Az egyenlőség elvének megvalósítási problémái az ügyvéd és a bíróság között fennálló kapcsolatban az Emberi Jogok Európai Bíróságának bűnüldözési gyakorlatában


In this paper, an analysis the practical problems associated with the use of the courts of such common grounds to attract a lawyer to disciplinary action as an expression of their contempt. We analyze the legal practice of the European Court of Human Rights (judgment in the case «Steur v. The Netherlands», «Kyprianou v. Cyprus», «Nikula v. Finland», «Gunduz v. Turkey», «The Sunday Times v. United Kingdom»), which indicates the need to adhere to the balance between the need to comply with respect to the authority of the judiciary and the need to advocate within their authority to act as the defender (representative) of the case. Attention is drawn to the fact that the need to respect this balance all participants of production, including judges, must be regarded as one of the main conditions for the proper administration of justice. The article concludes that establishing attorney duty not to ignore violations of the law, tactless and disparaging attitude of the court and other participants in the process to its customers, to himself or the legal profession as a whole, the legislator should empower the lawyer and certain procedural guarantees in his professional activity. Important in this case is the law enforcement practice of the European Court of Human Rights, which also states that the legal assessment of the lawyer's statements should not lead to a so-called «chilling effect» with respect to the performance of their professional duty to protect the client's interests in the future. The attention that the law should be clearly fixed rules that would define the limits of the procedural criticism lawyer Court and other stakeholders. In particular, at the legislative level should be fixed norms that b noted that the use of a lawyer any of its procedural rights (for example, in the statement of various kinds of applications, while pointing out that he will appeal the illegal, in his opinion, the court's decision, etc.) should not be considered as contempt of court. It should not be considered as contempt of court and criticism of professional activity of the judge and other participants in the process, but if it is not directed at the general professional qualities of the person, and can not be attributed to personal insults. This criticism must be justified, it should be aimed at halting the illegal actions of these individuals, but it should not be accompanied by statements that humiliate or demean a person

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