35 research outputs found


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    This paper investigates ‘the effects of pharming attacks on the functionalities of the University websites in Northern States of Nigeria. Two research objectives were stated: to find out the types of pharming attacks University websites are exposed to; and to identify the effects of pharming attacks on functionalities of the websites of the Universities in Northern States of Nigeria. The literature was reviewed based on research questions raised. Quantitative research methodology was adopted in the study. Multistage sampling technique (i.e. purposive, stratification, cluster, proportionate and simple random sampling) was used to select 9 Universities (3 each Federal, State and Private) with 127 ICT personnel which comprised of the Directors, the staff of the Software Development Units and the staff of the Networks Infrastructure and Security Units from a population of 61 Universities with 713 ICT personnel of the Universities in Northern States of Nigeria. Questionnaire was the instrument used for data collection. The data collected were presented and analysed using mean, standard deviation, frequencies and percentages. The study found that human factors attacks, local host and local networks attacks, domain configuration attack and domain registration attack among others were the types of pharming attacks University websites in Northern States of Nigeria are exposed to; and pharming attacks do affect the functionalities of the websites of the Universities studied by causing existing administrative settings to be incorrectly configured, poisoning an entire Domain Name System server, manipulating legitimate website’s traffic and hijacking search result. Other effects include making communication system to become vulnerable, loss of confidence by stakeholders, tarnishing institution image and tricking unsuspecting individuals into revealing sensitive data among others. The paper concludes that if security safeguards are not adequate, pharmers run little risk of getting caught. They can attack a system using techniques the designers never even considered. The study recommended that Policy statements should be enforced to reduce the effects of pharming attacks on the websites of the Universities. The authorities of the Universities should also provide insurance covers for their ICT technologies and trust worthy Internet Service Providers should be maintained. &nbsp

    The Gbagyi Bayekpe (Education) and Imperialism in Minna, 1928 – 1960

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    This article discussed the Gbagyi Bayekpe (education) and imperialism in Minna, 1928-1960. The contact of the Gbagyi in Minna with imperialism dates back to the early part of the twentieth century. The Bayekpe (education) of the Gbagyi which was a process of preparing the children and every individual for happy and useful living and to prepare the Gbagyi individual who will be honest, responsible, skilled, cooperative and conform to the social order of the day as a result of the encounter of the Gbagyi with the imperial power was supplanted with a new system of knowledge This new order which was explicitly designed to restructure the social pattern of the Gbagyi and his society began in 1928 and by 1960 had replaced the Gbagyi Bayekpe (education). This development, the paper explained marked the starting point of the dependency syndrome which characterized the Gbagyi modernity and remains an obstacle to the growth of Gbagyi and his Minna society. The paper exposed the effect of this alien knowledge system on the Gbagyi in Minna and made a case for the redefinition of the Gbagyi knowledge system different from western tradition of education which holistically emphasizes dominance as a measure of education attainment

    Analysis of activity concentrations due to natural radionuclides in the fish of Kainji Lake

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    A study was conducted for natural radioactivity of some fish samples from Kainji Lake, situated between latitudes 9~' 50' - 10~' 57' North and longitudes 4~'25'-4~'45' East, New Bussa, Niger state, Nigeria, using gamma spectroscopy method with Nal(TI) detector. Radioactivity a phenomenon that leads to production of radiations, and radiation is known to trigger or induce cancer. The fish are analyzed to estimate the radioactivity (activity) concentrations due to natural radionuclides (Radium 222(226Ra), Thorium 232(232Th) and Potassium 40 (40K). The obtained result shows that the activity concentration for (226Ra), in all the fish samples collected ranges from 16.06 ~c 0.44 Bqkg-1 to 67.39 ~c 12.34 Bqkg-1 with an average value of 37.22 ~c 4.31 Bqkg-1. That of 232Th, ranges from 42.66 ~c 0.81 Bqkg-1 to 200.6 ~c 10.66 Bqkg-1 and the average value stands at 94.82 ~c 3.82 Bqkg-1. The activity concentration for 40K, ranges between 243.3 ~c 1.56 Bqkg-1 to 384.98 ~c 11.97 Bqkg-1 and the average is 618.2 ~c 26.81 Bqkg-1. This indicated that average daily intake due to natural activity from the fish is valued at 0.999 Bq/day, 2.545Bq/day and 10.31 Bq/day for 226Ra, 232Th and 40K respectively. This shows a promising result, since the activity concentration values for most of the fish are within the acceptable limits. However location Upstream02 (9~'51'.285~AN, 4~'35'.533~AE) and Upstream07 (9~'51'.285~AN, 4~'35'.533~AE) fish, became outliers with significant values of 1 13.10~kSvy-1 and 121.68~kSvy-1 effective dose. This could be attributed to variation in geological formations in the lake as well as the feeding habits of these fish. The work shows that consumers of fish from Kainji Lake have no risk of radioactivity ingestion, even though no amount of radiation is assumed to be totally safe

