282 research outputs found


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    Képzelt nemközösségek: nemzeti közömbösség, mint elemzési kategória

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    Az európai nacionalisták a tömegpolitikai mozgalmak születése óta panaszkodnak arra, hogy választóik nem elég fogékonyak a nemzeti ébredés szirénénekére. A tanulmány a nemzeti közömbösség mint elemzési kategória lehetőségét vizsgálja Közép- és Kelet-Európa modern történelmében. Tara Zahra tanulmányában definiálja a közömbösséget; feltárja, hogy a nemzeti közömbösség formái hogyan változtak az idők folyamán; áttekinti azokat a módszertani nehézségeket, amelyek a közömbösség historizációjából erednek; valamint megvizsgálja a nemzeti közömbösség és a transznacionális történelem keresztmetszeteit. A nemzeti közömbösség megvilágítása lehetővé teszi, hogy a történészek jobban megértsék a nemzetiesítés korlátait, ezáltal pedig hozzájárul ahhoz, hogy a nacionalista narratívákat és elemzési kategóriákat - amelyek hagyományosan dominánsak Kelet-Európa historiográfiájában – rákérdezzünk

    Les enfants « perdus »

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    Lors de la seconde guerre mondiale, un nombre sans précédent de familles sont disloquées. Alors que l’Empire nazi s’écroule, des millions de personnes sillonnent le continent à la recherche de leurs proches. Cet article raconte l’histoire de ces enfants déplacés et des luttes qui ont présidé à leur destin. On peut y lire comment la reconstruction des familles est rapidement devenue synonyme de survie de la civilisation européenne. Même si les responsables Alliés et les organisations humanitaires proclament l’ouverture d’une nouvelle ère de droits individuels et d’internationalisme, cet article démontre que les Alliés ont défini l’« intérêt supérieur » de l’enfant en des termes nationalistes. Les nations et les familles souveraines sont alors conçues comme des clés de la réhabilitation psychologique des individus traumatisés et de la restauration de la paix et de la stabilité en Europe.During the Second World War, an unprecedented number of families were torn apart. As the Nazi empire crumbled, millions roamed the continent in search of their loved ones. This article tells the story of these displaced children, and of the struggle to determine their fate. We see how the reconstruction of families quickly became synonymous with the survival of European civilization itself. Even as Allied officials and humanitarian organizations proclaimed a new era of individualist and internationalist values, this article demonstrates that they defined the “best interests” of children in nationalist terms. Sovereign nations and families were seen as the key to the psychological rehabilitation of traumatized individuals and the peace and stability of Europe


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    Introduction: Diabetes is the most common endocrine disease. Given the importance of medical record documentation for diabetic patients and its significant impact on accurate treatment process, as well as early diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic complications, this study aimed to qualitatively evaluate medical record documentation of diabetic patients. Methods: This descriptive and cross-sectional study was conducted on all medical records of diabetic patients (1200 cases) in the comprehensive Diabetes Center of Imam Reza Hospital. A checklist was prepared according to the main sectors and their sub-data elements to conduct a qualitative evaluation on documentation of medical records of diabetic patients.  Descriptive statistics were used to report the results. Results: In this study, 1200 (710 women and 490 men) cases were evaluated. Mean documentation of main sectors of diabetic patients’ records were as follows: 49% demographic characteristics, 14% patient referral, 4% diagnosis, 50% lab tests, 25% diabetes medications,13% nephropathy screening test, 10% diabetic neuropathy, 41% specialty and subspecialty consultations and internal medicine physicians visits did not complete for all the patients. Conclusion: According to the results of this study, qualitative evaluation of medical record documentation of diabetic patients Showed poor documentation in this regard. It is suggested that results of this study be accessible to physicians of healthcare centers to take a positive step toward improved documentation of medical records. In addition, it seems necessary to modify diabetic medical records

    The Obstacles Facing India on Its Journey to Becoming a Developed Country

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    Among the developing countries in the world, India marks itself as being one of the fastest growing economies. India, the seventh-largest country in the world, borders the Indian Ocean to the south, the Arabian Sea to the south-west, the Bay of Bengal to the south-east, and shares borders with Pakistan, China, Bhutan, Burma, and Bangladesh. India is recognized by a long history of commercial and cultural wealth. India’s political and economic history has led it to become one of the fastest developing countries in the world. Despite being a newly industrializing nation, India continues to face challenges of over population, poor water and sanitation, and low adult literacy rates. These problems are addressed in this report along with the policy recommendations for India to overcome these challenges


