489 research outputs found

    Effect of Induced Magnetic Field on Mixed Convection Flow in a Vertical Channel with Symmetric and Asymmetric Wall Heating Conditions

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    The present paper concerns the study of the induced magnetic field effect on mixed convection flow of viscous incompressible electrically conducting fluid in a vertical channel with symmetric and asymmetric wall heating conditions with heat generation. A steady, laminar, and fully developed flow is considered. Through the appropriate choice of dimensionless variable, the governing equations are developed and three types of thermal boundary conditions isothermal-isothermal, isoflux-isothermal, and isothermal-isoflux for the left-right wall of the channel have prescribed. The analytical solutions for the velocity field, temperature field, magnetic field, and induced current density have been acquired for three types of thermal boundary conditions. A parametric study has been conducted and, the graphical results are exhibited for the velocity field, magnetic field, induced current density, and Nusselt number

    Supervisor’s Role as an Antecedent of Training Transfer and Motivation to Learn in Training Programs

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    Training and development program literature highlights two major characteristics ofsupervisor's role: support and communication. The ability of supervisors to provide adequate supportand practice good communication style in relation to training programs may lead to increased trainingtransfer and motivation to learn. Though the nature of this relationship is significant, little is knownabout the predictive properties of supervisor's roles in training program literatures. Therefore, thisstudy was conducted to measure the effect of supervisor's role on training transfer and motivation tolearn using 110 usable questionnaires gathered from employees who have attended training programs ina state public work agency in East Malaysia, Malaysia. The results of exploratory factor analysisconfirmed that the measurement scales used in this study satisfactorily met the acceptable standards ofvalidity and reliability analyses. Further, the outcomes of stepwise regression analysis showed fourimportant findings: first, support insignificantly correlated with motivation to learn. Second,communication significantly correlated with motivation to learn. Third, support significantly correlatedwith transfer of training. Finally, communication significantly correlated with transfer of learning.Statistically, this result confirms that support is an important antecedent of motivation to learn andcommunication is an important antecedent of motivation to learn. Conversely, support andcommunication are important antecedents of training transfer in the studied organization. In addition,discussion, implications and conclusion are elaborated

    CPEC: Pakistan-China Cordial Ties - A Boost to Pakistan's Economy

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    This paper highlights the need of energy production in Pakistan and to determine the extent to which China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and its energy projects will contribute to the economic growth and development of Pakistan. In this regard, a fair amount of literature has been reviewed. The literature review presented confirms that a positive relationship exists between the energy production, security and economic development.  The long term friendship of Pakistan and China is discussed and how this tie has benefitted both the countries. Chinese cooperation and assistance with Pakistan is well evident from the substantial Chinese investment in Pakistan’s infrastructural expansion particularly development of Pakistan’s deep-water port at Gwadar. Under its One Belt One Road plan, China and Pakistan have collaboratively started a multibillion mega project, China Pakistan Economic Corridor. Under CPEC twenty-one energy projects being established, that is supposed to reduce the energy poverty generation in Pakistan. The study finds out that the sufficiency in energy sector will boost economy by energizing the industry and businesses as well as by creating thousands of direct and indirect employment opportunities

    Antibiotic resistance among Salmonella enterica serovars Typhi and Paratyphi A in Pakistan (2001-2006).

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    Objectives: To compare antimicrobial resistance in S. Typhi and S. Paratyphi A isolates from Pakistan. Methods: Blood samples were collected through \u3e 175 laboratory collection points in major cities and towns across the country. The study included 3,671 S. Typhi and 1,475 S. Paratyphi A isolates (2001-2006). Multidrug resistance (MDR) was defined as resistance to first-line agents co-trimoxazole, chloramphenicol and ampicillin. Results: In total, 79.3% S. Typhi and 59.9% S. Paratyphi A were isolated from Patients under 15 years of age. During the study period, the MDR rate increased in S. Typhi (34.2 to 48.5% p 1 microg/ml) increased in both S. Typhi (1.6 to 64.1% p4 microg/ml) was greater in S. Paratyphi A when compared to S. Typhi. Resistance to first-line drugs was higher in those Conclusion: Differences between S. Typhi and S. Paratyphi A, in terms of evolution of resistance to first-line agents and to quinolones, are evident in this population. The rapid increase in quinolone resistance in S. Paratyphi A when compared to S. Typhi is concerning and requires further study

