135 research outputs found


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    High power LEDs replace traditional light sources in all possible lighting applications, causing significant problems in assessing the quality of lighting. This issue is not limited only to the construction aspects of the measuring equipment, but also has a cognitive dimension. The article presents an overview of the current state of knowledge on color rendering and evaluation of discomfort glare in relation to the widespread use of LEDs in lighting. Some selected parameters developed copyright sources with LED sets. Basic limitations in UGR measurement were indicated.Diody świecące dużej mocy zastępują klasyczne źródła światła właściwie we wszystkich możliwych aplikacjach oświetleniowych, co powoduje znaczne problemy w ocenie jakości oświetlenia. Zagadnienie to nie sprowadza się wyłącznie do aspektów konstrukcyjnych aparatury pomiarowej, lecz także ma wymiar poznawczy. W artykule przedstawiono przegląd aktualnego stanu wiedzy na temat oddawania barw oraz oceny olśnienia przykrego w odniesieniu do powszechnego stosowania diod LED w oświetleniu. Omówiono wybrane parametry opracowywanych autorskich źródeł z zestawami LED. Wskazano podstawowe ograniczenia w technice pomiarów UGR

    Prognostic value of assessment of stool and serum IL-1Β, IL-1ra and IL-6 concentrations in children with active and inactive ulcerative colitis

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    Introduction: Interleukin-1b (IL-1b), interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1ra) and interleukin-6 (IL-6) contribute to the pathogenesis of ulcerative colitis (UC). The aim of our study was to evaluate the serum and stool IL-1b, IL-1ra and IL-6 concentrations as potential prognostic factors in children with UC. Material and methods: Thirty-eight children with UC (20 active, 18 inactive) and 14 healthy controls were prospectively included in the study. IL-1b, IL-1ra and IL-6 concentrations were measured in serum and stool supernatants at inclusion to the study using ELISA immunoassays. The children were followed up over 5 years, and at each follow-up clinical disease activity, quantity and severity of relapses, nutritional status, endoscopic and histopathologic activity, disease complications and the treatment regimen were evaluated. Results: In children with active and inactive UC who had relapsed during a 5-year follow-up period compared to the non-relapse groups we found significantly increased serum IL-1b (1.34 vs. 0.98 pg/ml, p < 0.05, and 1.02 vs. 0.68 pg/ml, p < 0.01, respectively,) and IL-1ra (718.0 vs. 453.2 pg/ml, p < 0.05, and 567.4 vs. 365.1 pg/ml, p < 0.01, respectively). Additionally, in children who had experienced complications during a 5-year follow-up period we observed significantly increased serum and stool IL-1b (p < 0.05) and serum IL-1ra (p < 0.01) compared to the group without complications. Conclusions: We concluded that serum IL-1b and IL-1ra and to a lesser extend stool IL-1b concentrations may be useful prognostic factors in children with active and inactive UC over a short-term follow-up period, which may help to identify children that require more aggressive therapy due to an increased risk of relapse or complications resulting from UC

    „Missa pulcherrima” Bartłomieja Pękiela. Historyczny, biograficzny i stylistyczny kontekst utworu

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    The main aim of this study was to present the outstanding composition created by Bartłomiej Pękiela, Missa Pulcherrima, giving the historical, biographical, and stylistic context. The author succinctly depicted, first the historical background in which the composer lived and created, sketching the rulers of Poland of the time: Sigismund III, Vladislaus IV and John Casimir, against the important political events of the period. Having delivered the most up-to-date research, he carried on to a closer presentation of the composer himself, with a few biographical details, like these of his work as the Royal Choirmaster in Warsaw, and then the Cathedral Choirmaster at the Wawel Castle in Cracow. The author of this paper drew heavily on the studies made by eminent Polish musicologist, Rev. Hieronim Feicht (1894–1967), whose research on the biography and compositions of Bartłomiej Pękiel has not be rivaled so far by anything equally insightful and exhaustive. This study is an attempt to show Pękiel’s Missa Pulcherrima in the context of mass service compositions, proving that in its extraordinary composing and stylistic values it definitely differs from the other mass pieces by this composer written in the old style (stile antico). The said composition was created after 1655, when Pękiel moved from Warsaw to Cracow so as to undertake the position of the Cathedral Choirmaster at the Wawel Castle. Most probably, it was his last composition. A liable review of Bartłomiej Pekiel’s Missa Pulcherrima was rendered by expert in the Old Polish Music, Ewa Obniska: “Without doubt, it is the most outstanding old Polish mass, the stunning composition of outstanding artistry and unparalleled subtlety of melodic side […] the most tremendous religious masterpiece of the Polish Baroque – amongst those few which have lost nothing of their influential power despite centuries passing”.The main aim of this study was to present the outstanding composition created by Bartłomiej Pękiela, Missa Pulcherrima, giving the historical, biographical, and stylistic context. The author succinctly depicted, first the historical background in which the composer lived and created, sketching the rulers of Poland of the time: Sigismund III, Vladislaus IV and John Casimir, against the important political events of the period. Having delivered the most up-to-date research, he carried on to a closer presentation of the composer himself, with a few biographical details, like these of his work as the Royal Choirmaster in Warsaw, and then the Cathedral Choirmaster at the Wawel Castle in Cracow. The author of this paper drew heavily on the studies made by eminent Polish musicologist, Rev. Hieronim Feicht (1894–1967), whose research on the biography and compositions of Bartłomiej Pękiel has not be rivaled so far by anything equally insightful and exhaustive. This study is an attempt to show Pękiel’s Missa Pulcherrima in the context of mass service compositions, proving that in its extraordinary composing and stylistic values it definitely differs from the other mass pieces by this composer written in the old style (stile antico). The said composition was created after 1655, when Pękiel moved from Warsaw to Cracow so as to undertake the position of the Cathedral Choirmaster at the Wawel Castle. Most probably, it was his last composition. A liable review of Bartłomiej Pekiel’s Missa Pulcherrima was rendered by expert in the Old Polish Music, Ewa Obniska: “Without doubt, it is the most outstanding old Polish mass, the stunning composition of outstanding artistry and unparalleled subtlety of melodic side […] the most tremendous religious masterpiece of the Polish Baroque – amongst those few which have lost nothing of their influential power despite centuries passing”

