3,815 research outputs found

    Peran Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah dalam Meningkatkan Kinerja Guru Bahasa Inggris

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    The general purpose of the research is to describe about the role of leadership in improving english teacher performances. The research used qualitative descriptive method. The subjects of this research were principals, vice principal, english teachers at Junior High Shool Number 2 of South Bengkulu. The techniques of collecting data were observation, interview, and documentation study. The general result of the study show that the role of school principal in increasing english teacher capability was run well. The specific results were: The process of teaching and learning process by the english teacher was done perfectly, the english teacher competence was increased, the quality of english teacher work was done continually

    Pemberdayaan Guru Berbasis Kualifikasi Akademik di SMP

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    The purpose of this study was to describe how to the teacher empowering based on akademic qualification in the Public High School Srijaya Makmur District of Musi Rawas Nibung North. The method used is descriptive qualitative method. The research subjects principal, vice principal areas of the curriculum, teachers, and supervisors. Methods of data collection put on interviews, observation, and documentation. Analysis of data using qualitative techniques.The results showed management based teacher education qualifications in schools is carried out on the basis of a very strong desire of the management of the school under the command of principal of a school principal to implement in earnest the commitments very full once the applicable provisions, which require the school to carry out a teachers in school management system based on the qualifications and competence of each teachers

    The Scheme of 10th Order Implicit Runge-Kutta Method to Solve the First Order of Initial Value Problems

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    Abstract—To construct a scheme of implicit Runge-Kutta methods, there are a number of coefficients that must be determined and satisfying consistency properties and Butcher’s simplifying assumptions. In this paper we provide the numerical simulation technique to obtain a scheme of 10th order Implicit Runge-Kutta (IRK10) method. For simulation process, we construct an algorithm to compute all the coefficients involved in the IRK10 scheme. The algorithm is implemented in a language programming (Turbo Pascal) to obtain all the required coefficients in the scheme. To show that our scheme works correctly, we use the scheme to solve Hénon-Heiles system.Keywords—ODEs, 10th order IRK method, numerical technique, Hénon-Heiles syste

    Watchdogs, Helpers or Protectors? – Internal Auditing in Malaysian Local Government

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    This paper examines internal auditor roles to support public governance in a developing country context, through interviews with chief audit executives across 17 Malaysian Local Government Authorities. Drawing on critical theory, the research shows that internal auditors seek to legitimise their position through compliance (watchdog) and performance (helper and protector) audits. At the micro level of practices, in performing these dual roles, internal auditors are not colonised by governance rules and managerial influence, but instead are enabled by them to perform communicative action. Nevertheless, this was undermined by financial and managerial capacity issues that are a challenge in developing countries

    The Adoption of E-learning 2.0 in Higher Education by Teachers and Students: An investigation using Mixed Methods Approach

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    This paper describes an approach to investigate the adoption of Web 2.0 in the classroom using a mixed methods study. By using a combination of qualitative or quantitative data collection and analysis techniques, we attempt to synergize the results and provide a more valid understanding of Web 2.0 adoption for learning by both teachers and students. This approach is expected to yield a better holistic view on the adoption issues associated with the e-learning 2.0 concept in current higher education as opposed to single method studies done previously. This paper also presents some early findings of e-learning 2.0 adoption using this research method
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