    Nalidixic acid screening test in detection of decreased fluoroquinolone susceptibility in salmonella typhi isolated from blood

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    OBJECTIVE: To determine the validity of nalidixic acid screening test in the detection of high MICs of fluoroquinolone against Salmonella(S.) typhi isolated from blood and correlate zone diameters of ofloxacin with that of MIC value for nalidixic acid sensitive and resistant strains. DESIGN: Cross-sectional analytical study. PLACE AND DURATION OF STUDY: Clinical Microbiology Laboratory of the Aga Khan Hospital, Karachi from January 2002 to December 2003.METHODS: Two hundred S. typhi isolates from blood were included for nalidixic acid screening and ofloxacin susceptibility. Antibiotic susceptibilities for both the antibiotics were obtained by disc diffusion method whereas MICs were determined by standard agar dilution method as recommended by NCCLS guidelines. Sensitivity, specificity and correlation between both antimicrobial susceptibility methods were calculated and results expressed as scattergrams.RESULTS: The results broadly classify S. typhi isolates into nalidixic acid resistant strains with no zone of inhibition around 30 mug nalidixic acid disc and nalidixic acid sensitive strains with mean zone of inhibition of 24.9 mm. All S. typhi isolates with ofloxacin MIC of capital ZHE, Cyrillic 0.125 microg/ml were found to be nalidixic acid resistant (MIC capital ZHE, Cyrillic32 microg/ml) whereas the isolates with ofloxacin MIC 0.06 microg/ml were nalidixic acid sensitive (MIC 8 microg/ml). Screening for nalidixic acid resistance was found to be 100% sensitive and 97% specific in identifying S. typhi strains with reduced susceptibility to fluoroquinolone (MIC capital ZHE, Cyrillic 0.125 microg/ml).CONCLUSION: Nalidixic acid resistance as a screening method is proved to be significant in identifying S. typhi isolates with reduced susceptibility to fluoroquinolones. It is also suggested that inhibition zone of 25 mm around 5 microg ofloxacin disc is appropriate as a selection criterion to detect S. typhi isolates with reduced susceptibility to fluoroquinolones

    Exploiting UAV as NOMA based relay for coverage extension

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    Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) aided communication has acquired research interest in many civilian and military applications. The use of UAV as base stations and as aerial relays to improve coverage of existing cellular networks is prevalent in current literature. Along with this, a few studies have proposed the use of non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) in UAV communications. In this paper, we propose a network where a ground user and an aerial UAV relay is accessed using NOMA, where the UAV acts as decode-and-forward (DF) relay to extend the coverage of source. The performance of the proposed model is shown by evaluating outage behaviour for different transmit power and fading environments with Monte Carlo simulations. System throughput of proposed network appears to be better than orthogonal multiple access (OMA) based equivalent network. The results show that with an adequate height of the UAV NOMA based relay, quality of service (QoS) of cell edge user is satisfactory


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    This study was conducted to examine the effect of performance appraisal communication (i.e., feedback and interactional style) and procedural justice on job satisfaction using 150 usable questionnaires collected from employees who work in a national post office, Sarawak, Malaysia. The results of exploratory factor analysis confirmed that the measurement scales used in this study satisfactorily met the standards of validity and reliability analyses. Further, the outcomes of hierarchical regression analysis showed that interaction between procedural justice and performance appraisal communication (i.e., feedback and interactional style) significantly correlated with job satisfaction. Statistically, this result confirms that procedural justice does act as a moderating variable in the relationship between performance appraisal communication and job satisfaction in the studied organization. In addition, discussion, implications and conclusion are elaboratedThis study was conducted to examine the effect of performance appraisal communication (i.e., feedback and interactional style) and procedural justice on job satisfaction using 150 usable questionnaires collected from employees who work in a national post office, Sarawak, Malaysia. The results of exploratory factor analysis confirmed that the measurement scales used in this study satisfactorily met the standards of validity and reliability analyses. Further, the outcomes of hierarchical regression analysis showed that interaction between procedural justice and performance appraisal communication (i.e., feedback and interactional style) significantly correlated with job satisfaction. Statistically, this result confirms that procedural justice does act as a moderating variable in the relationship between performance appraisal communication and job satisfaction in the studied organization. In addition, discussion, implications and conclusion are elaborated