    Troska o pokój według św. Franciszka z Asyżu

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    Francis starting from the personal experience of social and political unrest, wanted and wished all “real peace of heaven”. He attached great importance to the greeting he had used himself and as well as his brothers: “May the Lord give you a peace”. The fraternity which has raised around him, he used to see in perspective of peace mission. Thus he encouraged his brothers to behave peace and to carry it to others. It should be their attitude during all forms of evangelization. External testimony of an attitude of peace towards others should flow from the inner peace of the heart. The attitude of inner and outer peace is on the one hand to follow Jesus, on the other opening to the spiritual gift of peace. In his peace mission Francis paid particular attention to the prudence and gentleness in the relationship and dialogue with others. He saw his mission as a share in the work of God, to which refer his all life experiences. To follow peace above all was for him a spiritual experience and an opportunity to meet God. He knew that God makes a man able to love and mercy, without which there is no peace.Franciszek, wychodząc od osobistego doświadczenia niepokoju społeczno-politycznego, pragnął i życzył wszystkim ludziom „prawdziwego pokoju z nieba”. Przywiązywał wielką wagę do samego pozdrowienia, jakiego używał sam i jego bracia: „niech Pan obdarzy cię pokojem”. Powstałą wokół niego braterską wspólnotę postrzegał właśnie w perspektywie misji pokoju. Stąd zachęcał braci, aby w swojej postawie podczas wszelkich form ewangelizowania sami zachowywali pokój i nieśli go innym. Zewnętrzne świadectwo postawy pełnej pokoju wobec bliźnich powinno wypływać z wewnętrznego pokoju serca. Postawa pokoju wewnętrznego i zewnętrznego to z jednej strony naśladowanie Jezusa, a z drugiej otwarcie się na duchowy dar pokoju. W misji pokoju Franciszek zwracał szczególną uwagę na roztropność i łagodność w relacjach i dialogu z innymi. Misję pokoju postrzegał jako udział w dziele Boga, do którego odnosił wszelkie życiowe doświadczenia. Zachowywanie pokoju było dla niego przede wszystkim doświadczeniem duchowym i okazją do spotkania z Bogiem. Wiedział bowiem, że to On uzdalnia człowieka do miłości i miłosierdzia, bez których nie ma pokoju

    Międzyuczelniany Instytut Muzyki Kościelnej w Krakowie. Dziesięć lat działalności (2008–2018)

