25 research outputs found

    Heteronomia autonomii. Pole literackie i zagraniczna polityka kulturalna

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    Niniejszy artykuł stanowi prolegomenę projektu badawczego, poświęconego relacjom między literaturą a mechanizmami zagranicznej polityki kulturalnej w kontekście stosunków polsko-niemieckich. Autor analizuje akta bońskiego MSZ z lat 1960-1970, a następnie próbuje odpowiedzieć na pytanie, jak ówczesne środowisko polityczne definiowało funkcję kultury. Działania rządowych instancji konfrontowane są z perspektywą aktorów pola literackiego. W tym przypadku potrzebne dane zostały pozyskane z Archiwum Siegfrieda Unselda, które od 2009 roku jest udostępnione badaczom w Deutsches Literaturarchiv Marbach. Integruje ono zbiory m.in. takich oficyn jak Suhrkamp Verlag oraz Insel Verlag. Metateoretyczną ramą, umożliwiającą usytuowanie problematyki zagranicznej polityki kulturalnej w obrębie literaturoznawstwa, jest zaproponowana przez Gerharda Plumpego i Nielsa Werbera perspektywa polikonteksturalna.This article introduces a research project on the relationship between literature and the mechanisms of foreign cultural policy in the context of Polish-German relations. Based on an analysis of records from the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Bonn from 1960 to 1970, Zajas asks how the political milieu at the time defined the function of culture. He juxtaposes the activities of government institutions with the perspective of agents in the literary field. For this group, data was obtained from the archive of the German publisher Siegfried Unseld, housed at the Deutsches Literaturarchiv Marbach, which was made available to researchers in 2009. This archive contains records from publishers such as Suhrkamp Verlag and Insel Verlag. The metatheoretical framework chosen to position the problem of foreign cultural policy within the realm of literary studies is the polycontextual framework proposed by Gerhard Plumpe and Niels Werber

    Die heroischen Jahre des akademischen Marxismus: Doppelrezension zu "Kämpfe mit Marx: Neue Linke und akademischer Marxismus in den Zeitschriften 'Das Argument' und 'PROKLA' 1959-1976" von David Bebnowski und "Die journalistische Form der Theorie: Die Zeitschrift 'alternative', 1958-1982" von Moritz Neuffer

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    David Bebnowski: Kämpfe mit Marx: Neue Linke und akademischer Marxismus in den Zeitschriften "Das Argument" und "PROKLA" 1959-1976. Geschichte der Gegenwart, Bd. 25. Göttingen: Wallstein-Verlag 2021. 978-3-8353-5031-1.+++Moritz Neuffer: Die journalistische Form der Theorie: die Zeitschrift "alternative", 1958-1982. Göttingen: Wallstein-Verlag 2021. 978-3-8353-5010-6

    It’s not just about how long you play. Indirect gaming involvement and genre preferences in predicting gaming disorder risk: evidence from preregistered studies

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    IntroductionThe strength of the association between gaming involvement and gaming disorder is weak to moderate. Gamers cannot be directly involved in gaming all the time, but how much they are involved in activities indirectly related to gaming during gaming-free time may play an important role. Also, specific game genres may matter. The present investigation focuses on the role of indirect gaming involvement and genres in gaming disorder risk prediction.MethodsTwo pre-registered studies were conducted. Study 1 (N = 205) was conducted online, whereas Study 2 (N = 250) was conducted in a lab. In both cases, participants reported their direct and indirect involvement in gaming (DGI and IGI, respectively) and completed a screening tool that estimates the risk of gaming disorder (Gaming Disorder Test).ResultsBoth IGI and DGI were weakly to moderately correlated with gaming disorder (GD) and moderately with each other. The correlations between DGI and GD were similar to those obtained in related studies; the correlation between IGI and GD has not been previously reported. Hierarchical regression that took IGI together with DGI into account showed an increase in the percentage of explained variance, but only in Study 1. Contrary to expectations, IGI did not interact with DGI. As is consistent with previous research, some game genres were found to be more closely related to GD than others: in both studies, this was an RPG; in Study 1, this was also an MMORPG; in Study 2, driving and shooting games also predicted GD risk.DiscussionOverall, the results clearly indicate that not only gaming time plays a role in GD risk assessment: IGI can also predict it and in some cases may allow for more accurate predictions. Gaming genres once again proved to play a role, but these and similar results should be treated with caution due to the partial lack of repeatability

    Haskie drogi Zygmunta Gargasa. Poolsch Persbureau a niemiecka propaganda kulturowa 1914–1918

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    The Netherlands was an important arena of propaganda work for both sides of the conflict during WWI. One of the major tasks of German diplomatic posts in The Hague, Amsterdam and Rotterdam was undoubtedly to skilfully manipulate Dutch public opinion regarding the occupied territory of Belgium. This was undertaken to contradict the propaganda work of the Triple Entente. Apart from that, the areas of the eastern war front, including the so-called “Polish issue”, were also hotly debated in the Netherlands. This paper presents the historical background and the organisational structure of the German culture propaganda in the years 1914–1918. Moreover, it focuses on the activity of the Polish Press Agency Het Poolsch Persbureau, founded in the Netherlands in 1914 by Zygmunt Gargas. The Agency constituted the sole source of information on Poland available in the area of neutral countries during WWI.The Netherlands was an important arena of propaganda work for both sides of the conflict during WWI. One of the major tasks of German diplomatic posts in The Hague, Amsterdam and Rotterdam was undoubtedly to skilfully manipulate Dutch public opinion regarding the occupied territory of Belgium. This was undertaken to contradict the propaganda work of the Triple Entente. Apart from that, the areas of the eastern war front, including the so-called “Polish issue”, were also hotly debated in the Netherlands. This paper presents the historical background and the organisational structure of the German culture propaganda in the years 1914–1918. Moreover, it focuses on the activity of the Polish Press Agency Het Poolsch Persbureau, founded in the Netherlands in 1914 by Zygmunt Gargas. The Agency constituted the sole source of information on Poland available in the area of neutral countries during WWI

