Supervisor’s Role as an Antecedent of Training Transfer and Motivation to Learn in Training Programs


Training and development program literature highlights two major characteristics ofsupervisor's role: support and communication. The ability of supervisors to provide adequate supportand practice good communication style in relation to training programs may lead to increased trainingtransfer and motivation to learn. Though the nature of this relationship is significant, little is knownabout the predictive properties of supervisor's roles in training program literatures. Therefore, thisstudy was conducted to measure the effect of supervisor's role on training transfer and motivation tolearn using 110 usable questionnaires gathered from employees who have attended training programs ina state public work agency in East Malaysia, Malaysia. The results of exploratory factor analysisconfirmed that the measurement scales used in this study satisfactorily met the acceptable standards ofvalidity and reliability analyses. Further, the outcomes of stepwise regression analysis showed fourimportant findings: first, support insignificantly correlated with motivation to learn. Second,communication significantly correlated with motivation to learn. Third, support significantly correlatedwith transfer of training. Finally, communication significantly correlated with transfer of learning.Statistically, this result confirms that support is an important antecedent of motivation to learn andcommunication is an important antecedent of motivation to learn. Conversely, support andcommunication are important antecedents of training transfer in the studied organization. In addition,discussion, implications and conclusion are elaborated

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