21 research outputs found

    Food Culture in Pakistan Since 1979-80:Composite Vs Split

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    Abstract: The paper is about change in food culture in Pakistan. Food availability per capita per annum in Pakistan increased from 298.1 kg in 1979-80 to 414.8 kg in 2007-08 at a rate slower than Population growth (from 85.09 million to 163.8 million over the same period). Food consumption pattern in Pakistan are exception and changing by weight nearly three quarters of the diet is made up of cereals and milk product. The food production (Cereals, Gram, Pulses, Vegetables, Potatoes, and Fruits, Animal product Poultry Product, Sugar and Veg. Ghee) was increased by 52 percent in 1990-2000 over the 1979-90 and by 34.9 percent in 2000-2010 over the nineties. The annual rate of growth in overall food production rose to 3.9, 4.2 and 2.8 per cent in the eighties, nineties and last recent decade against 3.1, 2.4 and 1.9 per cent growth of population in same time period. Food grain production was increased by 32.8 to 29.5 per cent during last thirty years. Key words: Food culture; Composite; Splitv; Food consumption pattern Résumé: Le document étudie le changement dans la culture alimentaire au Pakistan. La disponibilité alimentaire par habitant et par an au Pakistan a passée de 298.1 kg en 1979-80 à 414.8 kg en 2007-08 dans un taux plus lent que celui de la croissance démographique (de 85.09 millions à 163.8 millions sur la même période). Le modèle de la consommation alimentaire au Pakistan est changé. Près de trois quarts de l'alimentation est composé de céréales et de produits laitiers. La production alimentaire (céréales, pois chiches, légumes secs, légumes, pommes de terre, fruits, produits d'origine animale, produit volaille, sucre et beurre) a été augmentée de 52% en 1990-2000 par rapport à 1979-90 et de 34.9% en 2000-2010 par rapport aux années quatre-vingt-dix. Le taux annuel de croissance de la production alimentaire globale est de 3.9%, 4.2% et 2.8% dans les années quatre-vingt, quatre-vingt-dix et la dernière décennie contre un taux de croissance démographique de 3.1%, 2.4% et 1.9% sur la même période. La production de céréales alimentaires a augmenté de 32, 8% à 29.5% au cours des trente dernières années. Mots clés: Culture alimentaire; Composition; Portion; Modèle de consommation alimentair

    18FDG synthesis and supply: A journey from existing centralized to future decentralized models

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    Positron emission tomography (PET) as the functional component of current hybrid imaging (like PET/ CT or PET/MRI) seems to dominate the horizon of medical imaging in coming decades. 18Flourodeoxyglucose (18FDG) is the most commonly used probe in oncology and also in cardiology and neurology around the globe. However, the major capital cost and exorbitant running expenditure of low to medium energy cyclotrons (about 20 MeV) and radiochemistry units are the seminal reasons of low number of cyclotrons but mushroom growth pattern of PET scanners. This fact and longer half-life of 18F (110 minutes) have paved the path of a centralized model in which 18FDG is produced by commercial PET radiopharmacies and the finished product (multi-dose vial with tungsten shielding) is dispensed to customers having only PET scanners. This indeed reduced the cost but has limitations of dependence upon timely arrival of daily shipments as delay caused by any reason results in cancellation or rescheduling of the PET procedures. In recent years, industry and academia have taken a step forward by producing low energy, table top cyclotrons with compact and automated radiochemistry units (Lab- on-Chip). This decentralized strategy enables the users to produce on-demand doses of PET probe themselves at reasonably low cost using an automated and user-friendly technology. This technological development would indeed provide a real impetus to the availability of complete set up of PET based molecular imaging at an affordable cost to the developing countries

    Pseudo-thyroid lobe: A diagnostic conundrum caused by ossified anterior longitudinal ligament on bone scan

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    Radionuclide bone imaging is one of the most commonly performed nuclear medicine procedure around the world and characterized by its high sensitivity and relatively low specificity. False positive findings on a bone scan are very common; however, dense uptake over unilateral ossified anterior longitudinal ligament appearing as single thyroid lobe on a bone scan has not been described in the literature

    Higher scrotal uptake ratio of (99m)Tc-MDP on bone scans in newly diagnosed prostate cancer : a reliable indicator of pelvic node metastasis.

