220 research outputs found

    Timely-Throughput Optimal Coded Computing over Cloud Networks

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    In modern distributed computing systems, unpredictable and unreliable infrastructures result in high variability of computing resources. Meanwhile, there is significantly increasing demand for timely and event-driven services with deadline constraints. Motivated by measurements over Amazon EC2 clusters, we consider a two-state Markov model for variability of computing speed in cloud networks. In this model, each worker can be either in a good state or a bad state in terms of the computation speed, and the transition between these states is modeled as a Markov chain which is unknown to the scheduler. We then consider a Coded Computing framework, in which the data is possibly encoded and stored at the worker nodes in order to provide robustness against nodes that may be in a bad state. With timely computation requests submitted to the system with computation deadlines, our goal is to design the optimal computation-load allocation scheme and the optimal data encoding scheme that maximize the timely computation throughput (i.e, the average number of computation tasks that are accomplished before their deadline). Our main result is the development of a dynamic computation strategy called Lagrange Estimate-and Allocate (LEA) strategy, which achieves the optimal timely computation throughput. It is shown that compared to the static allocation strategy, LEA increases the timely computation throughput by 1.4X - 17.5X in various scenarios via simulations and by 1.27X - 6.5X in experiments over Amazon EC2 clustersComment: to appear in MobiHoc 201

    Recent trends in the low-flow variability in Romania

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    In the context of climate changes, knowing the low-flow trends is very important for establishing appropriate measures for water resources management, in order to ensure their sustainability. This paper focuses on Romanian rivers and aims to identify the recent trends (during the period 1980-2013) in the low-flow variability. The analysis is based on discharges data series (daily and monthly) recorded at 54 gauging stations, with a quasi-natural flow regime. The significance of trends for annual, monthly and seasonal low-flow in the analyzed period has been established using the nonparametric Mann-Kendall test. The variability of the lowest annual values of the mean daily and monthly discharges showed positive trends at gauging stations located mainly in the Carpathian area, while negative trends were found in lowland regions (plains and tablelands). During the winter there were identified positive low-flow trends, while negative trends were found in summer and spring. Increases in the minimum monthly flow were particularly evident in February, March and December, and negative trends were identified especially in the summer (July, June and August) and the autumn months (September and October)

    Metallurgical industry in Romania in the context of the economic crisis

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    The magnitude of the economic crisis and the influence on the developments of industrial branches was different.Although European economies are strongly interconnected both internally and externally, the way in which an economic branch has crossed and is trying to overcome the economic crisis has some peculiarities arising from its specificity on the one hand, and on the other hand, from the policies applied in the field. Based on these considerations,the paper examines how Romanian metallurgical industry passes through the economic crisis as compared with other industries. Also based on quantitative analyses performed and taking into account the specific phenomenon of seasonality are presented models of evolution of this industry with horizon in February 2015

    Experimental and Finite Element Analysis of the Open-Cells Porous Materials Subjected to Compression Mechanical Loading

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    Progress in Additive Manufacturing (AM) technology enables the fabrication of complex structures that could not be obtained with traditional manufacturing methods. One AM research area is the development and use of lightweight products with cellular structures, containing complex lattices and pores, which give improved performance and functionality. It is well known that there is a strong link between mechanical properties and architecture of samples with cellular structures. This paper presents a comparison and validation of Finite Element Analysis (FEA) simulations of cellular structures with experimental data obtained from compression tests, and degradation behaviour under load compression. The specimens, with spherical open-cells, were produced in VeroClear RGD810 photopolymer resin. Mechanical compression tests were performed to investigate the compressive behaviour and the mechanical response was registered in the form of compressive stress-strain curves. Also, using the specimens’ CAD data and compression test parameters, a Finite Element Analysis (FEA) was performed. A macroscopic analysis of the specimens’ structure and microhardness tests before and after compression tests were also carried out

    Diagnosis and surgical treatment features of the postoperative scar endometriosis

