88 research outputs found

    Enhancement of BDNF Concentration and Restoration of the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis Accompany Reduced Depressive-Like Behaviour in Stressed Ovariectomised Rats Treated with Either Tualang Honey or Estrogen

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    A possible interaction between glucocorticoids and estrogen-induced increases in brain-derived-neurotrophic factor (BDNF) expression in enhancing depressive-like behaviour has been documented. Here we evaluated the effects of Tualang honey, a phytoestrogen, and 1

    Molecular Mechanisms of Peritoneal Dialysis–Induced Microvascular Vasodilation

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    Peritoneal dialysis (PD) solutions dilate microvessels by undefined mechanisms. This vasodilation directly affects ultrafiltration and solute exchange during a PD dwell and is thought to account for the variable mass transfer area coefficient for small solutes during a glucose-based hypertonic dwell. We hypothesized that PD-mediated vasodilation occurs by endothelium-dependent mechanisms that involve endothelium energy-dependent K+ channels (KATP), adenosine A1 receptor activation, and NO release. We used intravital videomicroscopy to study 3 levels of microvessels (A1 inflow arterioles about 100 μm diameter to pre-capillary A3 arterioles 10 – 15 μm diameter) in the terminal ileum of anesthetized rats under control conditions in vivo in a tissue bath. Ileum was bathed with hypertonic mannitol or 2.5% glucose-based PD solution (Delflex: Fresenius Medical Care North America, Waltham, MA, U.S.A.) with or without topical application of individual or combined specific inhibitors of the endotheliumdependent dilation pathways: NO (L-NMMA), prostaglandin I2 (mefenamic acid), endothelium hyperpolarizing factor (glibenclamide), and adenosine A1 receptor antagonist (DPCPX). The mannitol and PD solutions induced rapid and sustained peritoneal vasodilation whose magnitude depended on microvascular level and osmotic solute. Combined inhibition of endothelium-dependent dilation pathways completely abolished the mannitolinduced hyperosmolality-mediated dilation at all microvascular levels, but selectively eliminated the PD solution–mediated A3 dilation. The KATP and adenosine receptor antagonists, individually or combined, remarkably attenuated dilation in the smaller pre-capillary arterioles; NO inhibition, alone or combined with KATP and adenosine receptor antagonists, eliminated the PD solution–induced dilation. The cyclooxygenase pathway is not involved in PD-induced dilation. Solutions for PD dilate the visceral peritoneal microvasculature by endothelium-dependent mechanisms, primarily the NO pathway. Adenosine receptor–activated NO release and KATP channelmediated endothelium hyperpolarization significantly contribute to vasodilation in the smaller peritoneal pre-capillary arterioles.Qatar National Research Fund NPRP 09-268-3-06

    Protective Effects of Tualang Honey against Oxidative Stress and Anxiety-Like Behaviour in Stressed Ovariectomized Rats

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    he present study aims to evaluate the antioxidant and anxiolytic-like efect of Tualang honey in stressed ovariectomized (OVX) rats.he animals were divided into; (i) nonstressed sham-operated control rats, (ii) sham-operated control rats exposed to stress, (iii) nonstressed OVX rats, (iv) OVX rats exposed to stress, (v) OVX rats exposed to stress and treated with 17 �-oestradiol (E2) (20 �g daily, sc), and (vi) OVX rats exposed to stress and treated with Tualang honey (0.2 g/kg body weight, orally). he open ield test was used to evaluate the anxiety-like behaviour and ELISA kits were used to measure oxidant/antioxidant status of the brain homogenates. he result showed that anxiety-like behavior was signiicantly increased in stressed OVX compared to other groups, and administering either E2 or Tualang honey signiicantly decreased anxiety-like behaviour in stressed OVX rats.he levels of malondialdehyde (MDA) and protein carbonyl (PCO) were signiicantly decreased while the levels/activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione S-transferases (GST), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), and glutathione reductase (GR) were signiicantly increased in the brain homogenates of treated stressed OVX groups compared to untreated stressed OVX. In conclusion, Tualang honey has protective efects against brain oxidative stress and may be useful alternative anxiolytic agent especially for postmenopausal women

