127 research outputs found

    Determining Influencing Factors of Unemployment in Turkey with MARS Method

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    Higher unemployment rate is the problem of most of the countries in the world. Because of this situation, these countries try to make many actions in order to decrease unemployment rate. However, to make such a recommendation, first of all, the reasons of the unemployment should be analyzed. Within this framework, the aim of this study is to identify the factors which influence unemployment in Turkey. For this purpose, quarterly data for the periods between 2003 and 2016 is evaluated with MARS method. It is concluded that economic growth negatively affects unemployment in Turkey. Another result of this study is that higher inflation rates negatively affect unemployment rate. The last conclusion of this analysis is that interest rate has a positive influence on the unemployment rate. While considering these results, it is recommended that economic performance of the country should be improved and interest rates should be declined to decrease unemployment rate in Turkey. Another recommendation is that implementations, which are aimed to decrease inflation rate, should be controlled carefully because any implementation which aims to decrease inflation rate causes unemployment rate to increase

    Identifying causality relationship between energy consumption and economic growth in developed countries

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    The main purpose of this study is to evaluate the causality relationship between energy consumption and economic growth for developed countries. Within this context, annual data of 22 developed countries was examined by using Dumitrescu Hurlin panel causality analysis. As a result, it was determined that that there is a bidirectional relationship between energy consumption and economic improvement for developed countries. This condition provides two different results. Firstly, energy consumption has an influence on economic development for these countries. While considering this result, it can be said that any limitation in energy consumption will restrict economic growth. Moreover, it was also concluded that level of economic growth is the main reason of energy consumption for developed countries. In other words, developed countries tend to have more energy consumption when their economies are growing.peer-reviewe

    Fatty acid and conjugated linoleic acid content of Anatolian buffaloes at different muscle types and slaughter weight

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    This research was performed to detect tissue fatty acid (FA) composition and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) content in Anatolian buffaloes at different muscle types (MTs) and slaughter weights (SWs). The research was carried out on a private commercial livestock farm in Tokat. The research's animal material comprised 20 Anatolian buffalo calves with approximately 100 kg body weights, weaned at about 150 days of age. Before the experiment started, the calves were randomly divided into two slaughter groups (SW) as low weight (LW=225 kg) and high weight (HW=325 kg). Ten calves from each of the two experimental groups, which were intensively fed, were slaughtered in two different weights. After the slaughtering, FA composition and CLA content of the Semimembranosus (SM), Semitendinosus (ST), and Triceps brachii (TB) muscle tissues of the animals were examined. The study determined that palmitoleic acid (C16:1) and stearic acid (C18:0) were affected by MTs and oleic acid (C18:1) and alpha-linolenic acid (C18:3 n-3) were affected by SW (P 0.05). With the increase of SW (in LW and HW groups), n-6/n3 (SM: 7.783 and 6.533; ST: 8.115 and 7.859; TB: 8.416 and 8.215) (P > 0.05) and PUFA ratio decreased (P 0.05). Again, with the increase in SW, AI and TI values increased in SM and ST muscles, while the same index values decreased in TB muscle (P> 0.05). In conclusion, when considering the PUFA/SFA ratio and the beneficial effects of CLAs on human health, ST in the MT and LW groups in SW, and thus ST and LW in MT and SW were prominent in Anatolian buffaloes

    Determination of Direct and Indirect Effects on Milk Yield of Anatolian Buffaloes Using Path Analysis

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    This study aimed to determine the direct and indirect effects of the independent variables presented by the lactation length (LL), age of calving (CAGE), and daily milk yield (DMY) on the dependent variable of lactation milk yield (LMY) in Anatolian buffaloes. In this study, 3761 LMY records of the 834 Anatolian buffaloes calving between 2012 and 2017 in Tokat province and around were used as the research material. In the study, the simple correlation coefficients between the dependent variable of LMY and independent variables were determined to be positive and significant (P[removed

    Ulemâ, Immigration and the State: Some Information About the Settling of Ulemâ Who Immigrated to the Ottoman Country After the Crimean War

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    Having to emigrate from one’s land is one of the most unfortunate events a person can face during his life time. Immigration, as it used in this study, is one of the last resources for people who only have the chance to carry with them their memories and moveable goods,leave much more than these behind. The Otoman Empire with its history spanning six hudret years and with its territory expanding into three continents had to face immigration rather frequently. This meeting, however, had never been as much frequent as it was after the Crimean War (1853-1856). The immigration wave following the war from Caucasia and the Otoman country became a new problem that needed to be addressed with more effort, struggle, and Money fort he administrators of the empire. Therefore, this study aims at explaining the ways in which the ulemâ class, who were among the imigrants who took refuge in the Otoman country, was settled within the borders of the empire and what kind of assistance was provided fort them. Further, problems that arose during this process will be handled. This study evaluates the müderris rather than the groups belonging to the ilmiye like the imam, sheikh, and mufti and lastly focses on the king of the immigrant ulemâ to the Otoman social and cultural life

