144 research outputs found

    A study on the effects of productivity of human resources in banking network and work ethics

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    Today, human resources are considered as the most important assets of any organization. Generally, human being has specific ethical features on personality characteristics forming the attitude, speech and behavior. It is possible that some factors create different attitudes, speech and behavior among people who are in one particular position. These human characteristics influence the efficiency and effectiveness of organization. The present study aims to investigate the relationship between work ethics and human resources productivity in banking network of city of Zahedan, Iran. The study chooses a sample of 236 employees who worked for different banks in city of Zahedan, Iran in 2013. To analyze the data, Pearson correlation test, Friedman ranking and independent t-test were used. The results show that there was a significant association between work ethics components and productivity (efficiency and effectiveness) of human resources

    Suicide Risk Factors among Adolescents: A Narrative Review

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    Introduction: The increasing global rates of adolescent morbidity and mortality highlights problems such as suicide during puberty. Adolescent suicide prevention along with adolescent health in general comprise a priority on the global agenda. Since suicide is associated with several behavioral symptoms, the present study seeks to present a narrative review of suicide risk factors among adolescents.Methods: The present review study was conducted between January 2000 and November 2017 by navigating the Science Direct, Scopus, Web of Science, Cochrane, PsycINFO, Google Scholar and PubMed databases to find relevant articles containing the keywords “suicide” and “adolescent.” Of the 49,450 articles obtained from this search, 85 relevant articles were selected for review.Results: According to the findings of the present study, suicide risk factors can be classified into three categories: Social and community risk factors, relationship risk factors and individual risk factors. Some studies examined several risk factors at the same time and all the studies investigated individual risk factors.Conclusions: A large number of suicides are committed in association with behavioral symptoms and many have intersectionality. Recognizing these factors may contribute to suicide prevention and mediation. Adolescent-friendly services provided in accordance with the distinct culture of each society are considered an effective measure for suicide prevention

    Evaluation antimicrobial resistance of Acinetobacter baumannii isolated from Shahrekord teaching hospitals in 2013

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    زمینه و هدف: اسینتوباکتر بومانی یک پاتوژن فرصت طلب مهم است که مسئول عفونت های بیمارستانی متعددی از قبیل پنومونی، باکتریمی، عفونت های زخم های جراحی، مننژیت ثانویه وعفونت های مجرای اداری می باشد. هدف از این مطالعه بررسی شیوع و مقاومت آنتی بیوتیکی ایزوله های اسینتوباکتر بومانی در بیمارستان های آموزشی بوده است. روش بررسی: در این مطالعه مقطعی توصیفی، 100 ایزوله اسینتو باکتر بومانی از بخش های جراحی، اورژانس و مراقبت های ویژه بیمارستان های آموزشی شهرکرد (هاجر، کاشانی و امام علی) جداسازی شد. پس از تأیید و تشخیص باکتری با روش های استاندارد باکتری شناسی، میزان حساسیت آن ها نسبت به 12 آنتی بیوتیک به روش آنتی بیوگرام (دیسک دیفیوژن) بررسی شد. یافته ها: بررسی مقاومت آنتی بیوتیکی ایزوله ها نشان داد که بیشترین مقاومت به ترتیب در برابر آنتی بیوتیک های سفتازیدیم (94)، سفوتاکسیم (93)، سفپیم (91)، جنتامایسین (85)، سیپروفلوکساسین (89)، نورفلوکساسین (87)، ایمی پنم (86)، مروپنم (73)، توبرامایسن (67) و آمیکاسین (66) بوده و بیشترین حساسیت به ترتیب در برابر آنتی بیوتیک های کلیستین (76) و آمپی سیلین- سولباکتام (70) می باشد. همچنین 93 درصد از ایزوله ها مقاومت آنتی بیوتیکی چندگانه داشتند. نتیجه گیری: : در این مطالعه، ایزوله های اسینتوباکتر بومانی در بیمارستان های آموزشی شهرکرد به آنتی بیوتیک های مختلف مقاومت بالایی داشتند. با توجه به اهمیت این باکتری در عفونت های بیمارستانی اعمال اقداماتی در جهت جلوگیری از پراکندگی این باکتری ضروری می باشد

