The Socio-Cultural Ceremonies amongst the Koro People in Kaffin – Koro Town in the 19th Century


The Koro people in Kaffin-Koro like any other ethnic group of modern Nigeria have their socio-cultural ceremonies. These socio- cultural ceremonies are formal activities which formed an integral aspects of Koro people’s way of life. The socio-cultural ceremonies amongst the Koro people in Kaffin-Koro were not only believed to be means for gathering the Koro citizens together for the purpose of promoting unity and love but essential for the progress of Koro community. These socio-cultural ceremonies through their values and norms have sustained the Koro society as a unified entity and provide not only valuable opportunity for these socio-cultural ceremonies to be pass on from one generation to another but remain ways  in which the 19th century Koro people in Kaffin – Koro preserved their traditions and cultural heritage

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