467 research outputs found

    First Report of ethnobotanical studies of tehsil Noorpur Thal, District Khushab, Punjab, Pakistan

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    The study is based on gathering of information by interviewing villagers, herbalists, hakims and farmers, following a preset list of questions followed by analysis of the data collected. Plant samples were gathered and their morphological characteristics described. Their various uses including medicinal uses, where reported were gathered. The present work is a significant contribution to the existing knowledge because ethno botany as a interdisciplinary science understanding of local social dynamics, institutions and different values attributed to resources. These values may be symbolic, religious or political for a given society, while same plant resources may represent only an economic value for our social group. Fuel wood needs are also met by collecting dried fodder branches, by products of crops and dried animal dung. It is recommended that botanical ganders of medicinal plants should be established. Data was analyzed at P(0.05 -5%)

    Microbial dynamics during various activities in residential areas of Lahore, Pakistan

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    Bioaerosols are ubiquitous in the atmosphere with their levels affected by a variety of environmental factors as well as type of activities being carried out at any specific time. The present study investigated how indoor activities influence bioaerosol concentrations in five residential houses of Lahore. Agar coated petri plates were exposed face upwards for twenty minutes in kitchens and living rooms during activity and non-activity periods. The temperature and relative humidity levels were noted as well. The bioaerosol concentrations in kitchens during the activity time ranged between 1022 to 4481 cfu/m3 and in living rooms from 1179 to 3183 cfu/m3 . Lower values were observed during non-activity periods. A paired-t test revealed a significant difference in bacterial loads during activity and non-activity times in both micro-environments (p = 0.038 in kitchen and p = 0.021 in living room). The predominant species identified were Micrococcus spp., Staphylococcus spp., and Bacillus spp. which are a common constituent of the indoor environment and are known to be opportunistic pathogens as well

    Measurement of NO2 indoor and outdoor concentrations in selected public schools of Lahore using passive sampler

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    Higher levels of NO2 are a danger to human health especially for children. A seven day study was carried to find out the ambient concentrations of NO2in 27 schools of Lahore with the help of passive samplers. In each school three sites were selected, viz: laboratory, corridor and outdoors. After 7 days exposure the tubes were subjected to spectrophotometric analysis. Results showed that the maximum values measured in laboratory, outdoor and corridors were 376µg/m3 , 222µg/m3 and 77µg/m3 . Minimum values for laboratory, outdoor and corridors were 10µg/m3 , 20µg/m3 and 8µg/m3 . Factors affecting these values were laboratory activities and proximity to main roads. These values were significantly higher than the standard values defined by EPA. Therefore children in schools were at risk of developing health complications

    Frequency of Clinical Symptoms of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease in Asthmatic Patients

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    Background: Gastroesophageal reflex is known as an acid reflex, is long term condition where stomach contents back into the oesophagus resulting in either symptoms or complications. GERD disease is caused by weakness or failure of the lower oesophageal sphincter. Symptoms include the acidic taste behind the mouth, heart burn, chest pain, difficult breathing and vomiting. Complication includes esophagitis, oesophageal strictures and barrettes oesophagus. Objective: The aim of this research was to introduce the symptoms of GERD disease in asthmatic patients and how these symptoms worsen the symptoms of asthma disease and what clinical pictures present with the asthmatic disease. Methodology: A designed performa was used to collect the data and after filling the performa, results were drawn and conclusion through the facts and the information given by patients. Results: In the present study among all 164 asthmatic patients, 70 (42.7%) patients showed dyspepsia, 58 (35.4%) were with chest burning, 23 (14%) were asking about chest pain, with acidic mouth taste were 39 (23.8%), 22 (13.4%) were feeling sore throat and 44 (26.8%) showed regurgitation reflex. Among these 164 patients 16 (9.8%) were smokers and 148 (90.2 %) were non-smokers. 47 (28.7%) were males and 117 (71.3%) were females. Conclusion: It is concluded that gastroesophageal reflux disease in asthmatic patients present symptoms of acidic mouth taste, chest burning, chest pain, dyspepsia, regurgitation reflex and sore throat

    Assessment of airborne particulate matter (PM2.5) in university classrooms of varying occupancy

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    Air pollution is a major concern in Pakistan. Levels of particulate matter (PM2.5) in educational built environments, have not yet been studied comprehensively in Pakistan. This study was conducted to assess relationships between indoor and outdoor particulate matter in classrooms of the University of the Punjab, Lahore, using a DUSTTRAK Aerosol Monitor (TSI Model 8520). Sampling for PM2.5concentrations was carried out simultaneously outdoors and indoors in different classrooms on the campus. According to the level of occupancy three classrooms were selected i.e. Classroom I: low occupancy, Classroom II: medium occupancy and Classroom III: high occupancy. Simultaneous outdoor measurements were carried out at rooftop of each classroom. A tracer method was used to measure the air change per hour in each classroom. The 24 hour average concentrations of PM2.5 in Classrooms I, II and III were observed to be 282 .g/m³, 75 .g/m³ and 673 .g/m³ whereas 24 hour average outdoor levels were 324 .g/m³, 121 .g/m³ and 998.g/m³ respectively. Results showed a significant impact of ambient air and occupancy level on PM2.5 levels inside classrooms and all observed values exceeded the WHO limit

