17 research outputs found

    Reproduction and Dispersal of Biological Soil Crust Organisms

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    Biological soil crusts (BSCs) consist of a diverse and highly integrated community of organisms that effectively colonize and collectively stabilize soil surfaces. BSCs vary in terms of soil chemistry and texture as well as the environmental parameters that combine to support unique combinations of organisms—including cyanobacteria dominated, lichen-dominated, and bryophyte-dominated crusts. The list of organismal groups that make up BSC communities in various and unique combinations include—free living, lichenized, and mycorrhizal fungi, chemoheterotrophic bacteria, cyanobacteria, diazotrophic bacteria and archaea, eukaryotic algae, and bryophytes. The various BSC organismal groups demonstrate several common characteristics including—desiccation and extreme temperature tolerance, production of various soil binding chemistries, a near exclusive dependency on asexual reproduction, a pattern of aerial dispersal over impressive distances, and a universal vulnerability to a wide range of human-related perturbations. With this publication, we provide literature-based insights as to how each organismal group contributes to the formation and maintenance of the structural and functional attributes of BSCs, how they reproduce, and how they are dispersed. We also emphasize the importance of effective application of molecular and microenvironment sampling and assessment tools in order to provide cogent and essential answers that will allow scientists and land managers to better understand and manage the biodiversity and functional relationships of soil crust communities

    Hypersaline lakes harbor more active bacterial communities

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    ABSTRACT Extremophiles employ a diverse array of resistance strategies to thrive under harsh 18 environmental conditions but maintaining these adaptations comes at an energetic cost. If energy reserves to drop too low, extremophiles may enter a dormant state of reduced 20 metabolic activity to survive. Dormancy is frequently offered as a plausible explanation for the persistence of bacteria under suboptimal environmental conditions with the 22 prevalence of this mechanism only expected to rise as stressful conditions intensify. We estimated dormancy in ten hypersaline and freshwater lakes across the Western United 24 States. To our surprise, we found that extreme environmental conditions did not induce higher levels of bacterial dormancy. Based on our approach using rRNA:rDNA gene 26 ratios to estimate activity, halophilic and halotolerant bacteria were classified as inactive at a similar percentage as freshwater bacteria, and the proportion of the community 28 exhibiting dormancy was considerably lower (16%) in hypersaline than freshwater lakes across a range of cutoffs estimating activity. Of the multiple chemical characteristics we 30 evaluated, salinity and, to a lesser extent, total phosphorus concentrations influenced activity. But instead of dormancy being more common as stressful conditions intensified, 32 the percentage of the community residing in an inactive state decreased with increasing salinity in freshwater and hypersaline lakes, suggesting that salinity acts as a strong 34 environmental filter selecting for bacteria that persist and thrive under saltier conditions. Within the compositionally distinct and less diverse hypersaline communities, abundant 36 taxa were disproportionately active and localized in families Microbacteriacea

    Stoichiometric Shifts in Soil C:N:P Promote Bacterial Taxa Dominance, Maintain Biodiversity, and Deconstruct Community Assemblages

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    Imbalances in C:N:P supply ratios may cause bacterial resource limitations and constrain biogeochemical processes, but the importance of shifts in soil stoichiometry are complicated by the nearly limitless interactions between an immensely rich species pool and a multiple chemical resource forms. To more clearly identify the impact of soil C:N:P on bacteria, we evaluated the cumulative effects of single and coupled long-term nutrient additions (i.e., C as mannitol, N as equal concentrations NH4+ and NO3−, and P as Na3PO4) and water on communities in an Antarctic polar desert, Taylor Valley. Untreated soils possessed relatively low bacterial diversity, simplified organic C sources due to the absence of plants, limited inorganic N, and excess soil P potentially attenuating links between C:N:P. After 6 years of adding resources, an alleviation of C and N colimitation allowed one rare Micrococcaceae, an Arthrobacter species, to dominate, comprising 47% of the total community abundance and elevating soil respiration by 136% relative to untreated soils. The addition of N alone reduced C:N ratios, elevated bacterial richness and diversity, and allowed rare taxa relying on ammonium and nitrite for metabolism to become more abundant [e.g., nitrite oxidizing Nitrospira species (Nitrosomonadaceae), denitrifiers utilizing nitrite (Gemmatimonadaceae) and members of Rhodobacteraceae with a high affinity for ammonium]. Based on community co-occurrence networks, lower C:P ratios in soils following P and CP additions created more diffuse and less connected communities by disrupting 73% of species interactions and selecting for taxa potentially exploiting abundant P. Unlike amended nutrients, water additions alone elicited no lasting impact on communities. Our results suggest that as soils become nutrient rich a wide array of outcomes are possible from species dominance and the deconstruction of species interconnectedness to the maintenance of biodiversity

    Standardizing data reporting in the research community to enhance the utility of open data for SARS-CoV-2 wastewater surveillance

