7 research outputs found

    Solid Waste Treatment Using Multi-Criteria Decision Support Methods Case Study Lattakia City

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    Lattakia city faces many problems related to the mismanagement of solid waste, as the disposal process is limited to the random Al-Bassa landfill without treatment. Therefore, solid waste management poses a special challenge to decision-makers by choosing the appropriate tool that supports strategic decisions in choosing municipal solid waste treatment methods and evaluating their management systems. As the human is primarily responsible for the formation of waste, this study aims to measure the degree of environmental awareness in the Lattakia Governorate from the point of view of the research sample members and to discuss the effect of the studied variables (place of residence, educational level, gender, age, and professional status) on the level of environmental awareness. Data were collected and analyzed using the SPSS.21 statistical package. This study also presents a methodology to find the optimal scenario for solid waste treatment using the hierarchical analysis method represented by Expert Choice 11.1. The study found that there is an environmental awareness about the danger of the increasing percentage of environmental pollution and the presence of a social willingness to contribute to solid waste management, such as household sorting and working in voluntary associations. Environmental awareness is spreading throughout the province, but more attention is paid to the environment in the countryside than in the city. It was also found that environmental awareness is linked to the cultural level, and it was equal between males and females. The study also provided the optimal treatment method for solid waste according to the theory of hierarchical analysis, where the biogas production method ranked first with a rate of 35.5%, followed by the composting production method with 22.6%, the recycling method with 17.4%, followed by the incineration method by 15%. The sanitary landfill method ranked last, with 9.5%

    Polynuclear complexes as precursor templates for hierarchical microporous graphitic carbon: An unusual approach

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    YesA highly porous carbon was synthesized using a coordination complex as an unusual precursor. During controlled pyrolysis, a trinuclear copper complex, [CuII3Cl4(H2L)2]·CH3OH, undergoes phase changes with melt and expulsion of different gases to produce a unique morphology of copper-doped carbon which, upon acid treatment, produces highly porous graphitic carbon with a surface area of 857 m2 g–1 and a gravimetric hydrogen uptake of 1.1 wt % at 0.5 bar pressure at 77 K.EPSRC (EP/R01650X/1 for VPT, and EP/E040071/1 for MT) and the University of Bristo

    Application en catalyse de matériaux à base de clusters d'or Au25(SR)18 et de MOF

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    Ce projet concerne la synthèse et caractérisation de nouveaux matériaux composites à base de nanoclusteurs de thiolates d’or Au25(SR)18 (tGNCs), supportés sur divers polymères de coordination (MOFs), ainsi que sur ZrO2. L’activité catalytique de ces matériaux a été évaluée sur la transformation de différents substrats. Les tGNCs sont des matériaux atomiquement bien définis et connus pour être actifs dans des réactions d’oxydation. Les nanoparticules de MOFs sont des matériaux pouvant servir de support pour des tGNCs avec de bonnes dispersions. Certains MOFs sont connus pour avoir des propriétés acides et peuvent être actifs en catalyse. Parmi eux, MIL-101 (Cr), UiO-66 (Zr) et ZIF-8 (Zn) on été choisis en raison de leur propriétés acides et/ou de stabilité thermique. La synergie entre les tGNCs et les MOFs a été évaluée à travers la conversion catalytique de différents substrats tels le glucose, le fructose, l’alcool benzylique et le furfural, impliquant des étapes nécessitant un caractère acide et/ou oxydant. Globalement, il n’a pas été observé d’impact de la présence d’or sur la réactivité de ces substrats, et les tendences catalytiques sont celles obtenues avec les MOFs seuls. Cela est certainement dû à la stabilité thermique non suffisante des MOFs qui prévient une calcination efficace des tNGCs. Lorsque ces clusters sont déposés sur ZrO2, il a été possible de les calciner à différentes températures pour étudier l’effet du ligand et de la taille de particules, pour des réactions d’oxydation en phase liquide. Ainsi, il a été montré par exemple que la température de calcination a un impact significatif sur le comportement catalytique de ces composites, qui ont donné de bonnes activités pour l’oxydation de l’alcool benzylique en benzaldéhyde dans le toluène et en conditions douces, et pour l’esterification oxydante du furfural en furoate de méthyleThis research project reports the synthesis and characterization of new composite materials based on Au25(SR)18 thiolate gold nanoclusters (tGNCs), supported over a range of metal organic frameworks (MOFs), and ZrO2. The synthesized composite materials were tested for catalytic transformations of various substrates. tGNCs are atomically well defined materials known to be active in oxidation reactions. MOFs nanoparticles are materials suitable for high dispersion of tGNCs. Some MOFs are known to have acidity and can be active as catalysts. Among them, MIL-101 (Cr), UiO-66 (Zr) and ZIF-8 (Zn) were chosen due to their acidic and/or thermal stability properties. The synergy between tGNCs and MOFs has been tested through catalytic conversions of different substrates like glucose, fructose, benzylalcohol and furfural, involving steps requiring acidic and oxidative features. Globally, no impact of the presence of Au clusters was observed, and the composite materials showed the same catalytic trends as those obtained with the MOFs alone. This is mainly due to the not sufficient thermal stability of the MOFs that prevents efficient calcination of the tGNCs. In contrast, when deposited on ZrO2 it was possible to calcine Au25(SG)18 nanoclusters at different temperatures to study the ligand and particle size effects in liquid phase oxidation reactions. For example, the calcination temperature had a significant impact on the catalytic behaviour of this composite materials, which showed good activity for the oxidation of benzyl alcohol into benzaldehyde in toluene under mild conditions, and of furfural oxidative esterification into methyl-2-furoat