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    Catedra Chirurgie nr. 1 „N.Anestiadi”, Laboratorul Chirurgie Hepato-Pancreato-Biliară, USMF „Nicolae Testemițanu”, Institutul Medicină Urgentă, Secția Ginecologie Chirurgicală, Institutul Mamei și Copilului, Chișinău, Republica Moldova, Al XII-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova cu participare internațională 23-25 septembrie 2015Introducere: Endometrioza cicatricei postoperatorii (ECP) reprezintă o patologie rară, dificilă în diagnostic. Cel mai frecvent ECP este condiționată de chirurgia obstetricală și actualmente se observă tendința creșterii incidenții ECP, asociată de sporirea numărului operațiilor cezariene. Material și metode: Studiul constă în analiza a 30 cazuri de ECP tratate chirurgical la baza a două Clinici pe parcursul anilor 1991-2014. Rezultate: Vârsta medie a pacientelor cu ECP a constituit 30,4±1,1 ani. A predominat ECP a peretelui abdominal anterior 80% (24/30). La stabilirea diagnosticului au fost utilizate metode imagistice: ultrasonografie, USG cu doplerografie, TC și RMN. Au fost constatate particularitățile caracteristice pentru ECP: prevalența în unghiul stâng al cicatricei postoperatorii după incizia Pfannenstiel (78,3%, p<0,0001), ECP monofocal (90%, p<0,0001), localizare în fascie și mușchi (62,5%, p<0,0001). Toate pacientele au suportat intervenție chirurgicală cu excizia ECP “en bloc” depășind 5-10 mm în limitele țesuturilor sănătoase. Lichidarea defectului abdominal cu suturarea aponevrozei “tension free” (n=15), plastia peretelui abdominal cu material sintetic (n=3). În 4 cazuri au fost efectuate intervenții simultane. Examenul histopatologic al macropreparatelor înlăturate confirmă diagnosticul de ECP și precizează că intervenția chirurgicală a fost radicală (R0). Perioada medie de supraveghere a constituit – 8,8±1,3 ani, recidive nu au fost. Concluzii: Un avantaj al tomografiei computerizate și rezonanței magnetico-nucleare este sensibilitatea majoră în depistarea formațiunilor de dimensiuni mici, leziunilor hemoragice și determinarea gradului de extindere a procesului în țesuturile adiacente. Tratamentul chirurgical prin excizia “en bloc” cu 5-10 mm în limitele țesutului sănătos (rezecția R0) cu păstrarea integrității formațiunii, se consideră metoda de bază în tratamentul ECP și prevenirea recidivei.Introduction: Postoperative scar endometriosis (PSE) is a rare pathology, difficult to diagnose. Most commonly PSE is a result of obstetric surgery with an ascending incidence tendency due to the increasing number of caesarian sections. Material and methods: The research included 30 cases of PSE treated surgically within two clinical facilities during 1994-2014. Results: The mean age of the patients with PSE was 30.4±1.1 years. Anterior abdominal wall PSE accounted for 80% (24/30). The diagnostic workout included: ultrasonography, Doppler USG, CT and MRI. Characteristic features for PSE were found: prevalence in the left corner of the postoperative scar after Pfannenstiel incision (78.3%; p<0.0001), monofocal PSE (90%; p<0.0001), localization within the fascia and muscles (62.5%; p<0,0001). All the patients underwent en bloc surgical excision of the PSE with a 5-10 mm margin of the unaffected surrounding tissues. The abdominal defect was closed by tension free aponeurosis suture (n=15), abdominal alloplasty with synthetic meshes (n=3). In 4 cases simultaneous interventions were performed. Histopathology studies of the resected specimens proved PSE and confirmed R0 resection. The median follow up was 8.8±1.3 years, no recurrences were registered. Conclusions: The advantage of computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging is the high sensitivity for small lesions, hemorrhagic lesions and assessment of PSE extension to the surrounding tissues. En bloc surgical resection with a 5- 10 mm margin of the unaffected surrounding tissues (R0 resection) with maintaining the integrity of the lesion is considered the main treatment and recurrence prevention method of the PSE

    Эндометриоз послеоперационного рубца после миомэктомии

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    IMSP Institutul Mamei şi Copilului, Secţia ginecologie chirurgicală, Universitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie “N.Testemiţanu”, Laboratorul de Chirurgie Hepato-Bilio-Pancreatică, IMSP Institutul de Medicină Urgentă, IMSP Institutul Oncologic, Secţia patomorfologieIntroduction: Abdominal wall endometriosis (AWE) is a rare condition, which usually develops in a surgical scar after Caesarean section. AWE following abdominal myomectomy for uterine myomas is extremely rare. Case presentation: A 27-year-old woman was referred to our clinic for atypical cyclic pain and mass at the left edge of a Pfannenstiel incision scar four years after abdominal myomectomy. Computerized tomographic (CT) scanning of the pelvis with contrast revealed an enhancing mass in the abdominal wall extending from the skin to the muscle layer. The mass was removed completely (R0 resection) and histopathology (with immunohistochemical analysis) of the surgical specimen revealed endometriosis. Conclusion: AWE needs to be considered in the differential diagnosis of any woman of reproductive age presenting with a painful abdominal wall mass and a history of uterine surgery via an abdominal incision.Введение: Эндометриоз передней брюшной стенки (ЭПБС) достаточно редкая патология и обычно наблюдается после кесарева сечения. ЭПБС после абдоминальной миомэктомии чрезвычайно редкая ситуация. Клиническое наблюдение: Пациентка 27 лет направлена с циклическими болями и наличием объемного образования в левом углу разреза по Пфанненштилю после трансабдоминальной миомэктомии. Компьютерная томография с контрастированием выявила образование в передней брюшной стенке от подкожной клетчатки до прямой мышцы живота. Образование иссечено радикально (R0 резекция) и гистологическое исследование с иммуногистохимией подтвердило наличие эндометриоза. Вывод: ЭПБС должен рассматриваться в дифференциальном диагнозе у женщин репродуктивного возраста при наличии болезненного опухолевидного образования в области послеоперационного рубца после оперативных вмешательств на матке

