19 research outputs found

    Penentuan Kadar Flavonoid Ekstrak Etil Asetat Daun Sukun (Artocarpus Altilis)

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    Daun sukun (Artocarpus altilis) merupakan salah satu obat tradisional yang sudah lama digunakan untuk mengatasi berbagai penyakit. Beberapa senyawa yang telah diketahui mampu mengambat pertumbuhan kanker yang terdapat dalam daun sukun adalah senyawa golongan flavonoid. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan kadar flavonoid ekstrak etil asetat daun sukun. Sampel diekstrak menggunakan metode maserasi dengan pelarut etil asetat. Penentuan kadar flavonoid menggunakan spektrofotometri yang diukur pada panjang gelombang 435 nm, dengan pembanding kuersetin (QE). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan kandungan flavonoid pada ekstrak etil asetat daun sukun adalah 29,442±1,20 mgQE/g

    Penentuan Kadar Flavonoid Ekstrak Etil Asetat Daun Sukun (Artocarpus altilis)

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    Daun sukun (Artocarpus altilis) merupakan salah satu obat tradisional yang sudah lama digunakan untuk mengatasi berbagai penyakit. Beberapa senyawa yang telah diketahui mampu mengambat pertumbuhan kanker yang terdapat dalam daun sukun adalah senyawa golongan flavonoid. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan kadar flavonoid ekstrak etil asetat daun sukun. Sampel diekstrak menggunakan metode maserasi dengan pelarut etil asetat. Penentuan kadar flavonoid menggunakan spektrofotometri yang diukur pada panjang gelombang 435 nm, dengan pembanding kuersetin (QE). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan kandungan flavonoid pada ekstrak etil asetat daun sukun adalah 29,442±1,20 mgQE/g

    Investigation of Numerical Hydrodynamic Performance of Deformable Hydrofoil (Applied on Blade Propeller)

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    The hydrofoil is a hydro-lifting surface that significantly contributes to marine transportation such as a boat, ship, and submarine for its movement and maneuverability. The existing hydrofoils are in fixed-shaped National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) profiles, depending merely on the variation of Angle of Attack (AOA) such as rudder, hydroplane, and propeller blade. This research is concerned with the deformable hydrofoil that aims at modifying its NACA profile rather than its AOA. However, there is still a lack of knowledge about designing an appropriate deformable hydrofoil. Therefore, a numerical investigation of hydrodynamic characteristics for selected hydrofoils was conducted. After undergoing the 2D numerical analysis (potential flow method) at specific conditions, several NACA profiles were chosen based on the performance of NACA profiles. NACA 0017 was selected as the initial shape for this research before it deformed to the optimized NACA profiles, NACA 6417, 8417, and 9517. The 3D CFD simulations using the finite volume method to obtain hydrodynamic characteristics at 0 deg AOA with a constant flow rate. The mesh sensitivity and convergence study are carried out to get consistent, validated, and reliable results. The final CFD modeled for propeller VP 1304 for open water test numerically. The results found that the performance of symmetry hydrofoil NACA 0017 at maximum AOA is not the highest compared to the other deformed NACA profiles at 0 deg AOA. The numerical open water test showed that the error obtained on K.T., K.Q., and efficiency is less than 8% compared to the experimental results. It shows that the results were in good agreement, and the numerical CFD setting can be used for different deformed profiles in the future

    Development and Experimental Investigation of a Marine Vessel Utilizing the Energy Ship Concept for Far Offshore Wind Energy Conversion

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    The energy ship is a concept for offshore wind energy capture which has received very little attention until today. To this date, there had not been yet an experimental proof of concept. In order to tackle this issue, an experimental platform and data acquisition system has been developed. A 5.5m long sailing catamaran served as a platform equipped with a 240mm diameter water turbine. The energy ship platform has been tested several times in the actual river to investigate the workability of the platform and data acquisition system. Results show that energy ship platform can produced 500W electric power for a true wind speed of 10 knots