    Application en catalyse de matériaux à base de clusters d'or Au25(SR)18 et de MOF

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    This research project reports the synthesis and characterization of new composite materials based on Au25(SR)18 thiolate gold nanoclusters (tGNCs), supported over a range of metal organic frameworks (MOFs), and ZrO2. The synthesized composite materials were tested for catalytic transformations of various substrates. tGNCs are atomically well defined materials known to be active in oxidation reactions. MOFs nanoparticles are materials suitable for high dispersion of tGNCs. Some MOFs are known to have acidity and can be active as catalysts. Among them, MIL-101 (Cr), UiO-66 (Zr) and ZIF-8 (Zn) were chosen due to their acidic and/or thermal stability properties. The synergy between tGNCs and MOFs has been tested through catalytic conversions of different substrates like glucose, fructose, benzylalcohol and furfural, involving steps requiring acidic and oxidative features. Globally, no impact of the presence of Au clusters was observed, and the composite materials showed the same catalytic trends as those obtained with the MOFs alone. This is mainly due to the not sufficient thermal stability of the MOFs that prevents efficient calcination of the tGNCs. In contrast, when deposited on ZrO2 it was possible to calcine Au25(SG)18 nanoclusters at different temperatures to study the ligand and particle size effects in liquid phase oxidation reactions. For example, the calcination temperature had a significant impact on the catalytic behaviour of this composite materials, which showed good activity for the oxidation of benzyl alcohol into benzaldehyde in toluene under mild conditions, and of furfural oxidative esterification into methyl-2-furoateCe projet concerne la synthèse et caractérisation de nouveaux matériaux composites à base de nanoclusteurs de thiolates d’or Au25(SR)18 (tGNCs), supportés sur divers polymères de coordination (MOFs), ainsi que sur ZrO2. L’activité catalytique de ces matériaux a été évaluée sur la transformation de différents substrats. Les tGNCs sont des matériaux atomiquement bien définis et connus pour être actifs dans des réactions d’oxydation. Les nanoparticules de MOFs sont des matériaux pouvant servir de support pour des tGNCs avec de bonnes dispersions. Certains MOFs sont connus pour avoir des propriétés acides et peuvent être actifs en catalyse. Parmi eux, MIL-101 (Cr), UiO-66 (Zr) et ZIF-8 (Zn) on été choisis en raison de leur propriétés acides et/ou de stabilité thermique. La synergie entre les tGNCs et les MOFs a été évaluée à travers la conversion catalytique de différents substrats tels le glucose, le fructose, l’alcool benzylique et le furfural, impliquant des étapes nécessitant un caractère acide et/ou oxydant. Globalement, il n’a pas été observé d’impact de la présence d’or sur la réactivité de ces substrats, et les tendences catalytiques sont celles obtenues avec les MOFs seuls. Cela est certainement dû à la stabilité thermique non suffisante des MOFs qui prévient une calcination efficace des tNGCs. Lorsque ces clusters sont déposés sur ZrO2, il a été possible de les calciner à différentes températures pour étudier l’effet du ligand et de la taille de particules, pour des réactions d’oxydation en phase liquide. Ainsi, il a été montré par exemple que la température de calcination a un impact significatif sur le comportement catalytique de ces composites, qui ont donné de bonnes activités pour l’oxydation de l’alcool benzylique en benzaldéhyde dans le toluène et en conditions douces, et pour l’esterification oxydante du furfural en furoate de méthyl