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    Abstract OBJECTIVE: Pelvic lymph node dissection (PLND) is the gold standard procedure for nodal staging in prostate cancer (PC) but less commonly used due to its invasiveness. More commonly computerized tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are used although these have limited sensitivities and specificities. The aim of this study was to find out the correlation between higher scrotal uptake ratio (SUR) of (99m)Tc-methylene diphosphonate (MDP) on bone scan and pelvic nodemetastasis in patients with PC at high risk for nodal metastasis. METHODS: This was a retrospective study which included 68 biopsy proven newly diagnosed PC patients who had bone scan from January 2008 till January 2012. MRI of the pelvis, prostate specific antigen (PSA) and Gleason\u27s score were available in all patients. Whole body bone scan was performed in all patients and SUR was calculated by dividing mean counts over scrotum and soft tissue over lateral aspect of right thigh. PLND was carried out within 2-3 weeks of MRI study in these patients. RESULTS: Mean age of studied males was 71 ± 07 years with a mean PSA level of 65 ± 162 ng/ml. Prostate biopsy revealed adenocarcinoma in all patients with mean Gleason\u27s score 7 ± 1. Mean SUR was 2.786 ± 0.496. MRI was positive for pelvic lymphadenopathy in 32/68 (47 %). PLND revealed evidence of nodal metastasis in 16/68 (24 %) patients. Receiver operating characteristic analysis revealed good diagnostic strength of SUR for nodal metastasis with a cut off value of \u3e2.99 with an area under curve (AUC) 0.708 (95 % CI 0.533-0.847, p value \u3c0.05) and a mean sensitivity of 68.75 % and mean specificity of 80 %. Diagnostic strength of MRI for nodal metastasis was found to be low (AUC 0.566, 95 % CI 0.047-0.657, non-significant p value). No significant correlation was found between SUR and PSA in nodes positive and nodes negative patients. CONCLUSION: We conclude that in newly diagnosed PC patients, higher SUR on bone scan has a high diagnostic accuracy for pelvic node metastasis. Furthermore, a bone scan with a SUR \u3c2.99 and negative for bone metastasis can stratify newlydiagnosed PC patients as low risk

    How innovative climate leads to project success: the moderating role of gender and work culture

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    Purpose – In modern times, innovation is considered as a vital component of sustainable competitiveadvantage. The purpose of this paper is to identify how innovation at the individual level [innovative workbehavior (IWB)] and at the organizational level [innovative organizational climate (IOC)] affects the chances ofsuccess of a particular project. Additionally, the moderating effect of gender and work culture on the relationbetween innovative climate and behavior is tested in the study.Design/methodology/approach – Survey technique was used to collect data from 425 employeesworking in project departments at the executive, middle level and senior level management in the paintmanufacturing industry of Pakistan. Multiple regression, as well as Preacher and Hayes (2004) tests, wereapplied to test the hypotheses.Findings – The result of the data analysis showed that IWB acts as a mediator between IOC and projectsuccess (PS), thereby supporting the hypothesized model of innovation and PS. Work culture was supportedas a moderator; however, no moderating effect of gender was validated by the results.Research limitations/implications – The management must make sure that to maximize the rate ofsuccess of projects, innovative work climate within the organizations and departments be given dueimportance. In addition to this, personnel’s individual innovation capabilities must also be enhanced bytaking steps toward improvement through training and development. Originality/value – Though attention has been given to research in innovation in light of other relatedvariables, its relation to PS remains yet to be studied. The effect of gender and work culture on innovation inPakistani paint industry was long over-due which has been addressed by this stud

    Are Flexible Workings Highly Gendered with More Women Availing Benefits than Men?

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    This paper examines the degree of relevance of various flexible options and various benefits of flexible working for men and women. Men and women workers have equal access to flexible working and avail equally various arrangements like job sharing, working from home, part time etc. In this paper, we discuss the impact of flexible working arrangements on both men and women workers’ career, social life, attitude and balance. The Flexible workings are not highly gendered with more women availing options and benefits than men. Flexible workings do not treat a man differently than the way these treat a woman. The male employees are confused only because of lack of awareness about flexible working and need to avail the options. Moreover, paper discusses various benefits of availing flexible workings for organization itself, men, and women; and also sheds light on men and women uptakes of flexible workings options. These different options may have different preferences based on gender. This paper suggests that if the gender gap to be closed, organizations must allow greater flexible schedules at workplaces for both men and women. Flexible workings are neither a zero sum game in which men gains and women lose; nor gendered only by availing opportunities for women. Both men and women are attracted to jobs with flexible working options. Flexible workings allow individuals to make balance; both men and women enjoy flexible workings benefits. Keywords: Flexible working, Gender, availing benefits

    Threshold primary tumour sizes for nodal and distant metastases in papillary and follicular thyroid cancers.

