29 research outputs found

    Identifikasi Akuifer Air Tanah Dalam Menggununakan Metode Geolistrik Schlumberger di Desa Wedomartani, Kabupaten Sleman

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    Water is the main problem in every region that has a rapid population increase, one of which is Wedomartani village, Sleman Regency. This study aims to determine the water reserves in Wedomartani village and find out the direction of groundwater flow in the area. The research carried out by measuring geolectricity method (Schlumberger configuration) survey of 15 very point acquisition with an average stretch of 250 m. The tool used in geoelectric measurement is Resistivity Meter Syscal Jr. The software used in processing is Progress 3.0. The results of data processing is resistivity variations function of depth per point acquisition that will interpreted into rock types and water content. The average resistivity of groundwater aquifers in Wedomartani village is 19.49 Ωm and the average depth of groundwater aquifers in Wedomartani village is 101 m. The direction of deep groundwater flow in Wedomartani village generally leads from north to south and west (in the southern part of the research area

    Identifikasi Akuifer Air Tanah di Desa Senawang, Kecamatan Orong Telu, Kabupaten Sumbawa Menggunakan Metode Geolistrik Schlumberger

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    Senawang District is an area in Sumbawa Province with a high level of drought. This study aims to provide additional information about groundwater to support the availability of clean water in Senawang District. The study used Geoelectric-Schlumberger Method as main method of subsurface identification. The acquisition was conducted with 10 points acquisition, with spacing between points is 200 m and the line stretch of 250 m. The results of data processing are a vertical resistivity variation in depth at each point measurement. This result will be interpreted into the type of rock and the presence of groundwater. The interpretation shows that the presence of groundwater aquifer with resistivity of 12.54 – 26.28 m, thickness 4.59 – 7.95 m, depth (upper part of the layer) 23.29 – 50.56 m. The type of groundwaters aquifer in the study area are confined aquifers

    Fasilitasi Pembelajaran Usaha Ternak Kelinci dalam Rangka Penciptaan Wirausahawan Baru di Bidang Pertanian

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    Usaha ternak kelinci di Indonesia sangat potensial untuk dikembangkan, khususnya di wilayah perdesaan. Di sisi lain, saat ini pemerintah sedang menggalakkan program penciptaan wirausahawan baru. Untuk itu, diperlukan kegiatan untuk mendukung program tersebut, yaitu kegiatan fasilitasi pembelajaran usaha ternak kelinci bagi calon wirausahawan muda dari kalangan alumni perguruan tinggi. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini menerapkan metode sosialisasi observasional. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini memberikan manfaat yang besar, baik bagi bagi P4S Wira Tani, pemerintah dan masyarakat

    Identifikasi Zona Rentan Payau Menggunakan Metode Geolistrik Di Pantai Ngetun sebagai Langkah Awal Pengembangan Wilayah

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    Pantai Ngetun merupakan salah satu pantai dengan pemandangan yang luar biasa di daerah Gunungkidul. Pantai ini masih sepi karena akses yang cukup jauh dan kurang memadai. Salah satu masalah yang muncul pada pantai ini adalah ketersediaan air bersih. Air yang ada dipinggir pantai memiliki sifat payau Karena bercampur dengan air laut (intrusi air laut). Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui persebaran zona intrusi air laut Pantai Ngetun. Penelitian dilakukan dengan melakukan survei Geofisika yaitu metode Geolistrik konfigurasi dipol-dipol sebanyak 9 lintasan. Hasil yang didapatkan berupa variasi nilai resistivitas bawah permukaan. Interpretasi dari hasil geolistrik adalah lapisan Pasir pantai Basah dengan nilai resistivitas 1.06 - 6.61 Ωm, lapisan Pasir Pantai Kering dengan nilai resistivitas 16.5 - 41.2 Ωm, lapisan kapur atau gamping dengan nilai resistivitas 103 – 643 Ωm. Intrusi air laut diduga masuk ke dalam daratan sejauh 70 m dari garis pantai dengan kedalaman 10 m sampa 25m. Intrusi air laut ini tidak mempengaruhi air tanah yang berada lebih jauh dari 70 m dari garis pantai

    Study of Groundwater Types Using the Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) Method in the ‘Martani Field’ Ngemplak District of Yogyakarta

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    Study of groundwater types using the Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) method in 'Martani Field’ Ngemplak District of Yogyakarta was done by carrying out eight measurement points to look for groundwater potential. This area is an area on the southern slopes of Mount Merapi which is included in the Yogyakarta Groundwater Basin. The type of lithology is identified based on the measurement of its resistivity value so that there are several types of lithology, namely Breccia (110-670 Ωm), Clay (1.99-10.12 Ωm), Sandstones (17.06-56.82 Ωm) and andesite lava (688-1657 Ωm). The bottom of the aquifer in this basin is composed of rock formations that are impermeable or semi impermeable which are non-aquifer, namely by Breccias, Clay and Andesite Lava. The existence of sandstones that act as aquifers is found near the surface at a depth of <25 m and at a depth of about 60-100 m below the surface so that it is divided into two categories, namely shallow groundwater and deep groundwater

    Kelayakan Geo-ekowisata Gua berdasarkan Cave Rock Mass Rating (CRMR) di Kapanewon Tanjungsari, Kabupaten Gunungkidul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