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    Introduction: The number of people with diabetes's increasing. More than 220 million people have diabetes, more than 70% of whom live in middle and lower-income countries. already exist many innovations around the world on improving the managed care of diabetes  .diabetes registries are one of them. in Iran, development and evaluation of diabetes information systems is one of the most research priorities. since defining health regulations and evaluation of diabetes prevention programs depend on the powerful information system, but in Iran don't exist complete information about incidence and prevalence of diabetes. determine standard data elements (Des) and design diabetes registry is one the most important country requirements. the main purpose of this study is investigating to this subject.   Methods: This is a descriptive- analytic study. Resource related to diabetes DEs collected from selective minimum data sets. Then diabetes DEs set derived from selective minimum data sets were investigated in focus group sessions with endocrine specialists, health informatics, and health information management. Duplicate DEs were removed and similar DEs were combined. Then seven endocrine specialists evaluated diabetes DEs set. They determine the value of each DEs using the Delphi technique (scores range from 0 to 5). The DEs that received more than 75% of grade 4 and 5 remained in the study. Following the expert opinion, the final version of the diabetes DEs set was designed.   Results: According to literature review 455 DEs included studying, after Delphi sessions, 293 data element remained to study. Main categories of DEs are:1-patient demographic characterizes (12 DEs), 2-patient referral (5 DEs), 3-diabetes care follow up (15 DEs), 4-physical exam, chief complaint and assessment (40 DEs), 5-history (such as: individual, grow up, family, drug abuse) (10 DEs), 6-pregnancy management (13 DEs), 7-screening (10 DEs), 8-specialty evolutions ( such as: cardiovascular (18 DEs), neuropathy (16 DEs), nephropathy (7 DEs), teeth and mouse (3 DEs), eyes (14 DEs), psychology situation (2 DEs),  sexual ability (1 DEs)), 9-laboratory exams (33 DEs), 10-drugs (oral antidiabetics drugs (14 DEs), injectable antidiabetics (7 DEs), lipid (11 DEs), hypertension (20 DEs), anti placates (2 DEs)), cardiac (3 DEs), preparing insulin method (5 DEs)), 11-physical activity (4 DEs),12- diet (12 DEs), 13-education and self care (13 DEs). Conclusion: In the study diabetes, DEs set were determined that provide appropriate yield for data gathering and record all required information for diabetes care. Hence diabetes is a chronic disease and Patients suffer from it for years, implementation diabetes DEs can improve documentation and improve diabetes care.&nbsp

    Investigating Evaluation Frameworks for Electronic Health Record: A Literature Review

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    BACKGROUND: There are various electronic health records (EHRs) evaluation frameworks with multiple dimensions and numerous sets of evaluation measures, while the coverage rate of evaluation measures in a common framework varies in different studies. AIM: This study provides a literature review of the current EHR evaluation frameworks and a model for measuring the coverage rate of evaluation measures in EHR frameworks. METHODS: The current study was a comprehensive literature review and a critical appraisal study. The study was conducted in three phases. In Phase 1, a literature review of EHR evaluation frameworks was conducted. In Phase 2, a three-level hierarchical structure was developed, which includes three aspects, 12 dimensions, and 110 evaluation measures. Subsequently, evaluation measures in the identified studies were categorized based on the hierarchical structure. In Phase 3, relative frequency (RF) of evaluation measures in different dimensions and aspects for each of the identified studies were determined and categorized as follows: Appropriate, moderate, and low coverage. RESULTS: Out of a total of 8276 retrieved articles, 62 studies were considered relevant. The RF range in the second and third level of the hierarchical structure was between 8.6%–91.94% and 0.2%–61%, respectively. “Ease of use” and “system quality” were the most frequent evaluation measure and dimension. Our results indicate that identified studies cover at least one and at most nine evaluation dimensions and current evaluation frameworks focus more on the technology aspect. Almost in all identified studies, evaluation measures related to the technology aspect were covered. However, evaluation measures related to human and organization aspects were covered in 68% and 84% of the identified studies, respectively. CONCLUSION: In this study, we systematically reviewed all literature presenting any type of EHR evaluation framework and analyzed and discussed their aspects and features. We believe that the findings of this study can help researchers to review and adopt the EHR evaluation frameworks for their own particular field of usage
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