    تحليل القـرار متعــدّد المعاييـر لطرق معالجة النفايات الصلبة في مدينة اللاذقيّة

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    تواجه مدينة اللاذقيّة الكثير من المشكلات المرتبطة بسوء إدارة النفايات الصلبة، حيث تقتصر عملية التخلص منها في مكب البصّة العشوائي دون معالجة، لهذا تشكل إدارة النفايات الصلبة تحدّياً خاصاً لصانعي القرار باختيار الأداة المناسبة التي تدعم القرارات الاستراتيجية في اختيار طرق معالجة النفايات الصلبة وتقييم أنظمة إدارتها. بما أنّ الإنسان هو المسؤول الأول عن توليد النفايات، فإن هذه الدراسة تهدف إلى قياس درجة الوعي البيئي في محافظة اللاذقية، من وجهة نظر أفراد عينة البحث، حيث تم جمع البيانات وتحليلها باستخدام الحزمة الإحصائية SPSS.21. تقدم هذه الدراسة أيضاً منهجيّة لإيجاد السيناريو الأمثل لمعالجة النفايات الصلبة، باستخدام طريقة التحليل الشبكي ANP ممثلة ببرنامج Super Decisions. توصلت الدراسة إلى وجود وعي بيئي بخطر تزايد نسبة التلوث، كما حددت طريقة المعالجة المثلى للنفايات الصلبة، وفق نظرية التحليل الشبكي، حيث احتلت طريقة إنتاج الغاز الحيوي المرتبة الأولى

    Study of the oxidative esterification of furfural catalyzed by Au 25 (glutathione) 18 nanocluster deposited on zirconia

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    International audienceAu/ZrO 2 catalyst prepared from Au 25 (SG) 18 nanoclusters (SG stands for glutathione) deposited on ZrO 2 has shown to be an efficient system for the oxidative esterification of furfural with methanol. The influence of the supported nanoclusters was studied and showed that partial calcination of the supported nanoclusters at 300 °C was sufficient for a quantitative formation of methyl-2-furoate even in the absence of a base. In the presence of 0.27 mol% of Au, initial activities up to 250 h-1 were obtained at 100 °C under 6 bar of O 2. The reactivity was extended to the oxidative esterification of furfuryl alcohol and the formation of various products and intermediates was discussed

    Thermal control of the defunctionalization of supported Au25(glutathione)18 catalysts for benzyl alcohol oxidation

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    Au25(SG)18 (SG – glutathione) clusters deposited on ZrO2 nanoparticles have been used as a catalyst for benzyl alcohol oxidation. Calcination was performed at different temperatures to study the ligand and particle size effect on the catalytic activity. In contrast to most gold nanoclusters which have to be completely defunctionalized for maximum catalytic activity, the partially defunctionalized Au25(SG)18@ZrO2 catalyst, thermally treated at 300 °C, exhibits full conversion of benzyl alcohol within 15 h under atmospheric pressure with 94% selectivity towards benzaldehyde