    Exposure to NO2 in occupational built environments in urban centre in Lahore

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    Increased economic growth, urbanisation and substantial rise in automobile vehicles has contributed towards the elevated levels of air pollution in major cities in Pakistan. Aone week study was conducted by using passive samplers to assess NO2 concentration in occupational built environments at two most congested and populated sites of Lahore. Both sites were locatedon the busy roads of Lahore. At Site-I the highest concentration was in outdoors followed by corridor and indoor. While at Site II all the sampling location wereindoors and level were comparable to that of outdoor levelsat Site I. The results suggest the likely contribution of ambient sources in exposure to indoor NO2 in educational and other occupational built environments in urban centres

    Changes in particulate matter concentrations at different altitudinal levels with environmental dynamics

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    Ambient air quality is defined not only by the source strength but a variety of meteorological parameters as well. In the current study, ambient concentrations of PM along with temperature and relative humidity levels were monitored at seven different locations of Pakistan. A DustTrak DRX (Model 8533, TSI Inc.) was employed for twenty four hours real time monitoring of particulate matter at the selected sites. A considerable variation was observed in the 24 hour trend of particulate matter (PM) at different locations owing to variation in meteorological conditions due to different altitudes and seasons, and natural and anthropogenic sources in the vicinity. The highest average concentrations of PM2.5 (407 mu g/m(3)) were observed at highest elevation (Makra Peak, Shogran, 3089 m) while lowest averages (102 mu g/m(3)) were obtained at the seaside (Hawks Bay, Karachi, 0 m). On the other hand PMTotal fraction exhibited highest levels at site B (506 mu g/m(3)) and lowest at Site A (121 mu g/m(3)). Correlation factors were determined for PM and meteorological parameters at each location. More research needs to be conducted to have a comprehensive knowledge about the physical parameters controlling particulate dispersal at different altitudes within the country

    Assessment of ethnopharmacological potential of Cyperus difformis L. in terms of its’ phytochemistry, antibacterial, antioxidant and anticancer attributes

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    The present research was carried out on Cyperus difformis L., commonly found sedge weed in rice field to evaluate its’ ethnopharmacological potential in terms of phytochemical constituents, antibacterial, antioxidant and anticancer activities. FTIR spectroscopy of powdered material of plant parts, rhizome (with roots), leaves and flowers showed the presence of three main chemical groups, i.e. -OH (alcohol), -C=O (carbonyl) and -CO-O-CO (anhydride). The phytochemical composition of n-Hexane, chloroform and ethanol crude extracts of same parts analysed by GC-MS and n-Hexane extract of various parts indicated 14 compounds with highest (10) in flowers extract followed by six compounds in chloroform and five in ethanol extracts of plant parts. The antibacterial activity was assessed against Salmonella enterica, E. coli and Staphylococcus aureus by using well diffusion method and similar resistance was shown by n-Hexane and ethanol extracts while noticeable inhibition by chloroform extract, especially by leaves showing zone of inhibition, 16.17±0.52mm, comparable with Gentamycin 18±0.11mm. The antioxidant activity in terms of DPPH Scavenging activity was found higher in n-Hexane and chloroform extracts, especially leaves i.e., 54.6±0.43 & 43.45±0.53 as compared to that of ethanol extracts. The percentage activity was increased with an increase of concentration of extracts. Antiproliferative activity checked by SRB proliferative assay and the crude extracts of plant parts of C. difformis showed good activity against A2780 and HCT116 cancer cells in three days. C. difformis having therapeutic action as well as its’ ethnopharmacological history, being used as fodder, it may be recommended good herbal fodder for the dairy animals

    Simulation of a Standard Store Separated from Generic Wing

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    Evaluation of store separation experimentally is expensive; time consuming and dangerous as human risks are involved. This results in development of computational methods to simulate the store separation. Store separation studies include store separation simulation and determination of linear and angular displacements of store under the influence of complex and non-uniform flow field of parent aircraft. In order to validate the methodology, the unsteady CFD results, obtained by coupling six degrees of freedom (6-DOF) with flow solver, are compared with experimental results. Major trends are captured which are consistent with experimental results. Variation in store trajectory has been evaluated with different combinations of forward and rearward ejection forces. By increasing the magnitude of forward ejection force vertical displacement increases and store separates more safely from the wing. Moreover, effects of varying parent wing configuration on store trajectory has also been analyzed by incorporation of leading-edge flaps (LEFs). Store always separates in nose down condition due to LEFs which increases vertical displacement of store and thus safety related to store separation is enhanced
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