199 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACT Objective: To explore the effect of sodium nitrite-induced hypoxia on the hippocampus and the dentate gyrus in adult rats. Methodology: Adult male albino rats, weighing 180-200 gm were divided into two groups and treated as follows: Group I: served as control and received normal saline, Group II: served as hypoxic rats and received sodium nitrite (75 mg/kg) subcutaneously. One hour after sodium nitrite injection, rats were decapitated. The brains were removed and placed overnight in fixative containing 10% formalin. These were paraffin-embedded for hematoxylin and eosin staining and cut at 5 µ in the coronal plane. Sections passing through bregma level -2.8 to -3.3 mm were used to count the neurons in the CA1, CA2, CA3, and CA4 subsectors and the dentate gyrus. Round, clear and medium or large neurons with distinct nucleus were counted. Cells with darkly stained shrunken nuclei and cells with fragmented nuclei were excluded from the count. Results: Cytological examination of hypoxic brains depicted degeneration in hippocampus and dentate gyrus. Cell density was comparatively lesser in all the sub regions of hippocampus i.e. CA1-CA4 and Dg in the hypoxic brains. The degeneration was evident by presence of pyknotic nuclei, darkly stained cells, cells with condensed nuclei, as well as vacuolated spaces. The changes were more marked in CA3, CA4 and dentate gyrus. Conclusion: It is concluded that pyramidal neurons of the hippocampus and granular neurons of the dentate gyrus are very vulnerable to hypoxia and show regional differences in their vulnerability. KEY WORDS

    Teaching and Research: A Study of Symbiotic Relationship

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    The present study was conducted to understand the relationship between Researcher-like disposition and teaching effectiveness of teacher educators in two phases. The first Phase was the quantitative Phase, in which Pearson product-moment correlation was carried out to understand the relationship between the variables. One hundred teacher educators are teaching B.Ed. A stratified sampling technique selected the course. The second Phase was the qualitative Phase, in which only 20 teacher educators were randomly selected and interviewed to understand the problems faced by teacher educators in teaching & conducting research. The present study's findings revealed a significant and positive relationship between researcher-like disposition and teaching effectiveness of teacher educators, and the researcher-like disposition has positively contributed to enhancing the teaching effectiveness of teacher educators (p<0.01 level). However, the findings also revealed that the teaching workload, inadequate research pre-service training, infrastructure constraints, Lack of training in ICT, and involvement in other administrative work were the various factors affecting teaching effectiveness and research performance. In a rapidly changing teaching and learning scenario, conducting research is one of the most potential approaches and thoughtful ways to inspire, motivate, and equip teacher educators with skills to teach evidence-based methods. The result of the present study provides a clear picture to the educationists and policymakers to improve the teaching effectiveness and research performance of teacher educators teaching in B.Ed. Institutions

    Abdominal Lymphonodular Cryptococcosis in an Immunocompetent Child

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    We describe our experience with an apparently immunocompetent child presenting with pyrexia of unknown origin without focal signs. Investigations revealed lymphadenopathy at lung hila, mesentery, and porta hepatis. The child had received at least two months of empiric antituberculous therapy (ATT) before she came to us. A CT-guided biopsy revealed granulomatous inflammation. PAS stain showed yeasts which stained blue with Alcian blue, suggesting C. neoformans

    Hospital preparedness in community measles outbreaks-challenges and recommendations for low-resource settings

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    We have reviewed various strategies involved in containment of measles in healthcare facilities during community outbreaks. The strategies that are more applicable to resource-poor settings, such as natural ventilation, mechanical ventilation with heating and air-conditioning systems allowing unidirectional air-flow, and protection of un-infected patients and healthcare workers (HCWs), have been examined. Ventilation methods need innovative customization for resource-poor settings followed by validation and post-implementation analysis for impact. Mandatory vaccination of all HCWs with two doses of measles-containing vaccine, appropriate post-exposure prophylaxis of immunocompromised inpatients, and stringent admission criteria for measles cases can contribute toward reduction of nosocomial and secondary transmission within facilities

    The ‘Islam’ in ‘Islamophobia’: examining perceptions of Islam as a faith in online British discourse

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    While several volumes have been published on the subject of Islamophobia, less attention has been given specifically to non-Muslim views on Islam as a faith, and how these views relate to the phenomenon of Islamophobia as a whole. Studies on Islamophobia tend to use the terms ‘Islam’ and ‘Muslims’ interchangeably, but making a distinction between attitudes towards the faith versus attitudes towards its adherents is relevant particularly in the British context, where religious hatred legislation (the 2006 Racial and Religious Hatred Act) explicitly protects “expressions of antipathy, dislike, ridicule, insult or abuse of particular religions” from legal penalty. So where insult and abuse directed towards Muslims may be illegal or even frowned upon, similar expressions towards Islam as a faith, strictly speaking, are not. This thesis shares a study which aims to isolate views on Islam expressed online by non-Muslims in response to representations of Islam on mainstream British television. Can hatred or contempt towards Islam be considered Islamophobic? And if Islam is ‘not a race’, how does Islamophobia relate to racism? These are some of the questions this paper aims to address. Furthermore, it discusses the implications of the findings in the context of a secular, ‘postracial’ society

    Antiviral evaluation of an Hsp90 inhibitor, gedunin, against dengue virus

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    Purpose: To evaluate the antiviral potential of a tetranortriterpenoid, gedunin, against dengue virus (DENV) replication by targeting the host chaperone, Hsp90.Methods: The compound, gedunin, was tested against the replication of DENV in vitro using BHK-15 cells transfected with DENV-2 subgenomic replicon. Molecular docking of gedunin with Hsp90 protein was performed for evaluation of mode of action, using the program, Autodock vina.Results: In vitro antiviral data showed that gedunin significantly (p < 0.05) reduced DENV replication with EC50 of 10 μM. Further, in silico molecular docking data revealed strong interaction of gedunin with the ATP/ADP binding site of the host protein, Hsp90, with an estimated average free binding energy of -8.9 kcal/mol.Conclusion: The results validate gedunin as a potential antiviral candidate. Further in vitro assays and in vivo viral challenge studies are required to confirm the exact mode of action and pharmacological profile of gedunin in DENV infections.Keywords: Dengue virus replication, Hsp90, Gedunin, Antiviral, Molecular dockin

    Central serous retinopathy and hand-foot-mouth disease: coincidence or causation?

