1,897 research outputs found

    Time series aggregation, disaggregation and long memory

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    We study the aggregation/disaggregation problem of random parameter AR(1) processes and its relation to the long memory phenomenon. We give a characterization of a subclass of aggregated processes which can be obtained from simpler, "elementary", cases. In particular cases of the mixture densities, the structure (moving average representation) of the aggregated process is investigated

    High level of telomerase RNA gene expression is associated with chromatin modification, the ALT phenotype and poor prognosis in liposarcoma

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    Telomere length is maintained by two known mechanisms, activation of telomerase or alternative lengthening of telomeres (ALT). The ALT pathway is more commonly activated in tumours of mesenchymal origin, although the mechanisms involved in the decision of a cell to activate either telomerase or ALT are unknown at present and no molecular markers exist to define the ALT phenotype. We have previously shown an association between chromatin remodelling, telomerase gene expression and ALT in cell line models. Here, we evaluate these findings and investigate their prognostic significance in a panel of liposarcoma tissue samples to understand the biology underlying the ALT phenotype. Liposarcoma samples were split into three groups: telomerase positive (Tel+); ALT positive; ALT−/Tel−. Differences in telomerase gene expression were evident between the groups with increased expression of hTR in ALT and Tel+ compared to ALT−/Tel− samples and increased hTERT in Tel+ samples only. Investigation of a small panel of chromatin modifications revealed significantly increased binding of acetyl H3 in association with hTR expression. We confirm that the presence of the ALT phenotype is associated with poor prognosis and in addition, for the first time, we show a direct association between hTR expression and poor prognosis in liposarcoma patients

    On dilatation operator for a renormalizable theory

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    Given a renormalizable theory we construct the dilatation operator, in the sense of generator of RG flow of composite operators. The generator is found as a differential operator acting on the space of normal symbols of composite operators in the theory. In the spirit of AdS/CFT correspondence, this operator is interpreted as the Hamiltonian of the dual theory. In the case of a field theory with non-abelian gauge symmetry the resulting system is a matrix model. The one-loop case is analyzed in details and it is shown that we reproduce known results from N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory.Comment: 26 pages, no figure

    Mastering the Master Space

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    Supersymmetric gauge theories have an important but perhaps under-appreciated notion of a master space, which controls the full moduli space. For world-volume theories of D-branes probing a Calabi-Yau singularity X the situation is particularly illustrative. In the case of one physical brane, the master space F is the space of F-terms and a particular quotient thereof is X itself. We study various properties of F which encode such physical quantities as Higgsing, BPS spectra, hidden global symmetries, etc. Using the plethystic program we also discuss what happens at higher number N of branes. This letter is a summary and some extensions of the key points of a longer companion paper arXiv:0801.1585.Comment: 10 pages, 1 Figur

    M2-Branes and Fano 3-folds

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    A class of supersymmetric gauge theories arising from M2-branes probing Calabi-Yau 4-folds which are cones over smooth toric Fano 3-folds is investigated. For each model, the toric data of the mesonic moduli space is derived using the forward algorithm. The generators of the mesonic moduli space are determined using Hilbert series. The spectrum of scaling dimensions for chiral operators is computed.Comment: 128 pages, 39 figures, 42 table

    The spinorial geometry of supersymmetric backgrounds

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    We propose a new method to solve the Killing spinor equations of eleven-dimensional supergravity based on a description of spinors in terms of forms and on the Spin(1,10) gauge symmetry of the supercovariant derivative. We give the canonical form of Killing spinors for N=2 backgrounds provided that one of the spinors represents the orbit of Spin(1,10) with stability subgroup SU(5). We directly solve the Killing spinor equations of N=1 and some N=2, N=3 and N=4 backgrounds. In the N=2 case, we investigate backgrounds with SU(5) and SU(4) invariant Killing spinors and compute the associated spacetime forms. We find that N=2 backgrounds with SU(5) invariant Killing spinors admit a timelike Killing vector and that the space transverse to the orbits of this vector field is a Hermitian manifold with an SU(5)-structure. Furthermore, N=2 backgrounds with SU(4) invariant Killing spinors admit two Killing vectors, one timelike and one spacelike. The space transverse to the orbits of the former is an almost Hermitian manifold with an SU(4)-structure and the latter leaves the almost complex structure invariant. We explore the canonical form of Killing spinors for backgrounds with extended, N>2, supersymmetry. We investigate a class of N=3 and N=4 backgrounds with SU(4) invariant spinors. We find that in both cases the space transverse to a timelike vector field is a Hermitian manifold equipped with an SU(4)-structure and admits two holomorphic Killing vector fields. We also present an application to M-theory Calabi-Yau compactifications with fluxes to one-dimension.Comment: Latex, 54 pages, v2: clarifications made and references added. v3: minor changes. v4: minor change