    The Potential Role of Melatonin on Memory Function: Lessons from Rodent Studies

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    Pineal melatonin biosynthesis is regulated by the circadian clock located in the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the hypothalamus. Melatonin has been found to modulate the learning and memory process in human as well as in animals. Endogenous melatonin modulates the process of newly acquired information into long-term memory, while melatonin treatment has been found to reduce memory deficits in elderly people and in various animal models. However, the mechanisms mediating the enhancing effect of melatonin on memory remain elusive. This review intends to explore the possible mechanisms by looking at previous data on the effects of melatonin treatment on memory performance in rodents

    Pengaruh Pendekatan Mass Lecture dan Motivasi Terhadap Kepuasan Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab Komunikasi

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    Sebagai pelanggan pendidikan, kepuasan pelajar dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Arab Komunikasi sangat penting dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti pengaruh persepsi pelajar terhadap mass lecture dan motivasi mereka terhadap kepuasan belajar bahasa Arab komunikatif. Kaedah tinjauan digunakan dengan 597 respons sebagai dapatan berguna yang dikumpulkan dari sembilan fakulti berbeza di Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM). Kajian ini hanya melibatkan pelajar yang telah tamat kursus Bahasa Arab komunikasi tahap pertama. Untuk mengkaji bagaimana persepsi terhadap mass lecture dan motivasi mempengaruhi kepuasan, Permodelan Persamaan Berstruktur (SEM) Partial Least Squares (PLS) digunakan. Dapatan menunjukkan bahawa persepsi mass lecture mempengaruhi tahap motivasi dan kepuasan secara signifikan. Semakin tinggi motivasi pelajar, semakin tinggi kepuasan pelajar terhadap pembelajaran Bahasa Arab Komunikasi. Motivasi pelajar berpengaruh positif dan signifikan memediasi persepsi mass lecture terhadap kepuasan pelajar. Persepsi pelajar terhadap mass lecture adalah peramal kepuasan terpenting dengan nilai konstruk 84.4%, diikuti dengan motivasi dengan 82%. Dalam persekitaran pembelajaran secara online dan pengajian jarak jauh, model mass lecture adalah salah satu kaedah pengajaran yang cekap yang dapat meningkatkan motivasi dan kepuasan pelajar dalam mempelajari bahasa ketiga seperti bahasa Arab. Oleh itu, institusi pengajian tinggi yang mempunyai intake yang besar, boleh memilih kuliah besar-besaran untuk mata pelajaran berasaskan komunikatif seperti bahasa ketiga. Mass lecture juga boleh menjadi norma baru pada masa hadapan sebagai suatu cabaran dan alternatif dalam dunia pendidikan

    Family Addressing System in Malay and Arab Languages: An Analysis of Sociolinguistic Clash

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    This study is a first attempt to comparatively study the addressing system in Malay and Arabic societies, which is an important element in communicating and interacting. This analysis uses lexicological and sociolinguistic approaches. The study found that the family addressing system in Arabic is viewed as more complicated and complex than the address forms used within the Malay society. This will cause difficulty and confusion in determining the appropriate meaning match for the terms. As a result, translators and anyone else involved in the process of moving the meaning of a word between Malay and Arabic should be cautious and always refer to the term’s meaning before assigning a match so that the receiver or reader of the translation do not become confused

    Assessing knowledge, attitude, practice towards type II diabetes mellitus and their blood glucose level among public in selected areas of Bachok District, Kelantan

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    Diabetes is a major health problem in Malaysia particularly in Kelantan state. This cross-sectional study was designed to determine the knowledge, attitude and perceive practice towards type II diabetes among the public residants of Kelantan in relation towards their blood glucose level. About 68 respondents aged from 18 to 59 years old, were approached personally to participate in this study. Data collection was done through face-to-face interview using a questionnaire consisted of four sections; knowledge, attitude, and perceive practice (KAP) questionnaire including recent fasting blood glucose (FBG) readings. The results showed that most of the respondents had a moderate level of knowledge (54.4%, n=37), positive attitude (72%, n=49), and good perceive practice level (51.5%, n=35) towards diabetes mellitus. There was no significant relationship between knowledge, attitude, and perceive practice level towards diabetes mellitus at p<0.05. KAP level towards diabetes mellitus showed no significant relationship with blood glucose level at p<0.05. Findings indicate that most respondents had normal BMI (18.5 – 24.9) (64.7%, n=44) and normal FBG reading (< 6.1 mmol/L) (92.6%, n=63). As conclusion, respondents with higher educational level were more likely to have a higher level of knowledge about diabetes mellitus; however, this did not influence attitude, perceive practice and fasting blood glucose of respondents