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    Introduction: The clinical and pathological correlation between hand-foot-mouth disease (HIND) and ocular complications has not yet been established. However, individual case reports indicate a trend that may be the emergence of a new burden of the previous self-limiting virus. This virus is particularly prevalent in childcare centers and poses an infectious disease risk for this workplace. Objectives: The primary objective of this case report is to describe an unusual clinical record of a patient who developed central serous retinopathy while unwell with HFMD. Discussion of management strategies for this workplace, its staff, and visitors is also included. Methods: This was an observational case report that was identified and reported retrospectively. For comparison, a search of the literature to identify similar ocular complications of HFMD was also undertaken. Results: from this search, in addition to international data and prevention and management strategies are also provided. Results: A total of 13 individual case reports with ocular associations, including this clinical record, were identified in the literature worldwide. The median age was 33 years, and three patients (23%) were female. No treatment or management guidelines for ocular complications of HFMD have been identified. Conclusion: Severe and potentially life-threatening complications of a seemingly harmless childhood illness are represented sporadically in the literature. The requirement for research and evaluation into this emerging occupational hazard area is necessary for improved prevention, management, and treatment strategies to be developed

    Types of Polymers Using in 3D Printing and Their Applications: A Brief Review

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    The technology based on using 3D printing machines (3DPs) can be considered a promising approach in industry. A 3D printer might be define as machines which manufacture 3D products or models that already designed by computer aided design (CAD) software programs. These machines can create geometries that are very complicated and so difficult to fabricate by traditional manufacturing approaches. Additionally, it has capability to create items that is so complex internal design products with lower time and cost. Several kinds of materials have been applied in this technology. The polymers is one the most common materials that are using in 3D printing. This review seeks to clarify the features and benefits of different types of polymers including Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS), Polylactic acid (PLA), Acrylonitrile styrene acrylate (ASA), Polyethylene terephthalate (PET), Glycolized polyester(PETG), Polycarbonate (PC), Polypropylene (PP), Nylon, and Hybrid and composite materials.&nbsp

    Role of Short Duration Double Phototherapy in The Treatment of Unconjugated Hyperbilirubinemia

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    Objective: To determine the role of short duration double phototherapy in the treatment of unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia. Materials and Methods: This prospective cases series study was conducted at pediatric department of CMH hospital at Malir Karachi. All the neonates diagnosed with unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia admitted to the neonatal ward were included. All the cases underwent short duration double phototherapy. Babies were observed for side-effects of phototherapy, like skin reaction and dehydration. Serum bilirubin was checked by bilirubinometre after 6 hourly of the treatment. Al the data was collected via study proforma. Data was analyzed by using SPSS version 20 Results: Total 74 neonates were studied, most of the neonates presented within 48-72 hours after birth. Majority of the term babies as 59.5% had history of 37-40 weeks of gestation and 28.4% had gestational age history >40 weeks. Out of all, males’ babies were 58.1% and female babies were 41.9%. Neonatal bilirubin level was significantly decreased from bassline 18.35+0.97 after 6 hours of double phototherapy as 14.66+1.18 with mean difference of 3.68+1.37 (p-value 0.001). Conclusion: Short duration double phototherapy found to be the effective, reliable and safe for skin reaction in the treatment of unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia. Key words: Hyperbilirubinemia, double phototherapy, six hours

    Community-based management and outcome of omphalitis in newborns in Karachi, Pakistan

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    Objectives: To describe the clinical profile and outcome in newborns with omphalitis managed with home or clinic-based therapy.Methods: The descriptive study was conducted from September 2004 to August 2007 in three low-income communities in Karachi, Pakistan. Newborns with omphalitis detected by community health workers through active surveillance were referred to local clinics. Those with physician-confirmed omphalitis were treated for 7 days with topical gentian violet or oral cephalexin (as monotherapy) or topical gentian violet and oral cephalexin (combination therapy) at physician discretion, or injectable therapy (procaine penicillin and gentamicin) if clinical signs of sepsis were also present and family refused hospital referral. Follow-up was at 48-72 hours and 7 days. SPSS 16 was used for statistical analysis.Results: Among 1083 newborns with omphalitis, 578 (53.4%) had peri-umbilical cellulitis without purulent discharge; 365 (33.7%) had purulent discharge (with or without cellulitis); and 140 (13%) had omphalitis with sepsis Review of outcome data at one week showed that among 943 newborns without signs of sepsis, 938 (99.5%) had improved; 2 (0.2%) died, and 2 (0.2%) were lost to follow-up. There were 5 (3.6%) therapy failures, among 140 newborns with omphalitis and sepsis managed with parenteral antibiotics at 48 hours, but 139 (99.2%) had improved by one week, while 1 (0.8%) died.Conclusion: In resource-constrained environments, omphalitis can be managed in the community with minimal need for hospital referral. Further research to define optimal therapeutic regimens is needed