1,098 research outputs found

    Chemical investigation of a biologically active schinus molle L. leaf extract

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    The pepper tree Schinus molle L. is an evergreen ornamental plant belonging to the Anacardiaceae family, native to South America and widespread throughout the world. It has biological activities and is used in folk medicine. This paper aims to contribute to a deeper knowledge of its chemical composition and biological properties. S. molle leaf extracts were obtained by sequential extraction with solvents of different polarities and subsequently tested on the HL-60 human leukaemia cell line to define a possible cytotoxic activity. Among the investigated extracts, the petroleum ether extract revealed a high cytotoxic activity, and its chemical composition was further investigated. By a silica column chromatography, eight fractions were obtained, and their compositions were determined by GC-MS analysis. Compounds and relative abundance differed widely among the fractions; sesquiterpenes resulted the main component and alcoholic sesquiterpenes the most abundant

    Cultivo de café (Coffea arábica L.) com princípios agroecológicos como opção para a agricultura familiar na região de Penápolis/SP.

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    No município de Penápolis e região, os fatores econômicos, climáticos e políticos, influenciaram na substituição da cultura do café por outras atividades agropecuárias, como a cana-de-açúcar e a pastagem, oprimindo assim, a agricultura familiar tornando-a inviável, provocando o êxodo rural em busca de outras fontes de renda. O objetivo desse trabalho é o de verificar a viabilidade de manter o agricultor familiar na região através do resgate da cafeicultura com manejo agroecológico que supere as adversidades ambientais e socioeconômicas. A implementação de uma lavoura experimental de café com princípios agroecológicos e o levantamento de dados dos produtores e de suas propriedades, vislumbra o fortalecimento da cultura na região, com novos modelos de produção. Conclui-se que a possibilidade de intensificação do cultivo do café com vertente agroecológica na região de estudo, como uma opção de resistência ao avanço da cana-de-açúcar, depende em grande parte de uma decisão política de estímulo e de motivação dos agricultores familiares

    La storiografia pedagogica italiana sul lavoro e sulla formazione

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    Il saggio mira a verificare se fra gli studi italiani che hanno affrontato il tema del lavoro e della formazione professionale si possa riconoscere una serie di indagini di tipo storico-educativo, che si presenti con una qualche autonomia e continuit\ue0. A tale scopo, viene presentata una rassegna di opere storiche che partendo dai primi decenni unitari giunge ai nostri giorni


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    Notes on Seneca’s prose works (nat. 3.30.8; 4a.2.18; ep. 90.10; 22-3), with obser-vations on Lucan 9.942-5, and John Lydus mens. 4.107, p. 144.15 ff. Wuensch

    A victory for Italian same-sex couples, a victory for European homosexuals? A commentary on Oliari v Italy

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    In Oliari and others v. Italy the European Court of Human rights established for the first time that the legislator’s failure to guarantee a legal framework recognizing non-marital same-sex relationships constitutes a violation of the right to respect for private and family life under article 8 of the European Convention of Human Rights. This article aims to underline positives and negatives in judges’ reasoning. Particularly, it will be underlined the relevance of the judgment both as a critique on major contradictions characterizing Italian institutional debate around the issue of same-sex partnerships, and as a further step in the progressive application of article 8 ECHR to protect same-sex individuals committed in an intimate relationship. Such result is indeed achieved by referring expressly to the US Supreme Court judgment in Obergefell v. Hodges, which is uncommon for the Strasbourg Court and should not be overlooked for future cases.However, the article observes how the Chamber surprisingly failed ascertaining a possible violation of the right of private and family life in conjunction with the non-discrimination principle. This risks limiting the effects of its reasoning to the Italian situation only. Moreover, it is disappointing to notice that the European Court did not even examine Italy’s violation of the right to marry under art.12 of the Convention, and contrarily granted a wide margin of appreciation to the States. At present, same-sex marriage still remains “taboo” for the ECtHR.Effective Protection of Fundamental Rights in a pluralist worl

    Filatura e tessitura secondo Posidonio e Seneca: per il testo e l’esegesi di Sen. Ep. 90.20

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    Notes bearing on the text and interpretation of the passage in which Seneca levels biased criticisms at Posidonius for failing to report technical progress in weaving

    Oliari and Others v. Italy: a stepping stone towards full legal recognition of same-sex relationships in Europe

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    Effective Protection of Fundamental Rights in a pluralist worl