2,851 research outputs found

    More on Comparison Between First Geometric-Arithmetic Index and Atom-Bond Connectivity Index

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    The first geometric-arithmetic (GA) index and atom-bond connectivity (ABC) index are molecular structure descriptors which play a significant role in quantitative structure-property relationship (QSPR) and quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) studies. Das and Trinajsti\'{c} [\textit{Chem. Phys. Lett.} \textbf{497} (2010) 149-151] showed that GAGA index is greater than ABCABC index for all those graphs (except K1,4K_{1,4} and TT^{*}, see Figure 1) in which the difference between maximum and minimum degree is less than or equal to 3. In this note, it is proved that GAGA index is greater than ABCABC index for line graphs of molecular graphs, for general graphs in which the difference between maximum and minimum degree is less than or equal to (2δ1)2(2\delta-1)^{2} (where δ\delta is the minimum degree and δ2\delta\geq2) and for some families of trees. Thereby, a partial solution to an open problem proposed by Das and Trinajsti\'{c} is given.Comment: 10 pages, 2 tables, 1 figure, revised versio

    Finding global minimum using filled function method

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    Filled function method is an optimization method for finding global minimizers. Filled function method is a combination of a local search in findings local solutions as well as global solution. It is basically a construction and eventually the inclusion of an auxiliary function called the filled function into the algorithm. Optimizing the objective function at an initial point will only yield a local minimizer. By using the auxiliary function, the local minimizer is shifted to a new lower basin of the objective function. The shifted point is the new initial solution for the local search to find the next local minimizer, where the function value is lower. The process continued until the global minimizer is achieved. This research used several test functions to examine the effectiveness of the method in finding global solution. The results show that this method works successfully and further research directions are discussed


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    IKHTISAR Skripsi ini berjudul : RESPON KEGIATAN KHITHABAH DI PONDOK PESANTREN AN-NUR DALAM PENINGKATAN UKUWAH ISLAMIYAH PADA KALANGAN MASYARAKAT DESA AMBULU KECAMATAN LOSARI KABUPATEN CIREBON. Ukhuwah Islamiyah merupakan manifestasi dari keimanan yang diyakini dari pemeluk agama Islam, karena dapat memperkokoh persatuan dan kebersamaan. Kebersamaan dan senasib sepenanggungan dapat mendorong tercapainya kepentingan bersama dan apat melahirkan kehidupan bermasyarakat yang aman, damai, dan sejahtera. Keberhasilan Ukhuwah Islamiyah dapat berpengaruh terhadap sosialisasi ajaran agama Islam dalam kehidupan. Penelitian ini bertitik tolak dari problematika Ukhuwah Islamiyah yang terjadi di kalangan masyarakat Desa Ambulu. Indikasi konflik yang ada berdasarkan hasil penelitian yaitu karena kurangnya silaturrahmi antar keluarga dekat dan tetangga, terutama kepedulian sosial sangat minim. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, maka pengurus pondok pesantren mengadakan kegiatan khithabah pada kalangan masyarakat Desa Ambulu yang dilaksanakan pada hari rabu bertempat di Pondok Pesantren. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan khithabah pengajian rutin hari rabu dan untuk mengetahui kehidupan bermasyarakat dalam interakasi sosial sebagai aspek dari Ukhuwah Islamiyah, serta pengaruh dari pelaksanaan khithabah terhadap Ukhuwah Islamiyah melalui pengajian rutin di Pondok Pesantren An-Nur. Penelitian didasarkan pada kerangka pemikiran, bahwa khithabah merupakan salah satu metode dakwah yang masih banyak digunakan di berbagai Pondok Pesantren, karena dapat memberikan manfaat yang sangat besar bagi pembinaan masyarakat. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Metode ini dilakukan dengan cara terjun langsung kelapangan, mengumpulkan, mengolah data berdasarkan pengamatan. Sedangan teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik wawancara, observasi. Hasil yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini adalah adanya kegiatan pengajian rutin dengan menggunakan metode khithabah atau ceramah di Pondok Pesantren ternyata dapat membawa pengaruh besar terhadap kehidupan bermasyarakat. Respon masyarakat terhadap kegiatan khithabah dalam peningkatan Ukhuwah Islamiyah di Pondok Pesantren An-Nur mempunyai nilai yang positip bagi jamaah dalam efektivitas kegiatan keagamaan, baik materi maupun penggunaan metode ceramah

    Realization of dynamixel servo plant parameters to improve admittance control for a compliant human-robot interaction

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    In theory, admittance control offers a very effective method of implementing smooth human-robot interaction. It allows the user’s applied force to control the movement of a powerful robot as if the robot were a small, passive mass. However, the real-world application of admittance control faces limitation posed by the dynamics of servo motors, the accuracy of the force sensors, and the computation speed of processors. This research investigates the limitations on achieving compliant passive behavior when using state-of-the-art actuators, sensors and processors. The work involves characterizing the dynamic behavior of the servo motors, development of improved differential equations representing admittance control, and testing to determine the ability of a robotic system to represent the behavior of passivity. A method has been developed for experimentally determining the inertial, and dissipative (damping and friction) characteristics of three different models of Dynamixel motors. These parameters are optimized using data from a pendulum drop test with mass at various distances from the center of rotation. With these parameters, we assess the ability of our motor model to generate an ideal motion based upon a torque input from the user. The aim is to understand the limitations of our control paradigm to allow users to be unable to feel any difference between the performances of the passive and motor joints