    De antikoloniale etnografie en postkoloniale inschikkelijkheid in de Zuid-Afrikaanse reisverslagen van Antoni Rehman

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    The paper is devoted to the ethnographic work of Antoni Rehman (1840-1917) – the first attempt, in Polish, at a scientific description of the southern part of the African continent. In the course of the analysis it becomes evident that the ethnographic writings of Antoni Rehman are involved in the intricate relations of colonialism in a way not apparent at first glance. In his evaluation of indigenous peoples, Rehman first and foremost emphasizes the aspirations of certain groups (particularly the ‘Kaffirs,’ as the Xhosas and Zulus were referred to at that time) to self-sufficiency and independence from Boer and English domination. The South African indigenous peoples thus become a metaphor for Polish post-partition history. Rehman demonstrates his anti-colonial views likewise on a broader level, through his repeated contempt and condemnation of the colonization of nations and ethnic groups, such as the English and Afrikaner policies towards the black majority, as well as British attempts at seizing the Boer Republics (Rehman’s first stay in South Africa coincided with the annexation of Transvaal in 1877). Still, on a more detailed level, for instance in Rehmans’s description of European minorities, positive evaluation is bound up not with anti-colonial attitudes, but rather with successful colonization and the accumulation of goods. In this case, the German people are placed on top of the civilization ladder, while the Boers are depicted as if they were by their nature defined as a people who do not have the right to their own modern state. The Polish researcher has internalized the Prussian ideology of progress which relegates less organized nations to the margins of history. Accordingly we see to which extent postcolonial nostalgia and consciously hailing from the colonized part of Europe determine the nature of Polish-South African ethnography

    The political and the moral as inextricably linked. Merkur's editorial policies on Poland (1947-1978)

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    The paper analyses literary transfer of Polish literature to the journal Merkur: Deutsche Zeitschrift für europäisches Denken. The editorial archives of Merkur for the years 1947–1978 are stored in Deutsches Literaturarchiv Marbach. This primary source enables an exploration of connections between the selection of literary translations and West German debates on the relationships be- tween politics and literature. The analysis of the archival material pertaining to Polish literature is placed in a comparative context. The article proposes a detailed matrix of questions allowing a systematic description of journal poetics based on editorial archives. These include, among others, the selection and composition of individual texts, relationships between the texts proper and paratexts, as well as connections between the general programme of the journal and the structure of individual issues.NCN, 2019/33/B/HS2/00017.66182105Welt der Slave

    Poetyckie penetracje. Literatura, jej tłumacze i wydawcy na frontach Wielkiej Wojny

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    The author analyses the mechanisms of German cultural politics during World War I on the basis of unpublished archival materials on Belgian-german and German-Polish literary transfer. This historical presentation served to formulate more general theoretical conclusions about the transnational character of the cultural exchange during the growing nationalistic stimulation of societies as well as to put forward some scholarly postulates addressing the methodology of cultural transfer and Histoire croisée at the turn of 19th century

    Länderschwerpunkt Niederlande

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    Länderschwerpunkt Niederlande: The Siegfried Unseld Archives and Dutchliterature In 2009 Deutsches Literaturarchiv in Marbach (DLA) acquired the Siegfried Unseld Archives (SUA). SUA covers the period from 1945-2002 and includes material from the publishing houses such as Suhrkamp Verlag, Insel Verlag, Jüdischer Verlag and Deutscher Klassiker Verlag. The archive constitutes an important resource not only for the historians of literature and science, but also for the sociologists of literature dealing with literary translation. Scholars interested in Dutch literature will also find a wealth of research data in the archive. Suhrkamp Verlag, next to the publishers such as Hanser and Klett- Cotta, played a very important part in shaping the reception of Dutch literature in Germany. The paper discusses three stages in the production of literary translations in Suhrkamp Verlag between 1957-1990, focusing in particular on the selection procedure and the participation of the individual actors of the transfer

    Het handelsmerk Zuid-Afrika: Enkele overpeinzingen rondom de toeristische berichtgeving

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    The article analyses the rhetoric of Polish photos and tourist advertisements concerning the South African Republic. It demonstrates the discrepancy between the strategies implemented by South African state organizations (International Marketing Council) and the picture of South Africa abroad – in Poland in this case. A claim is made that the Republic of South Africa advertised as tourist space has nothing to do with the visual identity of the country as it is promoted by the International Marketing Council which emphasizes the post-1994 democratic changes and the country’s interculturality

    Hans Joachim Schädlich und die niederländische Lyrik Übersetzungen im verlegerischen Feld der DDR

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    Abstract: The paper reveals the backstage of a modern Dutch poetry anthology Gedichte aus Belgien und den Niederlanden (1977), published by an East-German publisher Volk & Welt. An analysis of the surviving correspondence, publishing reviews, and peritexts (afterwords) has shown the mechanisms of transfer in lite- rary translation to the GDR. This historical-literary case study illustrates the ways in which the political and cultural function of anthologies enabled the introducti- on of formal/content innovations into the East German literary system.NCN, 2019/33/B/HS2/0017661123Internationales Archiv fuer die Sozialgeschichte der deutschen Literatu