    Morphological particularities of the postoperative scar endometriosis

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    IMSP Institutul Medicină Urgentă, Laboratorul Chirurgie Hepato-Pancreato-Biliară, Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Secţia Ginecologie Chirurgicală, Secţia patomorfologie, IMSP Institutul Mamei şi Copilului, Chişinău, Moldova, Al XIII-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” și al III-lea Congres al Societății de Endoscopie, Chirurgie miniminvazivă și Ultrasonografie ”V.M.Guțu” din Republica MoldovaIntroducere: Endometrioza cicatricei postoperatorii (ECP) este o afecțiune rară, dificilă din punct de vedere diagnostic, în majoritatea cazurilor fiind stabilit postoperator, la examenul histologic. Scopul: Evaluarea particularităților morfologice ale ECP în optimizarea conduitei medico-chirurgicale. Material și metode: Studiul dat se bazează pe analiza a 38 specimene postoperatorii, cu confirmarea diagnosticului de ECP. În etapa de colorație au fost utilizate metodele convenționale hematoxilină-eozină (H&E), Van Gison (VG), tricrom Masson (tcM), în estimarea țesutului conjunctiv și metoda de evaluare a fibrelor elastice cu orceină. Rezultate: La examenul histopatologic dimensiunile maximale specimenului înlăturat în mediu a constituit 35.7±3.4 mm (95% CI:28.77– 42.70), dimensiunile minimale au alcătuit 26.4±2.9 mm (95% CI:20.41–32.47). În funcție de morfologia componentelor structurali, în 29 (76.3%) cazuri a predominat structura fibrilar-trabeculară elastică, în 7(18.4%) s-a determinat un coraport identic dintre componentele tisulare fibrilar-trabeculare și endometriozice. Țesutul endometriozic comparativ cu cel fibrilar-trabecular a predominat în 2 (5.2%) cazuri. Evaluarea generală a structurii țesutului endometrial a relevat prezența componentei stromale și glandulare cu particularități morfo-funcționale similare endometrului uterin, mărire de volum, aspecte proliferative, remodelarea vasculară, transformări reactive ciclice. Concluzie: Evaluarea morfologică a ECP stabilește următoarele particularități: (1) depistarea formelor evolutive active și inactive; (2) prezența elastozei la nivelul stromei și a țesuturilor; (3) detectarea structurilor globoide endometriozice neformate la distanță de focarele primare; (4) imitarea aspectelor morfologice a pseudoxandomului, pseudomixomului sau fibroelastomei.Background: Postoperative scar endometriosis (PSE) is a rare pathology, difficult to diagnose, in most cases it is found postoperative after histopathology studies. The aim of the study was to assess the morphological particularities of PSE in optimizing medical-surgical attitude. Methods and materials: The research included 38 cases of PSE. In the coloration phase the following methods have been used: hematoxylin and eosin (H&E), Van Gison (VG) or tricrom Masson (tcM), in the estimation of connective tissue and the method of evaluation of elastic fibers with orceine. Results: At the histopathological examination the maximum dimensions of the removed specimen in average constituted 35.7 ± 3.4 mm (95% CI: 28.77-42.70). The minimum dimensions were 26.4 ± 2.9 mm (95% CI: 20.41-32.47). Depending on the morphology of the structural components, in 29 (76.3%) cases the fibrilar-trabecular elastic structure dominated, in 7 (18.4%) have been determined an identical presence of the fibrilar-trabecular and endometriotic tissue components. The endometriotic tissue dominated over the fibrilar-trabecular in only 2 (5.2%) cases. Overall assessment of the endometrial tissue structure revealed the presence of the stromal and glandular component with morpho–functional features similar to the uterine endometrium, volume growth, proliferative aspects, vascular remodeling, cyclic reactive transformations. Conclusion: The morphological assessment of PSE establishes the following features: (1) the detection of active and inactive forms of evolution; (2) the presence of elastosis in stroma and tissues; (3) detection of unformed endometriotic globoid structures away from primary outbreaks; (4) imitation of the morphological aspects of pseudoxandoma, pseudomyxoma or fibroelastoma

