31 research outputs found

    Horizontal gene transfer between Wolbachia and the mosquito Aedes aegypti

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    BACKGROUND: The evolutionary importance of horizontal gene transfer (HGT) from Wolbachia endosymbiotic bacteria to their eukaryotic hosts is a topic of considerable interest and debate. Recent transfers of genome fragments from Wolbachia into insect chromosomes have been reported, but it has been argued that these fragments may be on an evolutionary trajectory to degradation and loss. RESULTS: We have discovered a case of HGT, involving two adjacent genes, between the genomes of Wolbachia and the currently Wolbachia-uninfected mosquito Aedes aegypti, an important human disease vector. The lower level of sequence identity between Wolbachia and insect, the transcription of all the genes involved, and the fact that we have identified homologs of the two genes in another Aedes species (Ae. mascarensis), suggest that these genes are being expressed after an extended evolutionary period since horizontal transfer, and therefore that the transfer has functional significance. The association of these genes with Wolbachia prophage regions also provides a mechanism for the transfer. CONCLUSION: The data support the argument that HGT between Wolbachia endosymbiotic bacteria and their hosts has produced evolutionary innovation

    The Hexapeptide and Linker Regions of the AbdA Hox Protein Regulate Its Activating and Repressive Functions

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    AbstractThe Hox family transcription factors control diversified morphogenesis during development and evolution. They function in concert with Pbc cofactor proteins. Pbc proteins bind the Hox hexapeptide (HX) motif and are thereby thought to confer DNA binding specificity. Here we report that mutation of the AbdA HX motif does not alter its binding site selection but does modify its transregulatory properties in a gene-specific manner in vivo. We also show that a short, evolutionarily conserved motif, PFER, in the homeodomain-HX linker region acts together with the HX to control an AbdA activation/repression switch. Our in vivo data thus reveal functions not previously anticipated from in vitro analyses for the hexapeptide motif in the regulation of Hox activity

    Two proteases defining a melanization cascade in the immune system of Drosophila

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    The melanization reaction is used as an immune mechanism in arthropods to encapsulate and kill microbial pathogens. In Drosophila, the serpin Spn27A regulates melanization apparently by inhibiting the protease that activates phenoloxidase, the key enzyme in melanin synthesis. Here, we have described the genetic characterization of two immune inducible serine proteases, MP1 and MP2, which act in a melanization cascade regulated by Spn27A. MP1 is required to activate melanization in response to both bacterial and fungal infection, whereas MP2 is mainly involved during fungal infection. Pathogenic bacteria and fungi may therefore trigger two different melanization cascades that use MP1 as a common downstream protease to activate phenoloxidase. We have also shown that the melanization reaction activated by MP1 and MP2 plays an important role in augmenting the effectiveness of other immune reactions, thereby promoting resistance of Drosophila to microbial infection

    A serpin that regulates immune melanization in the respiratory system of Drosophila

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    Epithelial tissues facing the external environment are essential to combating microbial infection. In addition to providing a physical barrier, epithelial tissues mount chemical defenses to prevent invasion of internal tissues by pathogens. Here, we describe that the melanization reaction implicated in host defense is activated in the respiratory system, the trachea, of Drosophila. Tracheal melanization can be activated by the presence of microorganisms but is normally blocked by Spn77Ba, a protease inhibitor in the serpin family. Spn77Ba inhibits a protease cascade involving the MP1 and MP2 proteases that activates phenol oxidase, a key enzyme in melanin biosynthesis. Unexpectedly, we found that tracheal melanization resulting from Spn77Ba disruption induces systemic expression of the antifungal peptide Drosomycin via the Toll pathway. Such signaling between local and systemic immune responses could represent an alarm mechanism that prepares the host in case a pathogen breaches epithelial defenses to invade internal tissues

    Drosophila Serpin-28D regulates hemolymph phenoloxidase activity and adult pigmentation