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    The article presents various forms of the activity performed by the Intercollegiate Institute of Church Music in Cracow over the span of 10 years (2008–2018) with regard to scientific-and-didactic and to artistic aspects. The scientific-and-didactic performance is mainly the result of the activities regulated with a teaching curriculum, of scientific conferences and symposia, the outcome of the journal “Pro Musica Sacra”, devoted to church music, as well as of the activity of the Student Research Club, BA and MA theses be the effect of scientific seminars, and of post-graduate studies of liturgical monody. The artistic activity of the institute is best manifested through concerts, master courses and music workshops, through diploma organ recitals and liturgical diploma performances, CD recordings and music-related publications. The author of the article emphasizes that the major educational aim of all the educational, artistic and formative activities of the institute is to prepare competent and professional musicians who will undertake the jobs at various pastoral institutions of the church. And it is them on whom the music of the liturgical rituals shall represent a required standard, dignity and a desired form. The article concludes with the account of a tremendously important event for the history of the Institute, namely conferring upon the pope emeritus Benedict XVI the honoris causa doctorate by the John Paul II University and the Music Academy in Cracow in 2015.Keywords Intercollegiate Institute of Church Music in Cracow, John Paul II University, Music Academy, pope emeritus Benedict XVI, Mons. Robert Tyrała, Witold Zalewski, church music, pipe organ, BA and MA seminars, concerts, organ recitals, scientific conferences, Student Research Club, master courses, music workshops, journal “Pro Musica Sacra”W artykule autor przedstawia różnorodne formy działalności naukowo-dydaktycznej i artystycznej Międzyuczelnianego Instytutu Muzyki Kościelnej w Krakowie na przestrzeni dziesięciu lat (2008–2018). Działalność naukowo-dydaktyczna to zadania określone programem nauczania, a także organizowanie konferencji i sesji naukowych, wydawanie czasopisma poświęconego muzyce kościelnej „Pro Musica Sacra”, praca Koła Naukowego Studentów, prace licencjackie i magisterskie pisane w trakcie seminariów naukowych oraz prowadzenie studiów podyplomowych z monodii liturgicznej. Działalność artystyczna Instytutu znajduje swój wyraz w organizowanych koncertach, kursach mistrzowskich i warsztatach muzycznych, w dyplomowych recitalach organowych i dyplomach z gry liturgicznej, nagraniach płytowych i wydanych materiałach muzycznych. Autor podkreśla, że zasadniczym celem wszelkich poczynań – edukacyjnych, artystycznych i formacyjnych Instytutu – jest wykształcenie kompetentnych, profesjonalnych muzyków, którzy w przyszłości podejmą pracę w kościelnych ośrodkach duszpasterskich. Od nich bowiem zależeć będą odpowiedni poziom, godność i właściwy kształt muzyki w obrzędach liturgicznych Kościoła. Zwieńczeniem artykułu jest opis ważnego i wyjątkowego w historii Instytutu wydarzenia, jakim było nadanie w 2015 roku papieżowi seniorowi Benedyktowi XVI doktoratu honoris causa przez Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II i Akademię Muzyczną w Krakowie

    The impact of simplified inference methods on the results of research on the sense of security

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    The article highlighted the doubts and limitations of the traditional way of conducting surveys on fear of crime by political scientists and criminologists. Therefore, it was proposed to introduce the concept of bounded rationality to check the adequacy of these studies, and the experiment was conducted to demonstrate the impact of the framing effect and a simplified inference method, the availability heuristic on the formulation of answers in classic survey questions concerning fear of crime. The article discussed the results of the author’s own research and made suggestions for further possible research on heuristics and fear of crime, and indicated the implications of the results for the crime fear survey practice

    Effect of Rhizobium inoculation of seeds and foliar fertilization on productivity of Pisum sativum L.

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    Pea (Pisum sativum L.) is the second most important grain legume crop in the world which has a wide array of uses for human food and fodder. One of the major factors that determines the use of field pea is the yield potential of cultivars. Presently, pre-sowing inoculation of pea seeds and foliar application of microelement fertilizers are prospective solutions and may be reasonable agrotechnical options. This research was undertaken because of the potentially high productivity of the 'afila' morphotype in good wheat complex soils. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of vaccination with Rhizobium and foliar micronutrient fertilization on yield of the afila pea variety. The research was based on a two-year (2009–2010) controlled field experiment, conducted in four replicates and carried out on the experimental field of the Bayer company located in Modzurów, Silesian region. experimental field soil was Umbrisol – slightly degraded chernozem, formed from loess. Nitragina inoculant, as a source of symbiotic bacteria, was applied before sowing seeds. Green area index (GAI) of the canopy, photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), and normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) were determined at characteristic growth stages. The presented results of this study on symbiotic nitrogen fixation by leguminous plants show that the combined application of Nitragina and Photrel was the best combination for productivity. Remote measurements of the pea canopy indexes indicated the formation of the optimum leaf area which effectively used photosynthetically active radiation. The use of Nitragina as a donor of effective Rhizobium for pea plants resulted in slightly higher GAI values and the optimization of PAR and NDVI. It is not recommended to use foliar fertilizers or Nitragina separately due to the slowing of pea productivity

    Impact of inoculant and foliar fertilization on root system parameters of pea (Pisum sativum l.)

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    In recent years, sustainable crop development has played a key role in current strategies to improve roots activity, which increase nutrients uptake in pulse crop. Our study presents the relationship between root system morphology, inoculant application with and without foliar fertilization and nitrogen accumulation in soil and plants. Two inoculants: Nitragina and IUNG, foliar fertilizer (Photrel), as well as two pea cultivars were studied in three years (2009–2011) period. The research has shown that bacterial inoculants have signifiant inflence on the selected parameters of pea root systems. Gel inoculant signifiantly increased mean root diameter (0.44 mm), compared to control (0.33 mm), whereas combination of Nitragina inoculant with micronutrient fertilization signifiantly increased root length density (1.05 cm·cm-3), compared to control (0.85 cm·cm-3). Additionally, the bacterial inoculant IUNG has signifiantly decreased the root length density in roots classes between 0.2–0.5 mm in the most humid year. The impact of inoculants on roots parameters was strongly related to weather conditions. In a dry year, a signifiant decrease of mean root diameter, specifi root length and increase of root dry mass were observed. Nitrogen accumulation in seeds signifiantly increased after gel inoculant application. A higher N content was proven in the fodder cultivar, but the edible cultivar was observed to accumulate more N in the seeds, which caused a Nitrogen Harvest index for this plant (80.0%)