6,009 research outputs found

    The equivalence problem and rigidity for hypersurfaces embedded into hyperquadrics

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    We consider the class of Levi nondegenerate hypersurfaces MM in \bC^{n+1} that admit a local (CR transversal) embedding, near a point pMp\in M, into a standard nondegenerate hyperquadric in CN+1\Bbb C^{N+1} with codimension k:=Nnk:=N-n small compared to the CR dimension nn of MM. We show that, for hypersurfaces in this class, there is a normal form (which is closely related to the embedding) such that any local equivalence between two hypersurfaces in normal form must be an automorphism of the associated tangent hyperquadric. We also show that if the signature of MM and that of the standard hyperquadric in \bC^{N+1} are the same, then the embedding is rigid in the sense that any other embedding must be the original embedding composed with an automorphism of the quadric

    Deformation of generic submanifolds in a complex manifold

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    This paper shows that an arbitrary generic submanifold in a complex manifold can be deformed into a 1-parameter family of generic submanifolds satisfying strong nondegeneracy conditions. The proofs use a careful analysis of the jet spaces of embeddings satisfying certain nondegeneracy properties, and also make use of the Thom transversality theorem, as well as the stratification of real-algebraic sets. Optimal results on the order of nondegeneracy are given.Comment: 24 page

    Experimental evidence of ageing and slow restoration of the weak-contact configuration in tilted 3D granular packings

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    Granular packings slowly driven towards their instability threshold are studied using a digital imaging technique as well as a nonlinear acoustic method. The former method allows us to study grain rearrangements on the surface during the tilting and the latter enables to selectively probe the modifications of the weak-contact fraction in the material bulk. Gradual ageing of both the surface activity and the weak-contact reconfigurations is observed as a result of repeated tilt cycles up to a given angle smaller than the angle of avalanche. For an aged configuration reached after several consecutive tilt cycles, abrupt resumption of the on-surface activity and of the weak-contact rearrangements occurs when the packing is subsequently inclined beyond the previous maximal tilting angle. This behavior is compared with literature results from numerical simulations of inclined 2D packings. It is also found that the aged weak-contact configurations exhibit spontaneous restoration towards the initial state if the packing remains at rest for tens of minutes. When the packing is titled forth and back between zero and near-critical angles, instead of ageing, the weak-contact configuration exhibits "internal weak-contact avalanches" in the vicinity of both the near-critical and zero angles. By contrast, the stronger-contact skeleton remains stable

    Quantitative Simulation of the Superconducting Proximity Effect

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    A numerical method is developed to calculate the transition temperature of double or multi-layers consisting of films of super- and normal conductors. The approach is based on a dynamic interpretation of Gorkov's linear gap equation and is very flexible. The mean free path of the different metals, transmission through the interface, ratio of specular reflection to diffusive scattering at the surfaces, and fraction of diffusive scattering at the interface can be included. Furthermore it is possible to vary the mean free path and the BCS interaction NV in the vicinity of the interface. The numerical results show that the normalized initial slope of an SN double layer is independent of almost all film parameters except the ratio of the density of states. There are only very few experimental investigations of this initial slope and they consist of Pb/Nn double layers (Nn stands for a normal metal). Surprisingly the coefficient of the initial slope in these experiments is of the order or less than 2 while the (weak coupling) theory predicts a value of about 4.5. This discrepancy has not been recognized in the past. The autor suggests that it is due to strong coupling behavior of Pb in the double layers. The strong coupling gap equation is evaluated in the thin film limit and yields the value of 1.6 for the coefficient. This agrees much better with the few experimental results that are available. PACS: 74.45.+r, 74.62.-c, 74.20.F

    Quasiclassical approach to the spin-Hall effect in the two-dimensional electron gas

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    We study the spin-charge coupled transport in a two-dimensional electron system using the method of quasiclassical (ξ\xi-integrated) Green's functions. In particular we derive the Eilenberger equation in the presence of a generic spin-orbit field. The method allows us to study spin and charge transport from ballistic to diffusive regimes and continuity equations for spin and charge are automatically incorporated. In the clean limit we establish the connection between the spin-Hall conductivity and the Berry phase in momentum space. For finite systems we solve the Eilenberger equation numerically for the special case of the Rashba spin-orbit coupling and a two-terminal geometry. In particular, we calculate explicitly the spin-Hall induced spin polarization in the corners, predicted by Mishchenko et al. [13]. Furthermore we find universal spin currents in the short-time dynamics after switching on the voltage across the sample, and calculate the corresponding spin-Hall polarization at the edges. Where available, we find perfect agreement with analytical results.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Artificial Intelligence as a Culturological Problem

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    The article poses the question of cultural interpretation of artificial intelligence. It is revealed that in relation to artificial intelligence in modern culture there are at least two conflicting strategies. The first strategy is based on the idea of the superiority of artificial intelligence over the human intellect, and as a response serves as a breeding ground for the ideas of techno-apocalypse. The second strategy, which arose and developed within the framework of the Soviet Information Society project, sees in artificial intelligence the possibility of building a more perfect and just society.     Keywords: information society, artificial intelligence, induction of artificial intelligence, cultural problem, intercultural spac