    Elevated ex vivo monocyte chemotactic protein-1 (CCL2) in pulmonary as compared with extra-pulmonary tuberculosis

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    BACKGROUND: Tuberculosis causes 3 million deaths annually. The most common site of tuberculosis is pulmonary however; extra-pulmonary forms of the disease also remain prevalent. Restriction of Mycobacterium tuberculosis depends on effective recruitment and subsequent activation of T lymphocytes, mononuclear and polymorphonuclear cells to the site of infection. Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α is essential for granuloma formation and is a potent activator of monocyte chemotactic protein (MCP-1, CCL2). CCL2 is essential for recruitment of monocytes and T cells and has been shown to play a role in protection against tuberculosis. Interleukin -8 (CXCL8) is a potent activator of neutrophils. Increased levels of CCL2, CXCL8 and TNFα are reported in tuberculosis but their significance in different forms of tuberculosis is as yet unclear. We have used an ex vivo assay to investigate differences in immune parameters in patients with either pulmonary or extra-pulmonary tuberculosis. METHODS: Serum levels of CCL2, CXCL8 and TNFα were measured in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis (N = 12), extra-pulmonary tuberculosis (N = 8) and BCG-vaccinated healthy volunteers (N = 12). Whole blood cells were stimulated with non-pathogenic Mycobacterium bovis bacille-Calmette Guerin (BCG) vaccine strain or bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and cyto/chemokines were monitored in supernatants. RESULTS: Circulating serum levels of CXCL8 and TNFα were raised in all tuberculosis patients, while CCL2 levels were not. There was no difference in spontaneous cytokine secretion from whole blood cells between patients and controls. M. bovis BCG-induced ex vivo CCL2 secretion was significantly greater in pulmonary as compared with both extra-pulmonary tuberculosis patients and endemic controls. In response to LPS stimulation, patients with pulmonary tuberculosis showed increased CCL2 and TNFα responses as compared with the extra-pulmonary group. BCG-, and LPS-induced CXCL8 secretion was comparable between patients and controls. CONCLUSION: CCL2 is activated by TNFα and is essential for recruitment of monocytes and T cells to the site of mycobacterial infection. Increased CCL2 activation in pulmonary tuberculosis may result in a stronger cellular response as compared with extra-pulmonary tuberculosis patients, and this may contribute to the localization of infection to the pulmonary site

    Pelarian dana: bukti baharu peranan modal manusia

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    Masalah pelarian dana telah diselidik sejak awal tahun 1980-an. Namun kajian sedia ada hanya tertumpu kepada memperbaiki kaedah pengiraan pelarian dana dan faktor utama punca pelarian dana. Kajian ini mengorak selangkah lagi kehadapan dengan mengkaji faktor yang mampu untuk mengurangkan kesan negatif daripada dua faktor utama pelarian dana iaitu kesan risiko ekonomi dan risiko institusi melalui saluran pengukuhan modal manusia. Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk menyelidik hubungan antara pelarian dana dan modal manusia dengan menggunakan kaedah sistem panel dinamik. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa pekali regrasi modal manusia mempunyai hubungan negatif dengan aktiviti pelarian dana. Dapatan ini menerangkan bahawa modal manusia mampu mengurangkan aktiviti pelarian dana dengan meningkatkan keyakinan pelabur untuk melabur dan mengekalkan pelaburan sedia ada. Oleh itu polisi yang digubal untuk menangani masalah pelarian dana semestinya mengambil kira faktor pengukuhan sektor modal manusia