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    SARS-CoV-2 RNA detection in wastewater is being rapidly developed and adopted as a public health monitoring tool worldwide. With wastewater surveillance programs being implemented across many different scales and by many different stakeholders, it is critical that data collected and shared are accompanied by an appropriate minimal amount of meta-information to enable meaningful interpretation and use of this new information source and intercomparison across datasets. While some databases are being developed for specific surveillance programs locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally, common globally-adopted data standards have not yet been established within the research community. Establishing such standards will require national and international consensus on what meta-information should accompany SARS-CoV-2 wastewater measurements. To establish a recommendation on minimum information to accompany reporting of SARS-CoV-2 occurrence in wastewater for the research community, the United States National Science Foundation (NSF) Research Coordination Network on Wastewater Surveillance for SARS-CoV-2 hosted a workshop in February 2021 with participants from academia, government agencies, private companies, wastewater utilities, public health laboratories, and research institutes. This report presents the primary two outcomes of the workshop: (i) a recommendation on the set of minimum meta-information that is needed to confidently interpret wastewater SARS-CoV-2 data, and (ii) insights from workshop discussions on how to improve standardization of data reporting

    Cheatgrass die-offs as an opportunity for restoration in the Great Basin, USA: Will local or commercial native plants succeed where exotic invaders fail?

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    Bromus tectorum (cheatgrass) has widely invaded the Great Basin, U.S.A. The sporadic natural phenomenon of complete stand failure ('die-off') of this invader may present opportunities to restore native plants. A recent die-off in Nevada was precision-planted with seeds of the native grasses Poa secunda (Sandberg bluegrass) and Elymus elymoides (bottlebrush squirreltail), of both local and nonlocal origin, to ask: 1) Can native species be restored in recent B. tectorum die-offs? And 2) Do local and nonlocal seeds differ in performance? Additionally, we asked how litter removal and water addition affected responses. Although emergence and growth of native seeds was lower in die-off than control plots early in year one, in year two, seedlings in die-offs had increased vigor and growth, at equal or higher densities, than control plots. Local seeds consistently outperformed nonlocal seeds for P. secunda, whereas for E. elymoides, nonlocal showed an advantage in the first season, but in the second season, there were more local seeds present under die-off and unraked conditions. Seedbed treatments affected performance, but did not notably improve establishment or modify other results. Our results warrant further investigation into die-off restoration as well as recognition of the importance of seed source selection in restoration. (C) 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)

    Rapid adjustment of leaf angle explains how the desert moss, syntrichia caninervis, copes with multiple resource limitations during rehydration

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    Although the desert moss Syntrichia caninervis Mitt. is extremely desiccation tolerant, it still requires water and photosynthates for growth. The ecological significance of the leaf angle in maintaining a balance between water and light availability is critical to its survival. Active leaf repositioning balances water and light availability following rehydration. S. caninervis can adjust leaf angles from a steep (84-69°) to a stable level at 30° within 7s after rehydration, obtaining maximum net photosynthetic gain at a shoot relative water content of ~60%. Leaf morphological characters, (leaf hair points, surface papillae and costal anatomy) and ultrastructural changes (chloroplast reordering and loss of lipid reserves as shown by changes in osmiophilic globules) were linked to rapid leaf spreading, water gain and sunlight reflectivity of leaves during rehydration. The high 377.20±91.69 (cm²g-¹) surface area to mass ratio was a major factor in facilitating the rapid response to rewetting. Hyaline cells of the leaf base absorbed water, swelled and forced the leaf away from the stem as soon as rehydration commenced. Loss of leaf hair points retards leaf angle adjustment during rehydration.10 page(s

    Sediment potentially controls in-lake phosphorus cycling and harmful cyanobacteria in shallow, eutrophic Utah Lake.

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    Lakes worldwide are impacted by eutrophication and harmful algal or cyanobacteria blooms (HABs) due to excessive nutrients, including legacy P released from sediments in shallow lakes. Utah Lake (northern Utah, USA) is a shallow lake with urban development primarily on the east side of the watershed, providing an opportunity to evaluate HABs in relation to a gradient of legacy sediment P. In this study, we investigated sediment composition and P concentrations in sediment, pore water, and the water column in relation to blooms of harmful cyanobacteria species. Sediments on the east side of the lake had P concentrations up to 1710 mg/kg, corresponding to elevated P concentrations in pore water (up to 10.8 mg/L) and overlying water column (up to 1.7 mg/L). Sediment P concentrations were positively correlated with Fe2O3, CaO, and organic matter abundance, and inversely correlated with SiO2, demonstrating the importance of sediment composition for P sorption and mineral precipitation. Although the sediment contained <3% Fe2O3 by weight, approximately half of the sediment P was associated with redox-sensitive Fe oxide/hydroxide minerals that could be released to the water column under reducing conditions. Cyanobacteria cell counts indicate that blooms of Aphanizomenon flos-aquae and Dolichospermum flosaquae species tend to occur on the east side of Utah Lake, corresponding to areas with elevated P concentrations in the sediment, pore water, and water column. Our findings suggest that shallow lake eutrophication may be a function of P in legacy sediments that contribute to observed HABs in specific locations of shallow lakes