    Endometriosis of postoperative scar: a report of thirty two cases

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    Catedra de chirurgie nr. 1 „Nicolae Anestiadi”, Laboratorul de chirurgie hepato-pancreato-biliară, USMF „Nicolae Testemițanu”, Secţia Ginecologie Chirurgicală, IMSP Institutul Mamei şi Copilului, IMSP Institutul Medicină Urgentă, Secţia Morfopatologie, IMSP Institutul Oncologic, Chişinău, Republica Moldova, Conferința stiințifică „Nicolae Anestiadi – nume etern al chirurgiei basarabene” consacrată centenarului de la nașterea profesorului Nicolae Anestiadi 26 august 2016Introducere. Endometrioza cicatricii postoperatorii (ECP) este o afecțiune rară dificilă în diagnostic, provocată de obicei de chirurgia ginecologico-obstetricală. Scopul. Aprecierea particularităților de diagnostic și tratament chirurgical. Material și metode. Au fost analizate 32 cazuri de ECP tratate chirurgical la baza a doua clinici pe parcursul anilor 1991-2016. Rezultate. Vârsta medie a pacientelor cu ECP a constituit 30.4±0.9 ani (95%CI:28.41-32.41). Indicele masei corporale a pacientelor cu ECP a constituit 21.6±0.6 kg. (95%CI:20.28-22.85). Perioada de apariție ECP 44.1±2.8 luni (95%CI:38.39-49.73). În toate cazurile pacientele au prezentat formațiune tumorală (n=32, 100%), în regiunea cicatricei postoperatorii a peretelui abdominal anterior (n=26, 81%), incizia Pfannenstiel (n=23), mediană inferioară (n=2), ombilic (n=1), regiunea perineală (n= 6). Au fost determinate particularitățile caracteristice pentru ECP prevalența: monofocal vs. bifocal (n=29, 90.6% vs. n=3, 9.3%, p<0.0001), unghiul stâng a cicatricei postoperatorii vs.drept și central (82.6% vs. 17.3%, p<0.0001). La stabilirea diagnosticului au fost utilizate metode imagistice: USG cu doplerografie, TC și RMN. Intervenit chirurgical cu excizia ECP en bloc depășind 5-10 mm în limitele țesuturilor sănătoase. La examenul histopatologic dimensiunile macropreparatului stabilite (max.3.3±0.4 și min.2.6±0.3) ce confirmă diagnosticul de ECP. Examenul imunohistochimic demonstrează expresie difuză la CD10 în regiunea stromei citogene, colorație nucleară a nucleului glandei endometriale și a celulelor stromale receptori progesteron și receptorii estrogeni (ERα). Concluzie. Evaluarea clinică în combinație cu metodele imagistice, histologice și imunohistochimice constituie baza în corectitudinea stabilirii diagnosticului.Introduction. Endometriosis of postoperative scar (ECP) is a rare disorder, difficult to diagnose, usually caused by gynecologic-obstetric surgery. Purpose. Appreciation of the particularities of diagnostic and surgical treatment. Material and methods. We analyzed 32 cases of surgically treated ECP, based on two clinics, during the years 1991-2016. Results. Mean age of patients with ECP was 30.4 ± 0.9 years (95% CI: 28.41-32.41). Body mass index of patients with ECP was 21.6 ± 0.6 kg. (95% CI: 20.28-22.85). The period of ECP appearance was 44.1 ± 2.8 months (95% CI: 38.39-49.73). In all cases the patients showed tumor (n = 32, 100%) in postoperative scar of anterior abdominal wall (n = 26, 81%), the Pfannenstiel incision (n = 23), median lower incision (n = 2), umbilical incision (n = 1), in perineal region (n = 6). Were determined the particularities of ECP: prevalence: monofocal vs. bifocal (n = 29, 90.6% vs. n = 3, 9.3%, p <0.0001), the left angle of postoperative scar vs. right and center (82.6% vs. 17.3%, p <0.0001). Ultrasound with dopplerography examination, computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has an important value in the diagnosis of scar mass. All patients were undergone excision en bloc of tumors exceeding 5-10 mm beyond the limits of healthy tissues. Histopathological examination of excised mass with set size (max.3.3 ± 0.4 and 0.3 ± min.2.6) confirmed the diagnosis of ECP. Immunohistochemistry examination demonstrated CD10 diffusion in cytogenetic region, nuclear staining of the nucleus of endometrial gland and of stromal cells, progesterone and estrogen receptors (ERα). Conclusion. The clinical evaluation in combination with imaging methods, histological and immunohistochemical examination are basic in the accuracy of diagnosis