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    Kapanewon Tanjungsari, Kabupaten Gunungkidul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, berada di kawasan geopark karst Gunungsewu. Daerah tersebut secara geologis terdiri dari batugamping terumbu dan batugamping berlapis, karakteristik hidrologi ditandai adanya sistem pengeringan bawah permukaan. Sejak kawasan Gunungsewu ditetapkan sebagai Unesco Global Geopark pada 2015, sektor pariwisata di daerah ini berkembang pesat. Kapanewon Tanjungsaripun berbenah mengembangkan potensi alamnya untuk pariwisatanya. Terdapat 5 (lima) lokasi berpotensi dikembangkan sebagai wisata gua karst dengan konsep geo-ekowisata, yaitu Gua Bentar, Gua Cabe, Gua Grengseng, Gua Pakubon dan Gua Tritis, yang memiliki keunikan dan daya tarik tersendiri dari aspek eksokarst, endokarst, serta legenda. Pengembangan situs-situs gua tersebut diharapkan mampu meningkatkan keekonomian dan kesejahteraan masyarakat sekitar. Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut di atas, perlu dilakukan kajian berupa penerapan Cave Rock Mass Rating (CRMR) guna menentukan kelayakan gua dari aspek geoteknik terhadap risiko runtuh, bila dikembangkan sebagai destinasi geo eko-wisata. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa Gua Grengseng (nilai 47) memiliki risiko runtuh paling besar dibandingkan dengan Gua Bentar (nilai 69), Gua Cabe (nilai 80), Gua, Pakubon (nilai 81), dan Gua Tritis (nilai 79)

    Aplikasi Metode Self Potential (SP) Untuk Menentukan Persebaran Zona Alterasi di Kompleks Candi Gedong Songo, Ungaran – Jawa Tengah

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    Penelitian geofisika dengan metode Self Potential di area sistem geotermal telah dilakukan pada 18 – 20 November 2017 yang terletak di kompleks Candi Gedong Songo, Kabupaten Semarang. Target dari penelitian ini adalah menentukan  persebaran zona alterasi hidrotermal berdasarkan nilai potensial alami dengan menggunakan metode Self Potential. Berdasarkan hasil dari pemetaan zona alterasi hidrotermal didapatkan dua zona alterasi yaitu disebelah utara kompleks candi empat dan disebelah barat kompleks candi lima. Zona alterasi hidrotermal di kompleks Candi Gedong Songo memiliki nilai -130 mV sampai -3 mV. Zona alterasi memiliki nilai potensial alami lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan area yang tidak teralterasi. Nilai rendah dipengaruhi oleh adanya mineral lempung akibat proses alterasi oleh intrusi air panas di kompleks sistem geotermal Candi Gedong Songo, Kabupaten Semarang

    Deformity correction surgery in adolescent idipathic scoliosis-our early experience

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    Introduction: Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS) is the most common spinal deformity among teenage girls. It is defined as three dimensional lateral curvature in coronal plane of more than 10 degrees. For those indicated, early surgical intervention allows better surgical correction due to flexibility of the spine during teenage years, hence good functional outcome and better cosmesis can be expected. Materials and Methods: We reported our early experience in managing five patients surgically using the Posterior Spinal Instrumentation and fusion. Pre-operatively patients were examined at IIUM Medical Centre spine clinic, all necessary investigations were carried out. Thorough explanation was done to patient and parents regarding procedure, risk and benefit. All patients were treated using same surgical technique. Neuromonitoring were used throughout the whole surgery until skin closure. All patients were hospitalised around one week. Post-operatively patients were follow-up at two weeks, six weeks, three months, and every six months thereafter. Result: It is important for clinicians to identify patients with AIS as early detection and timely treatment will change the natural history of curve progression. Conclusion: Surgical intervention when necessary will be easier and with less risk of complications when surgery was carried out during teenage years as the spine is more flexible and the deformity is less severe

    Effect of Soot Particle Diameter to Soot Movement in Diesel Engine

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    Soot is one of the end product produced from the combustion of diesel engine. It can adversely affect the performance of the engine. It can cause the lubricant oil to be dirty thus increase its viscosity. These will results to frequent change of lubricant oil. Therefore, the focus of this study is related to the mechanism soot particles movement during the combustion process in the cylinder of diesel engine. The study of the path movement of soot particles from the initial position where it was formed to the last position was carried out. To analyze their movements, the data formation of soot particles was obtained through the simulation of combustion engine using Kiva-3V software which was used in previous investigation. The data that were obtained from the Kiva-3v simulation were velocity vectors of the soot, fuel, temperature, pressure and others. This data is used in the MATLAB routine to calculate the location of soot particles in the combustion chamber. Mathematics algorithm which is used in the MATLAB routine is trilinear interpolation and 4th order of Runge Kutta. In this study, the influence of soot particles diameter with different angular (θ) is included in the calculation to determine its movement. Results from this study shows that if the size of soot particles is bigger, the probability of the movement of soot particles to the combustion chamber wall is high thus contaminating the lubricant oil

    Case study of the effectiveness of passive grease trap for management on domestic kitchen waste water

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    Household waste, generally known as trash or garbage is mostly includes food wastes, product packaging, and other miscellaneous inorganic wastes that are coming from domestic household. Grease waste such as oil and fats can contaminate water and also clot on pipes provoking blockages. Thus, waste water from kitchen sink need a proper way of filtration. Grease trap developed in this paper is viable in trapping the grease residue. The experiments have been conducted in controlled environment and the objectives are to investigate the effectiveness of grease trap by proving the existence of retention time and the expected ratio of collected water and oil during experiment process using a prototype model