    Fatty acid profilies and some meat quality traits at different slaughter weights of Brown Swiss bulls

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    This research was done to detect some meat quality traits and tissue fatty acid combination of the longissimus dorsi thoracis (LT) muscle of Brown Swiss bulls at the different slaughter weights (SW). The animal material of the study comprised 20 Brown Swiss bulls. In the study, Brown Swiss bulls were divided into two groups according to their SW as low (LSW (n = 10); 431–503 kg) and high (HSW (n = 10); 504–583 kg). In the study, the LSW group showed the lowest final pH value (pHF) (5.44) (P 0.05). In the research, the differences observed between the SW groups considering a* (redness) and C (chroma) values were found significant (P 0.05). Freeze–thaw loss (FL) and ether extract (PEE) were found 4.35% and 1.01% higher, respectively, in the HSW group than the LSW group (P 0.05) in the LT muscle decreased with the increase of SW. As a result, when LSW and HSW slaughter weight groups were evaluated considering the water losses causing financial losses in meat and fatty acids having beneficial effects on human health, it was seen that the LSW group came to the fore. © 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature B.V

    Investigation of probability literacy test in terms of differential item function by methods based on item response theory

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    Test geliştirme sürecinin birçok adımı vardır. Bu süreçte en önemli adım, testin geçerliliğini ve güvenilirliğini belirlemektir. Madde yanlılığını belirlemek ise, testin geçerliliği ve güvenilirliği için önemli bir kavramdır. Bir maddenin yanlı olması için, Değişen Madde Fonksiyonu içermesi gerekir. Bununla birlikte, yalnızca DMF'nin varlığı, maddeyi yanlı yapmaz. Maddeye verilen cevaplardaki farklılık, alt gruplardaki deneklerin yetenek düzeylerinde farklılık ortaya çıktığında olması gereken bir durumdur. Bu durumu yanlılık olarak yorumlamak doğru değildir. Heterojen bir popülasyon üzerinde bir test yapılacaksa, yanlılık analizi ölçüm sürecinin en önemli bileşeni haline gelir. Buradaki en önemli hedef denekler için adil, hassas ve duyarlı ölçümler yapmaktır. Bu çalışmada, Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi İstatistik ve Bilgisayar Bilimleri Bölümü'ndeki 3. ve 4. sınıf öğrencilerinin olasılık teorisi okuryazarlık düzeyleri ölçülmüştür. 3. ve 4. sınıf öğrencilerine 10 maddelik bir okuryazarlık testi uygulanmıştır. Öğrencilerin cevaplarına göre cinsiyet ve sınıf seviyesinde yanlılık analizi yapılmıştır. DMF analizi yaparken, Raju’nun Alan Ölçümü ve Lord’un ... İstatistiği kullanılmıştır. Analizler R yazılımı kullanılarak yapılmıştır. DMF içeren maddeler için uzman görüşüne başvurulmuştur. Analiz sonuçlarına göre, bazı test maddelerinin cinsiyet ve sınıf düzeylerine göre yanlı olduğu tespit edilmiştir.The process of test development has many steps. The most important step in this process is to determine the validity and reliability of the test. Detection of item bias is an important concept for the validity and reliability of test. In order for an item to be biased, it must contain differential item function (DIF). However, the presence of DIF alone does not make the item biased. When there are differences in the skill levels of the subjects in the sub-groups, it is expected that there will be differences in the responses to the item. Nevertheless, it is not correct to interpret this situation as bias. If a test is to be performed on a heterogeneous population, bias analysis becomes the most important component of the measurement process. The primary objective here is to make fair, precise and sensitive measurement for subjects. In this study, probability theory literacy levels of 3rd and 4th grade students at the Department of Statistics and Computer Sciences of Karadeniz Technical University were measured. A 10-item literacy test was applied to all 3rd and 4th grade students. According to the answers of the students, bias analysis was conducted on gender and class level. When performing DIF analysis, Raju’s Area Measurement and Lord’s ...Statistics were used with the help of R software. Expert opinion was consulted for items containing DIF. According to the results of the analysis, some test items were found to be biased by gender and grade levels

    Some Gastrointestinal Tract Characteristics of Karayaka Ram Lambs Slaughtered at Different Weights

