392 research outputs found

    Microstrip Antenna using EBG Substrate

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    The Performance of a microstrip antenna integrated with an electromagnetic band gap substrate is described. Electromagnetic Band Gap (EBG) substrate is used as antenna structure to improve the performance of the patch antenna. The antenna structure is made from common FR-4 substrate and operates at the 2.486 GHz wireless band. The design of the microstrip patch antenna, band gap substrate, and their integration is presented. The band gap array consists of 7x7 elements and improves the antenna gain. In this paper the antenna performance in terms of resonance frequency, return loss, radiation pattern, antenna gain, directivity, bandwidth and efficiency is observed

    Modification of cytogenetic and physiological effects of space flight factors by biologically active compounds

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    Physiological and cytogenetic changes in the Welsh onion plants induced by a short (82 days) and long term (522 days) space flight are expressed in decrease of seed germination, inhibition of stem growth, depression of cell division in root meristem, and increase in the number of structural chromosome rearrangements. The treatment of such plants with solutions of a-tocopherol, auxin, and kinetin decreased the level of chromosome aberrations to the control one and normalized cell divisions and growth partly or completely

    Proposed design for circular antenna and half ring antenna for UWB Application

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    In this paper, Ultra wideband planar circular patch and half circular ring patch antennas are proposed. These newly simulated structures are proposed for fabrication. The antennas are suitable for operating frequency of 7.5 GHz. It is shown that return loss of the both the antennas at 7.5 GHz is better than -10 dB. The VSWR obtained is less than 2. The half ring patch antenna is found to have the compact size and more bandwidth as that of circular patch antenna. HFSS11 is used for the simulation. From HFSS11 simulations, dimensions of antennas are chosen for better performance. Details of the proposed antenna design and measured results are presented in this pape


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    Existence modes of  surface electromagnetic wave on a plasma cylinder, operating modes and characteristics of the plasma antenna were studied in this paper. Solutions of the dispersion equation of surface wave were obtained for a plasma cylinder with finite radius for different plasma density values. Operation modes of the plasma asymmetric dipole antenna with finite length and radius were researched by numerical simulation. The electric field distributions of  the plasma antenna in near antenna field and the radiation pattern were obtained. These characteristics were compared to characteristics of the similar metal antenna. Numerical models verification was carried out by comparing of the counted and measured metal antenna radiation patterns

    Computer Simulation of a Plasma Vibrator Antenna

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    The use of new plasma technologies in antenna technology is widely discussed nowadays. The plasma antenna must receive and transmit signals in the frequency range of a transceiver. Many experiments have been carried out with plasma antennas to transmit and receive signals. Due to lack of experimental data and because experiments are difficult to carry out, there is a need for computer (numerical) modeling to calculate the parameters and characteristics of antennas, and to verify the parameters for future studies. Our study has modeled plasma vibrator (dipole) antennas (PDA) and metal vibrator (dipole) antennas (MDA), and has calculated the characteristics of PDAs and MDAs in the full KARAT electro-code. The correctness of the modeling has been tested by calculating a metal antenna using the MMANA program

    Seasonal variation in phytoplankton of Tadoba lake, Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve (TATR), Distt. Chandrapur (MS), India

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    Tadoba lake is the major lake in Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reservoir (TATR) in the Chandrapur district, in eastern Maharashtra which represent a unique habitat for wildlife in central India and oldest National Park of the state. The lake is free from human activities. The present investigation was carried out to evaluate the population of planktonic algae of the lake from June-2006 to May-2007. The study of phytoplanktonic diversity revealed the presence of 35 species belonging to four major groups, Chlorophyceae, Bacillariophyceae, Myxophyceae and Euglenophyceae among which Bacillariophyceae was dominant. The rich floral diversity indicates high productive nature of pond

    Singularities and Topology of Meromorphic Functions

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    We present several aspects of the "topology of meromorphic functions", which we conceive as a general theory which includes the topology of holomorphic functions, the topology of pencils on quasi-projective spaces and the topology of polynomial functions.Comment: 21 pages, 1 figur

    Fuzzy control of the production environment process parameters

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    The fuzzy control process for support of given microclimatic production environment process parameters with loss of one from values, regulating regime of process was shown. The structural schematic decisions with algorithm of functioning and oriented to existing apparatus (means of realization) was presented

    Variability in thermal and phototactic preferences in Drosophila may reflect an adaptive bet‐hedging strategy