    Determination and prevalence of antibiotic resistance in multi-drug resistant Klebsiella pneumonia in patients referred to the educational hospitals of Shahrekord in 2013

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    زمینه و هدف: شیوع مقاومت آنتی بیوتیکی بین باکتری های پاتوژن به مسئله جدی جهانی تبدیل شده است. کلبسیلا پنومونیه از مهم ترین پاتوژن های فرصت طلب است که باعث عفونت های اکتسابی از بیمارستان و جامعه می شود. گسترش جهانی سویه های دارای مقاومت چندگانه (MDR) یک نگرانی جدی است. هدف از این مطالعه بررسی الگوی مقاومت آنتی بیوتیکی و شیوع مقاومت چندگانه کلبسیلا پنومونیه از بیمارستان های آموزشی شهرکرد است. روش بررسی: در این مطالعه مقطعی- تحلیلی، 136 ایزوله کلبسیلا پنومونیه از نمونه های ادرار، خون، زخم، خلط جدا شد و با استفاده از آزمون های استاندارد بیوشیمیایی تعیین هویت شد. مقاومت ایزوله ها نسبت به آنتی بیوتیک های: آمیکاسین، سفالوتین، کوتریماکسازول، جنتامایسین، سفوتاکسیم، نیتروفورانتوئین، نالیدیکسیک اسید، سیپروفلوکساسین، تتراسایکلین، کلرآمفی نیکل، ایمی پنم و نورفلوکساسین به روش دیسک دیفیوژن طبق دستورالعمل CLSI مورد بررسی قرار گرفت. یافته ها: بر اساس نتایج حاصل، میزان مقاومت ایزوله ها به کوتریماکسازول 1/58، سفالوتین 9/52، تتراسایکلین 8/47، سفوتاکسیم 7/39، جنتامایسین 8/36، نیتروفورانتوئین و کلرآمفی نیکل 7/25، آمیکاسین 3/21، نورفلوکساسین 8/11، نالیدیکسیک اسید 9/19 و سیپروفلوکساسین و ایمی پنم 6/9 بود. از کل ایزوله ها، 81 نمونه (6/59) دارای مقاومت دارویی چندگانه بودند. نتیجه گیری: کلبسیلا پنومونیه دارای مقاومت چندگانه یک خطر جدی برای بیماران مراجعه کننده به بیمارستان های شهرکرد است؛ بنابراین نظارت بر مصرف آنتی بیوتیک ها و تعیین سویه های مقاوم به چند دارو می تواند از توسعه مقاومت در باکتری ها جلوگیری کند

    The Effect ofAgricultural Production Subsidies Reduction in the Economic Variables of Agricultural Sector of Iran: Multifunctional Assessment in CGE Model

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    The production of public goods like amenity value of the landscape, food security, preservation of rural communities and rural lifestyle, by agricultural sector is a subject that has been widely accepted by experts. However, in many policies and political analyses carried out, solely the production of private goods by the agricultural sector is paid attention and the important function of public goods production is ignored. Given the importance of multifunctional debate of agriculture in policies analysis, this study examined the effect of agricultural multifunctionality in the simulation of the agricultural production subsidiesreduction effects using Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model. Simulation results of the effects of agricultural production subsidies reduction in terms of the multifunctionality showed that current practices to support the agricultural sector is non-optimal according to agricultural production and welfare reduction and the optimal level of supports with and without multifunctional agriculture is different. The simulation results showed that the welfare effects of economic reforms in Iran in the agricultural sector in terms of the multifunctionality will be positive. This is on condition that the welfare effects of agricultural reform in terms of the multifunctionality of agriculture are negative

    Relation of religious coping with occupational stress and quality of working life for midwives working in maternity hospitals in Zahedan, Iran