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    Abstract BACKGROUND: In papillary and follicular thyroid cancers (PTC, FTC), nodal and distant metastasis are generally considered important determinants of recurrence and survival, respectively. However, there is no consensus about the threshold primarytumour size (PTS) for these determinants. The aim of this study was to assess size relationships for developing nodal, pulmonary, bone and overall distant metastases. METHODS: This prospective study covered 139 (93 females and 46 males) consecutive biopsy proven patients with PTC (114/139, mean age 41.0 ± 15.7 years, M: F, 35%:65%) and FTC (25/139, mean age 39.2 ± 14.3 years, M: F: 24%:76%). RESULTS: Average primary tumor size was 23.4 ± 11.1 mm and 26.5 ± 13.1 mm for PTC and FTC respectively (p value=0.223). Nodal metastasis was found more common in PTC than FTC (49% vs 28%, p value \u3c0.05), whereas overall distant metastasis was approximately the same (13% and 24%, p value =0.277); however, bone metastasis was significantly higher in FTC than PTC (24% vs 5%, p value \u3c0.05). Cumulative risk for nodal and distant metastases for FTC and PTC starts at PTS \u3c20 mm and may indicate an unusual aggressive tumor behavior in the studied population. Highest cumulative risk for nodal and pulmonary metastases in PTC and for bone metastasis in FTC was found to be ≥ 50 mm PTS. CONCLUSION: We conclude that a PTS of \u3c20 mm may indicate an unusual aggressive tumor behavior with highest cumulative risk for nodal and pulmonary metastases in PTC and for bone metastasis in FTC with a cutoff of ≥ 50 mm


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    The current study examines the direct effect of ethical leadership (EL) on employee green commitment (EGC) and the indirect effect on employee green innovative work behavior (EGIWB). It also tested the moderating effect of employee green knowledge (EGK) in the relationship between EL and EGC. Data were collected from 359 employees working in the manufacturing sector of Pakistan. Time lagged and conveniences sampling technique was adopted. The statistical results showed that EL was positively related to EGC. EGC enhances the EGIWB. Moreover, results showed that EGK moderates the relationship between EL and EGC. Such that employees having high green knowledge have more inclination towards green commitment. The results also showed that EL enhances EGIWB via EGC. Moderated mediation results also showed that EGK strengthens the indirect relationship between EL and EGIWB. Result depicted that employee having high green knowledge shows more green innovative work behavior via increased green commitment. The study brings important practical implications for top and middle managers and addresses their concerns about green practices and green innovations in their firms


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    Extra osseous uptake of Tc-99m Methylene Di Phosphonate (MDP) is not an uncommon finding on skeletal scintigraphy. However, concomitant lung and gastric uptake is a rare presentation. We presented a case report of a young male whose bone scan revealed lung and stomach uptake with a cold lesion over T7 vertebra. CT guided biopsy revealed diffuse large B-cell Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Lung and gastric uptake of Tc-99m MDP on bone scan guides the reporting physician about the soft tissue calcinosis due to hypercalcemia associated with either malignant or non-malignant conditions

    Advice on assistance and protection from the Scientific Advisory Board of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons : Part 2. On preventing and treating health effects from acute, prolonged, and repeated nerve agent exposure, and the identification of medical countermeasures able to reduce or eliminate the longer term health effects of nerve agents

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    The Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) has provided advice in relation to the Chemical Weapons Convention on assistance and protection. We present the SAB’s response to a request from the OPCW Director-General in 2014 for information on the best practices for preventing and treating the health effects from acute, prolonged, and repeated organophosphorus nerve agent (NA) exposure. The report summarises pre- and post-exposure treatments, and developments in decontaminants and adsorbing materials, that at the time of the advice, were available for NAs. The updated information provided could assist medics and emergency responders unfamiliar with treatment and decontamination options related to exposure to NAs. The SAB recommended that developments in research on medical countermeasures and decontaminants for NAs should be monitored by the OPCW, and used in assistance and protection training courses and workshops organised through its capacity building programmes.Peer reviewe