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    In insects the enzyme phenoloxidase (PO) catalyzes melanin deposition at the wound site and around parasitoid eggs. Its proenzyme prophenoloxidase (proPO) is proteolytically cleaved to active phenoloxidase by a cascade consisting of serine proteases and inhibited by serpins. The Drosophila genome encodes 29 serpins, of which only two, Serpin-27A (Spn27A) and Necrotic, have been analyzed in detail. Using a genetic approach, we demonstrate that the so far uncharacterized Serpin-28D (Spn28D, CG7219) regulates the proPO cascade in both hemolymph and tracheal compartments. spn28D is the serpin gene most strongly induced upon injury. Inactivation of spn28D causes pupal lethality and a deregulated developmental PO activation leading to extensive melanization of tissues in contact with air and pigmentation defects of the adult cuticle. Our data also show that Spn28D regulates hemolymph PO activity in both larvae and adults at a different level than Spn27A. Our data support a model in which Spn28D confines PO availability by controlling its initial release, while Spn27A is rather limiting the melanization reaction to the wound site. This study further highlights the complexity of the proPO cascade that can be differentially regulated in different tissues during development

    Drosophila immunity: a large-scale in vivo RNAi screen identifies five serine proteases required for Toll activation

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    Unlike mammalian Toll-like Receptors, the Drosophila Toll receptor does not interact directly with microbial determinants but is rather activated upon binding a cleaved form of the cytokine-like molecule Spatzle (Spz). During the immune response, Spz is thought to be processed by secreted serine proteases (SPs) present in the hemolymph that are activated by the recognition of gram-positive bacteria or fungi . In the present study, we have used an in vivo RNAi strategy to inactivate 75 distinct Drosophila SP genes. We then screened this collection for SPs regulating the activation of the Toll pathway by gram-positive bacteria. Here, we report the identification of five novel SPs that function in an extracellular pathway linking the recognition proteins GNBP1 and PGRP-SA to Spz. Interestingly, four of these genes are also required for Toll activation by fungi, while one is specifically associated with signaling in response to gram-positive bacterial infections. These results demonstrate the existence of a common cascade of SPs upstream of Spz, integrating signals sent by various secreted recognition molecules via more specialized SPs

    A Spätzle-processing enzyme required for toll signaling activation in Drosophila innate immunity

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    The Toll receptor was originally identified as an indispensable molecule for Drosophila embryonic development and subsequently as an essential component of innate immunity from insects to humans. Although in Drosophila the Easter protease processes the pro-Spätzle protein to generate the Toll ligand during development, the identification of the protease responsible for pro-Spätzle processing during the immune response has remained elusive for a decade. Here, we report a protease, called Spätzle-processing enzyme (SPE), required for Toll-dependent antimicrobial response. Flies with reduced SPE expression show no noticeable pro-Spätzle processing and become highly susceptible to microbial infection. Furthermore, activated SPE can rescue ventral and lateral development in embryos lacking Easter, showing the functional homology between SPE and Easter. These results imply that a single ligand/receptor-mediated signaling event can be utilized for different biological processes, such as immunity and development, by recruiting similar ligand-processing proteases with distinct activation modes

    Wolbachia Stimulates Immune Gene Expression and Inhibits Plasmodium Development in Anopheles gambiae

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    The over-replicating wMelPop strain of the endosymbiont Wolbachia pipientis has recently been shown to be capable of inducing immune upregulation and inhibition of pathogen transmission in Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. In order to examine whether comparable effects would be seen in the malaria vector Anopheles gambiae, transient somatic infections of wMelPop were created by intrathoracic inoculation. Upregulation of six selected immune genes was observed compared to controls, at least two of which (LRIM1 and TEP1) influence the development of malaria parasites. A stably infected An. gambiae cell line also showed increased expression of malaria-related immune genes. Highly significant reductions in Plasmodium infection intensity were observed in the wMelPop-infected cohort, and using gene knockdown, evidence for the role of TEP1 in this phenotype was obtained. Comparing the levels of upregulation in somatic and stably inherited wMelPop infections in Ae. aegypti revealed that levels of upregulation were lower in the somatic infections than in the stably transinfected line; inhibition of development of Brugia filarial nematodes was nevertheless observed in the somatic wMelPop infected females. Thus we consider that the effects observed in An. gambiae are also likely to be more pronounced if stably inherited wMelPop transinfections can be created, and that somatic infections of Wolbachia provide a useful model for examining effects on pathogen development or dissemination. The data are discussed with respect to the comparative effects on malaria vectorial capacity of life shortening and direct inhibition of Plasmodium development that can be produced by Wolbachia