мінімізація документообігу, часу відриву від роботи фахівців, налагодження роботи з онлайн-медіа, облік, аналіз та комунікація з наявними освітніми послугами

    Mitochondria-Targeted Antioxidant SkQ1 Improves Dermal Wound Healing in Genetically Diabetic Mice

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    Oxidative stress is widely recognized as an important factor in the delayed wound healing in diabetes. However, the role of mitochondrial reactive oxygen species in this process is unknown. It was assumed that mitochondrial reactive oxygen species are involved in many wound-healing processes in both diabetic humans and animals. We have applied the mitochondria-targeted antioxidant 10-(6′-plastoquinonyl)decyltriphenylphosphonium (SkQ1) to explore the role of mitochondrial reactive oxygen species in the wound healing of genetically diabetic mice. Healing of full-thickness excisional dermal wounds in diabetic C57BL/KsJ-db−/db− mice was significantly enhanced after long-term (12 weeks) administration of SkQ1. SkQ1 accelerated wound closure and stimulated epithelization, granulation tissue formation, and vascularization. On the 7th day after wounding, SkQ1 treatment increased the number of α-smooth muscle actin-positive cells (myofibroblasts), reduced the number of neutrophils, and increased macrophage infiltration. SkQ1 lowered lipid peroxidation level but did not change the level of the circulatory IL-6 and TNF. SkQ1 pretreatment also stimulated cell migration in a scratch-wound assay in vitro under hyperglycemic condition. Thus, a mitochondria-targeted antioxidant normalized both inflammatory and regenerative phases of wound healing in diabetic mice. Our results pointed to nearly all the major steps of wound healing as the target of excessive mitochondrial reactive oxygen species production in type II diabetes

    Current status of healthcare-associated enteroviral (non-polio) infections

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    Here we present the data on foreign research publications describing healthcare-associated enteroviral (nonpolio) infections (HAI) sought in the Worldwide Database for Nosocomial Outbreaks (Institut für Hygiene und Umweltmedizin, Universitȁtmedizincomplex “Charite”, Germany) as well as PubMed search engine (The United States National Library), covering 1936–2017 timeframe. The publications retrieved contained the data on 28 nosocomial outbreaks caused by Enterovirus A (EV-A71), В (Echoviruses 11, 17, 18, 30, 31, 33, Coxsackie viruses А9, В2, В5) and D (EV-D68). It was discovered that the majority of the nosocomial enteroviral (non-polio) outbreaks occurred in obstetric hospitals and neonatal units so that children were mainly maternally infected. In addition, a case associated with intrauterine infection was described. It was shown that outbreaks might be started by an infected child at the incubation period. Single publications reported nosocomial outbreaks in geriatric hospitals. Generally, nosocomial enteroviral (non-polio) outbreaks were characterized by polymorphic clinical picture caused by any certain pathogen serotype and within a single site of the infection. Few lethal outcomes were recorded. Enterovirus B species dominated among identified etiological agents. Violated hospital hygiene and infection control contributing to spread of infection were among those found in neonatal units: putting used diapers out on baby bed prior disposal, sharing bathtub, toys and household objects as well as poor hand hygiene in medical workers. One of the measures recommended to improve diagnostics of enteroviral (non-polio) infections was virology screening of children with suspected sepsis in case of unidentified etiology. It was established that etiological decoding of nosocomial outbreaks was impossible without applying pathogen-specific diagnostic tools, mainly nested RT-PCR and direct sequencing of followed by subsequent phylogenetic analysis

    Self-healing polyurethane-polypropylene oxide copolymers for the protection of carbon and glass fiber-reinforced composites

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    Polyurethane-polypropylene oxide block copolymers containing fragments of an adduct capable of self-healing by the Diels-Alder reaction mechanism have been synthesized and studied for the first time. All obtained polyurethane copolymers were characterized by IR spectroscopy. The temperature transitions and thermal stability of copolymer melts were determined by using the methods of differential scanning calorimetry and thermogravimetric analysis. The self-healing effect was confirmed using a thermal cycling procedure on pre-damaged samples of modified polyurethanes and surface morphology studies. The perspective of the work begun on the creation of self-healing protective polyurethane coatings are shown

    Hepatic Steatosis Detection by Computer Vision During Chest Low-Dose Computed Tomography in Lung Cancer Screening Program

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    Background. Chest low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) is used in lung cancer screening, but the study data can also be used to assess the liver condition, including the hepatic steatosis (HS) detection. However, radiologists often do not pay attention to liver changes due to the focus on the chest. Objective: to determine the prevalence of HS during chest LDST among lung cancer screening patients using a computer vision (CV) system. Material and methods. For a retrospective study, 300 chest LDCT were taken from Moscow lung cancer screening in 2018–2020. Hepatic attenuation analysis was performed by CV, the values < 40 HU were considered as HS. The text protocols of CT scans were analysed and compared with decreased hepatic attenuation revealed by CV system. Results. 291 patients were analysed, the median age for the sample was 65 [61; 70] years. The mean hepatic attenuation was 55.6 ± 14.8 HU. Hepatic attenuation < 40 HU was found in 13% patients (23 (16.1%) males and 14 (9.5%) females), a statistically significant difference was revealed among these patients (p = 0.04). Six (4.2%) males and 4 (2.7%) females were at risk for HS (40–45 HU). The examination of text protocols showed no pathology discovered in all cases. Conclusion. The prevalence of CT signs for HS among the lung cancer screening group in Moscow was 13%. The absence of HS in text protocols highlights the importance of using CV systems in the routine practice