    Systematic review of early English literacy in ELL children : what do we know from a decade of research

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    Early literacy is an integral aspect of young children’s learning. This review synthesizes existing empirical research evidence from the past decade, focusing on ELL children’s (aged 4 to 6 years) early English language literacy learning and the prevailing trends in the published literature. They were sourced mainly from three prominent databases. Manual selection of highly-cited studies was used as a complementary technique. Systematic exclusion and inclusion were performed and yielded 31 credible studies. The results report on researchers’ theorizing of early English literacy, dimensions of the body of knowledge, and research methodologies. The predictors and outcomes were examined within the lens of theoretical framework. To identify the emerging trends, the studies were analysed qualitatively. The findings were discussed in light of three main trends: (i) the apparent needs for an early English literacy model which captures both the concept of early literacy acquisition and second language learning, (ii) future research to acknowledge the multifaceted phenomenon of early literacy acquisition by employing nested research approach in a cross-discipline scope of research, and (iii) multiple ecological factors as important sources of individual differences. Despite the strength of the review approach to the past study identification, there are several limitations that should be considered. Among others, the representation of the children population in the selected studies which befalls heavily on certain geographical regions could cause bias in the coverage of knowledge

    Assessment of diet quality and its association with nutritional status among fishermen’s children in Terengganu

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    The aim of this study was to assess diet quality and its association with nutritional status among 7 to 12 years old fishermen’s children in Terengganu. The dietary intake data and nutritional status of 100 fishermen’s children were obtained using twoday 24 hours dietary recall and Body Mass Index. Diet quality of the subjects was assessed using the Healthy Eating Index. 61% of subjects had normal BMI, 22% had a BMI below the normal range, and 17% had their BMI above the normal range. The diet quality of subjects was poor, with mean total HEI score of 50.45±5.27 out of 100 points. The low median scores of the five food groups, particularly for the vegetable (0.83), fruit (0.00) and dairy (0.00) components, indicates the poor compliance of the fishermen’s children with the dietary guidelines. No significant association was found between total HEI score and BMI of the subjects (χ2=0.051, p=0.821). Thus, BMI did not reflect the diet quality of the fishermen’s children in this study. The findings of this study provide additional information on the diet quality and nutritional status of fishermen’s children in Terengganu, on the East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia

    Tahap Pengetahuan Guru Bahasa Arab dalam Melaksanakan Kelas Berbalik (The Level of Knowledge of Arabic Languange Teachers in Implementing Flipped Classroom)

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    Penggunaan teknologi dalam pendidikan kini bukanlah sesuatu yang asing lagi, bahkan penggunaanya sangat digalakkan bagi meningkat keberkesanan proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran, khususnya melalui kaedah Kelas Berbalik. Kelas Berbalik adalah suatu bentuk pengajaran yang menggunakan teknologi dan berpusatkan pelajar. Kajian lepas menunjukkan bahawa kaedah Kelas Berbalik banyak memberi kesan positif dalam meningkatkan minat pelajar terhadap pembelajaran. Walaubagaimanapun, kajian lepas menunjukkan kebanyakkan gurubahasa Arab masih lagi menggunakan kaedah tradisional dalam pengajaran mereka menyebabkan suasana pembelajaran menjadi pasif dan membosankan. Justeru, artikel ini bertujuan membincangkan pengetahuan yang perlu dikuasai pada guru bahasa Arab dalam melaksanakan Kelas Berbalik bagi memastikan proses pengajaran lebih berkesan dan mampu menarik minat pelajar. Kata kunci: Teknologi, Kelas Berbalik, bahasa Arab, pengetahua