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    Organisms use various strategies to cope with fluctuating environmental conditions. In diversified bet‐hedging, a single genotype exhibits phenotypic heterogeneity with the expectation that some individuals will survive transient selective pressures. To date, empirical evidence for bet‐hedging is scarce. Here, we observe that individual Drosophila melanogaster flies exhibit striking variation in light‐ and temperature‐preference behaviors. With a modeling approach that combines real world weather and climate data to simulate temperature preference‐dependent survival and reproduction, we find that a bet‐hedging strategy may underlie the observed interindividual behavioral diversity. Specifically, bet‐hedging outcompetes strategies in which individual thermal preferences are heritable. Animals employing bet‐hedging refrain from adapting to the coolness of spring with increased warm‐seeking that inevitably becomes counterproductive in the hot summer. This strategy is particularly valuable when mean seasonal temperatures are typical, or when there is considerable fluctuation in temperature within the season. The model predicts, and we experimentally verify, that the behaviors of individual flies are not heritable. Finally, we model the effects of historical weather data, climate change, and geographic seasonal variation on the optimal strategies underlying behavioral variation between individuals, characterizing the regimes in which bet‐hedging is advantageous

    Исследование влияния амарантовой муки и стенового материала инкапсулированного орехового масла на качество сырцовых пряников

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    In recent years, development of confectionery industry is aimed at creating products of increased nutritional value, enriched with macro- and micronutrients, for dietary and prophylactic purposes. One of the most common flour confectionery products in Russia is raw gummy gingerbread. The aim of the research is to study the impact of amaranth flour and encapsulated vegetable oil wall material on the quality of raw gummy gingerbread, development of technology and formulations for raw gingerbread. The optimal ratio of the mixture of starch and amaranth flour has been determined, amounting to 70 and 30 %, respectively. Amaranth flour showed to reduce the density of raw gingerbread to 732 kg/m3 , and moisture content increases to 14.1 % for gingerbread with BPS on IBS, and for gingerbread on BPS with whey - 743 kg/m3 , and humidity increases to 14.9 %. At the same time, organoleptic characteristics and structure of the crumb are fundamentally different from those inherent in gingerbread products: porous structure of the crumb, fragility, irregular shape, uneven color, tears on the surface of gingerbread. Direct impact of protein structural component of encapsulation in the nut oil emulsion on organoleptic indicators of the gingerbread quality (taste, color, smell, appearance, shape, surface, and others) has been revealed. It has been determined that moisture content in gingerbread cooked according to the developed formulation was 1.0-2.0 % higher and they have longer shelf life compared to traditional gingerbread. Formulations with high and low fat content and technology for production of raw gingerbread with encapsulated nut butter have been developed. The developed technology received a patent of the Russian Federation No. 2734 620 “Gingerbread with vegetable oils and milk whey”, which testifies not only to its scientific, but also practical significance.В последние годы развитие кондитерской промышленности направлено на создание изделий повышенной пищевой ценности, обогащенных макро- и микронутриентами, диетического и профилактического назначения. Одними из наиболее распространенных мучных кондитерских изделий в России являются сырцовые пряники. Цель работы – исследование влияния амарантовой муки и стенового материала инкапсулированного растительного масла на качество сырцового пряника, разработка технологии и рецептуры сырцовых пряников. Установлено оптимальное соотношение смеси крахмала и амарантовой муки – 70 и 30 % соответственно. Показано, что введение амарантовой муки снижает плотность сырцового пряника до 732 кг/м3 , а влажность увеличивается до 14,1 % для пряников с БПС на ИСБ, а для пряников на БПС с сывороткой – 743 кг/м3 и 14,9 % соответственно. При этом органолептические показатели и структура мякиша кардинально отличаются от присущих пряничным изделиям: пористая структура мякиша, хрупкость, неправильная форма, неоднородный цвет, надрывы на поверхности пряника. Выявлено прямое влияние белкового структурного компонента оболочек в эмульсии орехового масла на органолептические показатели качества пряников (вкус, цвет, запах, внешний вид, форма, поверхность и др.). Установлено, что влажность пряников, приготовленных по разработанной рецептуре, на 1,0–2,0 % больше, они имеют более длительный срок хранения по сравнению с традиционными изделиями. Разработаны рецептуры с высоким и низким содержанием жировой фракции и технология производства сырцовых пряников с инкапсулированным ореховым маслом. На разработанную технологию получен патент РФ №2734 620 «Пряник на растительных маслах и молочной сыворотке», что свидетельствует не только о научной, но и о практической ее значимости