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    Background: The health care center is considered as one of the main sustainable health spheres of human communities, which have direct relationship with human health. It has critical duty of maintaining and restoring health to human society. This study was conducted to investigate the role of religious coping components on occupational stress and quality of midwives' lives.Methods: The study method was descriptive of correlation type and the population consisted of all midwives working in maternity hospitals in Zahedan, in 2014. Three questionnaires were used as data gathering tools including, the quality of working life, occupational stress and religious coping. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistical methods, Pearson correlation coefficient and stepwise regression.Results: Considering the results of Pearson correlation coefficient, there is a significant negative relationship between religious activism (r= -0.454) and occupational stress. Regression analysis also showed that the variability of religious activism explained 45% of variations of occupational stress. In accordance with Pearson correlation test, there is no significant relationship between religious coping components and the quality of life.Conclusions: In conclusion, it is necessary to teach midwives essential trainings to strengthen coping strategies and religious activism in order to reduce occupational stress

    Internet Gaming Disorder: An Emerging Addiction among Pakistani University Students

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    Internet gaming is increasing day by day with technology development. Today occurrence of IGD and its relationship with certain demographic variable will be viewed. Through the convenient sampling technique the study consisted of a sample of 315 university students of graduation level of education. The 20 item IGDT-20 was used to measure IGD. The analysis plan included correlation, t-test and ANOVA for hypothesis testing. The results indicated that males scored higher on Internet Gaming Disorder scale than females; young students spend more time on internet than others and are at high risk of developing Internet Gaming Disorder. These findings are helpful in developing a policy for the effective use of internet

    The relationship between parental report about their children’s obsessive- compulsive disorder symptoms and thought fusion with parent-child relationship structure in adolescents with obsessive-compulsive disorder

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    The present study was aimed to examine the relationship between parental report about their children’s obsessive-compulsive disorder symptoms and thought fusion with the parent-child relationship structure among the adolescents with obsessive-compulsive disorder. The research method was correlational descriptive and the statistical population included all the adolescents affected by obsessive compulsive disorder in the City of Ardabil during the 2015-2016 year. The sampling method was available sampling so that 83 patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder were selected from and the questionnaires were implemented on them. The collected data were analyzed using Pearson’s correlation coefficient and multiple regression method. The results showed a significant relationship between the parental report about their children’s obsessive compulsive disorder symptoms and the parent-child relationship structure, but no significant relationship was observed between the thought fusion of the adolescents with obsessive compulsive disorder and the parent-child relationship structure. Therefore, this research showed that using the parental report for detecting OCD in adolescents can be an effective strategy and can be used as a clinical assessment for additional assurance. Also, another important finding highlights the relationship between parent-child relationship structure and parent’s ability to predict their children abnormalities, so investigating family relationships also can be used for better understanding of patient’s problem and needs

    Systematic review of violence against women

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    Aim: Violence against women (VAW) all over the world threatens their physical, mental, and social status. This study attempts to systematically review VAW. Methods: First, a search strategy was designed based on keywords and Mesh system. Then, different search engines such as ScienceDirect, Pubmed, World Health Organization, Google Scholar, Iranmedex, Magiran, and SID were used to carry out an extensive search. Quality assessments were done on the results of the search and finally, articles in different groups were classified based on the analyzed subjects and result contents. Findings: After the quality of articles was analyzed, 270 articles were selected which were within the research framework. Of these articles, 125 articles were in English and 140 articles were in Persian. The articles were categorized into four groups. All these articles examined the issue of VAW. 172 articles were about VAW and its effect on health, 26 articles were in areas of VAW and juridical and legal aspects, 36 articles were about VAW and its cultural aspects and 31 articles were related to VAW and its economic repercussions. Conclusion: VAW was observed in all countries and nearly in all social, economic, racial, geographical classes and among all age groups. Although this issue has been examined in its different aspects and by different organizations, it is continuously occurring all over the world. The results of this study showed that these articles did not offer any appropriate strategy to deal with this predicament. Thus, national and international research about the present issue and interventional and practical studies are still required

    Existence of a Unique Solution and the Hyers–Ulam-H-Fox Stability of the Conformable Fractional Differential Equation by Matrix-Valued Fuzzy Controllers

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    In this paper, we consider a conformable fractional diferential equation with a constant coefcient and obtain an approximation for this equation using the Radu–Mihet method, which is derived from the alternative fxed- point theorem. Considering the matrix-valued fuzzy k-normed spaces and matrix-valued fuzzy H-Fox function as a control function, we investigate the existence of a unique solution and Hyers–Ulam-H-Fox stability for this equation. Finally, by providing numerical examples, we show the application of the obtained results