4 research outputs found

    Профессиональные гарантии адвокатской деятельности по осуществлению обыска в отношении украинского адвоката в контексте их соответствия традициям европейских стран и практике европейского суда по правам человека

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    In this paper, an analysis the legal nature of guarantees of advocacy, which ensure that a special status of an lawyer is taken into account when conducting a search against him. The views of scientists, as well as the regulatory regulation (both for Ukrainian legislation and the legislation of foreign countries) and the practice of the European Court of Human Rights in this domain are analyzed. It is concluded that, despite the fact that Ukrainian legislation in the domain of guaranteeing advocacy during a search for a lawyer is generally consistent with the traditions of European countries and the practice of the European Court of Human Rights, but the presence of significant inaccuracies and gaps, as well as the actual lack of The Criminal Procedural Code of Ukraine on the specifics of such an investigative action in relation to a lawyer does not ensure the proper observance of guarantees for the preservation of a lawyer's secretВ статье исследуется правовая природа гарантий адвокатской деятельности, обеспечивающих учет особого статуса адвоката при проведении обыска в отношении него. Анализируются взгляды ученых, а также нормативное регулирование (как в соответствии с украинским законодательством, так и законодательствами зарубежных стран) и практика Европейского суда по правам человека в данной сфере. Делается вывод, что несмотря на то, что украинское законодательство в сфере обеспечения гарантий адвокатской деятельности во время проведения обыска относительно адвоката, в целом соответствует традициям европейских стран и практике Европейского суда по правам человека, но наличие существенных неточностей и пробелов, а также фактическое отсутствие в УПК Украины положений об особенностях такого следственного действия в отношении адвоката, не обеспечивает надлежащее соблюдение гарантий сохранения адвокатской тайн

    Qualifying exam as acondition to obtaining the status of a lawyer: comparative legal aspects

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    A lawyer is assigned a constitutional duty to provide professional legal assistance to persons. Guaranteeing a person to receive such assistance, the state sets higher qualification requirements for applicants for the status of the lawyer. When considering the nature of the legal status of the lawyer the emphasis is put on the question of the order of acquisition of such status. At the same time, we must note that one of the prerequisites for the person access to the legal profession is passing the qualification examination. The relevance of the study is shown in the fact that the qualification exam is regarded as contender’s dropout condition, who are not able to carry out professional activities on the provision of adequate legal assistance to persons appropriate in the future. The problem of determining the legal nature of the qualification exam as one of the conditions for obtaining the status of lawyer has been the subject of a number of scientists’ research. Among the scholars who have examined some aspects of this problem, one should distinguish the works of V. I. Golovanov, M. A. Kosarev, M. S. Kosenko, N. A. Kudryavtseva, R. G. Melnichenko, S. F. Safulko, M. B. Smolensky and others. At the same time, nowadays a sufficient number of controversial issues remain in this area

    Az egyenlőség elvének megvalósítási problémái az ügyvéd és a bíróság között fennálló kapcsolatban az Emberi Jogok Európai Bíróságának bűnüldözési gyakorlatában

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    In this paper, an analysis the practical problems associated with the use of the courts of such common grounds to attract a lawyer to disciplinary action as an expression of their contempt. We analyze the legal practice of the European Court of Human Rights (judgment in the case «Steur v. The Netherlands», «Kyprianou v. Cyprus», «Nikula v. Finland», «Gunduz v. Turkey», «The Sunday Times v. United Kingdom»), which indicates the need to adhere to the balance between the need to comply with respect to the authority of the judiciary and the need to advocate within their authority to act as the defender (representative) of the case. Attention is drawn to the fact that the need to respect this balance all participants of production, including judges, must be regarded as one of the main conditions for the proper administration of justice. The article concludes that establishing attorney duty not to ignore violations of the law, tactless and disparaging attitude of the court and other participants in the process to its customers, to himself or the legal profession as a whole, the legislator should empower the lawyer and certain procedural guarantees in his professional activity. Important in this case is the law enforcement practice of the European Court of Human Rights, which also states that the legal assessment of the lawyer's statements should not lead to a so-called «chilling effect» with respect to the performance of their professional duty to protect the client's interests in the future. The attention that the law should be clearly fixed rules that would define the limits of the procedural criticism lawyer Court and other stakeholders. In particular, at the legislative level should be fixed norms that b noted that the use of a lawyer any of its procedural rights (for example, in the statement of various kinds of applications, while pointing out that he will appeal the illegal, in his opinion, the court's decision, etc.) should not be considered as contempt of court. It should not be considered as contempt of court and criticism of professional activity of the judge and other participants in the process, but if it is not directed at the general professional qualities of the person, and can not be attributed to personal insults. This criticism must be justified, it should be aimed at halting the illegal actions of these individuals, but it should not be accompanied by statements that humiliate or demean a person

    Ордер в якості документу, що посвідчує повноваження адвоката

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    Булеца С. Б. Ордер в якості документу, що посвідчує повноваження адвоката / С. Б. Булеца, В. В. Заборовський // Часопис цивілістики. – 2017. – Вип. 22. – С. 8-13.У статті автором розкривається правова сутність ордеру адвоката в якості документу, що посвідчує його повноваження. Робиться висновок про те, що він лише формально підтверджує наявність повноважень у адвоката, проте не визначає обсяг таких повноважень. Вказується, що наявне правове регулювання фактично повністю (за винятком кримінального провадження) нівелює потребу у використанні ордеру в якості документу, що посвідчує повноваження адвоката.В статье автором раскрывается правовая сущность ордеру адвоката в качестве документа, удостоверяющего его полномочия. Делается вывод о том, что он лишь формально подтверждает наличие полномочий у адвоката, однако не определяет объем таких полномочий. Указывается, что имеющееся правовое регулирование фактически полностью (за исключением уголовного производства) нивелирует потребность в использовании ордера в качестве документа, удостоверяющего полномочия адвоката.In this article the author reveals the essence of a warrant legal counsel as a document confirming his powers. The conclusion is that it is only formally confirms the powers of the lawyer, but does not define the scope of such powers. It is stated that the existing legal regulation is almost completely (with the exception of criminal proceedings) eliminates the need to use the warrant as a document certifying the powers of attorney