607 research outputs found

    Vasculitis in Border disease of sheep

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    Aspects of pathogenesis and pathology of vascular lesions in Border disease of sheep have been investigated.Morphologically the lesion is recognised by the development of microscopical lymphocytic-aacrophagic nodules, located mainly in the adventitia of small arteries and arterioles of certain tissues especially CHS, In addition there were minor degenerative changes, characterised by the fragmentation of the nuclei of infiltrating and smooth muscle cells in the outer layers. Lightand electron- microscopically and histochemically virtually all the cells of the infiltrate are typical- and atypical- lymphocytes and macrophages. Evidence is provided that the lymphocytes originate from circulation and after traversing the arteriolar wall lodge in the adventitia. Occasional cells identified morphologically and histochemically as neutrophils could not be confirmed electron-microscopically. Plasma cells and their precursors were entirely absent in the infiltrate. Evidence of phagocytic activity in macrophages was obtained from the M findings of secondary lysosomes, phagocytosed and free necrotic cell debris, reiidual bodies and an unidentified structure. However, M did not demonstrate cells rich in intracytoplasmic Rdft or polyribosomes i.e. plasma cells capable of producing free antibodies. Nor did JiM demonstrate localisation of circulating antigen-antibody complexes, and no viral particles were evident at the magnification used. Furthermore, there was no evidence of fragmentation or duplication of the elastic laminae, proliferation and transformation of smooth muscle cells, fibrinoid degeneration or fibrin deposition. The results with the FITC conjugated rabbit anti-sheep fibrin serum eliminated the slightest possibility there being minute fibrin deposits in affected vessels. The lesion appeared similar in all of the affected blood vessels and no healing was observed.Histochemical techniques for lipid revealed droplets which according to their staining characteristics and extraction results are considered to be hydrophilic lipids probably cholesterol, cholesterol esters and triglycerides. These were present in and between the cytoplasm of infiltrated cells in the adventitia and occasionally were observed in the media of affected blood vessels. On the basis of their location, and the type of blood vessel affected, it is deduced that they are possibly due to minor degenerative changes in the media.study of the conditions under which the vasculitis was observed, revealed that the lesion i3 present only in infected animals and is therefore one of the manifestation of Border disease agent per se. However, vasculitis in both progeny and ewes i3 dependent upon gestational age at infection —> 82 days for progeny and < 70 days for mothers. The optimum time to produce vasculitis, in terms of gestation is 110 days, when in two consecutive experiments 83% (10/12) and 10a% (8/8) take was obtained in the related sub-groups.A breed difference was also noticed during three consecutive experiments using Cheviot x Dorset-Horn (C x DH) and pure Dorset-Horn (DH) lambs, where C x DH lambs produced the lesion at earlier gestational ages, i.e. at 90 days gestation a period where DH failed to show the lesionObservations on a few goats revealed that the caruncular lesion can also occur in species other than sheep.The earliest time post-inoculation that the clearly developed lesion was recognised was 21 days in progeny and 17 days in ewesIt was found that the predilection site of the lesion is brain in progeny, whilst in the dam the lesion is only present in the caruncles. However, in progeny, vasculitis was also found in brain, spinal cord, epididymis, lung, mammary gland, sciatic nerve, heart, adipose tissue of kidney and lymph nodes, kidney, spleen, lymph node and skin in descending order of frequency.Consideration of the relationship of the Border disease induced vasculitis to age at infection and survival time led to the hypothesis of an immune response associated with localisation of antigen on the blood vessel wall. In view of absence of demonstrable antibodies this immune response seemed likely to be either type III or type IV allergic reaction of the classification of Coombs and Gell (1968). With the direct and indirect inmiuno-fluorescent techniques, using conjugated and unconjugated hyperimmune serum against Border disease and rabbit anti-sheep IgG the localisation of antigen was demonstrated on the blood vessel wall. In vivo macrophage disappearance test applied to lambs and guinea-pigs sensitised with Border disease agent, showed 18.9%- and 37.6% drop in the number of macrophages in the peritoneal exudate, compared with controls. These results support the immune hypothesis and favour a type IV allergic reaction.It was found that the lesion was confined to arterioles and small distributing arteries. Infiltration of cells to the adventitia increased the thickness of this coat, resulting in an overall increase of wall thickness and consequently increased arteriolar ratio i.e. 1: 0.7The lesion was studied by montage of tracings of serial, H & E stained paraffin sections and found to consist of microscopic nodular swellings in the adventitia along the course of the affected vessels. These nodules are 60-282 ÎŒ in length and show a unilateral or bilateral segmental distribution with intervals of from 48-82 ÎŒ.Comparison of Border disease induced vasculitis with other vascular conditions of mammals suggests that though there are some similarities to both periarteritis nodosa and the vascular changes of sex-urn sickness these are so minor that the Border disease associated vasculitis may be considered a unique and separate entity

    Competing to Cut Carbon: State Policies, Conflicts with Federally-Regulated Energy Markets, and recommendations

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    Wholesale power markets currently face challenges from changes in federal regulations and advancements in technology, which have significantly changed the composition of energy generation sources across the United States over the last two decades. States have relied increasingly on policy to increase the presence of clean energy sources in their power mix, such as nuclear energy, due to its reliability and environmental benefits. Natural gas, wind, and solar have seen unprecedented growth in the last five years due to declining fuel source and technology costs. Utilities companies and private companies have invested significantly in infrastructure and technology research, attempting to find success in the ever-changing wholesale power markets. Part I of this Note will provide background on federal and state regulation of the energy industry, focusing on key pieces of federal legislation, FERC orders, and technological advancements in the energy sector. Part II will provide an overview of the nuclear energy industry and the wholesale power markets in which New York and Illinois operate. Part II will also provide an overview of the state programs intended to incentivize nuclear power. Part III will discuss FERC authority over wholesale power markets, U.S. Supreme Court precedent, and recent case law regarding the New York and Illinois nuclear subsidy programs. Part III will also discuss recent proposals addressing potential market distortions from these programs and conclude that successful integration of federal and state goals in regulating energy markets requires careful coordination and implementation

