694 research outputs found

    Improving the quality of medical care hypertension through the introduction of internal audit mechanism

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    Clinical audit is the process of improving the quality of care provided by the systematic verification of care with clearly defined criteria and subject to subsequent changes. The purpose of the study is to show the possibility of the author's model of quality management of medical care on the basis of the mechanism of internal audit in hypertensive patients, introduced in the Sumy City Clinic Hospital number 5

    Improving the quality of medical care hypertension through the introduction of internal audit mechanism

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    Clinical audit is the process of improving the quality of care provided by the systematic verification of care with clearly defined criteria and subject to subsequent changes. The purpose of the study is to show the possibility of the author's model of quality management of medical care on the basis of the mechanism of internal audit in hypertensive patients, introduced in the Sumy City Clinic Hospital number 5

    Analysis of a strip loop antenna located on the surface of an open cylindrical waveguide filled with a resonant magnetoplasma

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    The electrodynamic characteristics of a circular loop antenna located on the surface of an open waveguide in the form of an axially magnetized plasma column are studied using the integral equation method. The current distribution and the input impedance of the antenna excited by a time-harmonic external voltage are obtained in closed form for the case where the plasma inside the column is resonant

    Improving the system of healthcare institution management in conditions of pandemic threats

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    The article is devoted to analysing activities of the infectious disease unit of a medical institution in one of Ukrainian regions. The unit is designed for intensive care of patients. The study main goal is to develop a strategy for further development of this unit to improve quality of its services and patient satisfaction. During the research, the initial conditions for the in-patient medical care provision were discussed. A comprehensive analysis of activities and structural problems within the infectious unit was carried out. Based on the study results, a strategic plan for further development was generated to enhance the unit efficiency and quality of its provided medical services. During analysing the infectious unit work, it was found that the in-patient care provision meets the worldwide infectious care norms. In the conditions of reforming the Ukrainian medical industry, many issues remain unresolved (in particular, restructuring and improvement of the healthcare system as a whole and that of the infectious disease unit). The latter plays an important role in creating a high-quality national program for medical service provision by healthcare institutions. Therefore, we succeed in improving resilience in the face of public health threats and risks. The analysis showed current positive trends in understanding the importance of this structural unit activities within the healthcare system. Besides, new ways of its modernisation are found. The authors substantiate this area development requires the national quality control indicators, the marketing policy improvement as well as the strengthened organisational and methodological role of the infectious disease service in healthcare institutions. Specific recommendations were formulated regarding ways to develop the infectious disease unit. They will help raise service satisfaction among patients of medical institutions. The obtained results are of practical importance and can be used in managing healthcare institutions at the national and regional levels

    Current trends in the state and development of the insurance sector

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    This article is devoted to the issue o f trends, the impact o f problems and barriers on the development o f the insurance secto

    Pedagogical conditions of primary drug abuse prevention among students of a higher education institution

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    The relevance of the researched problem is caused by the fact that being one of the least adapted and socially unprotected groups, young people bear the impress of general social uncertainty, lack of confidence and uneasiness, as a result of it, drug addiction problems among young people are pushed into the forefront among social-pedagogical and psychological-pedagogical problems. The purpose of the presented article consists in theoretical reasons, development experimental and research check of a complex of the pedagogical conditions providing efficiency of primary prevention of drug addiction among students of a higher education institution. The leading method to a research of this problem is the modeling method that enables to consider this problem as a purposeful and organized process of creation of the pedagogical conditions necessary for effective primary prevention of drug addiction among students of a higher education institution. The complex of the pedagogical conditions providing efficiency of process of primary drug abuse prevention is presented in the article. It consists of the pedagogical analysis of the reasons of a drug abuse, detection of specifics of a drug abuse of youthful age, the choice and use of the methods and agents of primary prophylaxis of a youth drug abuse, development of a special course for training of specialists which are carrying out activities for prophylaxis of the drug habit at educational organizations. The complex of pedagogical conditions is focused on the process organization of drug abuse prevention among students and focused on development of methodical ensuring process of training of the teachers who are carrying out activities for drug abuse prevention in educational organizations. The materials of article can be useful to teachers of higher education institutions and colleges participating in the organization and carrying out preventive measures of a drug addiction, and also to the listeners, graduates of military academies, and practical staffof Department of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation who are interested in drug addiction problems. © Authors

    Multi-critera selection of a corporate system by using paired comparison analysis

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    The paper presents the results of comparing foreign corporate information systems (CISs) obtained by using the classical analytic hierarchy process (AHP). The eight most common corporate information systems of international standards were analyzed, there were determined some classes of criteria which are vital when selecting a system, and for each criterion 3-4 most suitable systems were identifie

    Formal methods of analysis and synthesis for decisions options during corporate information system development

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    The article presents a generalized approach to decision making in the process of application development based on cyclically repeating actions, including the synthesis of solution options and their analysis. They considered the basic methods of analysis and synthesis used in decision-making process on the design of corporate information systems (CIS). The description of the proposed generalized semantic model is given on the example of component interaction of the Integrated complex of high-level development tools and the functioning environment of corporate-level information systems (Platform). They analyzed the process of CIS IT infrastructure on the basis of the Platform and the specific steps of making a management decision for this exampl

    Implementation of contact interaction in a finite - element formulation

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    © 2014 O. A. Sachenkov, V. I. Mitryaikin, T. A. Zaitseva and Yu. G. Konoplev. The paper presents a technique which makes it possible to take into account contact interactions between surfaces based on the finite element method. The technique is based on iterative cycles, determining statuses of the contact elements and renewing the contact forces to satisfy the condition of zero penetration of all active contact elements. The proposed technique allows us also to take account of friction between the contacting elements. The paper considers an example of implementing contact interaction with regard to friction between bodies, and solves a model problem