    A Note on Supersymmetric Type II Solutions of Lifshitz Type

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    We discuss a class of supersymmetric type II non-relativistic solutions with exact or asymptotic scale invariance. As already emerged from previous investigations, we find a clear correspondence between anisotropic d-dimensional vacua and relativistic solutions in (d + 1)-dimensions. We will show that supersymmetric four-dimensional Poincare' invariant backgrounds in type IIB can descend to analogous solutions with anisotropic scaling in t and (x, y). This result can be applied to scale invariant theories, domain walls interpolating between four-dimensional Lifshitz vacua and more general solutions with only asymptotic or approximate scaling behaviour.Comment: Added subsection on hyperscaling violation example

    Old Inflation in String Theory

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    We propose a stringy version of the old inflation scenario which does not require any slow-roll inflaton potential and is based on a specific example of string compatification with warped metric. Our set-up admits the presence of anti-D3-branes in the deep infrared region of the metric and a false vacuum state with positive vacuum energy density. The latter is responsible for the accelerated period of inflation. The false vacuum exists only if the number of anti-D3-branes is smaller than a critical number and the graceful exit from inflation is attained if a number of anti-D3-branes travels from the ultraviolet towards the infrared region. The cosmological curvature perturbation is generated through the curvaton mechanism.Comment: 31 pages, 3 figures; typos corrected and reference adde

    MiR-1227 targets SEC23A to regulate the shedding of large extracellular vesicles

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    Cancer cells shed a heterogenous mixture of extracellular vesicles (EVs), differing in both size and composition, which likely influence physiological processes in different manners. However, how cells differentially control the shedding of these EV populations is poorly understood. Here, we show that miR-1227, which is enriched in prostate cancer EVs, compared to the cell of origin, but not in EVs derived from prostate benign epithelial cells, induces the shedding of large EVs (such as large oncosomes), while inhibiting the shedding of small EVs (such as exosomes). RNA sequencing from cells stably expressing miR-1227, a modified RISCTRAP assay that stabilizes and purifies mRNA-miR-1227 complexes for RNA sequencing, and in silico target prediction tools were used to identify miR-1227 targets that may mediate this alteration in EV shedding. The COPII vesicle protein SEC23A emerged and was validated by qPCR, WBlot, and luciferase assays as a direct target of miR-1227. The inhibition of SEC23A was sufficient to induce the shedding of large EVs. These results identify a novel mechanism of EV shedding, by which the inhibition of SEC23A by miR-1227 induces a shift in EV shedding, favoring the shedding of large EV over small EV

    Mesonic Chiral Rings in Calabi-Yau Cones from Field Theory

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    We study the half-BPS mesonic chiral ring of the N=1 superconformal quiver theories arising from N D3-branes stacked at Y^pq and L^abc Calabi-Yau conical singularities. We map each gauge invariant operator represented on the quiver as an irreducible loop adjoint at some node, to an invariant monomial, modulo relations, in the gauged linear sigma model describing the corresponding bulk geometry. This map enables us to write a partition function at finite N over mesonic half-BPS states. It agrees with the bulk gravity interpretation of chiral ring states as cohomologically trivial giant gravitons. The quiver theories for L^aba, which have singular base geometries, contain extra operators not counted by the naive bulk partition function. These extra operators have a natural interpretation in terms of twisted states localized at the orbifold-like singularities in the bulk.Comment: Latex, 25pgs, 12 figs, v2: minor clarification
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