    Modul sijil Eksekutif Pengurusan Teknologi Penanaman Tebu Profesional

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    Buku ini merupakan suatu perkongsian dan gabungan idea daripada beberapa insan yang mencari kelainan teknik dalam dunia perniagaan khususnya usahawan yang berjaya dalam dunia perniagaan seperti Koperasi Pembangunan Usahawan Bestari Johor Bhd (KPUBJB). Penubuhan Koperasi Pembangunan Usahawan Bestari Johor Bhd ini bermatlamat untuk membina minda usahawan kepada ahli-ahlinya dan mementingkan ahli-ahlinya agar dapat menambah nilai ilmu perniagaan bagi menaiktaraf ekonomi keluarga, bangsa, agama dan negara. Setiap bab dalam buku ini memberi informasi dan maklumat yang dapat membantu masyarakat dalam bentuk panduan berkaitan teknologi penghasilan tebu. Semua tajuk yang digarap dalam penulisan ini merangkumi penyediaan tapak tanaman tebu, teknik tanaman tebu, racun serangga atau rumpai dan baja sehingga strategi pemasaran. Di samping itu, buku ini juga memberi pendedahan tentang jadual penjagaan selepas penanaman tebu dan kaedah pemasaran. Buku ini juga sangat sesuai dijadikan rujukan para pengusaha serta ahli perniagaan tebu yang berhasrat untuk mendalami perniagaan sehingga berkembang maju

    Reconfigurable radiation pattern of planar antenna using metamaterial for 5G applications

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    In this research, a reconfigurable metamaterial (MM) structure was designed using a millimeter-wave (MMW) band with two configurations that exhibit di erent refractive indices. These two MM configurations are used to guide the antenna’s main beam in the desired direction in the 5th generation (5G) band of 28 GHz. The di erent refractive indices of the two MM configurations created phase change for the electromagnetic (EM) wave of the antenna, which deflected the main beam. A contiguous squares resonator (CSR) is proposed as an MM structure to operate at MMW band. The CSR is reconfigured using three switches to achieve two MM configurations with di erent refractive indices. The simulation results of the proposed antenna loaded by MM unit cells demonstrate that the radiation beam is deflected by angles of +30 an

    Convertible Bandstop to Allpass Filter using Defected Ground Structure with Ideal Switch for Millimeter-Wave Band in 5G Application

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    According to this study, a defective ground structure (DGS) with an ideal switch can be used to create a bandstop to allpass filter for 5G applications. The redesigned Hairpin DGS's bandstop and allpass responses are mathematically investigated in this paper. Utilising an ideal switch via open circuit and short circuit conditions on DGS, the convertible filter is operated. Therefore, the filter's performance in terms of return loss, attenuation, and insertion loss is simulated. As a result, the filter operates at 25.875 GHz in open circuit condition with a narrowband (2.16 GHz) bandstop response at 10 dB and a maximum attenuation of 29.5 dB, and at 26 GHz with a wideband allpass response and return loss greater than 10 dB. As a result, the filter is appropriate for 5G applications that use millimeter-wave RF front-end systems   &nbsp

    Convertible Bandstop to Allpass Filter using Defected Ground Structure with Ideal Switch for Millimeter-Wave Band in 5G Application

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    According to this study, a defective ground structure (DGS) with an ideal switch can be used to create a bandstop to allpass filter for 5G applications. The redesigned Hairpin DGS's bandstop and allpass responses are mathematically investigated in this paper. Utilising an ideal switch via open circuit and short circuit conditions on DGS, the convertible filter is operated. Therefore, the filter's performance in terms of return loss, attenuation, and insertion loss is simulated. As a result, the filter operates at 25.875 GHz in open circuit condition with a narrowband (2.16 GHz) bandstop response at 10 dB and a maximum attenuation of 29.5 dB, and at 26 GHz with a wideband allpass response and return loss greater than 10 dB. As a result, the filter is appropriate for 5G applications that use millimeter-wave RF front-end systems   &nbsp

    Review on frequency reconfigurable antenna using substrate-integrated waveguide for cognitive radio application

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    Cognitive radio (CR) exploits the spectrum efficiently and minimizes the interference between different devices. Meanwhile, multiband frequency-reconfigurable antennas (FRA) are desirable for CR where it is beneficial to dynamically reconfigure a single antenna to be transmitted and/or received on multiple frequency bands. As stated by the literature review, there is a dearth of work into multiband FRA that is directly applied in CR applications with substrate-integrated waveguide (SIW) technology. Frequency-reconfigurable SIW (FRSIW) is seen as promising for the development of microwave and millimeter waveband antennas. This study’s key objective is for the technical operational advances of SIW antennas to be summarized and compared. The design structure of FRSIW elements using different techniques is discussed in detail. The findings supported the effectiveness of FRSIW for managing radio spectrum to work in most efficient way