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    Thirty-one Karayaka ram lambs were slaughtered at different body weights (30 ( = 7), 35 ( = 6), 40 ( = 7), 45 ( = 6), and 50 ( = 5) kg of body weight at fast) to evaluate the growth of their gastrointestinal tract (GIT) characteristics, to determine the relationship among slaughter body weight (SBW) and empty body weight (EBW), whole GIT and segments, and the influence of slaughter weight on the pH of rumen, jejunum, and cecal contents. The effects of the SBW on GIT weight ( < 0.05), stomach ( < 0.001), and intestine ( < 0.05), the body length ( < 0.001) and caecum ( < 0.05), and the relative weights of GIT ( < 0.05), stomach ( < 0.001), and intestine ( < 0.001) were linear whereas that for the length of intestine were quadratic. The effect of SBW were quadratic ( < 0.05) on ratios of stomach to GIT weight and intestine length to intestine weight and rumen pH while, for the intestine to GIT weight ratio ( < 0.001) and caecum pH ( < 0.05), this effect was linear. The results indicated that for all parameters studied, with the exception of intestinal length and cecal pH, linear relationships were observed with SBW indicating steady growth rates for these tissues

    Second trimester abortion as a cause of maternal death: a case report

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    Each year, an estimated 529 000 maternal deaths occur worldwide. In literature, it is known that  maternal mortality can occur during pregnancy, peripartum and also in postpartum period. Although very rare, maternal deaths may occur after spontaneous abortion. In present case, 37 year old G5P4  (Caesarean Section) women was admitted to Adnan Menderes University, Obstetrics and Gynecology  clinic with diagnosis of missed abortion at 18 weeks' gestation. She had been hospitalized in the public maternity hospital for five days due to abortus incipience and prolapse of amnion membranes but had no  contractions. Fetal heart beats ceased at the second day of hospitalization. Medically induced abortion  was recommended but not accepted by the patient. At the fifth day of hospitalization, she was referred to our clinic due to deterioration of general health condition, low blood pressure and tachycardia. In  emergency department, it was determined that she was not oriented, had confusion, had blood pressure  of 49/25 mmHg and tachycardia. In ultrasonographic examination, 18 week in utero ex fetus was  determined and there was free fluid in abdominopelvic cavity. The free fluid was suspected to be amniotic fluid due to rupture of uterus. Laparotomy was performed, no uterine rupture, hematoma or atony was observed. However during laparotomy, a very bad smelling odor, might be due to septicemia, was felt in the operation room. Cardiac arrest occurred during that operation. In autopsy report, it was concluded that maternal death was because of remaining of inutero ex fetus for a long time. In conclusion, although very rare, maternal deaths after spontaneous abortion may occur. Because spontaneous abortion is a common outcome of pregnancy, continued careful, strict monitoring and immediate treatment of  especially second trimester spontaneous abortion is recommended to prevent related, disappointing, unexpected maternal deaths.Key words: Second trimester, spontaneous abortion, maternal death

    Comparison of diferent lactation curve models of Anatolian Bufaloes

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    Bu araştırmada, farklı işletme koşullarında 2011-2013 yılları arasında yetiştirilen Anadolu mandalarına ait kontrol günü süt verim kayıtları kullanılarak sekiz farklı laktasyon eğrisi modeli karşılaştırılmıştır. Bu amaçla, laktasyon eğrisinin tanımlanmasında Wood, Cobby ve Le Du, Üssel, Parabolik Üssel, Kuadratik, Ters Polinomiyal, Logaritmik Kuadratik, Logaritmik Linear modelleri kullanılmıştır. Laktasyon eğrisini en iyi tanımlayan modeli belirlemek için belirtme (R2) ve kalıntı standart sapma (KSS) katsayıları kriter olarak kullanılmıştır. En yüksek R2 ve en düşük KSS değerlerini veren Logaritmik Kuadratik ve Kuadratik modellerin en iyi uyumu gösteren modeller olduğu belirlenmiştir. Sonuç olarak, Logaritmik Kuadratik veya Kuadratik modeller ile tahmin edilen parametrelerin ıslah çalışmalarında kullanılması, bu yönde yapılacak araştırmalara önemli katkı sağlayacaktır.In this study, eight diferent lactation curve models were compared by using test day milk yield records belonging Anatolian Bufaloes raised in diferent Farm conditions between 2011 and 2013. To identify the best lactation curve models of Wood, Cobby and Le Du, Logaritmic Quadratic, Exponential, Parabolic exponential, Quadratic, Inverse Polynomial and Logaritmic Linear mathematical functions were used. The coefficient of determination (R2) and residual standard deviation (RSD) statistics were used for determination of best fitted model in lactation curve. Logaritmic Quadratic and Quadratic functions are the best goodness of fit model as having the highest R2 and lowest RSD coefficients. As a result, the parameters are estimated by logarithmic quadratic or quadratic models, for use in breeding programs will make an important contribution to research in this field