711 research outputs found

    Connection of small scale source

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    Import 03/11/2016Tato práce řeší problematiku připojení malých zdrojů energie do sítě. Cílem této práce je popsat samotné zdroje energie, od monočlánků přes generátory až po menší elektrárny, dále jejich možnosti připojení, ochran i řízení. Práce také pojednává o následcích takového připojení, tedy vzniklé přechodné jevy a průběhy po ustálení. Této části se také věnuje praktická část práce, která bude probíhat na synchronním generátoru.This document is about connection of small scale source. Purpose of this work is to present various small sources of energy, from batteries and generators to smaller power plants, their connection capabilities, safety measures and controling. This work also maps the consequences of connection to the grid, transient phase and state of cirquit after transient phase. These phases are also main part of practical part of my work, which will be demonstrated on synchronous generator.410 - Katedra elektroenergetikyvelmi dobř

    Octave and Matlab comparison in terms of basic mathematics

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    Jak lidstvo stárne, tak se prohlubuje i poznání přírody, ve kterém žije. Bohužel na moderní problémy už lidský mozek jako takový nestačí a musíme si pomoci počítačem a moderními výpočetními metodami. Samotný počítač ovšem problém nevyřeší, k tomu je nutné adekvátní softwarové vybavení počítače. Cílem této práce je srozumitelně porovnat systémy Octave a Matlab z hlediska zaměnitelnosti v možných řešeních praktických problémů.How is mankind grow older, its knowledge about nature, which in it lives, is getting deeper. Unfortunately human brain in itself became short for solving modern problems and we have to help ourselves with computers and modern computerised methods. But computers themselves can not solve the problems. We need to equip them with adequate software. Goal of this work is to compare Octave and Matlab systems in part of compatibility and in the solvings of practical problems.

    ECG Signal Wavelet Filtering

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    Cílem této práce bylo seznámit se s vlnkovou transformací a následné využití této transformace k filtraci zarušeného EKG signálu myopotenciály. První část práce obsahuje základní informace o měření, průběhu a rušení EKG signálu. V další částí je popsána metoda vlnkové transformace a její využití pro filtraci signálu. V Poslední části je popsaná praktická část práce, kde se hodnotí výsledky filtrace při použití různých nastavení filtru, zejména různých druhů prahování. Na konci této části je srovnání výsledků vlnkové a lineární filtrace.The aim of this work is introduction to problems about the wavelet transform and then to use this transformation to filter ECG signal disturbed with myopotentials. The first part of this thesis contains basic information about the measurement, waveform and disturbance of ECG signal. The next part describes the method of wavelet transform and its use for the signal filtering The last part describes the practical part of work, where the results of filtering with different filter settings are evaluated, especially the various types of thresholding. At the end of this part is a comparison of results from wavelet and linear filter.

    The Simulation of the Influence of Water Remnants on a Hot Rolled Plate after Cooling

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    In situations when a sheet metal plate of large dimensions is rolled, water remnants from cooling can be observed on the upper side of the plate. This paper focuses on deformations of a hot rolled sheet metal plate that are caused by water remnants after cooling. A transient finite element simulation was used to describe shape deformations of the cross profile of a metal sheet. The finite element model is fully parametric for easy simulation of multiple cases. The results from previous work were used for the boundary conditions

    The Simulation of the Influence of Water Remnants on a Hot Rolled Plate after Cooling

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    In situations when a sheet metal plate of large dimensions is rolled, water remnants from cooling can be observed on the upper side of the plate. This paper focuses on deformations of a hot rolled sheet metal plate that are caused by water remnants after cooling. A transient finite element simulation was used to describe shape deformations of the cross profile of a metal sheet. The finite element model is fully parametric for easy simulation of multiple cases. The results from previous work were used for the boundary conditions


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    Using drones with different purposes than only taking photos is nowadays the main direction of drone development. Drones are made for package delivery, people transport, etc. Drone equipped by GNSS RTK and prism can be used as orientation point for the free station. The idea is using drone to get coordinates of total stations inappropriate for GNSS. such as high buildings and forest. The drone can fly above the obstacle causing inappropriate, so the GNSS will compute the position coordinates correctly. Total station will measure distance and angles on prism to get free station coordinates. This article deals with the accuracy of using two points in the free station task. Accuracy of measurement and data is based on real values. Drone can be used as the target if it is not windy, the position accuracy of the target on drone is 5 cm. Wind has no effect on the vertical position accuracy of the the drone. The results show that the same principles and limitations must be observed when measuring the free station task. Horizontal angle between orientation points must be bigger than 100 gon and the zenith angle must be at least 50 gon. The distance between orientation and free station must longer than consequent measured points

    Non-periodic long-range order for fast decaying interactions at positive temperatures

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    We present the first example of an exponentially decaying interaction which gives rise to non-periodic long-range order at positive temperatures.Comment: 7 pages, Late


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    Membrane capacitance is a fundamental electrical characteristic of the surface membrane of living cells. The membrane capacitance is quantitatively related to the surface area, thickness and dielectric properties of the cell membrane and thus provides valuable information about the state of the cell. A generally accepted method for measuring membrane capacitance is based on stimulation of the cell with rectangular voltage pulses and approximation of the recorded membrane current by a mono-exponential decay function. We found that in cardiac muscle cells this method provides high variability of the measured capacitance and large cross-correlation among parameters of the measured circuit. In this study we focused on the elimination of cross-correlation error between the membrane capacitance, the membrane resistance, and the access resistance of the recording set-up. We showed how the use of the standard approximation model affects the level of crosstalk between estimates of these parameters. We proposed a modified model and tested its applicability on simulated and experimental data. The results revealed that the crosstalk error can be reduced by three orders of magnitude, well below the natural variability of membrane capacitance arising from biological reasons in cardiac myocytes