    Understanding PTSD, Aggression, and Shame among Post-9/11 Veterans

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    Elevated aggression is frequently found among individuals with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). PTSD and combat exposure alone do not explain the reliable finding of heightened aggression among trauma-exposed veterans. Shame may be an important affective feature in this relationship. The present study examined the role of shame from a social hierarchy perspective in a sample of 52 combat veterans from the post-9/11 era. Correlational analyses indicated positive relations between shame, PTSD, and aggression. Trait shame was found to mediate between PTSD severity and physical aggression, but not other forms of aggression. For veterans within the context of a hierarchical military culture, separation from the military and diagnosis of PTSD may be salient markers of social loss and exclusion. Aggression may operate to reduce the negative affective experience associated with shame and to regain social standing. Findings implicate shame as a pivotal emotional component in the relationship between PTSD and aggression

    The Emerging Use of Smarthphone apps in Urology

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    Persepsi pelajar terhadap persekitaran fizikal bilik kuliah dia blok FPTV dan blok UTHM dari aspek pengajaran dan pembelajaran

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    Kajian ini adalah untuk mengenal pasti persepsi pelajar terhadap persekitaran fizikal bilik kuliah di antara blok FPTV dengan blok UTHM (di luar FPTV). Antara faktor tersebut ialah kebersihan, pencahayaan, pengudaraan, susunan perabot dan kemudahan. Reka bentuk kajian yang digunakan dalam kajian ini ialah kajian tinjauan berbentuk kuantitatif. Instrumen kajian yang dipilih ialah set borang kaji selidik. Seramai 313 orang pelajar Fakulti Pendidikan Teknikal dan Vokasional telah dipilih sebagai responden di dalam kajian ini..

    Astrobiology Research & Outreach at Truman State University

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    We present light curves for three potential exoplanet candidates: TIC 950525831.01 and TIC 346015394.01. These targets were chosen from the TESS Follow-Up Observing Program (TFOP) database1. The primary goal of the TESS Follow-up Observing Program (TFOP) Working Group (WG) is to provide follow-up observations that will facilitate achievement of the Level One Science Requirement to measure masses for 50 transiting planets smaller than 4 Earth radii2. Students remotely used the 1-m NPOI Lowell telescope on Anderson Mesa near Flagstaff, Arizona to target these objects. In total, students observed eight “TFOP” potential exoplanet targets. Students are working on analyzing data and generating light curves on several of these objects and have completed and submitted analyses on three objects we discuss here

    Progress towards a total synthesis of (+-)-Longithorone C

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    Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

    Nurse’s Experiences and Perceptions of Complementary and Alternative Therapies for Workplace Stress Management

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    Nursing as a profession has been said to be one of high stress, high sickness absence and presenteeism at work. Complementary and Alternative therapies are continually being researched for their benefits in relieving stress. To target these stress levels NHS Trusts have put into practice workplace wellness schemes, however nurses do not seem to be accessing them. Therefore this qualitative study aimed to discover Nurse’s Experiences and Perceptions of Complementary and Alternative Therapies for Workplace Stress Management. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 12 registered nurses working within the emergency department and the burns high dependency unit. Key themes that emerged were that nurses acknowledge that they experience high levels of stress at work and they to need to better manage their stress. All the nurses had some experience of using complementary and alternative therapies outside of the workplace and they found them to be relaxing and stress relieving. However they were not able to access workplace wellness services that offered Complementary and Alternative therapies because they work long hours and have very short breaks and most were not even aware that any services were offered by their Trust. They described the main barriers to access as cost, time and location. This study highlighted the need for more advertising about services offered by Trusts providing Complementary and Alternative therapies and a change in service times to allow nurses better access

    Parents\u27 Perceptions About an Early Childhood Program: Analysis of Parents Focus Group Discussions: A Dissertation

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    This study focuses on identifying the primary concerns parents have at school entry for their children. The investigation is a qualitative analysis of data derived from a series of ten parent focus group sessions conducted in a large northeastern school district. The ten sessions were conducted over a period of four months for a total of twenty hours of data. Regular members of the focus group included four parents who had 4 and 5 year old children in an early childhood literacy program, a volunteer community member in the program and the researcher. Each session was audio taped then transcribed verbatim to facilitate understanding of the developing topics of interest. The original question for the participants was meant to prompt parents to discuss activities embedded in the curriculum that they perceived as facilitating growth in their children. The study took an immediate turn from the original research question when one of the parents rephrased the question and changed the perspective from which the program would be viewed. Concerns related to the needs of school entry became more important. These concerns clustered around child and academic development and how each unfolds in the early literacy program. The primary research question became, “Do these two dimensions of learning, the developmental and the academic, sit comfortably together or are there conflicts between them from the parents’ perspectives?” The study found three conflicts. The first is the configuration of time and task in the classroom. Academic work is very advanced and children engage in many different tasks. Parents do not have a clear understanding of this and it causes tension. The second element is behavior. When their children do not follow classroom protocol, parents would like their children to discuss and resolve the matter quickly with the teacher. They become apprehensive when this does not happen. The third element concerns the desire to plan an event that would begin a dialogue with teachers around common goals. Although the school gives tacit approval, it is difficult to find time to work on plans with the administration and this contributes to the tension parents feel