    Utilisation of Information Security Mechanisms for Combating Pharming on University Websites in Northern Regionsof Nigeria

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    This paper investigates the“utilisation of information security mechanisms for combating pharming on University Websites in Northern Regions of Nigeria”. Two objectives were formulated: to identify the “type of information security mechanisms employed for combating pharming on University Websites in Northern Regions of Nigeria”; and to determine the “effectiveness of the information security mechanisms employed for combating pharming on University Websites in Northern Regions of Nigeria”. Quantitative research methodology was used for the study. 9 Universities in Northern Regions of Nigeria with 127 ICT personnel were selected. The questionnaire was used as an instrument in collecting the data. Mean and standard deviationwere used to present and analyse the data collected in the study. The research found that “detectives, preventive and mitigative mechanisms” were the types of “mechanisms employed for combating pharming on Universities studied”; it was also found that “mitigative and detective information security mechanisms employed are more effective than preventive mechanisms in combating pharming on University studied”. The paper concludes that, if security safeguards are not adequate, pharmers affect the “functionality of University websites undetected”. They can attack websites using skills the software developers never imagined. The study recommended that to guarantee information effective information security, therefore, ICT personnel need to establish strong preventive measures and quality management practices that will protect data during collection, processing, and storage from pharmers

    The Socio-Cultural Ceremonies amongst the Koro People in Kaffin – Koro Town in the 19th Century

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    The Koro people in Kaffin-Koro like any other ethnic group of modern Nigeria have their socio-cultural ceremonies. These socio- cultural ceremonies are formal activities which formed an integral aspects of Koro people’s way of life. The socio-cultural ceremonies amongst the Koro people in Kaffin-Koro were not only believed to be means for gathering the Koro citizens together for the purpose of promoting unity and love but essential for the progress of Koro community. These socio-cultural ceremonies through their values and norms have sustained the Koro society as a unified entity and provide not only valuable opportunity for these socio-cultural ceremonies to be pass on from one generation to another but remain ways  in which the 19th century Koro people in Kaffin – Koro preserved their traditions and cultural heritage

    Spectrum-based Fault Localization Techniques Application on Multiple-Fault Programs: A Review

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    Software fault localization is one of the most tedious and costly activities in program debugging in the endeavor to identify faults locations in a software program. In this paper, the studies that used spectrum-based fault localization (SBFL) techniques that makes use of different multiple fault localization debugging methods such as one-bug-at-a-time (OBA) debugging, parallel debugging, and simultaneous debugging in localizing multiple faults are classified and critically analyzed in order to extensively discuss the current research trends, issues, and challenges in this field of study. The outcome strongly shows that there is a high utilization of OBA debugging method, poor fault isolation accuracy, and dominant use of artificial faults that limit the existing techniques applicability in the software industry

    Gross alpha and beta surveys of Lake Kainji water

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    A gross alpha and beta survey of the water of Kainji Lake was conducted using multi-channel analyzer, a proportional counter detector. This was done to estimate the gross radioactivity concentrations due to natural radionuclides in the lake water. Radioactivity, a phenomenon that leads to production of radiations, and radiation is known to trigger or induce cancer. The gross alpha and beta activity concentration analyzed in the water shows that the alpha activity ranges from 1.0 x 105 Bq/cm3 to 0.7Bq/cm3 with an average value indication of 0.0702Bq/cm3, whereas the beta activity concentration indicated BDL for all the sites with exception of upstream 01 location (9~' 51' 485' and 4~'35' 473'E) which has 0.0022Bq/cm3. This could be attributed to the continued flow of the lake water. Although radioactivity measured in lakes is usual higher than that of flowing waters, because a significant part of the radioactive substance brought in by other tributary rivers accumulates in it (Szaho et al.1998). That of Kainji Lake is entirely different